LP's Confidence #2

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Great post Magic-Cat!
I agree.. LP has done SO much trying to find Caylee.. and vindicate her loss. he's a good egg!
Thank you MagicCat!!!

little tibits LP give us/even if they are just ideas....they have been food for thoughts that LP has given and he keeps Caylee's name up front and on going!
I actually like LP most days . There have been times he has been wrong(I will Find Caylee alive in aweek after KC has her nails done :)
But most times his little tidbits of info have panned out (most notably the Dec 9th statement a body will be found)
Something that has bothered me is the fact Tim Miller stated LP talked about how much $$$ they could make when he was doing his Econ river search and they have seemed to distance themselves since then.
But on the other hand he seems genuinely caring about Caylee.
I guess my point is we do not have to like everyone or agree with everyone. We have the ability to, with a click of a button, to change screens both on puters and tv.
Just remember even KC has supporters filling her coffers at jail to keep her in cosmetics, beef jerkys or whatever she uses.
I don't get it but hey, I respect their right to their opinions!
Thank You Magic.....excellent post!!!

Here are the facts.
♣ LP is a 70 year old man.

♣ He has devoted his life to law in one form or another and even served his country in the United States Air Force for several years.

♣ He does make money at his living (bounty hunter) but then again, don't we all?

Do we all get to catch and put away BAD PEOPLE for that money? NOPE-I sure don't anyhow.

♣ He is a father and a grandfather to quite a large number of kids.

BUT I honestly do believe in my heart of hearts that he got as obssessed with Caylee as WE all have, and he happened to be a TV personality and a very wealthy man of means and had the ability (along with the obssessive motivation that has kept US at it all this time:crazy:) to delve in just a wee bit deeper than any of us have. I would bet you money that it was because of his love of his own children/grandchildren that he ever accepted the invite into this HELL in the first place. He is a man of depth and of intelligence and he is also out to make a buck...aren't we all? Do we not each and every one attempt to further OUR careers in one way or another each and every day? So does he. Unfortunately, like it or not, HIS particular career puts him in the crime-light/lime-light, and a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do...Should he turn down the Nancy Grace shows from which he makes money each day that adds to his own family's upkeep? Why should he? He is a player in this the same as all the rest and if the Anthony family can market Caylee and try to TRADEMARK her very name, then why should any of the lesser players not also take a few crumbs as they fall from the table? (The Anthony's, the entire crooked defense, KidFinders, the PI's all corrupt ALL profiting BIGTIME!) Obviously someone somewhere thinks something of LP, because he is a REGULAR on NG and has been interviewed many times by several news agencies. He is a man in the know, and THAT seems to bother so many people...that little old Leonard P. KNOWS things that WE are not priviledged to know. Why would this bother anyone? No idea...It does not bother me in the least.

♣ LP knew that whatever was purchased at JC PENNY was to REPLACE something else that might have been lost while disposing of Caylee...we do not know the end of this one YET, but we DO know that receipt was with-held by Cindy and there had to be a REASON for it. LP KNOWS...we do not.

♣ LP knew about the chloroform and many other things before any of us knew and he told us in advance that as details began to emerge we would be SHOCKED! I do not know about ya'll, but I have had the pants shocked off of me on a regular basis since then.

♣ Nobody brings any kind of legal action against LP even though he has said some OUTLANDISH things...why is that? Because he is "swatting the hive" so to speak, and INVITING someone to bring legal action so he will have the right to DEPOSE. He WANTS someone to sue him as far as I can tell and then he will get the sweet nectar of deposing them to the nines. Nobody bites.

♣ LP told us the Anthony's refused lie detectors (all of them) and that LEE was instrumental in convincing them all NOT to do poly's.

It is remarkable to me that any of us believe that a good or bad comment about LP will not be responded to. There are 2 camps and one camp hates him and everything that he stands for in THEIR opinion, and they are ready and willing to let everyone know it at EVERY turn. The other camp is standing at the ready to defend LP when these "turns" turn into a winding road to nowhere except saying the same things again and again in a different structure of sentences.

♣ Some folks hate LP.
♣ Some folks love LP.
♣ Some folks sit on the fence and hate him some days and praise him other days.

For all of us there are choices.

► We can NOT go to the LP threads if they bother us so much whether we be lovers or haters.
► We can NOT watch his interviews.
►We can skip the discussion if we do not have anything NEW or PRODUCTIVE to add besides negativity based singularly on opinion or positivity based soley on opinion.

We need to look for the FACTS and if we are going to express our opinions, good or bad, especially about Mr. Padilla, then we may as well EXPECT the retaliation of one camp or the other issuing an assault on WHATEVER we stated, be it good or bad. It is just the nature of this beast and like it or not, he IS a player in this case.

In the words of a great moderator, let's just agree to disagree...:) and be nice while we do it. I mean, we ARE after all Websleuths, and what we are ABOUT is solving the case, not all this bickering that we seem to not be able to get beyond for any length of time. It is not helping Caylee for us to hate or to love Leonard Padilla...so let's figure out a way to disagree and keep on looking for ways to bring JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!

As for me, I admire and like Mr. Padilla from what I can tell from afar. I think he is more determined than ANYONE to see Caylee vindicated and I applaud him for his efforts, no matter WHAT his motivation IS...Kudos Leonard-thanks for the laughs and the thought provoking tidbits and the even outlandish lies!(I mean "theories"...but when YOU have a wrong thought/idea it is a lie and when anyone else does, it was a wrong "theory" :rolleyes:) I wish you had been MY grandpa as I am sure that you and I would have been great friends because I sometimes like to "swat the hive" myself...sometimes there is nothing else TO do.:waitasec:

:blowkiss:Thank you for this post. You and I think alike !:blowkiss:
Magic-Cat, that should be part of a permanent thread because there has been such contentious posting about LP. I appreciate your time and thoroughness AND your opinions about LP. I respect him as I recognize he isn't perfect. He certainly has given us a steady flow of "bones" to chew on.
I noticed it in his eyes when said he now realized that Caylee was intentionally murdered. Looked like deep, genuine sadness to me.

Finally got to see LP on NG last night. Boy, all I can say is he really looked depressed when he was talking. One of the few times he has been on camera without the sunglasses or glasses. I could see and feel the sadness in his eyes when he talked with NG about admitting his thoughts and opinions.

I think this was one of the times he wishes he wasn't involved so deeply. To finally admit not only to his self but to NG that the murder was intentional. He didn't care whether he was right or wrong. The intent of the murder was what he was upset about.

I wanted to just hug him.

Also, NG was really being passive with everyone, especially LP. She actually did not interrupt him. Maybe she does read WS herself and understands she needs to let her guests speak before she does.
I hope I did this right. Mydailyopinions posted her comment on the Caylee Funeral thread and I answered there. I brought it over here because I think it deserves to be posted here on the LP Confidence thread too. I posted my opinion under the Original post, so I don't need to say any more:

*Original Post*
Originally Posted by mydailyopinions View Post
This will be the only time I can make an accurate judgment of LP. If they state he cannot be there, and shows up anyways, then I guess I will have to jump on board with ChillyWilly..If he is respectful and doesn't show, then I'll keep my original thoughts of him.
I don't think it is right by any means, but I hope he prevails as the good guy when its all over with!

My response:

What an excellent post! CA has said she does not want LP at the memorial, and whether we agree with what she says, or even whether she has a right to 'bar' someone from a public memorial, she has made her opinion known. Now it is all up to LP, isn't it? He can show up and try to get in, knowing that the cameras will be trained on him because everyone knows the Anthonys don't want him there. If he does that, the ensuing circus will pull the focus away from Caylee yet again. He will have tons of air time when he responds to his being asked to leave, etc. Everyone will jump in with how they feel about this and this forum will be difficult to get onto because we will ALL be voicing our opinions. That is one scenario.

The other scenario is that LP stays away from this memorial so the spotlight is on Caylee and only Caylee. The thousands of people who have taken this little girl into their hearts can either go or watch it on TV (if it is televised) and there will be no controversy - just a sad good bye to Caylee who captured our hearts back in July.

I agree with the OP, this will be a true test of LP and his reasons for still be in and around this case. I will be most interested to see which path LP chooses.
I hope I did this right. Mydailyopinions posted her comment on the Caylee Funeral thread and I answered there. I brought it over here because I think it deserves to be posted here on the LP Confidence thread too. I posted my opinion under the Original post, so I don't need to say any more:

*Original Post*
Originally Posted by mydailyopinions View Post
This will be the only time I can make an accurate judgment of LP. If they state he cannot be there, and shows up anyways, then I guess I will have to jump on board with ChillyWilly..If he is respectful and doesn't show, then I'll keep my original thoughts of him.
I don't think it is right by any means, but I hope he prevails as the good guy when its all over with!

My response:

What an excellent post! CA has said she does not want LP at the memorial, and whether we agree with what she says, or even whether she has a right to 'bar' someone from a public memorial, she has made her opinion known. Now it is all up to LP, isn't it? He can show up and try to get in, knowing that the cameras will be trained on him because everyone knows the Anthonys don't want him there. If he does that, the ensuing circus will pull the focus away from Caylee yet again. He will have tons of air time when he responds to his being asked to leave, etc. Everyone will jump in with how they feel about this and this forum will be difficult to get onto because we will ALL be voicing our opinions. That is one scenario.

The other scenario is that LP stays away from this memorial so the spotlight is on Caylee and only Caylee. The thousands of people who have taken this little girl into their hearts can either go or watch it on TV (if it is televised) and there will be no controversy - just a sad good bye to Caylee who captured our hearts back in July.

I agree with the OP, this will be a true test of LP and his reasons for still be in and around this case. I will be most interested to see which path LP chooses.

IF and WHEN there is a public service for Caylee, everyone who can attend has the right to attend. I could care less what the Anthony's think or feel. If they want to exclude anyone, then they should hold a private and NO public service.

LP has as much right to be there as you or I or anyone does, IF there is a public service.

Not being snary, but I don't think LP gives a hoot or his hat what you or anyone else thinks about his motives.
Haven't we already been through this before? I recall RG stepping in to hold a "vigil" because of Cindy's rants before.

I would not be surprised if RG didn't hold a public memorial separate to anything the A fam does for the people who would not want to be associated in any way with them.
Haven't we already been through this before? I recall RG stepping in to hold a "vigil" because of Cindy's rants before.

I would not be surprised if RG didn't hold a public memorial separate to anything the A fam does for the people who would not want to be associated in any way with them.

LOL, we certainly have. But this was directed at LP. I think he will be at any future public memorial held for Caylee. If I was able to be in town when the memorial is held, I would be there sitting next to him if I could.
Just for the "Record" - Because It seems there are those who are "keeping Score"

Since LP was wrong about it being an accident he immiedietly put a NEW theory out there

Here is LP's new & improved latest Theory.....

PADILLA: She taped her mouth shut and asphyxiated her.

GRACE: Well, just taping the mouth shut does not lead to murder --

PADILLA: Well, if she gave her chloroform first, I mean. Put her out with chloroform, then asphyxiated her

As far as LP being a "Big Man" for admitting when he's wrong......How could he possible not admit he was wrong?

Nancy called him on it & she has video to back it up....Whats LP going to do ....Deny he said it?
Just for the "Record" - Because It seems there are those who are "keeping Score"

Since LP was wrong about it being an accident he immiedietly put a NEW theory out there

Here is LP's new & improved latest Theory.....

PADILLA: She taped her mouth shut and asphyxiated her.

GRACE: Well, just taping the mouth shut does not lead to murder --

PADILLA: Well, if she gave her chloroform first, I mean. Put her out with chloroform, then asphyxiated her

As far as LP being a "Big Man" for admitting when he's wrong......How could he possible not admit he was wrong?

Nancy called him on it & she has video to back it up....Whats LP going to do ....Deny he said it?

As I've made obvious I'm not an LP fan, but... didn't NG ask (demand) that he give her a new theory?
Here is LP's quote from last night incase anybody missed it.....

PADILLA:Obviously, I have to reverse myself, once again on the fact that I thought that it was accidental. And then on the 18th, she packaged the body. We know that the Tennessee people had said it was 2.6 days of decomposition
As I've made obvious I'm not an LP fan, but... didn't NG ask (demand) that he give her a new theory?

Yes......Here's the entire exchange incase anyone missed the show

GRACE: Straight out to Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who first got the tot mom out from behind bars, came off that bond.

Padilla, all along you`ve been saying accident. What do you think now?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: You can`t argue against Jessica`s sources. They`ve proved --

GRACE: So what`s your theory?

PADILLA: She taped her mouth shut and asphyxiated her.

GRACE: Well, just taping the mouth shut does not lead to murder --

PADILLA: Well, if she gave her chloroform first, I mean. Put her out with chloroform, then asphyxiated her.

GRACE: OK, Leonard, you have been in the home, you have been around the family, what is your version of what went down? Now that we know that police are going with murder one, and she is the sole actor.

PADILLA: She got in a big fight with her mom. Actually her mom -- because of the checks that she had taken, or the money that she had taken out of Cindy`s mom`s account. Cindy, basically was throttling her. She grabbed her child, ran out of there the night of the 15th, around midnight. And shortly thereafter, she caused her child -- the death that the law enforcement is saying took place.

Obviously, I have to reverse myself, once again on the fact that I thought that it was accidental. And then on the 18th, she packaged the body. We know that the Tennessee people had said it was 2.6 days of decomposition.

GRACE: Right.

PADILLA: So you can work backwards from when she was at the house. I thought that she had put the body in the package, in the trunk, until the 24th when George almost worked his way around to the trunk. But now law enforcement is saying definitely because of the entomologist and the botanist that the body was dumped there.

GRACE: You know, Leonard, it`s amazing the way that the entomologists can pinpoint almost down to the day.

PADILLA: Well there, is something else. There is something else. They find terpenes in that car anywhere in the trunk, that`s going to lead them to put the car right at the scene.

GRACE: For anybody that doesn`t understand -- know what a terpene is, please explain that.

PADILLA: Well, it`s a residue or a -- that`s given off by certain Florida area and also available in other areas but if they find terpenes, that means that the car wasn`t just up on the roads. It was down in the forest or the weeds or close by.

So it`s a situation where there`s no doubt they already know if they have them or they don`t have them. But if they have them that puts the car real close to the scene, rather than just out on the road. So you know, they`re - they`re - and the thing about it is, Nancy, like this past weekend when the Anthony attorney and Jose Baez met, and had an in-depth discussion as to how to handle what was coming down the road, I think only proves why the Anthonys didn`t show up in court. They were strategizing as to how do we handle these things.
Here are the facts.
♣ LP is a 70 year old man.

♣ He has devoted his life to law in one form or another and even served his country in the United States Air Force for several years.

♣ He does make money at his living (bounty hunter) but then again, don't we all?

Do we all get to catch and put away BAD PEOPLE for that money? NOPE-I sure don't anyhow.

♣ He is a father and a grandfather to quite a large number of kids.

BUT I honestly do believe in my heart of hearts that he got as obssessed with Caylee as WE all have, and he happened to be a TV personality and a very wealthy man of means and had the ability (along with the obssessive motivation that has kept US at it all this time:crazy:) to delve in just a wee bit deeper than any of us have. I would bet you money that it was because of his love of his own children/grandchildren that he ever accepted the invite into this HELL in the first place. He is a man of depth and of intelligence and he is also out to make a buck...aren't we all? Do we not each and every one attempt to further OUR careers in one way or another each and every day? So does he. Unfortunately, like it or not, HIS particular career puts him in the crime-light/lime-light, and a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do...Should he turn down the Nancy Grace shows from which he makes money each day that adds to his own family's upkeep? Why should he? He is a player in this the same as all the rest and if the Anthony family can market Caylee and try to TRADEMARK her very name, then why should any of the lesser players not also take a few crumbs as they fall from the table? (The Anthony's, the entire crooked defense, KidFinders, the PI's all corrupt ALL profiting BIGTIME!) Obviously someone somewhere thinks something of LP, because he is a REGULAR on NG and has been interviewed many times by several news agencies. He is a man in the know, and THAT seems to bother so many people...that little old Leonard P. KNOWS things that WE are not priviledged to know. Why would this bother anyone? No idea...It does not bother me in the least.

♣ LP knew that whatever was purchased at JC PENNY was to REPLACE something else that might have been lost while disposing of Caylee...we do not know the end of this one YET, but we DO know that receipt was with-held by Cindy and there had to be a REASON for it. LP KNOWS...we do not.

♣ LP knew about the chloroform and many other things before any of us knew and he told us in advance that as details began to emerge we would be SHOCKED! I do not know about ya'll, but I have had the pants shocked off of me on a regular basis since then.

♣ Nobody brings any kind of legal action against LP even though he has said some OUTLANDISH things...why is that? Because he is "swatting the hive" so to speak, and INVITING someone to bring legal action so he will have the right to DEPOSE. He WANTS someone to sue him as far as I can tell and then he will get the sweet nectar of deposing them to the nines. Nobody bites.

♣ LP told us the Anthony's refused lie detectors (all of them) and that LEE was instrumental in convincing them all NOT to do poly's.

It is remarkable to me that any of us believe that a good or bad comment about LP will not be responded to. There are 2 camps and one camp hates him and everything that he stands for in THEIR opinion, and they are ready and willing to let everyone know it at EVERY turn. The other camp is standing at the ready to defend LP when these "turns" turn into a winding road to nowhere except saying the same things again and again in a different structure of sentences.

♣ Some folks hate LP.
♣ Some folks love LP.
♣ Some folks sit on the fence and hate him some days and praise him other days.

For all of us there are choices.

► We can NOT go to the LP threads if they bother us so much whether we be lovers or haters.
► We can NOT watch his interviews.
►We can skip the discussion if we do not have anything NEW or PRODUCTIVE to add besides negativity based singularly on opinion or positivity based soley on opinion.

We need to look for the FACTS and if we are going to express our opinions, good or bad, especially about Mr. Padilla, then we may as well EXPECT the retaliation of one camp or the other issuing an assault on WHATEVER we stated, be it good or bad. It is just the nature of this beast and like it or not, he IS a player in this case.

In the words of a great moderator, let's just agree to disagree...:) and be nice while we do it. I mean, we ARE after all Websleuths, and what we are ABOUT is solving the case, not all this bickering that we seem to not be able to get beyond for any length of time. It is not helping Caylee for us to hate or to love Leonard Padilla...so let's figure out a way to disagree and keep on looking for ways to bring JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!

As for me, I admire and like Mr. Padilla from what I can tell from afar. I think he is more determined than ANYONE to see Caylee vindicated and I applaud him for his efforts, no matter WHAT his motivation IS...Kudos Leonard-thanks for the laughs and the thought provoking tidbits and the even outlandish lies!(I mean "theories"...but when YOU have a wrong thought/idea it is a lie and when anyone else does, it was a wrong "theory" :rolleyes:) I wish you had been MY grandpa as I am sure that you and I would have been great friends because I sometimes like to "swat the hive" myself...sometimes there is nothing else TO do.:waitasec:

:clap::clap::clap: Such an AWESOME post, I could not bring myself to snip. I've been gone for a week staying with my Mom in the hospital and couldn't believe that all this is still going on about LP. The obsession trying to discredit him is Absolutely Unreal IMHO. Thanks So Much magic cat, you are spot on! :blowkiss:
IF and WHEN there is a public service for Caylee, everyone who can attend has the right to attend. I could care less what the Anthony's think or feel. If they want to exclude anyone, then they should hold a private and NO public service.

LP has as much right to be there as you or I or anyone does, IF there is a public service.

Not being snary, but I don't think LP gives a hoot or his hat what you or anyone else thinks about his motives.

After everything LP has said about the Anthony family, which include some extremely vile comments, I think it would show incredibly poor taste on LP's part to show up at any memorial service were the Anthony's are going to be present.

If LP want's to say goodbye to Caylee he should do it in private or at a memorial that does not include the Anthony's.

I sincerely hope that LP does not show up there because it will only cause a scene
Here are the facts.
♣ LP is a 70 year old man.

♣ He has devoted his life to law in one form or another and even served his country in the United States Air Force for several years.

♣ He does make money at his living (bounty hunter) but then again, don't we all?

Do we all get to catch and put away BAD PEOPLE for that money? NOPE-I sure don't anyhow.

♣ He is a father and a grandfather to quite a large number of kids.

BUT I honestly do believe in my heart of hearts that he got as obssessed with Caylee as WE all have, and he happened to be a TV personality and a very wealthy man of means and had the ability (along with the obssessive motivation that has kept US at it all this time:crazy:) to delve in just a wee bit deeper than any of us have. I would bet you money that it was because of his love of his own children/grandchildren that he ever accepted the invite into this HELL in the first place. He is a man of depth and of intelligence and he is also out to make a buck...aren't we all? Do we not each and every one attempt to further OUR careers in one way or another each and every day? So does he. Unfortunately, like it or not, HIS particular career puts him in the crime-light/lime-light, and a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do...Should he turn down the Nancy Grace shows from which he makes money each day that adds to his own family's upkeep? Why should he? He is a player in this the same as all the rest and if the Anthony family can market Caylee and try to TRADEMARK her very name, then why should any of the lesser players not also take a few crumbs as they fall from the table? (The Anthony's, the entire crooked defense, KidFinders, the PI's all corrupt ALL profiting BIGTIME!) Obviously someone somewhere thinks something of LP, because he is a REGULAR on NG and has been interviewed many times by several news agencies. He is a man in the know, and THAT seems to bother so many people...that little old Leonard P. KNOWS things that WE are not priviledged to know. Why would this bother anyone? No idea...It does not bother me in the least.

♣ LP knew that whatever was purchased at JC PENNY was to REPLACE something else that might have been lost while disposing of Caylee...we do not know the end of this one YET, but we DO know that receipt was with-held by Cindy and there had to be a REASON for it. LP KNOWS...we do not.

♣ LP knew about the chloroform and many other things before any of us knew and he told us in advance that as details began to emerge we would be SHOCKED! I do not know about ya'll, but I have had the pants shocked off of me on a regular basis since then.

♣ Nobody brings any kind of legal action against LP even though he has said some OUTLANDISH things...why is that? Because he is "swatting the hive" so to speak, and INVITING someone to bring legal action so he will have the right to DEPOSE. He WANTS someone to sue him as far as I can tell and then he will get the sweet nectar of deposing them to the nines. Nobody bites.

♣ LP told us the Anthony's refused lie detectors (all of them) and that LEE was instrumental in convincing them all NOT to do poly's.

It is remarkable to me that any of us believe that a good or bad comment about LP will not be responded to. There are 2 camps and one camp hates him and everything that he stands for in THEIR opinion, and they are ready and willing to let everyone know it at EVERY turn. The other camp is standing at the ready to defend LP when these "turns" turn into a winding road to nowhere except saying the same things again and again in a different structure of sentences.

♣ Some folks hate LP.
♣ Some folks love LP.
♣ Some folks sit on the fence and hate him some days and praise him other days.

For all of us there are choices.

► We can NOT go to the LP threads if they bother us so much whether we be lovers or haters.
► We can NOT watch his interviews.
►We can skip the discussion if we do not have anything NEW or PRODUCTIVE to add besides negativity based singularly on opinion or positivity based soley on opinion.

We need to look for the FACTS and if we are going to express our opinions, good or bad, especially about Mr. Padilla, then we may as well EXPECT the retaliation of one camp or the other issuing an assault on WHATEVER we stated, be it good or bad. It is just the nature of this beast and like it or not, he IS a player in this case.

In the words of a great moderator, let's just agree to disagree...:) and be nice while we do it. I mean, we ARE after all Websleuths, and what we are ABOUT is solving the case, not all this bickering that we seem to not be able to get beyond for any length of time. It is not helping Caylee for us to hate or to love Leonard Padilla...so let's figure out a way to disagree and keep on looking for ways to bring JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!

As for me, I admire and like Mr. Padilla from what I can tell from afar. I think he is more determined than ANYONE to see Caylee vindicated and I applaud him for his efforts, no matter WHAT his motivation IS...Kudos Leonard-thanks for the laughs and the thought provoking tidbits and the even outlandish lies!(I mean "theories"...but when YOU have a wrong thought/idea it is a lie and when anyone else does, it was a wrong "theory" :rolleyes:) I wish you had been MY grandpa as I am sure that you and I would have been great friends because I sometimes like to "swat the hive" myself...sometimes there is nothing else TO do.:waitasec:

:blowkiss: What a wise and beautiful soul you have! I admire you so!

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