MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #8

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Proctor: “These juvenile, unprofessional comments have no impact on the facts and the evidence and the integrity of the investigation” - How would you know? You were never fit enough to lead this investigation in the first place and with your ego it doesn’t seem like you have the capacity to own up to your mistakes or be held accountable for wrongdoings/questionable behavior. MOO

It is not just unprofessional, it is a personal defect. IMO, I have hard time believing this isn’t a regular pattern of behavior for him and that he disparaged many others involved in a case this way.

Proctor: “I’m sorry” - for what? Lacking human decency? Are you really? Because you still having the audacity to call yourself a law enforcement officer even when you go into attack-mode against KR and the defense team because you have the same level of impulse control as the Alberts’ previous guard dog.
I used to think it was possible KR hit him accidentally. And the prosecution is over charging by saying it was intentional.

But now we know so much more from the federal investigation, including experts who will testify OJO's injuries aren't even from a vehicle strike...

It's pretty clear there won't be a guilty verdict because there's too much reasonable doubt. It's sad, though, that John may never receive justice.

In the case of Proctor, my grandfather would say either that boy wasn't raised right, or he's missing his shame bone.

KR was seated in front of Proctor and why he did not apologize directly to KR is beyond me. IMO, anything else here was just for the Court record, and meaningless.

Maybe he will apologize to her tomorrow.
I would also be interested in what MSP thinks about one of their troopers making national news headlines about being wildly unprofessional. I get that no one in his texts went against the things he said, but MSP extends far beyond that single group.

Someone, somewhere, has got to be unbelievably pissed.

Are we sure Proctor is still actively working for MSP? Not just on leave and paid or something, but working investigations currently? Can’t remember if this has been said before.
Cops, not townies. I've heard they all do it.

Any glass found at 34 Fairview could have come from any night of hard drinking out at McCarthy's and the Waterfall.

Or from one of the myriad underage drinkers who seem to imbibe with no fear at all of repercussions from their supposed law-enforcing family members.


Such an old principle but still so true.
I'm sure Lally is fine with domestics and drunk driving. I'd like to think the top notch prosecutors in the office all refused the assignment, maybe even threatened to quit. Dreaming probably, I know. But maybe.
I think lally just got the short straw.....JMO
Had EMS in your case divulged your reason for transport, that would be a HIPPA violation because they were medical providers. If the officers had done so, it would not be a HIPPA violation because they are not your medical providers. I suspect, however, that it’s standard policy for most (all? I would hope, anyway) police forces to have a blanket policy against divulging information on calls they attend or are aware of. So the officers in your case probably were following department policy not to divulge your medical info, as well as just being decent humans. It doesn’t appear Proctor was too worried about doing either of these things.
Abusers/gang members will try to get information about their victim's condition/which hospital they were taken.
That alone would be good reason to have a policy for LE to not disclose that info to random people.
I used to think it was possible KR hit him accidentally. And the prosecution is over charging by saying it was intentional.

But now we know so much more from the federal investigation, including experts who will testify OJO's injuries aren't even from a vehicle strike...
My first job out of college I worked for a firm that did accident reconstructions. Did the leg work, ordering reports, did measurements, photos, got autopsies, anything needed. Never, ever did I see a pedestrian case with injuries like JO's.
Not sure if that's true. I had a medical problem that EMS responded to and I had to go to the hospital for period of time. I left my cellphone @ home as I was in no way able to get it before I was transported. Therefore none of my friends or neighbors knew I was in the hospital. We're a small community of locals and my neighbors were asking officers in the next few days if they knew anything about my condition and they told them I was a medical transport and they couldn't give them any further information. That's the answer I hoped for as it's NONE of anyone's business what I was transported for. That's what HIPAA is for and I'm very glad that my personal health wasn't blabbed all over town.

So again, I think this is a MAJOR violation of Karen's right to HIPAA protection! The whole world now knows about it and that is just so VERY,VERY WRONG IMO!!! I'm filled with rage that Proctor decided to gossip like a 6 yr old child about such a personal matter. I hope she sues the *advertiser censored* out of him for that!!

Furthermore cretin proctor disclosed this on his PERSONAL PHONE so it wasn't in any way done under official business and wasn't disclosed on an official document!!!

No! He disclosed this info on his personal phone to people that were not officially a part of the investigation. He disclosed this info in a malicious way in order to discredit, demean, and humiliate the defendant. He did this without any semblance to the law and did it far outside the boundaries that HIPAA protects!! It's vile and disgusting behavior from a police officer who should be held to higher standards. What he did is illegal and he should be held accountable to his vile actions!!

Just wanted to let you know that her health problems were discussed in court hearings and also Ma news outlets. JM has MS and her and KR shared health info. KR's health problems have been out there for some time.
My first job out of college I worked for a firm that did accident reconstructions. Did the leg work, ordering reports, did measurements, photos, got autopsies, anything needed. Never, ever did I see a pedestrian case with injuries like JO's.
Good to have you here! That is an interesting career choice, do you mind if I ask what you do now?
I'm new to this trial (only started following last week). My thoughts are that this will be a NG or hung jury based on what I've watched. How are you even able to focus on facts when so much LE unprofessionalism is being given to you? So far, that's what it feels like this trial is about. Did she do it? I don't know because now I can't trust the LE in this case.
I would also be interested in what MSP thinks about one of their troopers making national news headlines about being wildly unprofessional. I get that no one in his texts went against the things he said, but MSP extends far beyond that single group.

Someone, somewhere, has got to be unbelievably pissed.

Are we sure Proctor is still actively working for MSP? Not just on leave and paid or something, but working investigations currently? Can’t remember if this has been said before.
On Tuesday, the Massachusetts State Police confirmed Trooper Proctor is still employed by the agency and he is the subject of an open Internal Affairs investigation. A spokesperson would not confirm whether he was actively working or on leave.
The State Police union said it would not comment until after the trial is over.
As in, OMG, the Staties were all over 495 when we were going to the cape on Saturday. (they park along the grass on the highways..;) )
lol - don't you mean "goin down the Cape on Saturday"
When I worked for a large coporation just west of Boston
All you heard Friday morning in the hallways was everybody asking everybody
"When you headed down the Cape?"
Given that the police need to establish an individual's guilt or innocence to decide whether to press charges, it's likely that he holds a personal opinion on the case, in my opinion.
I think I see the confusion.
Police do not decide guilt or innocence.
They investigate.
Hence "investigators".
On Tuesday, the Massachusetts State Police confirmed Trooper Proctor is still employed by the agency and he is the subject of an open Internal Affairs investigation. A spokesperson would not confirm whether he was actively working or on leave.
The State Police union said it would not comment until after the trial is over.
Great, thank you. Seems like a little CYA move for them to add that he’s under investigation. Just to save face…even though doesn’t seem possible to me. You showed us one of your finest, and he showed us his worst.
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