Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #15

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From the Metro this evening:

Madeleine McCann suspect ‘will never talk to police’, says his lawyer

In an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald, Brueckner’s lawyer, Friedrich Fulscher, accused police of creating a smokescreen with this week’s search. He denied his client had ‘anything to hide’ but would not cooperate with the investigation.

Mr Fulscher said: ‘Before our client starts to co-operate with the prosecutor’s office, you could order holy water as a long drink in hell. That is not unusual. It is very normal not to talk to the police when you are suspected of committing a crime.

The prosecutor’s office has to prove that a suspect has committed a crime, and not the suspect prove that he hasn’t.’

Mr Fulscher claimed the allotment search was designed to build ‘bad media’ against Brueckner ahead of a court decision that could see the convicted rapist freed from prison after serving his sentence for drug trafficking.

The European Court of Justice will decide whether an arrest warrant relating to the rape of a 72-year-old woman in 2007 was legal.

‘I am very surprised they have started a search there now and not much earlier,’ Mr Fulscher told The Sydney Morning Herald. ‘I was very surprised because the police had known for over two years that the garden was used by my client’.

Mr Fulscher insisted his client was ‘not a monster’ – despite a rap sheet that goes back nearly 25 years, with convictions for child sex offences, rape and drug trafficking.

He added that he doesn’t ‘recognise the person the media describes’, adding that he perceives him to be a ‘very calm and friendly person’.

Mr Fulscher added that he does not know if there is a chance his client could be charged but is sure that if he is, ‘he will be found not guilty by the court.’

Is Fulscher getting rattled?
Rather strong words he has used there!
Going back over his old friend 'Mich' or MT it seems he had a drug charge or something like that lodged around May 2007, the following pdf from 2-May-07: BOLETINOFICIALDE LAPROVINCIAD EG R A N A D AAÑO 2007 • Núm. 83 • MIÉRCOLES, 2 DE MAYOAdministración: DIPUTACION DE GRANADA. C/ Periodista Barrios Talavera nº 1

SUBDELEGACION DEL GOBIERNO ENGRANADAAcuerdos de iniciaciónEDICTOPor este centro se han iniciado expedientes sanciona-dores contra las personas que se expresan a continua-ción, por presunta infracción a lo dispuesto en la Ley Or-gánica 1/1992, de 21 de febrero, sobre Protección de laSeguridad Ciudadana (B.O.E. 22.02.92).* Michael Tatschl, D.N.I. DES000205, con domicilio enC. Paraje Beneficio. Cáñar. Expdte.: 7/834.

Translation :

GOVERNMENT SUBDELEGATION ENGRANADA Initiation agreements EDICT For this center, sanctioning proceedings have been initiated against the people who express themselves below, for alleged infringement of the provisions of Organic Law 1/1992, of February 21, on the Protection of Citizen Security (BOE 22.02.92). * Michael Tatschl, DNI DES000205, with address at C. Place Benefit. Canar. Expdte .: 7/834.

Not sure if this would of had any bearing or effect on actions of CB around this time? The date of feb 21 92 is when the law was issued I believe so dont have an exact date of the actual charge.
Also the dates were near mother's day, it could be a trigger for him.
For info:
Mother’s day celebration in Germany takes place on the second Sunday of May. However, if this day happens to be the Pentecost (Pfingstsonntag) – the Christian festival for celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit (held on the 7th Sunday following Easter) – then Mother’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May (a week earlier).​
Muttertag – Mother’s Day in Germany – German Culture
TY! and he could have inherited something from Mr. B?

The direct inheritance would go to Mrs.B if he didn't leave a will entitling CB to something.

Medical expenses due to the accident could have eating any eventual savings Mr.B had, they don't give the impression of having had much wealth to me.

If I were Mr.B I wouldn't have left anything to him, even if he were my own blood.
Yes, we don't know since when he had the dogs. I remember the first reports of Sic news Portugal. They said that the house in Monte Judeu belonged to a German woman and that CB did not live in that house, he went to take care of the dogs and the house when she traveled. Maybe she took care of them, or BP in Barrocal, or a former girlfriend.

I think also a neighbor at PDL mentioned CB had 2 dogs that used to go through the garbage, it may have been on a video interview. A neighbor, possibly the same as there were very few at the farmhouse, mentioned something about CB's cats and one of his dogs visiting her house.

The cats were unlikely to be CB's cats in the same sense as his dogs, just that the cats usual territory was CB's farmhouse area, before someone says that CB didn't have a cat ;)

And then there is of course the cushion dog ;)
Dog's Hair

Sexta às 9 Episódio 22 - de 19 Jun 2020 - RTP Play - RTP

Sandra Felgueiras entrevista diretor do Instituto Médico Legal

"-Eu diria que o isolamento da área foi uma das maiores fragiliades neste proceso.
-A falta de isolamento?
-Sim, a falta de isolamento.
-Das mais de 600 provas que foram colhidas qué percentagem? quantas podiam ser analisadas?
- dessa percentagem por exemplo muitas das amostras eram pelos de cão, pelos dos cães rasteiros que foram levados posteriormente e que acabaram deixando muita contaminação.
- Mas entraram no apartamento antes dos peritos forenses?
- Provavelmente porque pode ter tido colheitas de amostras em várias fases, numa primeira e fase numa segunda fase. Mas também colheitas de provas feitas em vários períodos significa que a primeira coleita de amostras pode não ter sido feita em sua plenitude e com tudo que deveria ter sido escrutado.


27:10 Sandra Felgueiras interviews Director of the Instituto Médico Legal
-I would say that the isolation of the area was one of the biggest weaknesses in this process. -Lack of isolation? -Yes, the lack of isolation. -From the more than 600 pieces of evidence that were collected, what percentage? how many could be analyzed? - of that percentage, for example, many of the samples were from dog hair, from the sniffers dogs that were taken later and ended up leaving a lot of contamination. - But they entered the apartment before the forensic experts? - Probably because may have taken samples in several stages, in a first stage and in a second stage. But also, taking evidence from various periods means that the first collection of samples may not have been done in full and with everything that should have been scrutinized.
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CB Dogs

Sexta às 9 Episódio 21 - de 05 Jun 2020 - RTP Play - RTP

This lady in PDL says that she saw CB many times in the early summer, before the disappearance, that CB went with the VW to shop at the supermarket and walk with his dog (At first she says: "the dog" but at the end she says: "with the dogs he had").
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Dog's Hair

Sexta às 9 Episódio 22 - de 19 Jun 2020 - RTP Play - RTP

Sandra Felgueiras entrevista diretor do Instituto Médico Legal

"-Eu diria que o isolamento da área foi uma das maiores fragiliades neste proceso.
-A falta de isolamento?
-Sim, a falta de isolamento.
-Das mais de 600 provas que foram colhidas qué percentagem? quantas podiam ser analisadas?
- dessa percentagem por exemplo muitas das amostras eram pelos de cão, pelos dos cães rasteiros que foram levados posteriormente e que acabaram deixando muita contaminação.
- Mas entraram no apartamento antes dos peritos forenses?
- Provavelmente porque pode ter tido colheitas de amostras em várias fases, numa primeira e fase numa segunda fase. Mas também colheitas de provas feitas em vários períodos significa que a primeira coleita de amostras pode não ter sido feita em sua plenitude e com tudo que deveria ter sido escrutado.


27:10 Sandra Felgueiras interviews Director of the Instituto Médico Legal
-I would say that the isolation of the area was one of the biggest weaknesses in this process. -Lack of isolation? -Yes, the lack of isolation. -From the more than 600 pieces of evidence that were collected, what percentage? how many could be analyzed? - of that percentage, for example, many of the samples were from dog hair, from the sniffers dogs that were taken later and ended up leaving a lot of contamination. - But they entered the apartment before the forensic experts? - Probably because may have taken samples in several stages, in a first stage and in a second stage. But also, taking evidence from various periods means that the first collection of samples may not have been done in full and with everything that should have been scrutinized.

I hope that they still have the dog hairs that were collected.

This of course wouldn't place CB in 5a, just his dog's hair if there were a match.


I have from a very reliable source that the dog hairs from 5a were actually collected before the search dogs had entered 5a.
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Pedophiles are so awful many psychologists won't work with them, and consider them untreatable.
Harming the young and innocent is a motivation so vile that contemplating it changes a humans brain into an inhuman monsters brain.
MOO they are compulsivley addicted to getting away with, thinking about, planning and doing things they know are universally despised.
Penalties need to be much higher.
The word "peadophile" should be abolished completely! That word is a disgrace!
It should make place for something like: child hater, child molester, child abuser, child traumatisor, child killer or something like that!
Going back over his old friend 'Mich' or MT it seems he had a drug charge or something like that lodged around May 2007, the following pdf from 2-May-07: BOLETINOFICIALDE LAPROVINCIAD EG R A N A D AAÑO 2007 • Núm. 83 • MIÉRCOLES, 2 DE MAYOAdministración: DIPUTACION DE GRANADA. C/ Periodista Barrios Talavera nº 1

SUBDELEGACION DEL GOBIERNO ENGRANADAAcuerdos de iniciaciónEDICTOPor este centro se han iniciado expedientes sanciona-dores contra las personas que se expresan a continua-ción, por presunta infracción a lo dispuesto en la Ley Or-gánica 1/1992, de 21 de febrero, sobre Protección de laSeguridad Ciudadana (B.O.E. 22.02.92).* Michael Tatschl, D.N.I. DES000205, con domicilio enC. Paraje Beneficio. Cáñar. Expdte.: 7/834.

Translation :

GOVERNMENT SUBDELEGATION ENGRANADA Initiation agreements EDICT For this center, sanctioning proceedings have been initiated against the people who express themselves below, for alleged infringement of the provisions of Organic Law 1/1992, of February 21, on the Protection of Citizen Security (BOE 22.02.92). * Michael Tatschl, DNI DES000205, with address at C. Place Benefit. Canar. Expdte .: 7/834.

Not sure if this would of had any bearing or effect on actions of CB around this time? The date of feb 21 92 is when the law was issued I believe so dont have an exact date of the actual charge.
This resulted in the following fine of 301 euros:
Michael Tatschl, D.N.I. DES000205, con domicilio en calle Paraje Beneficio. Cañar. Expte.: 7/834. Sanción impuesta: 301,00 euros.
Source: AÑO 2007 • Núm. 169 • LUNES, 3 DE SEPTIEMBRE

The Boletin can also be viewed here: Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Granada del 2/5/2007 |
I hope that they still have the dog hairs that were collected.

This of course wouldn't place CB in 5a, just his dog's hair if there were a match.


I have from a very reliable source that the dog hairs from 5a were actually collected before the search dogs had entered 5a.

Dog hairs were collected on 4 May during the day


The sniffer dogs were brought in to search in the early hours of 4 May.


IMO it seems unlikely that any samples were taken before the early hours of 4 May
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