Found Deceased MD - Laura Wallen, 31, pregnant, Olney, 3 Sept 2017 #1 *Arrest*

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Look at him. Take a long hard look at this guy. Someone please tell me why someone as smart and beautiful as Laura wanted anything to do with him. She and her child deserved so much better. Prayers to all of her family and friends. This is the second case that I've followed this summer that ended in the death of a pregnant woman. The two most dangerous times in a woman's life are when she is leaving a marriage and when she is pregnant. Ladies, you MUST be vigilant and badass. Dating/relationships are very different these days. I hate to say this but background checks etc are a must. There were a ton of red flags in this relationship if you ask me. Laura was a smart woman but she was apparently too trusting. What an awful end to a bright shining soul. Rip Laura and baby.
ETA: Her parents handled themselves amazingly well during the pc. I would never have been able to control my emotions. Pretty sure I'd be in jail right now for murdering the sick .

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So then what the heck is up with the neighbors claiming they saw the two of them come back from the grocery store, the dog being let out and Laura leaving 10 minutes after TT?! Pretty specific for something that obviously could not have been true!

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Edit: Washington Post article below says there's video of them at the store. So neighbor must have been right after all.
From The Washington Post:

Wallen’s sister received several odd texts from Wallen’s phone on Sept. 4, stating that the child she was carrying was not Tessier’s and suggesting it might be that of a previous boyfriend, Manger said.

Manger said that police determined those texts had been sent by Tessier.

“I am like 95 percent sure Tyler is not the father,” one of the texts said, according to police.

“I’m probably going to lose my job over this,” said another.

And yet another text stated: “Tyler is never going to forgive me. If he tries to call you, please tell him he’s a great guy because I know I really hurt his feelings.”

Mugshot at link.

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"Her cowboy": From mentioning and taking a picture of the love notes he left between plates in her cabinet to murdering her the very next year :anguish: . What happens to change a person from a seemingly loving individual to a murderer? This is such a heart breaking story. She had so much to offer the world and the children she taught.

BBM. Agreed. I just saw one of her students write "I hope we make you proud." Heartbreaking.
From The Washington Post:

Wallen’s sister received several odd texts from Wallen’s phone on Sept. 4, stating that the child she was carrying was not Tessier’s and suggesting it might be that of a previous boyfriend, Manger said.

Manger said that police determined those texts had been sent by Tessier.

“I am like 95 percent sure Tyler is not the father,” one of the texts said, according to police.

“I’m probably going to lose my job over this,” said another.

And yet another text stated: “Tyler is never going to forgive me. If he tries to call you, please tell him he’s a great guy because I know I really hurt his feelings.”

Mugshot at link.

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:mad::mad::stormingmad::furious::furious: ARGH! What a !
Just my thought...she may not have felt good about herself. HE probably made her feel that way. She may have felt she couldn't get anyone else, so she stayed. He probably was farting rainbow glitter trying to keep her too. Men like that are selfish and narcissistic. I'm definitely not stating the obvious. I'm definitely NOT speaking ill of her, but maybe she did get pregnant hoping that would get him to leave the others.

Sadly, too many women feel this way (me included). Willing to accept less than they deserve out of fear or abuse. Fear of being alone or told they aren't lovable or able to get an awesome man.

He will get his. Oh yes. He will get his. Scum. I have no words strong enough to express what filth this man is.

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So true! [emoji106]
"Her cowboy": From mentioning and taking a picture of the love notes he left between plates in her cabinet to murdering her the very next year :anguish: . What happens to change a person from a seemingly loving individual to a murderer? This is such a heart breaking story. She had so much to offer the world and the children she taught.

One word - SELFISH.
From The Washington Post:

Wallen’s sister received several odd texts from Wallen’s phone on Sept. 4, stating that the child she was carrying was not Tessier’s and suggesting it might be that of a previous boyfriend, Manger said.

Manger said that police determined those texts had been sent by Tessier.

“I am like 95 percent sure Tyler is not the father,” one of the texts said, according to police.

“I’m probably going to lose my job over this,” said another.

And yet another text stated: “Tyler is never going to forgive me. If he tries to call you, please tell him he’s a great guy because I know I really hurt his feelings.”

Mugshot at link.

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This guy has to be the most arrogant and sick-minded to type out these vile words.
I am astounded by his arrogance for him to actually believe that his ruse was going to work.
He needs to decompose in prison for a long, long time.
Police said they believe Wallen was killed Sept. 3, a day after a surveillance video at a grocery store showed her and Tessier together."

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I'm a bit confused...
What time did the neighbor see them coming home from the grocery store? (for some reason, I thought it was late at night)

What day and time were the texts/picture about the "adventure" in Damascus sent to her sister (or friend)? I thought they were sent Saturday/Sep2, and assumed it was during the day?

I wonder why LEO believe he killed Laura Sunday, and not late Saturday night? (Edited to add that I guess I realize "late Saturday night" could actually be Sunday, if she did indeed leave her home for the last time late at night as I believe was reported by the neighbor.)
This was my thought as well but I was nervous to say so! And the fact that he had two women chasing after him. Why?! But that's MOO.

Has it been mentioned what Cowboy T did for a living?
The betrayal this girl must have felt in her final moments breaks my heart :(.
Just my thought...she may not have felt good about herself. HE probably made her feel that way. She may have felt she couldn't get anyone else, so she stayed. He probably was farting rainbow glitter trying to keep her too. Men like that are selfish and narcissistic. I'm definitely not stating the obvious. I'm definitely NOT speaking ill of her, but maybe she did get pregnant hoping that would get him to leave the others.

Sadly, too many women feel this way (me included). Willing to accept less than they deserve out of fear or abuse. Fear of being alone or told they aren't lovable or able to get an awesome man.

He will get his. Oh yes. He will get his. Scum. I have no words strong enough to express what filth this man is.

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I get your point & don't disagree but how does someone who feels so bad about herself hide it to the world? Wouldn't her low self esteem show up in some other area of her life besides her romantic life? She was a very successful, outstanding (award-winning) teacher, her students adored her, she had great friendships, she turned her jewelry making hobby into a side business (and there's much more we don't know yet!) All around she seemed a very bright & bubbly, positive person. It's hard to be successful & positive when you're not feeling good about yourself -- And to me she seemed like such an ambitious, confident woman.

That's not to say that her romantic life was less than ideal -- although we don't know much about it yet, except that her partner is a total monster.
Has it been mentioned what Cowboy T did for a living?

I found a LinkedIn profile last night, and it said he was a commercial maintenance manager for JB Kline Landscaping in Gaithersburg Maryland, but I just looked again and can't find it. It might be deleted?

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I'm sorry to waste any time and words on him, and I don't want this to come across as too flippant... but how stupid is TT? Did this guy seriously think any of this was going to allow him to get away with it? I would love to know what his thought process was on any of this.

If he had her phone, he clearly saw that she texted her sister that she was in the field, and his follow-up was texting back to say that the baby isn't Tyler's? What did he think that would achieve? And does he not understand they could trace the approximate location of her phone was when he was sending those messages? If he actually wanted to try to cast doubt on where she was, it seems like he could have sent messages suggesting she was in distress somewhere, and instead he tried to cast doubt on the fact that he was the father. It'd almost be laughable if it wasn't so stupid and tragic.

Since he doesn't seem to be the brightest, I'm wondering, too, if he had her phone with him and on during any of the trips back and forth to Damascus or elsewhere- if so, they might be able to show their phones pinging at the same places. I'd also love to know if the police recovered her phone on him or if he was at least smart enough to ditch that at some point.

I am so interested in learning more about what happened here. I'll be interested if any more information comes out on the other woman he was living with, what she knew about Laura, etc.

Such a needlessly sad ending to this one :(

bbm - yea it makes no sense. Especially also because Laura had wondered in her text to her sister whether he was gonna propose. And then on Monday she supposedly sends her texts saying that the baby is not his and implying that she broke his heart? This guy is very very dumb.

"Her cowboy": From mentioning and taking a picture of the love notes he left between plates in her cabinet to murdering her the very next year :anguish: . What happens to change a person from a seemingly loving individual to a murderer? This is such a heart breaking story. She had so much to offer the world and the children she taught.

bbm - the other woman. Clearly he did not want to be with Laura anymore, so instead of breaking up with her .... :gaah:

His mugshot:

she texted her sister on the 2nd that he had taken her to a field... did he chicken out that day? how awful wtf

From The Washington Post:

Wallen’s sister received several odd texts from Wallen’s phone on Sept. 4, stating that the child she was carrying was not Tessier’s and suggesting it might be that of a previous boyfriend, Manger said.

Manger said that police determined those texts had been sent by Tessier.

“I am like 95 percent sure Tyler is not the father,” one of the texts said, according to police.

“I’m probably going to lose my job over this,” said another.

And yet another text stated: “Tyler is never going to forgive me. If he tries to call you, please tell him he’s a great guy because I know I really hurt his feelings.”

Mugshot at link.

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Look at him. Take a long hard look at this guy. Someone please tell me why someone as smart and beautiful as Laura wanted anything to do with him. She and her child deserved so much better. Prayers to all of her family and friends. This is the second case that I've followed this summer that ended in the death of a pregnant woman. The two most dangerous times in a woman's life are when she is leaving a marriage and when she is pregnant. Ladies, you MUST be vigilant and badass. Dating/relationships are very different these days. I hate to say this but background checks etc are a must. There were a ton of red flags in this relationship if you ask me. Laura was a smart woman but she was apparently too trusting. What an awful end to a bright shining soul. Rip Laura and baby.
ETA: Her parents handled themselves amazingly well during the pc. I would never have been able to control my emotions. Pretty sure I'd be in jail right now for murdering the sick .

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Just MO because I live in the area and have been here for 17 years.

In the DC area there is a lot of people who holds professional degrees, are accomplished, make good salaries etc.

I was married before and I got divorced around 2009 (I am 39 now). I was divorced around 31-32 yo. I started dating again and IDK why the working theory in this area is that there is not enough males and women are to do with what is left. I dated a lot (casually) (while pursuing 2 masters degrees) and I meet tons of women that hold those beliefs whether they are funded on reality or not.

I was told a woman over 28-29 will never marry in the DC area. I even went out with a loser who told me that all his married friends had women on the side because there are so many women in the area and they are all desperate etc. Which to me is insane but whatever. Just my experience.

I resigned myself to be alone with my two cats and then in 2014 I meet my current husband and we got married. I never felt sorry about myself I just figured I was to make my best life alone.

We will be married one year on November 4th and I am happy. Maybe Laura was influenced by the belief that is all she could get and she settled for this loser. Other than that I can't explain why would she accept him dating and living with someone else.

I never bought into the hype that I had to settle but I was married before and did not have the romantic view of a relationship. I just wish someone in her circle would have told her that she did not have to accept to be with a man who has other women. She seemed very accomplished and did not deserve to die like this.

RIP Laura and Baby
I get your point & don't disagree but how does someone who feels so bad about herself hide it to the world? Wouldn't her low self esteem show up in some other area of her life besides her romantic life? She was a very successful, outstanding (award-winning) teacher, her students adored her, she had great friendships, she turned her jewelry making hobby into a side business (and there's much more we don't know yet!) All around she seemed a very bright & bubbly, positive person. It's hard to be successful & positive when you're not feeling good about yourself -- And to me she seemed like such an ambitious, confident woman.

That's not to say that her romantic life was less than ideal -- although we don't know much about it yet, except that her partner is a total monster.

I totally see your point. But, from my own experiences that I've observed professionally/personally, you can hide it very well. She may have only felt competent professionally. You may have a great personality, be successful, but lack confidence. Some people have professional personas and personal personas.

Also, she apparently had met him ten years ago. We don't know what her mindset was then. Again, no disrespect to her. None! She stayed with him for a reason and I believe it was for this reason.

I also totally understand your view as well. It's hard to wrap your head around. JMO

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I get your point & don't disagree but how does someone who feels so bad about herself hide it to the world? Wouldn't her low self esteem show up in some other area of her life besides her romantic life? She was a very successful, outstanding (award-winning) teacher, her students adored her, she had great friendships, she turned her jewelry making hobby into a side business (and there's much more we don't know yet!) All around she seemed a very bright & bubbly, positive person. It's hard to be successful & positive when you're not feeling good about yourself -- And to me she seemed like such an ambitious, confident woman.

That's not to say that her romantic life was less than ideal -- although we don't know much about it yet, except that her partner is a total monster.

Trust me, it's completely possible. No one I know in real life has any idea what a low opinion I have of myself.
I wonder what the woman he was living with thought when she saw the press conference?! Did she know about Laura? Reminds me of Scott Peterson for sure.

He could have easily just told Laura he didn't want anything to do with she and the baby, I'm sure she would have been sad but fine. She was a professional with a good career and supportive family, she would have been able to raise her baby without him.
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