Meter Reader

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We don't know if there was actually a bag of children's clothing or if they had anything to do with this case, do we?! Show me where in the reports this is located, please.

I snipped out just this part.. I read the report on the bag with the clothes.. I think it said stuffed animals too. and that the bag had roots and plants growing thru it.. and that he left it..
I dont remember where it was tho.. wish i could find it again.
I am not saying the LE did a poor job.. but it did seem odd that it was just left there.
Le said they investigated him. LE said based on their investigation he has no relation to KC or her family. How do you know he hasn't taken a lie detector test or a dna test? In fact, since he found the body it would be protocol for LE to take his fingerprints and dna since most likely he left the same there when he discovered the body and they try to identify all fingerprints and dna found at crime scenes. Also, as a county employee they would already have his fingerprints of file.
Exactly! I think this is why many people choose not to be involved.
I snipped out just this part.. I read the report on the bag with the clothes.. I think it said stuffed animals too. and that the bag had roots and plants growing thru it.. and that he left it..
I dont remember where it was tho.. wish i could find it again.
I am not saying the LE did a poor job.. but it did seem odd that it was just left there.
Thanks, I guess I missed it. :)
Did I just hear right? A report on Fox just ran a few minutes ago where it was stated that the lawyer for the meter reader, said his client will tell "his whole story" after the first of the year? Huh?
Did I just hear right? A report on Fox just ran a few minutes ago where it was stated that the lawyer for the meter reader, said his client will tell "his whole story" after the first of the year? Huh?
I heard that the other day. I guess he wants to say more. Don't think it's any more than that. For someone who wanted to remain anonymous, it's a bit surprising...but not really in the overall scheme of this case.
It is stated right on their website:

Help Find Caylee and Caylee Marie Anthony
Copyright© 2008. All rights reserved.

This sounds like the defense team. They don't want to look anything up, but instead want everyone else to do the work then yell about why they don't have it!

I think they may have done that to try and stop scammers from using the name to set up charities.

Did I just hear right? A report on Fox just ran a few minutes ago where it was stated that the lawyer for the meter reader, said his client will tell "his whole story" after the first of the year? Huh?

I heard that the other day. I guess he wants to say more. Don't think it's any more than that. For someone who wanted to remain anonymous, it's a bit surprising...but not really in the overall scheme of this case.

I'm guessing that because of all the attention and internet rumors he wants to set the record straight. He asked people not to bother his co-workers in his first PC and maybe they are getting bothered a lot of questions by people.

Do you know him? Do you think he was involved? Is he a good guy? Is there anything weird about him? How close to the Anthony's does he live? And he wants to get the full story out so people will stop bothering them.
Okay, after reading all the comments , I listened to the calls and I really don't get where all this suspicion comes from. Or the weird vibes. In the first call, he was initially rattled when they transferred him to the 911 line. I would have been too. It's drummed into all our heads not to call 911 unless it's a life-threatening emergency. So, he calls a non-emergency number and zip, they transfer him right to 911.

And the oh-so-scandalous "singing" he did was when he was looking for something to help him tell the 911 operator what area is he was talking about. He's just making noise so she would know he's still there. People do it all the time.

In the second call, he had more street names, since he'd already been asked those questions. And, if you notice, at 1:45 or so, the operator asked him the name of the school, and he said he didn't really pay attention because he just looks at the meter numbers on his reader. Just as someone else explained earlier in this thread.

And, as for the inappropriate "laughter" when he said he couldn't remain anonymous if they find a body. It sounded like nervous laughter to me. Really not unusual. I personally crack jokes like a stand up comic when I'm very nervous. No telling what stupid thing I might have said under the same circumstances.

But after reading some of these posts, I can certainly understand why people are more and more reluctant to "get involved" these days. We can't decry the fact that people are reluctant to stand up and do the right thing if we immediately start treating everyone who does the right thing like a suspect. JMO.
Did you read the article or are you just assuming? He has spoken to law enforcement. He does not intend to speak with the MEDIA until after the new year.

Quite honestly, he does not owe the media or the public any kind of explanation. He has satisfied law enforcement and they have repeatedly stated that he is not a suspect.

It's comments like those I quoted that prevent people from getting involved and helping.

Exactly! Let's be fair to the guy okay? Geez.
I know that some of you believe that the meter reader is just a "concerned citizen" and then there are others like myself that feel that the meter readers actions and statements are suspect. What I don't understand is that some of you are willing to crucify CA and GA for being "concerned parents" and LA for being a "concerned brother" and want them to take lie detector tests, DNA tests, and provide LE with their fingerprints. But when it comes to the meter reader being a "concerned citizen", some of you are so quickly to dismiss him. Why?? If the A's were subjected to fingerprinting, DNA tests, and lie detector tests, then why not the meter reader? The A's were not there when the crime took place, but yet we question them. Is it because we think that they had something to do with the crime after the fact(cleaning the car, washing the clothes found in the car)? The meter reader found the body! Why not question him also? I don't know if he's guilty of anything, me being a "concerned WS" at this point in the game who can we trust?

Okay, first, no one has crucified any of the Ants. They are still living and breathing just fine. Well, maybe not just fine, but you get my meaning. Second, I immediately had a problem with Casey because he story was ridiculous on its face. But I had no problem with any of them until it became obvious they were lying and twisting themselves into knots to explain away Casey's behavior. 2+2+2+2=8 every time.

LE has said they don't consider the meter reader to be a suspect. So, unless and until something comes out to show that's changed, I don't think there's any need to cast aspersions on him for doing - so far as we know - the right thing.

There's a big difference between the meter reader and the Ants, IMHO.
I am also willing to give him a chance just like I did CA, GA, and LA. I'm just saying that we question the A's, why not this guy? I guess, for me, if this meter reader would have stumbled upon this body on Aug 11 then there would probably be no doubt in my mind that he was not somehow connected to this. But the fact that he goes to this same area 3 days in a row being suspicious of this area and then he goes back to the same area again in Dec. is just not sitting well with me. I feel like something is missing.

How do you know they haven't questioned him? I'm assuming they would have questioned anyone connected to this case before stating firmly they aren't a suspect.
While I don't want to disparage the meterman, I think he hasn't told the whole truth about his "discovery". A couple of possibilities occur to me.

What occurs to me is that perhaps LE asked him to keep certain information to himself. It would be a refreshing change if he did as they asked. Second, he's under no obligation to tell everything he knows, even if LE didn't ask him to keep his mouth shut. I'm as nosey as the next person, but I'm under no illusions that anyone has told the public "everything" they know about this case.
Popping in for a quick visit here. I'm picking up "where adrat lived" Adrat or something like that. I don't hear where I live. Curious what others hear.

I can't be certain who said it, Kronk or one of the dispatchers, but it sounded like "where I grew up-where I lived" to me.
Popping in for a quick visit here. I'm picking up "where adrat lived" Adrat or something like that. I don't hear where I live. Curious what others hear.
I just listened to it again...I think you're does sound like Idrot or Odrot...
Okay, after reading all the comments , I listened to the calls and I really don't get where all this suspicion comes from. Or the weird vibes. In the first call, he was initially rattled when they transferred him to the 911 line. I would have been too. It's drummed into all our heads not to call 911 unless it's a life-threatening emergency. So, he calls a non-emergency number and zip, they transfer him right to 911.

And the oh-so-scandalous "singing" he did was when he was looking for something to help him tell the 911 operator what area is he was talking about. He's just making noise so she would know he's still there. People do it all the time.

In the second call, he had more street names, since he'd already been asked those questions. And, if you notice, at 1:45 or so, the operator asked him the name of the school, and he said he didn't really pay attention because he just looks at the meter numbers on his reader. Just as someone else explained earlier in this thread.

And, as for the inappropriate "laughter" when he said he couldn't remain anonymous if they find a body. It sounded like nervous laughter to me. Really not unusual. I personally crack jokes like a stand up comic when I'm very nervous. No telling what stupid thing I might have said under the same circumstances.

But after reading some of these posts, I can certainly understand why people are more and more reluctant to "get involved" these days. We can't decry the fact that people are reluctant to stand up and do the right thing if we immediately start treating everyone who does the right thing like a suspect. JMO.

I find his not being able to identify the school strange. He doesn't just read the numbers he has an address to go to as well. I'm pretty sure those address' include names on them. He also lives around there too. Maybe he was nervous but he should know the name of the school. :waitasec:
Finally a voice of reason in Maskedwoman! People who are finding the Meter Reader suspicious are no better than the Anthonys who are so eager to find another person to blame.

Of course Mr. Kronk's phone is probably ringing off the hook. He is probably being pursued relentlessly by the media to tell his story. Good grief, he solved a mystery that hundreds of law enforcement officers and thousands of volunteers could not solve. The story is compelling.

Nobody seems interested in recalling the fact that Mr. Kronk moved to Florida from up north shortly before August because his wife died of cancer. He is by far the most believeable and trustworthy person to have anything to do with this case.

After seeing what's happening here in this thread, I would hesitate to ever participate in a search for a missing person. It sounds as if no matter who happened upon Caylee's remains would land under an umbrella of suspicion on this forum.
I find his not being able to identify the school strange. He doesn't just read the numbers he has an address to go to as well. I'm pretty sure those address' include names on them. He also lives around there too. Maybe he was nervous but he should know the name of the school. :waitasec:

Read through this thread- they work off of GPS. Nothing at all strange about a man who just moved to this area from out of state not knowing road and school names.
Not directing this at anyone in particular but the question was asked awhile back if you saw Caylee some where would you report it, and my answer was no. I now know that if I had found the bag, I would have kept my mouth shut about that as well.
Read through this thread- they work off of GPS. Nothing at all strange about a man who just moved to this area from out of state not knowing road and school names.

He doesn't have to double check the address on his form? I still find it hard to believe that the GPS says go to here and park and read the meter without providing a name to associate with the meter.

I believe he is given a route to take as his own. Sort of like a postman has a route. He is given an handheld computer that he puts the information into
so the billing can be done. I can't believe that names and addresses aren't part of that system.
He doesn't have to double check the address on his form? I still find it hard to believe that the GPS says go to here and park and read the meter without providing a name to associate with the meter.

I believe he is given a route to take as his own. Sort of like a postman has a route. He is given an handheld computer that he puts the information into
so the billing can be done. I can't believe that names and addresses aren't part of that system.

No the gps does not have names or addresses on it. If you go back on this thread a woman who's son is a meter reader explained how it worked.
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