Misty C. #4

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Miller said he will no longer involve himself in legalities.

"This certainly put me in an awkward position and it isn't a position I wanted to be put in," Miller said. "I need to focus on the searches."

The search for the missing 6-year-old will resume within six weeks through EquuSearch and the aid of law enforcement.

Miller said this is not an opportune time to conduct a search due to weather conditions and heavy underbrush, but another canvass will be made at the request of the family.

"Anything that is going to happen from now on is going to be extremely more difficult," he said.


Interesting statements from Tim.....................Makes me think Ron may not be so willing to work with him anymore.
There are so many new interesting questions now that we have this latest information. IIRC, LE said something to the effect that there was no information on the van that was useful for this investigation. I always thought that wording was strange, like maybe they found something IN the van that might be useful, like Misty's blanket, that they could take as evidence. I wonder if they found DNA on that blanket that belonged to someone else other than Misty.
I also wonder if Misty was able to say - or will say now that she is in the hot seat again - who any of the "4 people" were. Or will she claim she doesn't remember or didn't know them?
When LE came back and took the screen door after they saw the MH tour video from the NG show, it was said that this was triggered by something Marlena did. I think they saw how she held the doors open for the camera. If there was a palm print at Misty height on the screen door, this could imply that Misty held the screen door open for someone while they came in the home (or bricked the door).

It’s clear from spending time with them, that the Putnam County Sheriffs’ Department is passionate about solving the Haleigh Cummings case. They have worked tirelessly following up on leads, they have a room full of evidence, and continue to search areas of interest. Without divulging specifics about their investigation, Captain Dominic Piscitello is very clear about one thing “Misty Cummings holds the key to what happened to Haleigh Cummings that night.“

Miller said he will no longer involve himself in legalities.

"This certainly put me in an awkward position and it isn't a position I wanted to be put in," Miller said. "I need to focus on the searches."

The search for the missing 6-year-old will resume within six weeks through EquuSearch and the aid of law enforcement.

Miller said this is not an opportune time to conduct a search due to weather conditions and heavy underbrush, but another canvass will be made at the request of the family.

"Anything that is going to happen from now on is going to be extremely more difficult," he said.


Interesting statements from Tim.....................Makes me think Ron may not be so willing to work with him anymore.

More and more I believe that TM cooperated with LE in this and knows it did him no favors with the Cummings....
Ronald said he passed with flying colors, then when asked he said Misty passed hers too.

I thought that was a crock when Ron said that because in all the cases I can think of, LE announces a positive poly so as to keep the focus OFF the family when they are not under suspicion. They did not make such an announcement in this case which silently told me there were problems with Misty's poly.
I thought that was a crock when Ron said that because in all the cases I can think of, LE announces a positive poly so as to keep the focus OFF the family when they are not under suspicion. They did not make such an announcement in this case which silently told me there were problems with Misty's poly.

I believe that there are problems with RC's poly too.
IMO RC and TM are very close and are working very well together. I believe TM is a role model and someone for RC to look up to. I believe TM is here because he knows what RC is going thru and is there to offer support and help RC. It is also my opinion that RC was very instrumental in getting TM involved again and that is all I am saying about that.

I think Misty is going to be on her own very shortly if not already so. JMO
No but LE has said that Misty holds the answers and RC and Crystal are not suspects. I don't think they would of included RC's name in that press release if they had concerns about his involvement.

I thought that was a crock when Ron said that because in all the cases I can think of, LE announces a positive poly so as to keep the focus OFF the family when they are not under suspicion. They did not make such an announcement in this case which silently told me there were problems with Misty's poly.
I believe that there are problems with RC's poly too.

There very well could be, but I'm not stepping out and saying that as of yet. Only because LE announced that Misty's story is inconsistent, not Ron's. I think Ron is keeping secrets, but I'm not sure that they have to do with Haleigh's disappearance. MOO is that Misty is afraid of what Ron and his buddies might do to Misty if she coughed up the truth. And I think Ron is afraid of something Misty might hang over his head if he pushes her too far - like assist Crystal in gaining custody of Jr?
Yes Grace I'm sorry but I do think she is deceased. I hope and pray Tim will either get MC to tell him where she is or get MC to tell him who knows where she is and the go get her. If he can't get her to tell, then I am praying every night that Tim finds her on his own.

What concerns me is she may not know exactly where HaLeigh is. If she doesn't actually know, then who does? I feel confident that she is no where near where TM was at first, PDM anyone? JMHO
I'm gonna say this about Ron, my gut feeling is that he is somehow involved. Would I love to be wrong? YES. I don't like thinking Fathers would act the way I think he has, I want to find out that Haleigh was the light of his life...........I want to find out that he did do all this for his daughter.......I want there to be sense in all of this. But as of right now....his actions still do not make one bit of sense to me, UNLESS he is covering his own arse. Hopefully we will all find out soon............one way or another.
No but LE has said that Misty holds the answers and RC and Crystal are not suspects. I don't think they would of included RC's name in that press release if they had concerns about his involvement.

Busy...I disagree--LE said neither are suspects but neither have been cleared...that press release was worded with a purpose.....and given Ron's inconsistencies with the beds...I remain unconvinced he is not a POI..JMO
If Misty speaks LE believes they will have probable cause for an arrest is interesting. I just can't understand if their was enough evidence to suggest Misty was lying to that extent (the bed was still made) why they need a confession. I am more inclined to believe she was not in the home at all now and this confirmation to LE will give them probable cause to arrest who they really suspect took Haleigh.
I keep thinking actions are speaking louder than words in this case and we are in need of more information;which I am sure is going to be forthcoming, but, I am still not sure Misty did anything other than leave the MH and was doing or selling drugs near by. (Croslins MH)
When was the first rumor started and where did it come from that Misty was not in the MH? Maybe the altercations this last week with Ron and her family stems from the fact they know Misty was at their house and the truth was being threatened to be revealed by Misty and Ron (TES involvement)
If Misty speaks LE believes they will have probable cause for an arrest is interesting. I just can't understand if their was enough evidence to suggest Misty was lying to that extent (the bed was still made) why they need a confession. I am more inclined to believe she was not in the home at all now and this confirmation to LE will give them probable cause to arrest who they really suspect took Haleigh.
I keep thinking actions are speaking louder than words in this case and we are in need of more information;which I am sure is going to be forthcoming, but, I am still not sure Misty did anything other than leave the MH and was doing or selling drugs near by. (Croslins MH)
When was the first rumor started and where did it come from that Misty was not in the MH? Maybe the altercations this last week with Ron and her family stems from the fact they know Misty was at their house and the truth was being threatened to be revealed by Misty and Ron (TES involvement)

If it were as simple as that.....Misty would have not been hung out to dry by this news yesterday......Miller would have never went public with all this if he thought Misty was only trying to hide not being home.........he would have still been trying to get her to tell him the truth. IMO
If Misty speaks LE believes they will have probable cause for an arrest is interesting. I just can't understand if their was enough evidence to suggest Misty was lying to that extent (the bed was still made) why they need a confession. I am more inclined to believe she was not in the home at all now and this confirmation to LE will give them probable cause to arrest who they really suspect took Haleigh.
I keep thinking actions are speaking louder than words in this case and we are in need of more information;which I am sure is going to be forthcoming, but, I am still not sure Misty did anything other than leave the MH and was doing or selling drugs near by. (Croslins MH)
When was the first rumor started and where did it come from that Misty was not in the MH?
Maybe the altercations this last week with Ron and her family stems from the fact they know Misty was at their house and the truth was being threatened to be revealed by Misty and Ron (TES involvement)

BBM--leaving two kids to fend for themselves is enough for me to haul her in and RON is as culpable...IMVHO...the rumor that Misty wasn't there was on the ground right after Haleigh went missing...
No but LE has said that Misty holds the answers and RC and Crystal are not suspects. I don't think they would of included RC's name in that press release if they had concerns about his involvement.
I think there is a reason that RC's name is "cleared", just don't know what it is. I just can't understand, why aren't they concerned about his involvement? Because he was at work? But, then they say they don't know the timeline. Too many things here just doesn't make ANY sense to me at all... Too many things just don't add up...why??
From HH's link....

The voice analysis was perhaps the most revealing and according to results on the site, "It appears Misty Cummings knows what happened and was directly involved in the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings."

That statement kinda says it all...............
I think there is a reason that RC's name is "cleared", just don't know what it is. I just can't understand, why aren't they concerned about his involvement? Because he was at work? But, then they say they don't know the timeline. Too many things here just doesn't make ANY sense to me at all... Too many things just don't add up...why??

TN is the only one who said Ron was cleared. LE was very careful to use the phrase "not considered a suspect" (for both parents). It is not the same as cleared. Misty was not cleared, and was not called a suspect, but she was also very insistently presented as "the key" to this case. Semantic gymnastics, the new Olympic sport.
Imo..LE makes statement such as " ____ are not suspect or _____ not a POI" and then have been known to arrest that said person the following day, such as Chris Coleman for instance. Le stated he was not a POI and arrested him the next day.
It is hard to say what they have in this case because they are not talking and I beleive it is due to the fact they feel someone known to the family and or family has taken her and to release alot of info could either put Haleigh in more danger or people would lawyer up and they would never get their answers , which is what has been happening with a few key players in this case.
You can just about bet that Misty's lawyer will have her gagged up after what happened recently in order to protect her if she will listen.
I can only hope that Misty talks because if she doesn't the bus is on its way. If she truly has nothing to do with this then she has nothing to hide.
Perhaps she knows who took Haleigh and they threatened to kill Haleigh if she talked, or if it is something she is hiding because it involved drugs she may not talk because of the implications for people involved maybe herself and RC included.
People who use and deal drugs almost have a silent type of pact with other known connections and it usally runs deep. To be known as a "Rat" , " Nark" in this kind of life is most certainly not a good place to be, people want to and will hurt you, or your family over this. Ripping someone off or owing money will get you there as well and is not taken lightly.
I have seen and heard of things taking place in my past crazy lifetime and it was as little as $500.00 being owed. People do not mess around and being drug induced does not help either.
I still do not think Misty is directly involved (she very well could be) but she does know more then she is willing to say from the get go and she seems to be protecting something or someone. I can only hope she will grow some big ones soon and help out for Haleigh's sake, she needs to get over whatever fear and step up before someone else does... jmo of course
From HH's link....

The voice analysis was perhaps the most revealing and according to results on the site, "It appears Misty Cummings knows what happened and was directly involved in the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings."

That statement kinda says it all...............


and then add Misty's stories to Ron's bedtime confusion and a sad portrait emerges.... :banghead:

Please someone get Jr out of there NOW. :furious:
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