MN MN - Bryce Borca, 23, college student, seen at 2AM, search focused near Minnesota River, Eagan, 30 Oct 2022

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Well, given the circumstances leading to his disappearance, I doubt very much he sobered up safely, never went home, and decided spontaneously to up and walk away from his life and never contact anyone ever again.
Whatever happened, it did not safely happen. No. He didn't go home and doubtfully walked away, but what did happen? Did his disappearance involve someone else? Technology 2023, and he can't be found? Searches, divers, drones. What are the chances?
No. He didn't go home and doubtfully walked away, but what did happen? Did his disappearance involve someone else? Technology 2023, and he can't be found? Searches, divers, drones. What are the chances?
The chances are quite high. So many missing people on Websleuths can't be found despite multi-day extensive searches involving police, civilian SAR on the ground, helicopters, dogs, and drones.
I still think of him almost daily. I drive over by 13 often and past his apt building. I feel bad for his family. His friends. The little kids he worked with, as someone that worked with him at some school posted that all the little kids just loved him and were wondering why he wasn’t there anymore. I think of George from Stillwater with a similar story to Bryce, but at least he was found quickly so his family has closure. Praying for closure for Bryce’s family too.

Bryce disappeared around this time of last year on Oct 30. It'll be a entire year in a few days, sadly enough. He exited the Lyft in the 3200 block of Hill Ridge Drive even though it was a 40 minute walk from there to his apartment which is clearly not something most would attempt at 2am.

Are you also able to drive in Fort Snelling State Park, near the railroad tracks at the end of Yankee Doodle Road in Eagan where Bryce was last seen? Wondering what it looks like in person. I've heard no one walks along YD after dark. Is that true? The park closed in mid-April and again in May due to flooding.

Bryce lost his ability to contact others when his ph powered down. His tie was located at 1600 Letendre on the side of the road. Was it dark, cold, windy? Was he overcome by exhaustion while in a drunken stupor? Is that area well lit at 2am?
Bryce disappeared around this time of last year on Oct 30. It'll be a entire year in a few days, sadly enough. He exited the Lyft in the 3200 block of Hill Ridge Drive even though it was a 40 minute walk from there to his apartment which is clearly not something most would attempt at 2am.

Are you also able to drive in Fort Snelling State Park, near the railroad tracks at the end of Yankee Doodle Road in Eagan where Bryce was last seen? Wondering what it looks like in person. I've heard no one walks along YD after dark. Is that true? The park closed in mid-April and again in May due to flooding.

Bryce lost his ability to contact others when his ph powered down. His tie was located at 1600 Letendre on the side of the road. Was it dark, cold, windy? Was he overcome by exhaustion while in a drunken stupor? Is that area well lit at 2am?
I’ll try to answer what I know. I have heard from a reliable source that Bryce had walked that walk dozens of times from the friends house to his apt before.
The area he went missing is well lit. Lots of industrial businesses/parking lots and a some roads and a few houses are adjacent to the state park area. A MN river trailhead park entrance north of the industrial area. A huge Blue Cross insurance building is south of the industrial area. Bright lights of the airport are not far to the northeast. A popular bar is at the intersection of Yankee and Highway 13. Gas stations, restaurants and businesses down Yankee to the east toward his apt, so there is traffic and possibly people walking, but maybe not at 2am unless they walk home from that bar.
I was there at night at 2-3am a few Saturdays after he went missing along the tracks and up by the ponds. Bright lights on the industrial buildings and parking lots. Can’t miss them. I saw multiple cars traveling on 13 and Yankee the night I was there.
The night he went missing was warm for MN…60’s and lows in the mid 40’s at night as I recall.
I’ll try to answer what I know.
Thank you.
I have heard from a reliable source that Bryce had walked that walk dozens of times from the friends house to his apt before.
A 23yo man doesn't have a vehicle, okay. Didn't Bryce head in the opposite direction of where he needed to be going from the get go when exiting the Lyft? If he was traveling in the wrong direction then, it's not a route he'd taken a dozen times previously.
The area he went missing is well lit.
Wish he'd walked to one of the numerous light sources and stayed put.
Lots of industrial businesses/parking lots and a some roads and a few houses are adjacent to the state park area.
Yes, I recall seeing the Industrial Bdgs w/ parking when doing a walk about on GE.
A MN river trailhead park entrance north of the industrial area. A huge Blue Cross insurance building is south of the industrial area. Bright lights of the airport are not far to the northeast. A popular bar is at the intersection of Yankee and Highway 13. Gas stations, restaurants and businesses down Yankee to the east toward his apt, so there is traffic and possibly people walking, but maybe not at 2am unless they walk home from that bar.
Did Bryce go past the bar at Hwy 13 although at 2am it would be closed? How far are the Industrial bldgs located in relation to Fort Snelling Park? Something happened once he reached the park. He was in trouble between losing the tie on Letrende and reaching the state park at the end of YD.
I was there at night at 2-3am a few Saturdays after he went missing along the tracks and up by the ponds. Bright lights on the industrial buildings and parking lots. Can’t miss them. I saw multiple cars traveling on 13 and Yankee the night I was there.
The night he went missing was warm for MN…60’s and lows in the mid 40’s at night as I recall.
The temp was appx 45 at 2am since he was near the river but people can experience hypothermia in 30 - 50 degree temps. One Nov., I visited St Paul, which is a few miles to the N of Eagan, when one of our Presidents' daughter's spoke at the exquisite St Paul's Cathedral. However, St P was unbearably cold to which I was unaccustomed. People carried their car batteries indoors at night or else they'd freeze.
Thank you.

A 23yo man doesn't have a vehicle, okay. Didn't Bryce head in the opposite direction of where he needed to be going from the get go when exiting the Lyft? If he was traveling in the wrong direction then, it's not a route he'd taken a dozen times previously.

Wish he'd walked to one of the numerous light sources and stayed put.

Yes, I recall seeing the Industrial Bdgs w/ parking when doing a walk about on GE.

Did Bryce go past the bar at Hwy 13 although at 2am it would be closed? How far are the Industrial bldgs located in relation to Fort Snelling Park? Something happened once he reached the park. He was in trouble between losing the tie on Letrende and reaching the state park at the end of YD.

The temp was appx 45 at 2am since he was near the river but people can experience hypothermia in 30 - 50 degree temps. One Nov., I visited St Paul, which is a few miles to the N of Eagan, when one of our Presidents' daughter's spoke at the exquisite St Paul's Cathedral. However, St P was unbearably cold to which I was unaccustomed. People carried their car batteries indoors at night or else they'd freeze.
Yes, he did go in the opposite direction. We do not know the exact route he took to get to the area where his phone pinged in a wooded area just beyond the industrial buildings and near the train tracks before the park. He would have had to cross highway 13 at some point and weave his way through the industrial buildings and fences and parking lots or cross 13 at Yankee Doodle. We heard he was caught on a camera walking alone at some point. But I have seen no other info on his suspected route.
I also wonder why he didn’t stay put and wait for his friends. It was reported they went to look for him after his call. Did they yell for him? Did he not hear? How long did they look for him? Very quiet at that hour when I was there.
It does get super cold here in winter. Way below zero. We do sometimes plug our car batteries in to warm them up:) But is 45 cold enough for hypothermia for someone in pants, a white dress shirt and a sweater? Who is walking around? I don’t know.
Hard to believe they have not found a body, clothes, shoes, phone, wallet, keys, nothing? They have searched 1000s of acres of land and water in the park and surrounding area.
The chances are quite high. So many missing people on Websleuths can't be found despite multi-day extensive searches involving police, civilian SAR on the ground, helicopters, dogs, and drones.

Whatever happened, it did not safely happen. No. He didn't go home and doubtfully walked away, but what did happen? Did his disappearance involve someone else? Technology 2023, and he can't be found? Searches, divers, drones. What are the chances?
Someone just posted on another social media site…that Bryce’s parents will be doing their first interview on the WCCO 10pm news on Monday, October 30th. Hope that is true and the person has credible information. I will be tuning in to find out. Exactly one year after he went missing.
Eagan Police Dept just posted the following on their Facebook page, along with a statement from the Borca family…

On the one year anniversary of the disappearance of Bryce Borca, the Eagan Police Department continues to work alongside his family in an effort to bring Bryce home. With the assistance of 28 different organizations, approximately 15 different public safety agencies, and the help of over 500 volunteers, we’ve been able to search 1,500 acres which has included specialized teams with K9s, drone, and sonar technology. The search has now expanded to an area with challenging terrain, which involves navigating 14 foot high grass, cattails and marsh.
Eagan Police Dept just posted the following on their Facebook page, along with a statement from the Borca family…

On the one year anniversary of the disappearance of Bryce Borca, the Eagan Police Department continues to work alongside his family in an effort to bring Bryce home. With the assistance of 28 different organizations, approximately 15 different public safety agencies, and the help of over 500 volunteers, we’ve been able to search 1,500 acres which has included specialized teams with K9s, drone, and sonar technology. The search has now expanded to an area with challenging terrain, which involves navigating 14 foot high grass, cattails and marsh.
For those local, I'm curious where this expanded area is in relation to the ponds, railroad tracks, industrial buildings, etc. Can you tell by their description of 14 foot high grass, etc. And if it's truly challenging...could Bryce have navigated it that night?
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For those local, I'm curious where is this an expanded area is in relation to the ponds, railroad tracks, industrial buildings, etc. Can you tell by their description of 14 foot high grass, etc. And if it's truly challenging...could Bryce have navigated it that night?
That entire area is pretty formidable. Unforgiving. Marshland.

What's most telling from the article above IMO is that he turned the wrong direction, likely without realizing, judgment perhaps clouded.

Once he was in there, it's just a miserable morass.

I can imagine being swallowed by muck.

There seems to be no doubt he didn't make it out.

So so so sad. If only his phone hadn't given out.

Sharing this for perspective.

My 82 year old father got lost driving. Tried to make a point to me later that he wasn't lost, it's just the road he wanted wasn't where he thought it was. Pride.

Bryce, of course, wasn't 82 but I think there might be a similar kind of tunnel vision brought on by intoxication. If he was sure he was headed in the right direction...

Although was lucid enough to call friends, admit he was lost. But perhaps from that moment, he believed he was reversing his steps, only to get more lost, if that was even possible.

If he entered the tall grasses.... no wonder they are sure -- devastated but sure -- he died that day.

I hope they can recover him...

I just can’t imagine him even getting to the really tall grass/marsh. He called his friends that he was lost right at the edge of the businesses and industrial area and roads. Then there are railroad tracks to cross, and lots of longer grass (but not 14 feet) on solid ground to get through. I am not sure what areas they are referring to as I’m guessing there are maybe lots of marshy areas with very tall reeds/grass. I didn’t make it far into the shorter grass in daylight sober without tripping. But I don’t know the stamina or persistence of an intoxicated young guy. The dogs tracked him near the ponds which is up the tracks and right next to lighted buildings of the industrial area. Again, seems really hard to believe he would have stuck close to roads, tracks, and buildings for miles, then decided to venture in tall reeds/marsh that you can hardly maneuver through…and in the dark of the night. I wonder why LE thinks he is back there without a doubt?
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I just can’t imagine him even getting to the really tall grass/marsh. He called his friends that he was lost right at the edge of the businesses and industrial area and roads. Then there are railroad tracks to cross, and lots of longer grass (but not 14 feet) on solid ground to get through. I am not sure what areas they are referring to as I’m guessing there are maybe lots of marshy areas with very tall reeds/grass. I didn’t make it far into the shorter grass in daylight sober without tripping. But I don’t know the stamina or persistence of an intoxicated young guy. The dogs tracked him near the ponds which is up the tracks and right next to lighted buildings of the industrial area. Again, seems really hard to believe he would have stuck close to roads, tracks, and buildings for miles, then decided to venture in tall reeds/marsh that you can hardly maneuver through…and in the dark of the night. I wonder why LE thinks he is back there without a doubt?
Because they don’t think that adult male was coincidentally kidnapped right after FaceTiming in heavy woods. I agree with the conclusion.
Because they don’t think that adult male was coincidentally kidnapped right after FaceTiming in heavy woods. I agree with the conclusion.
According to the map that was shown early on, the wooded area where his phone last pinged and where he made the call from was a narrow strip of woods between the industrial area/buildings near the road and the railroad tracks/clearing. Why couldn’t he have just as easily gotten back to the road?
According to the map that was shown early on, the wooded area where his phone last pinged and where he made the call from was a narrow strip of woods between the industrial area/buildings near the road and the railroad tracks/clearing. Why couldn’t he have just as easily gotten back to the road?
The road where he would‘ve been found, in virtually any realistic circumstances?

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