MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #5

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Just hitting thanks was not enough! What in the HE!! does this have to do with anything?! What is going on with this story and MSM? Can they not see the damage they have already done with covering this story with a one-sided view to begin with? :furious:
respectfully snipped by me

Wow! The stories are coming out today!

With a mom like that, Office Wilson could have chosen the wrong path and lived a life of crime.

I'm glad he rose above and chose the life of a civil servant so he can help protect people like the ones his mother wronged.


  • Neighbor's claim Wilson's mother was a known con artist
  • She would allegedly befriend people in the community and steal their identifies to take out loans and rack up credit card debt

Darren Wilson’s mother Tonya Durso won the trust of her neighbors then cheated them out of hundreds of thousands of dollars by stealing their identities and taking out vast loans and credit card debt.

mother of policeman who shot dead Michael Brown was 'a serial con artist who defrauded thousands of dollars from neighbors in stolen credit card scheme

At the time she committed the offenses she was on parole for similar crimes elsewhere the state and afterwards died at the age of 35 under mysterious circumstances.

Neighbors today revealed how they were stunned that Wilson became a police officer after his mother behaved so deviously towards them.

He grew up in St Peters, another majority white suburb of St Louis, where his family were popular and well thought of - until his mother’s deception was exposed.
She had three children by at least two different men and lived with her husband at the time in a large detached bungalow on the leafy street

Mickelle Gordon, 39, a dental assistant, lived over the road from the family and said that Wilson's mother was ‘charismatic’ and ‘charming’ and first targeted her brother Jason, who lost tens of thousands including some of his pension.

Gordon said: ‘He used to work lots and saved all his money. She said that she was an investor and that she could help him.

‘She got his social security number and stole his identity. She used it to take out loans, credit cards and went through his savings. He never got it back’.'[/SIZE]
Does anyone know what these signs mean?


The protests in Ferguson, Missouri, over the shooting of Mike Brown are being watched more than 6,000 miles away -- in the Middle East. Meanwhile, some demonstrators in the St. Louis suburb have taken cues from the Arab Spring protests that swept Egypt and much of the Arab World four years ago, holding up “Negro Spring” signs as they vent their anger over the killing of the unarmed black teenager

the racial tensions are not high enough one must stir in religious ones as well?
I briefly watched CNN this am to find out what transpired last night in Ferguson. Interesting to hear the different POV from Don Lemon vs Chris Cuomo. Chris seemed to be asking some tougher questions of several black attorneys, expressing several POV. Don Lemon, on the other hand, was seemingly more sympathetic to protestors and kept going on about his gas mask and flack jacket.

I know I am missing something. Did anyone else get this impression?

When Don was asked this morning on cnn why didn't they protest during the day he paused for a second with a funny look on his face and then said well they work during the day. No further comment from me on this.
Respectfully, I disagree. I believe it goes to the point that MB was violent, had a violent history, physically attacked a person that day for a box of cigars, and the LE officer's version of events seems more and more likely correct. Also, for me, it gives me greater pause that this LE officer WAS likely saving another citizen from being attacked by a violent person that day.

I agree with your post.. Digging into MB past, even though he's dead, will show his character and to me that is important. He was caught on tape robbing a store and it looks like he's bullying the store clerk.
Protest in Atlanta last night. Another a few days ago in Decatur, GA. I came across a list somewhere of locations for protests in other cities, but can't remember where I saw it.
What MB's juvenile record was or wasn't doesn't matter, he is deceased, he no longer exists. IMO

Shows violent tendencies.

And it happened when he was a juvenile and not dead, so there's that.
The protests and rioting have always been about more than just MB.

If people keep refusing to acknowledge that, then I guarantee that we will see action like this again in the future.

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I fully acknowledge the BBM. The riots and looting in Ferguson is doing absolutely nothing for their cause. Playing the "us against you " card does nothing. It moves no one forward. In fact, it sets people back. I would like to know exactly what their ultimate goal is. In the future, do they hope to have law enforcement officers that fear aggression because of what is happening to Officer Wilson. Where will that leave them/us when they/we are faced with a situation that requires aggressive action from an officer.

Does anyone know what these signs mean?


The protests in Ferguson, Missouri, over the shooting of Mike Brown are being watched more than 6,000 miles away -- in the Middle East. Meanwhile, some demonstrators in the St. Louis suburb have taken cues from the Arab Spring protests that swept Egypt and much of the Arab World four years ago, holding up “Negro Spring” signs as they vent their anger over the killing of the unarmed black teenager.
I don't understand the point of bringing in Officer Wilson's Mother's past hx into this discussion. She isn't a part of this imo
do not know area but why dont they do a park or something (a wide open area) bring in more lights (light deters deviant behavior) surround the park (under the context of we are here to protect the protesters) ONLY WITH THE NATION GUARD IMO there were just too many cops that had no idea what was going on.

I thank you guys for turning me on to Tim he was great --I was exhausted watching cop x saying go right or we ma y arrest you --- 30 minutes later go y or we may arrest you 45 minutes saying go there and there on and on and on it was total madness

at cops need to grasp especially in situation like this - peaceful protesters need to know how to protest legally - how on earth could the majority do that when they kept being told your subject to arrest

You just told me to be here to avoid being arrested - everyone is already just stressed -- the stuff I watched last night would make anyone agitated, afraid , confused.

And then you throw those armored trucks blaring up and sown and back and forth with there lights blinding you, that horrible beep thing, suddenly throwing crap at everyone, things blowing up, people falling down , running around pouring water on every ones eyes, hearing bottles being throw, gunshots, having to try to keep some from looting, just crossing the street a dude on a loud megaphone, obnosiusly threatening them, cars squeezing through , media being told to go here not there back there , police going into some peoples houses, flashlights everywhere, forming convoy lines and like a snake crawling toward you with huge rifles, and people peering through their guns taking aim, people needing to ask one another for water cause nothing open and people afraid they might be arrested if they went in a certain direction, people needing to ask cops of they are Gona get tared GASED if they try to go to their car to go home, people screaming including cops ,street lined with bomb llike things, garbage cans overtuned,out of blue a whole avalance of cops in cars wiht all different sounding sirens suddenly blaring, hearing engines reving as headlights come roaring at you, megaphone dude escalating, cops waving people this direction, megaphone saying the opposite, throw in some alcohol, people shooting into doors at retail, hearing someone else just go shot, questions was it live fire, or rubber, seeing people fall to the ground when hit (and noone knows if there down wiht blood for bullet or rubber) ,folks singing into megaphones, folks screaming cuss words at cops, people ripping out street signs, glass breaking, you could hear and see the cops getting exhauted as the hell wore on, journalists having to take on and off vests, gas masks, seeing reporter on air with red eyes from teargas, coughing,

whew I am tired just trying to create a visual for you all.!

It was schizophrenic........

Only word for it
shall we now dig into Mr. Brown's parents family history and air all their dirty laundry, check their criminal records, etc?

Shame on the Daily Mail for covering this non angle.

It sounds as if Officer Wilson had some tumultuous things going on in his upbringing. This only makes me feel for him it does not vilify him in my eyes. Perhaps that non relevant family history that is now out there played a role in his wish to become and officer of the law, to protect and serve. I tend to see people who went through tough breaks as a kid and then go on to become public servants as success stories. Not sure why or how any of the released info relates to the shooting that happened, Michael Brown or the circus that came to Ferguson.

I had no idea I could become even more disgusted with the media coverage of this case.



This article about Wilson's mom, makes me think more highly of him.

How many times are the choices criminals make blamed on what they saw growing up, how they were raised?

Wilson's mom was a criminal and instead of using that as an excuse, he used it for motivation and chose a life intent on protecting the public from people like that.

My hat's off to him. Good for you Officer Wilson :clap:
I am confused, albeit easily. What relevance does Officer Wilson's mother have to do with anything?
Bumping for the daytime crew here, just in case they missed it. Should have Tiffany Mitchell's testimony by tonight, hopefully, if it is even necessary by then (given the statement of multiple witnesses backing up Wilson's version of events). Good day all!

Below are Piaget's witness statements from the first three interviews I saw. I did my best to get her statements word for word, if there are inaccuracies, you have my word they are unintentional. I ask that those who continue to believe the witness accounts or base their belief the cop executed Mike to read her statements and my comments with an open mind. I know in some cases, I nitpicked, as I would expect a lawyer or juror to. I am not averse to being carved up on this forum, so have at it. If moderators feel any part of this violates TOS here, please feel free to adjust accordingly. I hope the formatting works, I have also included links (if they don't work for you, it's probably on your end) to the interviews and some other links below for context. Work is blowing up, as if Ferguson and these threads, and time is not a commodity, I had hoped to start this process days ago. I am way behind on the posts here, so if any of this is redundant, my apologies. I'm also sorry to post on my schedule which likely coincides with the live coverage of the sadness tonight. I have Tiffany's interviews transcribed, but it is far more lengthy and have not been evaluated in this fashion. Plus, I want to see if it's worth the time and effort to continue as things develop. So, with that, here it is.

8/9/14 KMOV interview in street

My thoughts: First paragraph, odd word choices marked in bold. Seems to be overselling this, sounds more activist than witness. Refers to they and them as if Wilson represents a group. Second paragraph, guess we know why she sounded more activist and referred to police as a group. Watch the eyes, sounds like she’s repeating talking points she’s heard. Already, racial accusations just hours after the shooting gives pause to whether there is already an angle being played. Two shots after Mike ran, Dorian Johnson said several.

8/11/14 MSNBC interview outside her apartment

My thoughts: Repeats compliant, says shot in chest (autopsy showed no chest shots, Johnson’s account also mentioned chest). Timeline issue, question how she could see the same thing (the tussle) as Tiffany given the account below and the one Tiffany gives? Also curious how she sees the EXACT same thing as Tiffany even though she’s on the passenger side of car.

8/13/14 CNN Shared interview with Tiffany Mitchell

On whether Piaget was able to get a better look than Tiffany...

My thoughts: Tiffany drove up on the struggle, then pulled out her phone. Piaget says she saw this looking out the window when Tiffany called. Contradictory! Overselling “saw with my own eyes”. How did she see the conflict start?

In response to question of whether Brown was in the car…

My thoughts: Made sure to drive home outside of police car. Said shots when one is all I’ve seen or heard about.

In response to Piaget ever seeing Brown reach for officer’s gun…

My thoughts: She has difficulty seeing from her balcony, she’s on the opposite side of the car, but she knows he was outside of car (which she re-iterates again), and she can see the cop shot his gun carelessly through the glare of his front window? And how does one shoot a neighbor’s building on the opposite side of the car, especially when Johnson said the shot hit Mike? Has anyone seen anything about the bullet removal? The last line sounds like public service announcement.

Adding to Tiffany’s comments wondering why Mike was killed while fleeing…

My thoughts: Overkilled…sounds like she’s being coached to use certain terms for effect. Two, multiple, or several, depending on the witness.

On how far Mike ran…

My thoughts: By my estimation, it was a lot farther from Brown’s body to his hat in the street. Now I don’t expect her to be good with distance estimation, but look at Google Maps and estimate the distance.

On whether the first shot was inside the car…

Could you tell who fired that first shot…

My thoughts: THIS is confusing. You are watching this incident and grabbing your purse and changing window views and yet you give nearly the same account of things as Tiffany? Not to mention the brick wall that blocks nearly half the distance between Mike’s body and where the hat was (hat indicates loosely where the struggle was. Repeats shots again. Johnson said one shot.

Conclusion: I fail to see how this witness has any credibility and doubt seriously if she saw much, if any, of this. She sounds like she is passing along the story she was told. She’s watching the struggle supposedly as she’s talking on her phone, but fails to record the event, at least until it was over. I wonder if she did record it and it happened as the cop said and she deleted. There are way too many things in her statements that discredit her, she’s just not credible. Oh, and by the way, on CNN tonight, she indicated his arms never went up as the adjusted autopsy showed. Also curious why she never mentioned the cars that pulled up and were blocked that Mitchell and Johnson described in various different ways.

Supporting information...

Google maps - Search 2947 Canfield Dr. Ferguson, MO then click street view, gives great perspective when you click around to see the theater of the shooting. Note the brick wall that would block line of site to the middle half of the action area. The truck was approximately at the left driveway, the hat on the other side of the truck and Michaels body was lying straight out from the right brick column of the building. If you look at body, hat, approximate spot where the car would have been perpendicular to the street as Johnson described, you have a pretty good idea of the area this took place. The video in the last interview link gives some perspective to all this, as do some of the others that have been posted (like the oft posted video with the description that matches the cop's friend).

Photo of the hat and SUV (not Wilson's, but one in video - look at angle of truck) -

Final thought - Tiffany Mitchell is a much better witness than her employee Piaget, but I think she too is just as impeachable as Piaget and Johnson. I'll also say that I am still not convinced of anything for certain as far as the shooting, I just fail to see the strength of the eyewitness testimony and that, plus a healthy dose of our social past, is the only thing everyone's angst with the cop is based on. Without it, the assumption of racial bias isn't enough to convict the cop, especially when not a single one of us have ever talked to the man or heard or seen him speak. Hard to judge people using clairvoyance.

All IMO to cover that rabbit!
I know there are some happening here locally in Cali. (Nothing like what's happening in Ferguson, though)
respectfully snipped by me

Wow! The stories are coming out today!

With a mom like that, Office Wilson could have chosen the wrong path and lived a life of crime.

I'm glad he rose above and chose the life of a civil servant so he can help protect people like the ones his mother wronged.
:thumbup: While it is irksome that they dug all this up several days ago, I come away with the same, and important, message. This man appears by all accounts to have risen above, and my Psych analysis would be that he has done his best to somehow make up for her sins.
Should we feel the same way if the officer had a record of brutality?

This goes not only to the optics, but adds to the surveillance video's giving more plausibility to MB having a propensity towards violence AND likely resisting arrest, knowing that his record would make getting caught for strong armed robbery earn a much bigger penalty.

Heck yeah! That was one of the first things that was checked, Officer Wilson's record. You better believe it would have mattered if he'd had a record of brutality.
Three more things I'd like to have clarified, if possible:

Was MB's body already embalmed and/or wiped before Biden got to it?

2. I heard on TV :cool: that MB's accomplice said MB had blood on him when he exited the altercation in the car?

3....? Err... :what: I forgot the third.

#2 I heard him say there was blood on the front of his shirt.
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