so speaking of this:
How could it still ping if her phone went "dark" the night before at 9:30pm. Maybe it pinged Sunday morning at 6am?
So she had plenty of time when she left QT at 4:53am to drive near Parkville. Almost an hour and 10 minutes. How long would it take her to drive from that QT to Parkville?
Of course they do! They just don't like to share with us!
:tyou: when I clicked on the video there it disappeared, so I went to JHelmuth's twitter account. I noticed that on his tweet of Jan. 26th he has a missing poster and all it says now is she went missing on January 16, 2017. No "approximately at 3am". :crazy:
k - went to the video - and it says "The media could not be played" :gaah:
k - in the article it says
The manager of Chrome sat with a detective for hours Wednesday, going through surveillance footage, looking for any clues as to what happened to Toni.
but you have
around 4a.m. - but if the detective & manager have gone thru the surveillance footage, they know that she left exactly at 4:11am. So I'm going to keep that time in my timeline!
also says
approximately 4:20am when the officer pulled her over, so I will keep it at 4:25am. Not arguing with ya - just that I've heard Snapp say 4:25am was when she was pulled over.
okay - from reading this page - the 6am Monday ping is RUMOR!! or Rumour as
Skibs wrote!
I will NOT put this on the timeline until verified by MSM or police. Thanks for straightening that out! Anyway, it would be logical if the last ping was 6am SUNDAY morning, since her phone went "dark" on Sunday night at 9:30pm.
just read this -
PARKVILLE, Mo. -- The boyfriend of a missing Kansas City woman said he has been searching English Landing Park in Parkville for her. Pete Sanchez said a source told him that Toni Anderson's phone last pinged there. Police will not confirm the information to FOX 4.
a "source" - okay rumor!