Nancy Grace 1-9-09

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She just may have. It wouldn't surprise me if she is suicidal either. Seems to me CA would rather die then accept that the "image" she's projected of herself & her family is a farce. Well hopefully there are decent people close to her that are keeping an eye on her...?

I feel she is in a very fragile state. This probably why Lee came home. GA and LA are probably watching her 24/7. This is probably the first time in their marriage where CA needs GA instead of the other way around. I don't condone a thing CA has done-but I will pray for her and George as suicide doesn't solve a thing.
No, all it takes is one person on that jury wanting their 15 minutes of fame!

Yes, and like everything -- Jury members have been more media savvy nowadays and are very aware of their role, being pursued by the media for comment and, they know they will be on TV for a debriefing afterwards.

The Runaway Jury, author John Grisham?
I hadn't heard this before. Did he really say that? If so, that really makes me ill.

He was letting her know the relationship was what it "was" so she wouldn't have expectations.

Any mother that loved her daughter (or didn't want to be used) would have kicked the jerk to the curb. I think it gave Casey just one more reason to resent Caylee and blame her for not getting all she thought life owed her.

At least now the rumor that George saw Caylee's body in the trunk of the car on the 24th has been dispelled.
I agree chills. I always tended to think that she didn't want him back in there because of the smell and stains in the trunk... being how meticulous he was about detailing the family roadsters.
It makes me wonder how long the strip of duct tape was b/c although it covered her mouth (per various news outlets) it also had Caylee's hair attached.
If I were JB I would have a nice long talk with kc and try to convince her to plea. I don't think there is any chance she will walk, especially with the decomp in the car. I would rather have a judge than an emotional jury deciding my punishment.

Unfortunately I don't see JB doing that and that is another tradagy or travesty in this case. )I'm not sure which or both) This is his "name on the map" opportunity. If he ends "his ride", he may compromise his "opportunity of a lifetime" that may come further on down this road. Plus he has to keep this charade going in order to make $$$ to pay his experts & all other expenses incurred,... and of course put some $$$ in his own pockets.
I feel she is in a very fragile state. This probably why Lee came home. GA and LA are probably watching her 24/7. This is probably the first time in their marriage where CA needs GA instead of the other way around. I don't condone a thing CA has done-but I will pray for her and George as suicide doesn't solve a thing.

I respectfully disagree. I think CA has been shut up (finally) by the threat of prosecution. But I think she is out there somewhere still defending KC in her own way (maybe even posting on forums). She will never do right by Caylee and admit that KC killed her own child rather than let CA have her to raise. MOO
Maybe you're right about NG initiation! It is truly weird. She talks to everyone like that though, won't listen to experts, goes on and on with purely speculative theories as if they are established fact, etc. The way she talks to people is unbelievable. Then there is the constant self-worship, this is how I feel about my babies, this is how I react to grief (she has actually claimed that when she was grieving, the first food she could swallow and eat was weeks into the grieving process....) (I am not joking about her grief obviously, in any way, shape, or form. What happened to her breaks my heart. I also think her victim's rights stance is wonderful.)

This case: We used to just crack up at the beginning of the case when she would go on with the "KCA is a psychopath who has been mooching off her parents her entire life!!!!" (when was that, when she was a baby? A middle-schooler? She's only 22 now!) (As if Nancy won't be sending her twins to the most expensive schools when they are 22! Please!)

It was bizarre as usual, and the young reporter handled it well. I do appreciate NG covering cases we care about, I really do. But I don't understand the incredibly biased nature of the program, the vilification of the defense, etc. It's ridiculous. I'm encouraged by Jane Velez-Mitchell's program. I only saw one guest expert screaming over someone else once, usually it looks pretty good. I like all the experts on NG almost. Can't stand the woman who screams the appalling rhymes.

Amazingly, at the end of every NG program when she calls me friend and tells me to meet her again at 8 sharp the next day I'm sucked in again. Why?!

LOL on NG! She is a character isn't she?

I do not believe one word of anything the chattering class says from day to day about any of these cases. The news, talking heads, the crime shows, whatever. I have been burnt too many times it seems. So, I just sorta wait until the trial. Sure the chatter is interesting but ....! Never been burnt here on information though. Sure we chatter too - but I'm talking about real information. This place can be trusted on that!!
It makes me wonder how long the strip of duct tape was b/c although it covered her mouth (per various news outlets) it also had Caylee's hair attached.

I have heard the duct tape was wrapped all the way around her head and that is why there was so much hair left to analyze; therefore, I'm sure it was a good long piece.
Randy says that people donating money shows people feel sorry for KC.
one good thought on this is to look at other crazies in the hooscow (scott p. for one) who CONTINUE to receive donations, letters, and marriage proposals while behind bars. If there happens to be one of these types on the jury it won't matter because they will be bound to follow duty of the law. I do not see how the defense is going to be able to plant ANY reasonable doubt that can hold any water when attempting to defend all of her lies that are on the record and will most likely be presented at trial. Any time they will come up with another plausible explaination for Caylee's death the prosecution will be able to come back and slam them with 144 witness testimonies to lies this woman has told and continues to tell. Not to go all comando sensationalist or anything... but this is going to be the trial of the decade... and it will be the stuff of screen plays! imhoo of course
Just came back in and am trying to catch up! Can anybody give a brief update regarding the definitive information that NG was discussing??? Did she mention a new report/documents???
CA: What do you want me to tell Caylee?

KC: (with a hitch in her voice) That mommy loves her very much and she's the most important thing in the world to me. (carefully wiping her eye so her makeup doesn't smudge)

Don't you just want to slap her? I keep hoping that all of those treats that she is ordering, will soon balloon her butt out. She really does think that she is "all that".
Not sticking up for Ca in any way, HOWEVER, I am so SICK and TIRED of people saying that she wasn't a good grandma because she let KC be the mother. PEOPLE, please understand, that you have no rights to your grandchildren. My stepdaughter could be KC, I am having nightmares about it...and there is NOTHING I can do!!! CPS will do NOTHING unless they are harmed or dead first! My grandchildren have woefully neglected, and nada, nothing, zilch. Calls from friends, family, etc, go unheeded.

We had the same problem with my nieces and nephew in Okla. I finally grew tired of CPS and went over their head to the governor of OK at the time. Gov. Keating. I threatened to go to the press up there if something wasn't done fast. Within the month the parents were in jail and kids taken away and some CPS workers were in very hot water. So don't give up and if need be go way over their heads and threatened to talk to the press. Hopefully you will get the same results. Good luck.
Casey killed her child- no one else- evidence from the crime scene was connected back to the Anthony home- you actually think some other person broke into the home and got Caylees book and whatever else she put at the crime scene= no one had her car on those dates- no one else had reason to kill Caylee except for Casey- her car was seen on Surburban-per: the media links from tonight. She doesnt deserve any benefit of doubt- plain and simple- she did it

KC's friends have also been in that house, her brother's friends, family's friends, who knows who else? Duct tape or other items could have been removed from the home anytime before or after the murder, we don't know who else might have been in the home, or simply snatched items from KC's car along with Caylee, or from anyplace where KC had Caylee and also various items from her house. We have no idea.
There's no proof that KC had a motive, and we have no idea what predator could have gained access to Caylee. If more forensics had been done of the people Caylee had been around and locations, it would have helped rule people out and maybe discover an evidence trail somewhere.
To me the most incriminating thing is KC's bizarre failure to report the disappearance and inability to give information, yet, there are conceivable explanations for that. There are some subcultures where you don't rat someone out, you will be killed if you do or your child or family will. Or, there is the possibility that (rightly or wrongly) KC believed Caylee was safe with somebody. Or, that she was on drugs and couldn't remember what happened, or suffers from mental illness. etc

Personally, I haven't figured it out yet. Of course I can't rule KC out as perpetrator completely.
I feel she is in a very fragile state. This probably why Lee came home. GA and LA are probably watching her 24/7. This is probably the first time in their marriage where CA needs GA instead of the other way around. I don't condone a thing CA has done-but I will pray for her and George as suicide doesn't solve a thing.

Don't get me wrong, I certainly don't wish that upon CA or GA, with that said, I truly believe that (GOD FORBID!) if that happened, it isn't the result of realizing that Caylee is gone and/or that KC is responsible for that, but rather it would be CA's own embarrassment and shame that people have come to see "her" for what and who she is + to get out of being prosecuted should LE/FBI go forward in the future with charges. JMHO
IMO that will be the biggest hurdle for the defense to overcome. They can get fancy scientists to argue forensics, but there really isn't a good reason not to report your child missing. I mean, she could go the way of ZFG, or something similar, but w/o any proof of her existing...the only thing believable would be the "it was an accident and I got scared" routine, but then we would need a plea.

If KC goes the ZFG kidnap route then not only do they have to explain the not reporting her missing, not only do they have to explain the July 15 call from Caylee that could not have occurred but . . . they also have to explain why KC told all of her friends and family that Caylee was with Zanny, at the beach, at Disney, at Universal, with KC and Zanny in Tampa, etc.

KC claims the kidnap occurred June 9 (June 16) but then it isn't just about not reporting but the lies that paint everything is normal and Zanny is there with them. If she goes with the script ..... hmmm -- it must be a Hollywood Writer's script because it has so much info on Zanny's car accident and injuries, etc.
Gloria A (LOVE her pink and black jacket tonight): talking about the insect evidence. Says it will be a "battle of the experts", with defense and pros. having their own experts testifying.
would love to see what this dream team scientific panel can say on Casey's behalf... I forcast....not much!
Cant it be as simple as : she put the duct tape over her mouth so she couldnt scream and put her hands around her neck and choked her or pushed on that spot in the neck tht would kill her- maybe she didnt even use the chlorform to kill her? Choking wouldnt show up in the bones, only the soft tissue and there was no tissue left to see if she choke her-

Or maybe she taped the child, threw her in the trunk, and sat in the car, the night of the 15th/16th, while texting Tony for hours...maybe she wanted quiet...maybe there was no chloroform. Maybe it was pesticides or chlorine off of Caylees swimsuit after her swim with Cindy on the evening 15th, as per Cindys interview...maybe Caylee hadn't changed from her suit, when she left with Casey...maybe it was impulsive...maybe she suffocated, aspirated...?

But if you put a Child in a trunk, mouth (and nose?) taped...what can one expect? Was her body bound, as well ? How horrible it must have been...
Unfortunately I don't see JB doing that and that is another tradagy or travesty in this case. )I'm not sure which or both) This is his "name on the map" opportunity. If he ends "his ride", he may compromise his "opportunity of a lifetime" that may come further on down this road. Plus he has to keep this charade going in order to make $$$ to pay his experts & all other expenses incurred,... and of course put some $$$ in his own pockets.

ITA!! I think JB and GR have big plans for the future. I think GR is the money man behind JB. To them it's all about their future. It's all about greed and ego!!:furious:
Yes I do remember somewhere on here reading that Tony told her not to bring Caylee and I am pretty sure it was June 15th after the fight w/ her mom that casey called him and asked if she could come over and he told her yes, but dont bring Caylee- right there is when i think Casey decided the day of the 16th would be Caylees d date- she couldnt go to Tonys because of Caylee and she figued she couldnt get a babysitter every night to go to Tonys and men in her life were evidentally a number one choice as we seen, so the only way to solve her promblem was to rid of Caylee- She was mad at her mom and sure wasnt going to give her the child, so the solution was to kill her which was a very poor choice because now she wont ever get the opportunity to be with all the men she wants in her life- I hope- JMO
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