Nancy Grace 9-22 Show - Father of Caseys' ex on tonight!

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Casey says in the tape: "...and the reason this is so heartwrenching" in such dry flat tone it sounds like an editor explaining a text to a class. Even if I was a pathological lier I would be so angry and distraught no one could contain me. Casey has a cold cold heart. I do blame parents for the mental illness and while Casey has to take full responsibility I wish somehow such parents would also get some sort of fine or court decree to take classes in relationship/ have them understand what they did wrong because as of now CA and GA haven't a clue. And frankly to continue to uphold them as loving parents misses the mark. Sure they deserve some credit but they are not the only parents to make these mistakes and society needs this to be made clear...society , the public needs to be able to recognize these phony beliefs and practices under the guise of neatness and teddy bears to be able to recognize these signs and do something about it. I think it does take a community to raise a child and when teachers and friends and other parents see a child who lies constantly some sort of intervention ought to be there. Caylee as happy and well adjusted as she seemed was bound to fall victim to the ways of this family.

And if Caylee is ever found alive she should not go back to this family without the above stipulation. I know this is pure idealism for there aren't any programs out there I know of that would prove successful. As distraught as these grandparents are it would be a crime to give them custody again.

There are plenty of people like Casey living in mental wards locked in their own worlds. She will fit right in..maybe be a star of the ward for her spectacular fascile none stop event planning.

She is like a new animal at a zoo. People could pay $$ to see and hear the next sequal. Tune in tomorrow folks to hear how the russian mofia selected her with infra red radar to tease Caylee away from her kidnapping her as well and bringing her aboard a black helicopter where they placed implants in her brain and forced her to recite an electronic imbedded script. but Caylee is alive and well as she is being trained as a spy to seek out all men who like to choloform their wormen and daughters as she is dressed in pink sunglasses and tutus. Geez.
I was reading through this thread and noticed that RG said that he had heard of Zanny in April of 2006. I just had a thought......

My mom prefers for my daughter to call her (Zani) b/c she feels grandma is too old for her. :rolleyes:

She got the idea from Goldie Hawn. She was on Oprah shortly after Kate Hudson had her son Ryder. She did not want to be called grandma either. So she came up with Zani.

Since Casey did not work, did she sit at home and watch Oprah and this is where she heard Zanny? I am going to search and see if I can find out what year Goldie Hawn was on Oprah. I think she was promoting a movie at the time.

I think this is a very good possibillity. Please let us know what you find out!

His dad said Jesse thought he and Casey were too young to be parents. I don't know how old he is or was at the time, but perhaps he was just not ready to be a dad.

Right! Which was perfectly understandable, given the awkward situation with Casey. I'd figure that he had to be hurt that she hadn't been honest (she'd LIED to his face, to be blunt) with him about her pregnancy -- his baby, as far as he knew! -- right from the start.

But my point is that considering adoption does not mean that one does not love one's baby.

This topic came up earlier, as well, when the news came out that (gasp!) Casey mentioned adoption as a possibility to a friend. Some took this to be a negative thing, when it is rather a good and positive alternative.
Mark my words....the bio father will be a married man. I have always always felt that way. There is NO other reason to hide it that much.

True, unless Lee or George is the father. Wasn't there a DNA issue? That Caylee's and Casey's were exact or near exact?
Mark my words....the bio father will be a married man. I have always always felt that way. There is NO other reason to hide it that much.

Unless she just doesn't know. She seemed shamed to face the possibility of even being pregnant, imo....imagine having to tell Mom and Dad, she doesn't know? Looking at the number of love interests in the last few months, it doesn't seem far-fetched...:waitasec:

But it is one or the other, in my opinion...
Mark my words....the bio father will be a married man. I have always always felt that way. There is NO other reason to hide it that much.

I'm not sure that I buy this. I just don't see KC as being all too concerned with respecting the anonymity of a married man. In fact I think she might be the kind of person who would thrive off of the drama. I suppose the father could be someone whom she respected and wished to protect from exposure, but again concern for others does not strike me as a behavior typical of what we have seen from KC.

It is not pleasant, but I sometimes wonder if around the time of conception KC was the victim of some kind of assault, and rather than let her mind entertain that possibility she chose to step around the issue and ensuing implications. Pure speculation of course.
If Jesse's Dad could just think about it he might understand what happened with Casey in May and June. She had been getting caught at everything and had multiple rejections and failed relationships. Caught in the pregnancy, caught cheating on Jesse, had a fatherless child, caught stealing, and older friends said that she lied and stole from them as well. It all caught up to her.
Are you guys going to take whatever he says as being the truth?! He is trying to protect his son as he believes they are trying to frame him.
Yes, I am. His son is an adult, and we have seen that he can speak for himself.
His son has shown himself to be available to LE investigators already, as he went directly to them when he first learned of Caylee's disappearence and Casey's charade.
He submitted to a polygraph.
Both he and his father have shown themselves to be caring and concerned individuals.
They have shown more human compassion and emotion over the welfare of Caylee than anyone in the entire Anthony family.
I think when he first found out she was PG he said what about adoption- we're both so young. Casey said no way (bc Cindy said so?)- then they didn't get paternity results back until 8mos or so after birth and he'd already fallen in love w/Caylee. Sooo sad!:mad:

I can just imagine how crushed he must have felt. And she's a real piece of work for telling him he was the father without knowing for sure. :furious::furious::furious: I feel terrible for Jesse. I reallyreallyreally do.
OMG, Casey was using Jesse's family as babysitters. She was confronted about it. She told them she had a new sitter, ZANNY!

Anyone catch when she told him that?
This was also about the time that Jesse said things started to unravel between him and Casey. I bet Casey left soon after and returned home. (I also caught how she tried to get the younger G to babysit. RG didn't seem pleased to be talking about it). Does anyone remember what month Casey got fired from Universal?
I can see that. He does seem to be trying to be helpful to, or way too objective about, Casey. I wonder if he does really have firsthand knowledge of all the stuff about the "nanny," given that it's so much more detailed than the info from his son. I am sort of skeptical about everyone at this point.

I don't really hear him trying to be "helpful" to Casey. In fact, other than his saying she's not the Casey his family knew, which I guess could support a defense of insanity (which I cannot imagine they'd try, but WTH - Casey's lies could keep on a trucking, couldn't they?!?!?!?), I haven't heard him say anything helpful at all. In fact, he CONFIRMED for all that Casey didn't want the paternity test, that his son insisted on it before his name was placed on Caylee's birth certificate, and that Casey was mad at him for this. I think this was why he and Casey broke up - she was mad at him for it - as WSer SuzQ poasted earlier today.
His newfound persona doesn't match at all what we saw here. I just don't trust him.

I think he was just extremely defensive initially b/c his son was being drug through the mud what with all of the WS accusations and theories about how Jesse was somehow involved... Heck, one WSer on her was posting she had talked with Jesse and she thought he had Caylee...???
He also has stated that someone put items in Casey's car to frame his son and that CA is trying to say he is responsible. We have not heard such rumors here! (I think WS of all places would have heard about those!) Kinda makes ya go Hmmmmm....doesn't it?!
I have to admit that the things I've heard just don't ring true.

If you all go back a couple weeks ago when the hair came back with the "death ring", the very next evening is when NG tells us that Kobi had received a call from JB regarding the validity of the findings. Kobi was all about the evidence being foolproof until that call. Then he was insinuating that the FBI crime lab could have contaminated the evidence or the ring could be from something else. I made a comment that night on here about him either selling out or being told to be careful of his statements. I had my whole family trying to call NG that night to confront Kobi on that. I have lost all respect for that man. He must be okay with blood money!
I have been a member for a while. (in lurking status)This is my first post and tonight I feel very perplexed.
Something just does not feel right. Mr. Grund stated that Casey spoke of the nanny in 2006, and that she met her thru Jeffery Hopkins that has a kid bye the name of uh,uh,uh. That just seemed very odd. He offered a lot of information that I wouldn't think someone would remember from 2 years ago.
His mannerism just seemed to change. I just cant see Casey saying oh, yes I have a Nanny. I found her thru a friend named Jeffery Hopkins that has a son by the name of .....

There are some very smart people here & I am hoping that I am not the only one that feels that that statement just doesn't seem truthful.


It made sense to me. This seemed to be a kind of confrontation a/b what to do with the babysitting needs the G's were no longer willing to fulfill and so KC, as all liars do, gave lots of details about her new arrangement.

I just don't have any reason to doubt him on this aspect, but maybe he is "remembering" based on the information that has been out there from KC's statement rather than actually remembering the name.
Yes, I am. His son is an adult, and we have seen that he can speak for himself.
His son has shown himself to be available to LE investigators already, as he went directly to them when he first learned of Caylee's disappearence and Casey's charade.
He submitted to a polygraph.
Both he and his father have shown themselves to be caring and concerned individuals.
They have shown more human compassion and emotion over the welfare of Caylee than anyone in the entire Anthony family.
I am going to reserve judgement on this one as I believe JG...just not RG at this point. Something is off.

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