NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/29/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Could it be true that MR tells LE that 'some guy told him he saw the bag over there'.........and LE never released it? and that someone is LA?
The host sitting in tonight for NG was great. She did her homework and she was very direct in her questioning without constantly interrupting her guests.
Yes, I liked her too. She did a great job!
i wonder if the meter reader has a criminal record, anyone do a background check of the guy? maybe LEE somehow knew him, through a friend of a friend sort of thing and said he would get reward money if he found her?!

i don't really know, my brain is just throwing up.
What is this hamster?? IRC--that was something NG said as an example? I don't think there is any evidence KC ever buried a hamster there. :confused:

No, Kio ( I think) said the woods near the house was also used as a neigborhood 'pet cemetary', & that KC had buried a hampster ther one time.

KC (w/code talk) could of been leading LA to these same woods.....

(insert pet's name)....& then tell LA "she's close".
If KC did imply to LA where the body was and he went by there to confirm that it was there, maybe LP is implying that if LA and the GP's have the same meter reader, that he might have let the meter reader know where the body was so that LA wasn't the one to call law enforcement. Maybe he didn't want to be the one to "tell" on his sister, but still wanted Caylee found.

If true, you would think he'd have gone there first and picked up the evidence that led LE directly to his parent's house.

I like LP. But, just like when LP was pointing fingers at Tony and Casey's other friends...LP is again out of line.

It is not his place to accuse or try to implicate. Any evidence he has against anyone needs to be turned over to LE not broadcast over airwaves.

Did I hear LP correctly and he thinks someone tipped of the meter reader?

Tonight I heard someone say that the prosecution maybe suggesting that someone else is involved in all of this?

What is going on here!
Yes (to the first part), but he said he couldn't do it because the meter reader was not allowed to accept rewards. Now he says he'll give him a reward but only if the meter reader fesses up and tells LP what he knows. See the daily update thread.

I am pretty sure paying a witness, other than an expert one of course, is illegal.
i wonder if the meter reader has a criminal record, anyone do a background check of the guy? maybe LEE somehow knew him, through a friend of a friend sort of thing and said he would get reward money if he found her?!

i don't really know, my brain is just throwing up.

First, I think this might have been how some things happened. LA lives right around the corner from the A's. And I do believe that LE has probably searched his house as well (well maybe not - as uncooperative as he has been) - then LE will get a search warrant. So, MR was also LA's MR as well. MR's walk neighborhoods everday virtually unnoticed. Could MR have "overheard" something through an open window or someone getting out of a car in a driveway? That's a huge possibility, and might also explain how MR was NEVER heard from right out of the box. I thought that was strange - all the other players couldn't hide if they wanted to - but MR finds the body and "bam" he's gone - no name, no picture, no nothing. I DO NOT - for one minute think the MR is involved AT ALL. I think he's only guilty of eavesdropping and then acting on what he heard.

As for LA being charged. WOW - for his own attorney to come out and even talk about it - tells me - its coming (and quick). I always thought he knew more - A LOT MORE. I believe he messed with the laptop and might have even gotten rid of the infamous blackjack!

IMO the body was so close to the road because of the drainage of water. I believe it had been there from the beginning but much further back. Then it flooded - the side of the road (next to the swale) usually has a pretty deep ditch for road drainage and also to keep the water from coming out of the woods. As the water drained (or sunk into the ground) only the deepest points will contain water until it is all gone - so as the water receded, the bag was "floated" closer to that ditch (which was the deepest point) - once it got wrapped around that palmetto bush it was wedged and pretty much stayed there. The bones were scattered everywhere (probably showing the progress of the bag when the water receded) - I also think that palmetto bush had a few raccoon dens - they will hoard things and I bet alot of the little bones were in the dens (I thought that a "nice" thought as it was God's creatures "taking care of Caylee" by brining them to their homes and babies.

I think there is so much more to come - alot that is really going to "shock and awe" us. We just have to continue to be patient. There will be justice for Caylee. I know it.
I so agree!! And if LA wanted Caylee to be found, why not just call in an anonymous tip? Nobody in their right mind would get a 3rd party involved especially someone outside the family. MOO


How could Lee even be certain that the Meter Reader wouldn't just run to LE as soon as Lee made the Proposition.
No, Kio ( I think) said the woods near the house was also used as a neigborhood 'pet cemetary', & that KC had buried a hampster ther one time.

KC (w/code talk) could of been leading LA to these same woods.....

(insert pet's name)....& then tell LA "she's close".

any links? 'cause I just thought this was a hypothetical NG threw out
i believe LP said IF a piece of lung were found, he was being hypothetical..he's still nuts though, lol
GRACE: Back to Leonard Padilla there at the scene. Is that what your sources are telling you regarding the flesh on the duct tape?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, ON LOCATION WHERE CHILD`S REMAINS FOUND: Absolutely. And furthermore, if they can just retrieve a portion of a long -- a piece of a lung to see the nitrogen content, the oxygen content, the chloroform content, they can also evaluate whether it was chloroform or some other situation that led to her death


PADILLA: OK. Do you know what the word is that she`s -- that is hard to understand? It`s not "Don`t take my sunshine away." It`s "Don`t take my nana away." That was the nickname that she had for Cindy, so which is a very sad thing. But that`s what she`s saying.

Now here`s another thing. Earlier in one of the recordings there at the jail Casey says that when they find the little girl, she`s going to be able to explain a lot of things as to where she has been and things of that nature.

This little girl, when they get her in that lab in Quantico, she is going to speak volumes louder than Casey ever thought. She is going to give up liquids, in the lungs possibly, nitrogen, oxygen, she`s going to give cause of death, when, where and how. She`s going to speak volumes.
re: KC & LA "code talking"...... be nice to know what the dead hampster's NAME was.

I'll put money (metaphorically mods) on one of the dead/buried pets having the name "Blackjack"!!!!!! If so, you can be the A's knew that! If you look at the location on a map is it the "bottom left"?? Is it "look in the places that are familiar to us. The places we know."....Her "code" really was a code if you ask me!!!

Hey LE, NG and anyone else reading here!!!! FIND OUT WHAT THE DEAD PET'S NAMES ARE!!! Would JG know maybe? Or Kristen (childhood friend)? Or Kio??? Somebody should know!! I just have SUCH a feeling about this - but I've been wrong before!
That's right, I forgot all about that. I've said all along that LP is a danger to this case because people make the mistake of believing the things he says. Much of what is debated on this board came only from him. I worry about potential jury members taking his statements as factual.

You might be right, Chilly.

I can't believe the people who cling onto his words as if fact all the time. I mean, don't we all know a guy like this, your uncle or husband's yappy friend. They talk a big game and have lots of stories with little substance. However, I think he wants to find closure on this subject, and if he gets a little fame, I don't care. I worry about jury pool and believing everything LP says as fact. I find him a fascinating character, but I don't get all bent outta shape about him....
LE has said that this meter reader was an upstanding citizen of the community, and wanted to help. I also agree with some of you here that have said he was probably obsessed with the case, as we are. Especially being a meter reader right there in that particular area of Orlando, can you imagine? I'm 1000% sure that LE has checked him out up one side and down the other and he is not involved in this case in any way , shape, or form. He just happens to have had the horrible & sickening experience of finding what was left of beautiful little Caylee! I really feel for the poor man!
That's right, I forgot all about that. I've said all along that LP is a danger to this case because people make the mistake of believing the things he says. Much of what is debated on this board came only from him. I worry about potential jury members taking his statements as factual.

LP is no danger to this case. He isn't even on the witness list. lol
That area is so thick, you would have to step on that bag to see it. There is no way the PI has a video of THAT area.

I think LP is way out of the water on this one, and is mad because Caylee wasn't found in the Little Econ where LP said she was.

One thing that bothers me....I came to this website initially for the conversation...I have since become very interested in "sleuthing." In hindsight, how is it that we did not have the collective knowledge to figure our that she put the child so close to home? Heck, even LE didn't figure this out. Nor did LP or TM. Now, it seems so obvious to me.

So, now, in hindsight, where does Lee fit in? I am of the belief the body was there all along. What was his part?
I am glad I don't have to sit on jury where the 'perp' has been arrested multiple times, charged with penny anny stuff, then LE gets hot and charges murder1, LE couldn't find remains, don't seem to know what is swirling around them. Hope to see some real good evidence from the body recovery site.

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