NC NC - Sara Graham, 18, Fairmont, 4 February 2015 - #2

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How would I know.........I don't even know what tumblr is or how to use it or twitter or facebook. We need some youngsters to help us. :)
We'd be lost without her, agreed. Han, I've never seen these formats before, can you make sense of them for me, if that isn't asking too much?

What formats? Tumler? How would I know? :)
How would I know.........I don't even know what tumblr is or how to use it or twitter or facebook. We need some youngsters to help us. :)

Sara used tumblr 8 times on the 3rd, an anonymous person asked her where she was from.She answered.
That has me a little concerned, but, since I believe she left on her own, it may be a set up for us to believe someone stalked her. I still say it was all planned.
Nothing else on her tumblr seems abnormal for an 18 yo girl. only 1 explicit thing on there. I do believe her tumblr has been turned off ,same as her facebook.
Editing to let you know I'm not a youngster, I'm 60, it took me forever to figure the tumblr out, but I finally got it :)
Check you later. Get some sleep now. Good night
Sara used tumblr 8 times on the 3rd, an anonymous person asked her where she was from.She answered.
That has me a little concerned, but, since I believe she left on her own, it may be a set up for us to believe someone stalked her. I still say it was all planned.
Nothing else on her tumblr seems abnormal for an 18 yo girl. only 1 explicit thing on there. I do believe her tumblr has been turned off ,same as her facebook.
Editing to let you know I'm not a youngster, I'm 60, it took me forever to figure the tumblr out, but I finally got it :)

3rd of March? And thanks for posting what you see..........we all just want to know she is ok.
Sara used tumblr 8 times on the 3rd, an anonymous person asked her where she was from.She answered.
That has me a little concerned, but, since I believe she left on her own, it may be a set up for us to believe someone stalked her. I still say it was all planned.
Nothing else on her tumblr seems abnormal for an 18 yo girl. only 1 explicit thing on there. I do believe her tumblr has been turned off ,same as her facebook.
Editing to let you know I'm not a youngster, I'm 60, it took me forever to figure the tumblr out, but I finally got it :)

I very much appreciate your explaining to me and hope to catch-up with you on the tumblr someday, however unwillingly.
I very much appreciate your explaining to me and hope to catch-up with you on the tumblr someday, however unwillingly.

It's actually very easy once you figure it out, just go to her tumblr link, and up in the right hand corner you'll see a black bos, if you click on that pick archives and you will see everything she put there for the last year or so, it will have the date on each picture, that's how I knew how many times she used it that day. Someone has her tumblr link up a few posts.
It's actually very easy once you figure it out, just go to her tumblr link, and up in the right hand corner you'll see a black bos, if you click on that pick archives and you will see everything she put there for the last year or so, it will have the date on each picture, that's how I knew how many times she used it that day. Someone has her tumblr link up a few posts.

oh, great, thank you. first blush, it looks like the usual stuff you see on other formats, somewhat better taste and aspiring than some kids her age. Only image that sticks out, the leg sticking out the toilet. Not sure if a friend did that or a repost?
I would say that 99% of the stuff people put up there aren't even from friends or people they know, none of the things she has up are her originals, I think people just look around for stuff they like then they post it. She may have had a couple people she knew but I don't think that's how it works? I don't know what to think anymore about all this :(
I would say that 99% of the stuff people put up there aren't even from friends or people they know, none of the things she has up are her originals, I think people just look around for stuff they like then they post it. She may have had a couple people she knew but I don't think that's how it works? I don't know what to think anymore about all this :(

808paradise said that Sara is "quite brilliant", her selections give me the impression she has worldly aspirations... not stuck up, but wise and curious.
The only unusual (for her) traffic on her tumblr is an anonymous person asking her where she's from. Odd that it was anonymous, more than anything.

The fact that she reveals she's from a LE/army family probably verified her identity to whomever was asking. They already knew it was her, just making sure. She probably gave them way more than they hoped for. And boom, it was on.

Tumblr gurus, how does it work when it comes to removing posts. Can someone change their mind and delete their posts off another person's tumblr, the way you can on FB? Could there have been other posts now missing? Either in that thread, or others completely wiped?
I have checked out many of tumblers of youngins and it is very typical for questions to come in from anonymous people. I have never seen a tumbler look like hers, so I stopped reading it.
What type of variations of Walmart uniforms exist?
I'm asking because I viewed a photograph of a employee at Walmart (likely a coworker of Sara) who was wearing a blue polo style teeshirt and khaki pants.....NO VEST.
The only unusual (for her) traffic on her tumblr is an anonymous person asking her where she's from. Odd that it was anonymous, more than anything.

If a tumblr user has enabled the ability to ask questions, and has allowed the option, you can ask questions anonymously. If you are logged in with a tumblr account and ask another user a question, it will show up with your username attached to the question. If you're not logged in or don't have a tumblr account, your question will show up as 'Anonymous'. Just some clarification for those who don't know how tumblr works.

The fact that she reveals she's from a LE/army family probably verified her identity to whomever was asking. They already knew it was her, just making sure. She probably gave them way more than they hoped for. And boom, it was on.

Tumblr gurus, how does it work when it comes to removing posts. Can someone change their mind and delete their posts off another person's tumblr, the way you can on FB? Could there have been other posts now missing? Either in that thread, or others completely wiped?

If you create the post yourself, you can delete it from your tumblr. If you reblog it onto your tumblr (like most of hers appear to be after a quick glance), you can remove it from your tumblr. When you reblog or like someone's post, it leaves a trail in the 'notes' section of that particular post. Even if you delete the original post, if someone has reblogged your original post, it will remain visible on their own tumblr. If no one has reblogged your original post, it would totally disappear. If you had reblogged someone's post, and you deleted that reblog from your tumblr, the other person's original tumblr post would show that you reblogged or liked that post at some point in time.

My explanation probably doesn't make much sense, but I did the best I could to explain it. The best way to figure out social networks is to create an account and poke around a little. Follow someone like the National Parks Service tumblr, and mess around with the options to reblog and like posts, then check out the notes link to see how it appears.

Here's one of her original posts:

The way I found it was originally hers, is because the number of notes next to the post was very low.

Following her friend's tumblr, I saw a post mentioning she has a tattoo on her leg. Has this been mentioned previously?
Following her friend's tumblr, I saw a post mentioning she has a tattoo on her leg. Has this been mentioned previously?

Yes, it supposedly starts on her foot and continues up her leg. I believe it is a vine or plant of some sort.
"The little madam herself" is a line from the Les Miserables musical. It's what the mean innkeeper's wife calls Cosette. Cosette's mother is paying the innkeepers to take care of her, but they mistreat and bully her instead.

Wonder if she played Cosette in a high school production or something.
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