NC NC - Sara Graham, 18, Fairmont, 4 February 2015 - #2

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I wonder if she ever wore that blue Walmart vest. The picture I saw of the Walmart employees showed a woman who work the registers wearing a blue polo. The person who was wearing the blue vest was in management at the store. I guess the store would know what she usually wore. Just something I wondered. If someone grabbed you in one those vests I think they'd have hold of you pretty well; it wouldn't give. The polo is probably looser, softer, harder to hold onto. Just one thing I wish I knew.

What I take from it all is, the vest depends on the store policy in certain part of the store certain position wear them, and other don't. I used google images and its showing a lot differ style also wiki for information. This goes with your point of management and style of dress codes..

Its very hard to say,.. if she was customer service clerk or etc..

I will say this if this was a kidnapping that person would have followed her to work and home to get a good idea of her coming and going. Then choose the best time to move or whatever is possible for this person who did this. I feel by her being in the house all day and having no social life beyond work 6am was the best time to strike. Dads a police, so I don't think this person was going take her from her home and I f they the parent misspoke about leaving together..If this is the case.

A part of me think she never made it out that house that morning or with 2 miles of it that morning. Also not many know a wheat field don't leave many prints. This person had some outdoor's know how. Imo if she was to run off, she would go the right it the fastest route. So I think the wheat field is the start of this game.

And yes you can find foot print in wheat field. Its a certain spray they use. I think they van may have been dumped there later down the line.
Did they ever clarify the actual distance from the road to the van? The article I recall most vividly indicated it was pulled several feet off the roadway...not in the middle of the field nor back further along the woodline....
In my opinion Sara is a beautiful woman not because she is pretty but because of the spirit that radiates from her, that smile that dazzles you, the life evident within her. That's just my opinion but it's true that Sara is a missing person according to law-enforcement. We here are a victim friendly forum; victim advocates. Sara deserves our advocacy and our efforts to return her to her family, if it were even possible we could help in anyway.


Please, for Sarah. Believe a little longer. If it's no discussion that you want I can do that. No discussion. I'm here to help not hurt. And I believe that you are too.​
sadly I have no idea what to think about this case...other than to offer prayers and wishes that Sara IS safe some where, and that the truth will be revealed no matter what.
:bump: For Sara!
When reading through past post about cell phone pings I thought about the fact that either: a.) her phone has been compromised by someone who abducted her or b.) she works at Walmart and is able to acquire pay as you go phones. I know I have expressed that I do not think she has run away as she would probably give some communication to someone in her life due to her family but if she was in a situation that was so horrible that she couldn't do anything but devise this incredible ruse it would be possible to carry out with objects such as burner phones.
that is true , she would have been right there to get that kind of phone...very accessible....and I can't recall for the life of me,which ones are pretty much untraceable
It's a real kerpuffle, yes? I guess there are places we can't really go to, huh?
AS far as Sara, the person...what has been said about her? What are her likes and dislikes? Does she have a favorite band or singer? What about her hobbies? Does she enjoy any out door stuff, or like reading, cooking?
Was she anticipating going to college in NC? ( I had thought well maybe she is working while waiting to establish residency to get In state tuition, unless NC offer that to divorced residents children-some states do)
Wonder what she wants to be when she 'grows' up...and were people supporting her in that dream...
do we know if she spent any time previously in NC, during spring or summer breaks?? Did she have any history in the area prior to coming, I assume, in what, the last 6 months?

I don't know about the specifics and I hope I'm not defying the TOS here but I have seen her Tumblr page and can gather at least with such that she was what my generation would call a "nerdy girl" as myself. (i.e. think Doctor Who,Sherlock, Harry Potter, Avenger's).
that is true , she would have been right there to get that kind of phone...very accessible....and I can't recall for the life of me,which ones are pretty much untraceable

Unless you register them online to buy more minutes, I'm pretty sure they are untraceable to a person. That is just through my own experience of having my husband use one between choosing providers.
you can put her tumbler addy on here if you want, that is okay..anything that is hers is allowed, as you never know if there is something on one that gives insight to where the missing might be
:bump: For Sara!
When reading through past post about cell phone pings I thought about the fact that either: a.) her phone has been compromised by someone who abducted her or b.) she works at Walmart and is able to acquire pay as you go phones. I know I have expressed that I do not think she has run away as she would probably give some communication to someone in her life due to her family but if she was in a situation that was so horrible that she couldn't do anything but devise this incredible ruse it would be possible to carry out with objects such as burner phones.

A go phone can be tracked. As matter of fact it can be tracked better than a smartphone. They run on mandatory data logs by the provider, . But I agree with you 100%
that is true , she would have been right there to get that kind of phone...very accessible....and I can't recall for the life of me,which ones are pretty much untraceable

No phone is un traceable any more. If you use it once it can be found, all calls are traceable even unlisted call making ones. It just take a warrants and etc , for the work to start to allow that info to be looked at.

I just hope they ask her friend in Texas how did they/she communicate with her, But I think Le said her computer was pretty empty.. It doesn't add up in my opinion.

I have a question if anyone know those astro vans run on what kind of gas??
No phone is un traceable any more. If you use it once it can be found, all calls are traceable even unlisted call making ones. It just take a warrants and etc , for the work to start to allow that info to be looked at.

I just hope they ask her friend in Texas how did they/she communicate with her, But I think Le said her computer was pretty empty.. It doesn't add up in my opinion.

I have a question if anyone know those astro vans run on what kind of gas??

Thanks, I was unaware of that!

I've always wondered if she had no communication about leaving with anyone, if her computer was essentially empty, her phone is doubly empty, and for all intents we don't know of any problems she was having (other than moving to a new area), where the heck did she go?
The only thing I can figure is if she did want to leave and for whatever purpose felt the need to hide it from everyone as an adult, her avenue to do so could be someone from work where she would be out of the eyes of her family. I imagine LE has already interviewed people she worked with but it still makes me think did she develop a close friendship with anyone there that would have aided her in leaving? Did that individual bring harm to her? Even given this thought, I still don't feel like she left on her own, why would she need to hide that from her friends in TX, or her brother or mother?
Further, if she did leave on her own why leave your van off the road in a wheat field, why not leave it at work? Walmart parking lots are huge and her car would probably go more unnoticed there than sticking out like a sore thumb on the side of the road.
Anyway, sorry for the rant, this case is just so confusing in terms of what we've been given.
Thanks, I was unaware of that!

I've always wondered if she had no communication about leaving with anyone, if her computer was essentially empty, her phone is doubly empty, and for all intents we don't know of any problems she was having (other than moving to a new area), where the heck did she go?
The only thing I can figure is if she did want to leave and for whatever purpose felt the need to hide it from everyone as an adult, her avenue to do so could be someone from work where she would be out of the eyes of her family. I imagine LE has already interviewed people she worked with but it still makes me think did she develop a close friendship with anyone there that would have aided her in leaving? Did that individual bring harm to her? Even given this thought, I still don't feel like she left on her own, why would she need to hide that from her friends in TX, or her brother or mother?
Further, if she did leave on her own why leave your van off the road in a wheat field, why not leave it at work? Walmart parking lots are huge and her car would probably go more unnoticed there than sticking out like a sore thumb on the side of the road.
Anyway, sorry for the rant, this case is just so confusing in terms of what we've been given.

Me personally in a scenario of though, I don't think this person went into that store like we would assume they would. If they did they had to do this in a short/long amount of time, I give a 1~3 days or month window, this doesn't have to be the same exact month or anything.. Predators or kidnapper like to stalk then lay back, they don't make it easy for you to know they are watching you directly might have asked her something one day just make their face comfortable. I wonder if that walmart place has coffee shop or mcdonald's or eating place inside of it. I wonder if there bookstore near by. Some predators need to know the will before they do anything while some do not, Some like what they see and its on and etc..

Sitting in parking lot is as simple finding who is sitting there and who hasn't showed up. A person of this caliber is long gone maybe.. In this is the case it 50/50 depends on the success rate of the predator... Something tell me its not, a prefect predator is rare. Who ever did this is real good though. If a person would runs off it would be near pay day, maybe toward w2 time ( which is the climate here some what). We don't if she worked some were else before.. The Fbi can look into these things.

It also important to know did she write anyone back home, was lettered mailing coming in from some one or a friend.
I've been following but haven't said anything because there is so little to go on. I am concerned for Sara. What I don't get, if she left on her own, why leave the van in a field. Why not just circle back around and leave the van at home?
A couple more tumblr things while we're on the subject...

If you have a tumblr account and login to the site, you can view her liked posts here:

Her last day of posting was on Feb 3rd:

After going through 50 pages, I only found three posts she actually made herself:
(that last one is tagged: Tags: dont tell people about this / theyll think im weird

I'm not sure if she's made others in the past and deleted them or not, I'm coming down with a cold and my focus is a bit off. Hope someone can at least use the info somehow to get some insight into her...

Check that first link under 50 pages.
One of my parents used to drive one as a second car. It was expensive. Probably $60ish these days? Hard to say because gas prices where I am are not as cheap as gas prices in rural NC, so that $60 is a guess. It could be as high as $75-80.
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