ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #1

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I can also think of a handful of cases where the police went quiet and didn't have SQUAT or a compass to guide them.

Victoria Stafford and Kyron Horman. Kayleah Wilson from Greeley, Colorado is an excellent example of just that.
I wonder if they have an informant on who did it and need that person to collect evidence. An 'undercover' operation of sorts and that why the media have been stopped from reporting anything?

(BBM) I understand what you are saying but the Freedom of Information Act, Right to free speech, ect...ect...ect...is what prevents the police from stopping the media. THANK GOD IN HEAVEN.

But something is preventing them from assertively reporting on this.
Good point! Why isn't media reporting about any search warrants? Have any been served? Strange. Not even a statement to say warrants have been sealed by a judge or something to that affect. NOTHING! Body found, homicide....end of reporting??? Not sure how ND media typically handles their cases, but seems wrong. Maybe we need to contact some of the reporters that have reported earlier in the case, and see when they are going to do a follow up. Let them be aware people are wanting an update!!!
I am wondering if when TB got busted for DUI if they did not make him reveal where he had gotten the alcohol. Obviously he went right to Court and plead guilty, all in the same day and apparently with no probation and no attorney. That seems odd to me. Don't know how they do it there in that college town, but this one LE goes aggressively for those who provide or sell alcohol to underage drinkers. If he told them where the place was where he had been drinking and partying that night it may have made some others mad. It was only a week before. Maybe somebody's "trap" got closed down.

I cannot believe that Tommy would (did) go from being the basketball team captain last year to a druggie this year. From everything I have read he had aspirations of becoming a team member at his college. Which means drug tests. JMO

I doubt T was in line to be a member of the basketball team. This is Div 1, big, big time, and he would have been recruited. To "walk on" is possible but not likely.
In my humble and expert opinion it would have been a ripe and wonderful opportunity to run a nice article with colored photos and a lengthy interview with the kids involved, the people living near the house, people living on those country roads ect...ect...

It's been said some of these kids have hired attorneys. Do you really think their attorneys would allow interviews with anyone? There was one interview with a lady that lived in the neighborhood.
I doubt T was in line to be a member of the basketball team. This is Div 1, big, big time, and he would have been recruited. To "walk on" is possible but not likely.

You're absolutely correct, Trino. Anyone playing basketball there has been recruited and is there on an athletic scholarship. With his convictions the week before, there's no way he would have been considered for the team as a walk on. Any player who is already on the team would have been suspended for that.
At 1:23am on the 20th of September, the wheels were in motion as to something already going off the rails. Every thing that has been reported in MSM regarding the events after that tweet was uploaded, in my opinion, are uncorroborated. Even JW was retweeting the "sloshed at the trap" post. so his phone apparently was working. In any event, this whole thread probably deserves a Parking Lot sub thread. The deleted tweets alone from the various "trap" house inhabitants are critical to providing a timeline for this case. To deny that fact would be unfortunate. Carry on.
It's been said some of these kids have hired attorneys. Do you really think their attorneys would allow interviews with anyone? There was one interview with a lady that lived in the neighborhood.

Never hurts to try! (You know how I am). :hen:
Sunday evening news and nothing.

Anyone? Ideas?

What are your expectations that you believe LE would release? Things have changed with police departments; they just don't release information as in years gone by.
From all that I have been reading in my opinion those kids know something or they are the ones that killed him and they are tight lipped. None of them except for his girlfriend even mention him or feel sadness towards him passing away.
What are your expectations that you believe LE would release? Things have changed with police departments; they just don't release information as in years gone by.

I EXPECT them to come to my house with Barbara Walters and have a sit down in my nicely lit living room as we discuss the details in the case and watch a live feed on the TV monitor of the police as they arrest the people/person responsible.


I'm just on here exploring ideas and offering suggestions. That's why this website is called, "Websleuths" and not, "The Fargo Law Enforcement Blog".

Things have changed with police departments not because they are any better at figuring this stuff out, but because they routinely get sued by gas brained morons who have no common sense.

I'll write it again because I'm an American and can express my opinion, I believe that when the police ask for the public's help they also have a responsibility to the public to keep them updated as to the progress of the case. And to keep updating them until those responsible for the death of a teenage kid are caught because UNTIL THEN there is STILL A KILLER OUT THERE.

I tell the same thing to my friends, "If you don't want me involved then don't GET me involved!!" 'Cause once I'm in, I'm in.
LE could at least keep it in the minds of the public with a reminder to keep an eye out for the shoe and phone...unless they've been found.
LE asked for help in finding a shoe and cell phone. They don't seem to want anyone's help with anything else. Not that I'm saying we shouldn't have an opinion here because that's what WS is all about. Although some of us pay their salaries, we cannot expect/demand LE release anything.
"Early on Sept. 12, Bearson was arrested for driving under the influence and minor in possession. An officer pulled him over for driving west in an eastbound lane a few blocks from Reed Hall, according to court papers.

A breath test found that Bearson's blood-alcohol level was 0.18 percent. He failed one field sobriety test, and because of his poor balance at the time, two others were not given for safety reasons, court papers said.

He pleaded guilty to both misdemeanors later that day and was ordered to pay $1,075, serve 36 hours of community service and receive a chemical dependency evaluation, court papers said.

The last tweet from Bearson's Twitter account was sent at 1:23 a.m. Saturday and reads, "dude it's jake come pick us up." It also reads, [B]"We are so lost and we are going to die. Just get somebody."[/B]In an interview Monday, the recipient of the tweet, Cody Mead, also an NDSU student, said Bearson and "Jake" found a ride to Mead's house in north Fargo after that tweet.

"Jake" refers to Mead's roommate, Jake Wenzel, who went to high school with Bearson, Mead said. Mead met Bearson for the first time that night.

Mead said after Wenzel and Bearson arrived at his house in North Fargo, they "hung out for a while" before Bearson left between 3:40 and 4 a.m. That was the last time Mead saw Bearson, he said."


I brought this article forward as a refresher to what happened that night. So at 1:23 Jake is using Tommy's phone, now he's gone and the phone is missing. And only the word of others what happened after that.


Thanks for posting this article. It's the most detailed I've seen yet.

The only thing I wanted to bring up is that I still don't believe the twitter times are necessarily correct, and think the original times posted on twitter were right. It keeps coming up so I just wanted to bring it up. Up until just a few days ago, the tweets originally said he was "bored" around 8:30, and the "we're lost" tweet came at 11:34 I believe it was. I live in Fargo, and have tried looking at the times logged in and logged out of the account. The times said about 8:30 and 11:30 respectively longer than they have said the later times. For a long time it said those times, until one day it randomly changed the times to be 2 hours later. Others who saw the tweets before the times changed noticed the same change at the same time. Could CM have modified a setting in his own twitter that caused this? Also, I believe that JW left CMs house about 11. I wish JW could be interviewed to shed light on the time issue.
I cannot believe that Tommy would (did) go from being the basketball team captain last year to a druggie this year. From everything I have read he had aspirations of becoming a team member at his college. Which means drug tests.


It is hard to imagine he would go from being such a good athlete to using drugs, I agree. But in this interview he states he is probably not going to play basketball post high school. Interesting to note he says Twitter is his favorite website.

When I watched the police give the press the update that TB had been found dead, I was annoyed to see the press didn't hardly ask any questions. (EDIT: In fact I'm being generous here, from what I honestly recall the police asked for questions numerous times and I don't even remember any being asked that was really relevant. I should go back and try to find that video.) I found this in stark contrast to national news stories I've seen, but you know what they handled the Andrew Sadek case the same way a few months ago, so it didn't surprise me too much. I don't want to give them too hard of a time because I think it is the culture, I think they probably have a good working relationship with the police, and they don't want to annoy the police or be giving them a hard time. Andrew Sadek death was never ruled a homicide, but the rocks in the backpack have caused me to believe it probably was. The press acted pretty much the same in that case as far as press updates, and I haven't heard a thing since the one article they had about his mother being upset thinking he was dead. I didn't see anywhere where the press attempted to interview the narcotics unit, and if they did it was probably just a one time phone call.

So I tend to think this is just how the press here is. It was annoying to me also that before TB was even found the press wasn't breaking down doors of people like BH and others who claimed they were at the party, asking them questions about it. Then after he was found they didn't seem to try to do that either. I still tend to think it's a cultural thing, and possibly also a small local news thing resource thing. If this happened in Minneapolis, they probably have more resources to do that kind of thing. IMHO the media here is probably better than most places, except when it comes where you actually want someone to get aggressive looking for info. If the press did ever try to contact people who claimed they were at the party before or after TB was found, I sure haven't seen anything about it in the paper.

I think the lack of information etc. is really going to blow up in the face of the police and the press if it turns out there are no arrests a couple weeks into the full autopsy results coming back. People are going to start to get mad if that is the case and they don't change course here. Hopefully that will all be a moot point, and the police are lying that they have no idea what happened.

EDIT: I would like to add in the Andrew Sadek case I don't recall the police ever trying to interview his roommates or anything like that either, correct me if I'm wrong!
LE asked for help in finding a shoe and cell phone. They don't seem to want anyone's help with anything else. Not that I'm saying we shouldn't have an opinion here because that's what WS is all about. Although some of us pay their salaries, we cannot expect/demand LE release anything.

Actually, in the beginning LE was asking for the public's help in finding Tommy, not just the shoe or phone.

Also, to respectfully disagree 100% , I will expect and/or demand a whole lot from LE. They get paid by "some of us" to protect and serve. I hope I'm long in the grave the day Americans decide they cannot expect an answer from LE.
Actually, in the beginning LE was asking for the public's help in finding Tommy, not just the shoe or phone.

Also, to respectfully disagree 100% , I will expect and/or demand a whole lot from LE. They get paid by "some of us" to protect and serve. I hope I'm long in the grave the day Americans decide they cannot expect an answer from LE.

Nah---They're under no obligation to protect or serve. Want the link? (It was a SCOTUS ruling---Warren vs the District of Columbia)
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