GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 3

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I have not watched ALL of this yet but appears to be a home video of travelign through N Conway (To the area as well) It was uploaded on 10/10/13 and MIGHT be video of 10/9 or 10/10/2013.

Video #3 (below) starts at the intersection @ Burger King. Time of day is not known but license plates/vehicles in/out of the area are visible. The person is shooting video along their route/side of the road/landmarks etc..

Once on you tube, there will be 2 other (N Conway #1 and #2, plus additional 11+) which is earlier in their trip on Rt 16 I believe?

**Video 5 is going back in the direction of Settlers Green**

Here is Video #3:

North Conway3 - YouTube
I saw that one, but there is also another MSM report that she worked further away (IIRC 50 min drive) which meant that she couldn't get off work at 7 and get home to call at 7:17. The only thing I've seen mentioning 7pm was someone suggested if she worked at local hospital that's what time her shift would end.

ETA the 7pm time frame started being discussed on this thread early on, before NG aired...

I didn't pull anything else up in the search I ran & I don't remember anything that was reported in the MSM before NG. Is it possible posters were speculating? Here is a quote that says where the mother works, but not the shift:

"All proceeds will be given to Abby's mother Zenya who is a nurse here at Mountain View."

The nursing home is also spreading the word about Abby on its Facebook page,
I don't find this to be reaching at all. In fact, LE did state (earlier) that Abby had a boyfriend (which we knew about here) and had also "befriended" an "older boy" online. To my knowledge they never elaborated on the nature of this relationship.

yea i agree, this is definitely not reaching at all. i wonder who this older boy was and if they had ever met in person. could this older boy have been posing as someone else? kind of like on that show "catfish" (its on mtv, not sure if anyone has seen it) there was an episode once in which a girl was talking to a guy online for awhile that seemed to good to be true. he was using fake pictures and a fake name on facebook which is very easy to do. when the "catfish" team finally figured out who this person was the girl was talking too online it was someone who had been obsessed with her in the past, was older than her, and was trying to reach out to her in any way he could to talk to her. i would imagine a younger teen like Abby would be more likely to fall for something like this.
That is good thinking. Often when we see a case on the news about a teacher doing xyz to a student, they will report something like ' they've been investigating this case for X amount of months'. So if there is any weirdo teacher maybe they're playing it cool to see if he slips , while gathering accounts from other teachers.
SIDENOTE: In my small town high school, in my sophomore year, we got a new really young coach. Rumors began that he was carrying on with one of the older girls. I'm not sure her age but a junior /senior so 16/17ish. I thought it was nonsense, but as soon as she graduated, she married that coach..........that was way back in the ' clean ' days too, so I'm sure it happens at nearly every school these days.

this happened at my high school too. it was actually a girl in my grade. we all thought something weird was going on with her and the teacher. anyway, i had forgotten about it until last year when it was on the local news and the teacher was fired. the girl was 18 at the time so no charges were brought, now i think theres a bunch of civil stuff going on. but when i read it in the news all the weird stuff clicked together for me and everyone else in my grade.
I may have missed it, and if so, I apologize. But can someone tell me why the FBI, Secret Service and the NH AG's office jumped on this case right from the git-go? There are a lot of "missing persons" case every day and for the FBI and Secret Service to get involved right from day one is almost never heard of unless there is proof, or at least a high probability, of an abduction or foul play.
I have not watched ALL of this yet but appears to be a home video of travelign through N Conway (To the area as well) It was uploaded on 10/10/13 and MIGHT be video of 10/9 or 10/10/2013.

Video #3 (below) starts at the intersection @ Burger King. Time of day is not known but license plates/vehicles in/out of the area are visible. The person is shooting video along their route/side of the road/landmarks etc..

Once on you tube, there will be 2 other (N Conway #1 and #2) which is earlier in their trip on Rt 16 I believe?

Here is Video #1:

North Conway3 - YouTube

Only thing of interest there is the car that quickly pulls of into the pet store just before D'Angelos. Between the two business' is Village Way.

EDIT : Great find !!
I may have missed it, and if so, I apologize. But can someone tell me why the FBI, Secret Service and the NH AG's office jumped on this case right from the git-go? There are a lot of "missing persons" case every day and for the FBI and Secret Service to get involved right from day one is almost never heard of unless there is proof, or at least a high probability, of an abduction or foul play.

What is the source of the information about Secret Service being involved? I haven't seen mention of Secret Service involvement in this case in any MSM news sources, so can someone please provide a link to that info?

I think the FBI got involved because Abigail is classified as a missing person, a child, there's a possibility that she was kidnapped, and local law enforcement requested their assistance. With the large numbers of stores and tourists from all over the world in North Conway during the time Abigail went missing, I can definitely see the need for asking for help from as much law enforcement as possible. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Only thing of interest there is the car that quickly pulls of into the pet store just before D'Angelos. Between the two business' is Village Way.

EDIT : Great find !!

I think there is/could be ALLOT of info here that is useful, especially if it is the day of 10/9/13. These videos show the area directly along the alleged route/landmarks potentially involved. Includes people and potential witnesses with license plates that can be followed up with etc.
I think there is/could be ALLOT of info here that is useful, especially if it is the day of 10/9/13. These videos show the area directly along the alleged route/landmarks potentially involved. Includes people and potential witnesses with license plates that can be followed up with etc.

Hmm, could this be why the secret service was brought in? I don't know much about what they do but I read they have a lot to do with video and media, considering the area is a tourist attraction and it is a peak tourist time, maybe they came in to monitor for video and media uploaded to places like youtube?
Just an FYI to further help clarify locations: At the first intersection shown in the video provided by Assist1 of Route 16 north, if the people filming had turned right instead of continuing ahead, they would have been on Route 302/Eastman Road heading towards the intersection of North-South Road and Eagle's Way.

That video really shows the difference in terms of the amount of activity (cars/people) between North-South Road vs. Route 16. Walking on North-South Road, there are relatively few places to run to/ask for help compared to Route 16.

Thanks so much for that video, Assist1!
What is the source of the information about Secret Service being involved? I haven't seen mention of Secret Service involvement in this case in any MSM news sources, so can someone please provide a link to that info?

I think the FBI got involved because Abigail is classified as a missing person, a child, there's a possibility that she was kidnapped, and local law enforcement requested their assistance. With the large numbers of stores and tourists from all over the world in North Conway during the time Abigail went missing, I can definitely see the need for asking for help from as much law enforcement as possible. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Here's a link to a news story stating the Secret Service was involved the day after she went missing.

Here's another.

And here's one from the local Conway paper.
Hmm, could this be why the secret service was brought in? I don't know much about what they do but I read they have a lot to do with video and media, considering the area is a tourist attraction and it is a peak tourist time, maybe they came in to monitor for video and media uploaded to places like youtube?


The public's awareness of missing and exploited children in the 1980s had a profound effect on how America responds to this widespread problem. In an attempt to provide assistance to parents, children and the law enforcement community, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) was created in 1984. This was the beginning of a long term relationship between NCMEC and the law enforcement community throughout the world.

As part of the 1994 Crime Bill, Congress mandated the U.S. Secret Service to provide forensic/technical assistance in matters involving missing and exploited children. The Secret Service offers this assistance to federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. On April 30, 2003, President George W. Bush signed the PROTECT Act of 2003, known as the "Amber Alert Bill", which gave full authorization to the U.S. Secret Service in this area.

The Secret Service has supported the NCMEC and local law enforcement agencies with its expertise in forensic photography, graphic arts, video production, audio/image enhancement, voice identification, computerized 3D models and video and audio tape duplication services.

For more information on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, please visit
Hmm, could this be why the secret service was brought in? I don't know much about what they do but I read they have a lot to do with video and media, considering the area is a tourist attraction and it is a peak tourist time, maybe they came in to monitor for video and media uploaded to places like youtube?

Are we sure the Secret Service was brought in? Where does that info come from?
Here's a .pdf of another aerial view, with North-South Road at the top, the rotary/traffic circle, and at the top right the intersection with Route 302 (that section is also called Eastman Road). Across from the end of North-South Road is Eagle's Way, the long driveway up to Kennett High School. Wal Mart and Lowe's are also shown. This view gives you a good idea of how many stores there are in that area. Both Route 16 and North-South Road continue north (to the left of the photo) towards North Conway village.

Crickets, could you expand the top right corner view, for me there is beginning of eagles way, and a Perfect tiny area of the power line trail . Also want to see more of the dirt road past the rotary and where that goes. After Walmart, on that side of NS rd. There are only 2 business spots, chick lumber, and a small bike store. Thanks.
I think there is/could be ALLOT of info here that is useful, especially if it is the day of 10/9/13. These videos show the area directly along the alleged route/landmarks potentially involved. Includes people and potential witnesses with license plates that can be followed up with etc.

I knew i phrased that wrong.. I agree.
Here's a link to a news story stating the Secret Service was involved the day after she went missing.

Here's another.

And here's one from the local Conway paper.

I'm not seeing any links. But if it's true that the Secret Service was involved, it's probably because there was too much for local law enforcement to search quickly, and they realized that, so they brought in the FBI and Secret Service. Thank goodness they had those resources available to them; I hope it's enough. Unfortunately, the lack of witnesses or video of what happened to her (which we might have had if Abby hadn't chosen such an isolated way to get home), may be the biggest obstacle to solving the case.
Are we sure the Secret Service was brought in? Where does that info come from?

There are many other links, but here is two:

FBI, Major Crime Unit join search for missing teen | Local News ...;,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‎
by Adam Sexton - in 40 Google+ circles
Oct 11, 2013 - FBI, police search for Abigail Hernandez ... Police said multiple agencies, including the Secret Service, were also assisting with the ...

North Conway police search for missing teen -‎
Oct 11, 2013 - Authorities said Abigail Hernandez was last seen leaving Kennett High ... Police said multiple agencies, including the Secret Service, were also ...
I was the week before the festivities for the long weekend. Do people camp anywhere for that? Could someone have been in the national forest, or is there a camp ground nearby? Yes they could have been at a hotel/motel as well, but for some reason the camping aspect is in my head this morning. Some places you don't have to register to camp, and some you do. We've stayed at free places and places you have to pay.

LOCALS!! Are there camping areas nearby??

Great Thoughts........

Gary Michael Hilton....kidnapped and killed John and Irene Bryant, Merideth Hope Emerson and my friend Cheryl Hodges Dunlap....They were all taken, killed or left in National Parks. He had an Astro Van which was used to keep three of the wonderful people alive while he secured Pin numbers and removed money from their bank accounts. (see thread in Crimes and Trials!)

These crimes began in October 2007 and ended in early January 2008. He is now on Death Row in Florida!

Point being....Any one with a van can snatch anyone very easily and can hold them without notice indefinitely....

GMH had the seats removed from his van and chained his victims to the floor and kept them gagged and bound. He would also use the vastness of Parks and National Forests to do his very evil deeds.

Just Saying....this had been done and will continue to be a method, as long as there are sick and evil predators out there!

Dear God...Please Bring Abigail Home To Those Who Love Her
There are many other links, but here is two:

FBI, Major Crime Unit join search for missing teen | Local News ...;,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‎
by Adam Sexton - in 40 Google+ circles
Oct 11, 2013 - FBI, police search for Abigail Hernandez ... Police said multiple agencies, including the Secret Service, were also assisting with the ...

North Conway police search for missing teen -‎
Oct 11, 2013 - Authorities said Abigail Hernandez was last seen leaving Kennett High ... Police said multiple agencies, including the Secret Service, were also ...

And another way she might have gone (of the many- not a direct shortest way home) would be a tiny path directly across from power line path on school property. that goes behind a nursery / plant kind of place, then a bagel deli place, also beer ciggie outlet, all in one building. she would maybe walk thru that penny's Hannaford area. Guessing, moo
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