Now the TRUTH is coming out. A Shout out to Carol McKinnely and Fox for the truth.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Tricia said:

Thanks to the WONDERFUL Carol McKinnley for this info. Fox has it right!!

Karr skipped town when he was arrested for some child *advertiser censored* a few years ago. He ended up in Thailand. He was ARRESTED IN THAILAND AND IS BEING BROUGHT BACK TO THE U.S. BASED ON THE CHARGES HE SKIPPED OUT ON. NOTHING TO DO WITH THE JBR CASE.

Karr is being brought back for QUESTIONING IN THE JBR CASE.
That's it. He will be QUESTIONED about the case. Nothing more.

This suspect came to light because he was emailing with people involved in the case.

Guess who is behind the "emails"?....Patsy, Michael Tracey, and Lin Wood. Yep, the three of them. I know Patsy was in direct contact with him. About the other two I don't know other than they were in on the emails too.

This has Michael Tracey's stink all over it. He needs a new documentary since we blasted his last one out of the water. Who's to say Tracey didn't feed Karr info? Wouldn't you confess to anything just to get out of a Thai jail?

Oh by the way, Karr's brother said his brother spent Christmas '96 with his family and he has the pictures to prove it.

Do you still think this is the truth?
Damn the time difference and my not having internet access until later in the day. lol

I was just saying somewhere else that if Spoofessor M Tracey is part of this you KNOW it's a scam.

I was wondering how he would outdo his crockumentaly....
I'm starting to wonder about this NEW DNA that was found on JB's panties just a few years ago. about building a conspiracy theory...if you wanted to solve the case and absolve the family, why not plant stuff from some creepy pedophile and pay him to admit to it? Yes, I need to get away from this case for awhile!:loser:
I'm very anxious to hear the news conference coming up. I'll have to hear something more than what has been in print so far to believe this guy is credible. Could be an obession gone MAD! -or he could be the one! I guess :doh:

For me anything with LS's involvement is suspcious!

LOL canceled my day to catch the news conference--how whacked it that? :banghead:
nanandjim said:
I'll eat my hat if this guy is involved in any way. I just don't think that he did it. I still think that it was at least one family member responsible for JB's death.

And I'll sit next to you and eat my beret.

The man has also said he was "with the Ramseys" on Christmas.

How could anyone believe that there was a person who was with the Ramseys during that time who's name never came to light and who wasn't thoroughly investigated?
I went to a Thai-English translation site, but didn't find any obvious similarities between the phrase that would include the word bed, vs. school.

Karr has so many other references to the word school (school teacher, worked at a school, home schooled, etc.), it is not out of the realm of possible phrases that were spoken within the context of this interview.

1st Degree vs. 2nd: I'm wondering if initial inteviews, let him think that he could simply decide, how he would be charged.

I wonder if, related to that Petaluma child *advertiser censored* conviction, he was required to give a blood sample/cheek swab upon his arrest. And he popped out of the database, at some point, and became a person of interest. That, combined with the report of letters and communique between Karr and others, set things in motion.

If it were me, I would have screened his DNA. Unofficially. Easy enough, especially if he was being watched quite some time ago. You'd know what you were working with; a match or no match. I would have wanted to know, before I dump a butt-load of money into a murder charge.
Seeker said:
Damn the time difference and my not having internet access until later in the day. lol

I was just saying somewhere else that if Spoofessor M Tracey is part of this you KNOW it's a scam.

I was wondering how he would outdo his crockumentaly....

Tracey is involved; he referred Karr to LE.

It sounds like you are saying that if Tracey was involved, Karr can't be the murderer. Perhaps that kind of logic is why you developed beliefs that are now contrary to the liklihood that Karr is the murderer.
I am still stunned. It seems he is an obsessed pedophile who has had a break with reality. Way too many inconsistancies right now for me to form a complete opinion.
Amen to that! This is a man who had 3 small sons of his own, who was reported to have been in Ga/Ala. during Christmas of 1996, who now says he picked JonBenet up from school and took her to the basement. Overlooking the obvious and blatant lies relating to him picking her up from school on December 25, 1996, what are the chances that this man would leave his own 3 boys on Christmas day to trek off to Boulder to pick up JonBenet from school that day (howling!) and then take her to the basement. It's ludicrous. The man does not have both of his oars in the water. You can look at his picture and see there's something wrong with him. Yes, I believe he's obsessed with JonBenet, and yes, it's possible he's a pedophile and into child *advertiser censored*... but no, I don't think he ever met JonBenet in his life. He got no closer to her than the hundreds of pix that are circulating about her.

And emailing with Michael Tracy for 4 years (perish the thought!) would probably give you any number of inside facts relating to this case. It's just a shame Mr. Tracy didn't think to advise him that schools are closed on Christmas day (not that being a teacher he wouldn't know that to begin with). The man has had a break with reality, IMO. He sounds certifiable.
If this attempt to make him JonBenet's killer is foiled, he will become a Millionaire! Book, Movie rights, and on and on!

Maybe this is his last chapter, Stranger things have happened!

Now hearing he drugged JonBenet!
LaMer said:
If this attempt to make him JonBenet's killer is foiled, he will become a Millionaire! Book, Movie rights, and on and on!

Maybe this is his last chapter, Stranger things have happened!

Now hearing he drugged JonBenet!
I heard that too. Was there anything in the autopsy indicating any type of drug(s)?
Perhaps that is one of the issues that was not discussed openly. The fact that traces of some drug were found on face or stomach contents.
I remain confused why the Thai Officials are interogating him. Whose laws of interogation are applying ? US or Thailand?
newtv said:
i can never be mad at u-about it- i just see it thru a differnt pair of eyes..and I think the ramseys were falsely accused - I really do.

...i am in your corner, newtv. i have felt this way since the beginning - that the ramsey's are not responsible for the death of their child. i don't think that this is a "show" or a misleading move, simply because of all the manpower and expense that goes into this kind of international move. giving this guy credit for manipulating the authorities just to get out of thai jail is a reach. i don't think that all the LE involved with this arrest are that stupid - they have their intergety to protect as well.

...i respect everyone's scepticism. i understand the passion we all have for this case and, even tho my opinion isn't very popular, i have to say that this arrest - if it is viable and what this man says is true and is provable beyond a reasonable doubt - is a dream come true and the beginning of justice for this little girl and her family and all of us that love her.
tybee204 said:
I remain confused why the Thai Officials are interogating him. Whose laws of interogation are applying ? US or Thailand?

When in Thailand.....
lighthouselover said:
I heard that too. Was there anything in the autopsy indicating any type of drug(s)?

I don't recall anything about drugs. Like another poster mentioned, maybe that was something not revealed.

HEY--what about Lou Smit's theory about the laser gun? I'm almost sure he accredited the marks on JonBenet to the laser gun. Has he mentioned a laser gun?

What is so strange, since he has studied the case of JonBenet, why did he say, he picked her up at school? Maybe because he is NUTS!

Just announced!

OK his DNA has been taken, but the results are not in--according to Dan/MSNBC.

Arrest was based on the E-mails--according to Dan/MSNBC
(I lost my post in the "crash")

Trip DeMuth (former ADA in Boulder) said this was the first he'd heard about drugs. Said it would have been in the autopsy report and the coroner would have tested for drugs.
Where does it say he picked her up from school? And how could he have possibly went to Boulder without any of his family knowing that he was missing?
newtv said:
he confessed out loud..what is the point of saying fox was correct in reporting-they were the most wrong..this person u name as reporting accurate info did not. its possible its a false confession-but he is charged-he has confessed-and he is in custody.
Fox wasnt right -they were worng-and all the things that folks thot were rumor are turning out to be true.
You can go listen to him admit to it.
I'm a little concerned after seeing him speak. It seemed to me that he wasn't sure what to say when they asked him what happened to JonBenet. Is it that it really is difficult for him to speak about it or is it that he hasn't thought out his false confession far enough ahead? I still will never believe it was the Ramseys but I'm worried that this guy was simply arrested because he started a job with children just this week, making him a threat to public safety. The DA just kept mentioning how circumstances can dictate the timing of an arrest. The threat to those kids he was teaching combined with the fact that he's an obvious flight risk and that the media would go crazy if they suspected he was being looked at in the JB case - it seems that there are several good reasons for arresting him before being sure of his involvement in this case.
Rachael said:
Where does it say he picked her up from school? And how could he have possibly went to Boulder without any of his family knowing that he was missing?
“He said it was second-degree murder. He said it was unintentional,” Suwat said. He said Karr told Thai interrogators that he picked JonBenet up at her school and brought her to the family’s basement.
Nuisanceposter said:
“He said it was second-degree murder. He said it was unintentional,” Suwat said. He said Karr told Thai interrogators that he picked JonBenet up at her school and brought her to the family’s basement.
Was this relayed by a non native English speaker as a summary of what was said? I am not being judgmental, I'm married to a "non English speaker" but we all know if a language is not your first, you may not be able to be as clear as you meant to. Is it POSSIBLE that he was hired as a sort of nanny to a neighbor or something in that capacity and he had picked her up at school before? Maybe the interrogator didn't realize the date would not have allowed for him to pick her up at school on the date of the murder due to the holiday and didn't clarify when he was talking about?

Just throwing out ideas here. I still am bothered by his PowerWurks email address that was posted on another thread. He posted on a site that deals with missing, exploited children about 9 months before JBR's murder. IF he is for real...which I don't know about...AND was never in Boulder, maybe this was his exposure to the family?

Someone said he was a fall guy and was willingly doing it to help John close this case. He may implicate Patsy now instead of John.

So confusing!

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