Found Deceased OH - Cheryl Coker, 46, Riverside, 2 Oct 2018 *husband suspect* #2

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I have one question that’s been nagging me for a couple of days, when a Texas Equusearch stated that in the Vandelia area they were in the right church wrong pew, ...if they were this close to solving why didn’t they continue and finish it, I realize they are volunteers , but the thought of a resolution being close, and if they find remains, the longer they in the weather, animals, isn’t the potential crime scene being compromised....

I’m confused about the thought process that’s in play here......

and finally what if the suspect decides to tamper with the scene, authorities can’t keep eyes on him every minute of the day...
I hate typing on a IPad, my fifth sentence above was supposed to read the longer they wait doesn’t the weather or animals compromise the scene.

we have winter around the corner, can anyone explain the logic in what they are doing......
I have one question that’s been nagging me for a couple of days, when a Texas Equusearch stated that in the Vandelia area they were in the right church wrong pew, ...if they were this close to solving why didn’t they continue and finish it, I realize they are volunteers , but the thought of a resolution being close, and if they find remains, the longer they in the weather, animals, isn’t the potential crime scene being compromised....

I’m confused about the thought process that’s in play here......

and finally what if the suspect decides to tamper with the scene, authorities can’t keep eyes on him every minute of the day...
The thing is- these searchers have lives. Most of them are volunteers with jobs, families, etc that they have to go home to eventually.

Hopefully, they are still searching quietly- it's best if they can do it without advertising.

At this point, I don't think it would be wise for our suspect to go back to that spot. It wouldn't make sense for him to risk being seen in that area after they searched it. Besides, if they did find anything, he has no way of knowing what they found and where.
With a Thanksgiving approaching , I would love to be a fly above the dining table at the Coker residence, to see how William states how thankful he is, let me guess, Cheryl’s gone, I have a GF , I committed the perfect, it’s a wonderful life!!

I would hate to think that the family would actually sit around the thanksgiving table with him, that would be so hypocritical, to give thanks, love and all that other mushy stuff......
It'd be interesting for someone in the know to confirm if William and GF are still seeing each other regularly. Not many postings anymore from family since the husband's summer fling in Florida.

Some people still post things like "Come home Cheryl". That's always puzzled me; her circumstances at this point imply she really doesn't have a choice. Maybe there are some that believe she walked away from her life or ran away with a lover?

I truly believe that LE's only uncovered evidence that suggests she is no longer alive was that hoody man with white gloves video showing someone leaving the parking area and subsequent eye-witnesses who saw the figure's direction.

I wonder if LE has attempted to put any pressure on GF to interview further with them? I cannot find confirmation anywhere that she took a lie detector at all (just rumors), or if she is being as uncooperative as William. The media haven't even attempted to interview her. Outside of that one incredible audio interview posted above, there's really been very little press snooping around at all in this case.

Sadly, I think William has a lot to be thankful for this season. Her youngest should be starting to think about college soon. So many big changes in a young woman's life.
<removed deleted post>

Isn't the youngest daughter still a minor in high school? What choice would she have in anything if Bill is her only custodial parent? None it would seem. Where's the hypocrisy?

If anything, she's a poor kid without a mother now and has had to adjust to her new normal which included her father instantly moving his mistress into the family home after Cheryl's disappearance. I feel very badly for her.

Edited to add: I really wish we had more of an idea of the familial relationships she had with Cheryl's family, before everything and now as a comparison. Were they (daughters + Cheryl's side of the family) close prior to this? Does Bill support maintaining those familial relationships for his daughter if they were previously close or are those relationships now strained or non-existent because of him?
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<removed deleted quote>

At least one of Cheryl’s daughter’s is a minor. In addition Cheryl’s daughters are victims of this crime against their mother.

I don’t think it’s right ( or kind, or helpful ) of you to talk about them, in this way, on this thread.

I for one, feel uncomfortable about your post & find it flippant & inappropriate.

I’m sure the girls are in a very difficult position at the moment & I doubt this 2nd Thanksgiving & Christmas, without their Mum is going to be a happy occasion.

There may be a time in the future when Cheryl’s daughters read this thread.

I’m not a prolific poster, but feel compelled to make this point.

Thank you.
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Wyome, I too, have seen the reference to “Come Home Cheryl”, that’s why for a while I wasn’t totally writing off the notion that she planned her disappearance and is living with someone else.....

I did some medical research, poured over all the medical files on line and even went over to the military hospital and got some info, for vertification, I always wondered reading some of Cheryl’s postings just a few months before her disappearance, which to me seemed dark and weird, theory was she was going through menopause, and research clearly states some women don’t handle it well, like a Dr Jekell, Mr Hyde personality,

I can’t put full trust in what the police are saying, if they state they think Cheryl is dead, and a few weeks ago the search teams statement “RightChurch, Wrong Pew”, and if they think they have the evidence they need , and with that statement are close, that they would keep searching, if the team can’t then the police need to be......there probably thinking it’s JUST remains so search at our leisure, and if in fact this true the potential crime scene is tainted, by good olde Mother Nature, and Smokey the Bears friends,

so I am definately having trouble with their logic, the puzzle pieces don’t fit together....

and as per the custodial comment, she should have been fully briefed on why her father is named suspect, remember he did not steal candy from a deli....the closer and more dependent she gets, wait and see what happens when he’s finally arrested, I’m sorry in other cases where families have had serious crime committed, minor children have been moved temporally for their safety from named family suspects, she could have been placed by the courts to Cheryl’s mother or Cheryl’s sisters, I’m sorry William is a contributing factor in his actions in this crime, so there is no sympathy from me...
Wyome, I too, have seen the reference to “Come Home Cheryl”, that’s why for a while I wasn’t totally writing off the notion that she planned her disappearance and is living with someone else.....

I did some medical research, poured over all the medical files on line and even went over to the military hospital and got some info, for vertification, I always wondered reading some of Cheryl’s postings just a few months before her disappearance, which to me seemed dark and weird, theory was she was going through menopause, and research clearly states some women don’t handle it well, like a Dr Jekell, Mr Hyde personality,

I can’t put full trust in what the police are saying, if they state they think Cheryl is dead, and a few weeks ago the search teams statement “RightChurch, Wrong Pew”, and if they think they have the evidence they need , and with that statement are close, that they would keep searching, if the team can’t then the police need to be......there probably thinking it’s JUST remains so search at our leisure, and if in fact this true the potential crime scene is tainted, by good olde Mother Nature, and Smokey the Bears friends,

so I am definately having trouble with their logic, the puzzle pieces don’t fit together....

and as per the custodial comment, she should have been fully briefed on why her father is named suspect, remember he did not steal candy from a deli....the closer and more dependent she gets, wait and see what happens when he’s finally arrested, I’m sorry in other cases where families have had serious crime committed, minor children have been moved temporally for their safety from named family suspects, she could have been placed by the courts to Cheryl’s mother or Cheryl’s sisters, I’m sorry William is a contributing factor in his actions in this crime, so there is no sympathy from me...

I think a lot of Cheryl's posts shared on the FB group by close friends represents more of her being disillusioned by a one-sided, self-serving marriage than by her being debilitated by menopause or depression.

She may have been situationally depressed, though. And who could blame her. I don't see any evidence yet that points to these stressors causing her to walk away.

She had been openly dating people, even prior to her filing for divorce. That's weird territory for any mother/wife to navigate. Her life was very complicated. I believe that one seasoned investigator on the year-anniversary news bit said that the no-body murder conviction he was able to get was based on a very regimented victim. He was able to show that his victim stopped doing behaviors because she was dead. We don't have that in this case. Cheryl was older and more complex. I am not even convinced that her family was told by her that she filed for divorce. No family members alerted detectives in the early hours, or alluded to trouble with William.

I understand your concern for the teen. He may be extremely volatile, or he may not. I think that household holds a lot of secrets. When they come to arrest him one day, will he take everyone out with him? Who knows. I think when that day comes, if ever, his teen will be much older and living elsewhere.
Maybe senior age daughter is doing her own investigation and staying close to look for clues.
We have no way of knowing what is going on under that roof.

My heart goes out to this family and I pray that answers and Justice will come soon.

@tooltimetim I understand your opinion and respect your experience in how tragedy affects families of victims.

Maybe her daughter will be the one to find the answers.
Let's keep hope alive.

Edit from ? To JMO
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You only posed the question to one specific person, but I felt compelled to answer anyway since it's a strange situation to be in and therefore, interesting to discuss.
At 17, I don't think I had yet fully grasped the fact that my parents were normal, real people with the same emotions, feelings, troubles etc as any other normal adults. My parents were superhumans/parents. (Sort of akin to how it's odd at that age to grasp that your teachers are just normal people- if you see them outside of school at the grocery store or [gasp] a bar)

That, coupled with the fact that no one ever wants to believe someone they love is capable of evil, would make it very, very hard for teenager me to grasp even the possibility that one of my parents could harm the other, no matter how much evidence there may be to support it.

We see this over and over in cases here where it's only adults involved. Denial due not to lack of evidence or not knowing where the case is likely heading based on previous cases, but denial due to it's simply very hard to accept the truth when the truth is going to either destroy you, destroy your idea of someone else, obliterate your family, or all of the above.

Bill's story has been that he thinks Cheryl ran out on them and has failed to elaborate more on that because he "doesn't want to say hurtful things that will be hard to hear" (paraphrasing) so it's not a huge stretch to think that the daughter could possibly explain away the man in Black with the white gloves as being someone else besides her father.
There reportedly wasn't a history of domestic abuse, either. It's likely hard to envision your father, someone you love, as graduating straight to murder without any domestic abuse previously. It isn't often that husband's go from 0 to murder.

There are 3 options for what happened to Cheryl:

1. Bill killed Cheryl
2. A stranger or someone else known to her killed Cheryl.
3. Cheryl ran off (either alone or with someone) thus deserting her family.

None of these options would be easy for a daughter to accept.

People even on this thread (to include you, Tim :)) Have gone back and forth on our thoughts of what may have possibly happened to Cheryl. If we, as mere bystanders can't be 101% certain, how could a teenager be expected to know and accept what happened without being 101% certain?

Cheryl's mom (and other family members) do need support. But it's not up to a minor child, suffering her own loss and huge life changes, to provide that for the adult relatives around her. That doesn't make her a fragile "piece of fine China" and doesn't mean she enjoys having her mother gone so that she "can happily play house with her dad and his mistress, whom he immediately had move into her mother's home."

Her only worry at this point should be high school and perhaps college, or whatever her plans after high school are. She has enough on her plate to deal with currently, imo, without uninvolved strangers placing unnecessary pressure and guilt upon her. She's a high schooler. A minor child who lost her mother under terrible circumstances. She's probably deeply depressed and just in survival mode at this point. Lay off.
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So agree with above posters, thoughtful posts.

The way I see it, the youngest daughter is like an only child, by the fact that her half-sister is older, married and living apart. She's probably driven, independent, opinionated and doted on.

Based on William's FB alone, I can conclude that he and his daughter are very close and have been close for years. Not to say she isn't close to Cheryl, but there's something very special about a daughter to her dad. Then factor in who is more of the disciplinarian, who makes sure homework's done, rules are followed, etc? Battle lines get drawn and one parent gets more flack than the other. Moms are typically more the ones that get flack, and get less credit. Most young women will revel in the attention to their advantage and play one parent off another based on their needs. If two married people can be connected enough to stay on the same page as a team, they can ward off these manipulative plays. Failing marriages and divorced people don't fare well under this kind of pressure. Cheryl & William were obviously failing.

One day, when minor has a child of her own, and she longs for wisdom, Dad will not be the one she reaches for.

I think the sister-in-law made comments in early 2019 that the minor will have to deal with this sooner or later. I agree that dealing with the elephant in the room sooner is much better than later. But if LE is not willing to charge him, then it's never going to happen. He's the only family she has left in her mind, and I'm sure he reminds her of this daily.
First off I am not saying the minor child ( and I think using that term for a teenager is b/s) , to live with Cheryl’s mom to be her caretaker, they live together for a stable upbringing, safe, and emotionally stable.....

none of these exist in the Coker residence..

plus the excuse of being a high schooler, schools today are nothing more than a social haven, there’s no worry about failing a grade, everybody passes and graduates, I mean god forbid if a snowflakes feeling are hurt, cry me a River...
High school graduation diplomas are just participation awards given to everyone, when schools started eliminating valid i dictation and saluteitorn , the number one and two in the graduating class is when the challenge was erased....

so saying the teenager has it hard in high school is a joke, a bad day for a high schooler is when their cell phone battery is dead, omg..and as per college, as long as you show the college $$$$$, your in, no worries....

so in this case everyone needs to stop saying minor child , she’s a teenager.

and I can bet if you examine other cases, across the country, things and attitudes are different,

I do not believe in hiding or flowering the truth from minor children in a family, when there is a serious incident or crime, and with today’s internet kids know more today than anybody expects, and I hate to say it some will play the situation to suit them for attention...
BS terminology or not, Cheryl's daughter is infact a minor child.
Not sure what the purpose was of the long rant about high schools today and "snowflakes" but regardless of your feelings about today's high school levels of education, she is currently a high schooler and as such, that should be her only focus/worry to deal with at the moment. It's a shame that her life has likely been additionally consumed with thoughts & worries about her missing mother & criticism from outside parties who in the grand scheme of things, don't matter.

Who is to say she wasn't fully briefed on why her dad is considered a suspect or that the truth has "been hidden or flowered?" It's possible that she knows everything we know here (perhaps more) and either still believes her father is innocent or perhaps has her suspicions, but doesn't know what to do with those suspicions.

Keeping in mind that "with today's internet, that kids know more than anybody expects," then it wouldn't be a stretch to assume she has done her own reading up on the case; either by watching news updates, reading msm msm reports or perhaps she's even taken a gander over here to read, though with some of the things recently said about her, I certainly hope not.

As for whether Grandma or the Aunt want to take her in or even legally could, I'm unsure. Perhaps that would be a question to pose to members here who are verified attorneys, such as @gitana1
He's suspected of the murder, but has not been charged, so unless DCFS or someone could make a strong case for it being an unsafe environment for reasons other than that, I'm not sure what Cheryl's family could do, legally speaking. I don't believe any of the interviews I have seen/read touched much on whether someone from that side of the family was wanting to take her in.

I hope this case hasn't gone cold (as I suspect) and I hope that Cheryl's daughters and the rest of her family and friends will one day soon get some answers, and resolution to this case, even if it may be heartbreaking for some to be able to come to terms with what happened.
First off I am not saying the minor child ( and I think using that term for a teenager is b/s) , to live with Cheryl’s mom to be her caretaker, they live together for a stable upbringing, safe, and emotionally stable.....

none of these exist in the Coker residence..

plus the excuse of being a high schooler, schools today are nothing more than a social haven, there’s no worry about failing a grade, everybody passes and graduates, I mean god forbid if a snowflakes feeling are hurt, cry me a River...
High school graduation diplomas are just participation awards given to everyone, when schools started eliminating valid i dictation and saluteitorn , the number one and two in the graduating class is when the challenge was erased....

so saying the teenager has it hard in high school is a joke, a bad day for a high schooler is when their cell phone battery is dead, omg..and as per college, as long as you show the college $$$$$, your in, no worries....

so in this case everyone needs to stop saying minor child , she’s a teenager.

and I can bet if you examine other cases, across the country, things and attitudes are different,

I do not believe in hiding or flowering the truth from minor children in a family, when there is a serious incident or crime, and with today’s internet kids know more today than anybody expects, and I hate to say it some will play the situation to suit them for attention...
Would if, though, she believes her mother was killed by a stranger? Or someone she dated previously?

Would if she truly believes in her heart that her father had nothing to do with this?

At that age, Tim, I would never have believed it, unless I saw it with my own two eyes. Not my father, no way. I guess I just put myself in her place- she is probably a Daddy's girl, but close to both parents. She's grieving, too. High school is a hard time in a person's life, even snowflakes, haha- seriously, though- I have a hard time being angry with her for feeling this way. Do we know that she truly accepts the father's girlfriend in her life? No, we don't. Maybe she does- remember, she had a bit of a relationship with her before Cheryl went missing. Maybe she doesn't blame her at all, then again, she may hate her- we just don't know.

I wouldn't want to walk in her shoes. By law, he has custody. Perhaps they should have demanded that she live elsewhere, but for some reason, it didn't happen. I get your frustration, I truly do, and feel the same way. In what world do we live in now that a main suspect has custody of his minor child- yet, here it is, a year later, and she's till living with the both of them.

I just hope and pray she's ok.

Change of subject- I still wonder sometimes, if he's protecting someone else........
BS terminology or not, Cheryl's daughter is infact a minor child.
Not sure what the purpose was of the long rant about high schools today and "snowflakes" but regardless of your feelings about today's high school levels of education, she is currently a high schooler and as such, that should be her only focus/worry to deal with at the moment. It's a shame that her life has likely been additionally consumed with thoughts & worries about her missing mother & criticism from outside parties who in the grand scheme of things, don't matter.

Who is to say she wasn't fully briefed on why her dad is considered a suspect or that the truth has "been hidden or flowered?" It's possible that she knows everything we know here (perhaps more) and either still believes her father is innocent or perhaps has her suspicions, but doesn't know what to do with those suspicions.

Keeping in mind that "with today's internet, that kids know more than anybody expects," then it wouldn't be a stretch to assume she has done her own reading up on the case; either by watching news updates, reading msm msm reports or perhaps she's even taken a gander over here to read, though with some of the things recently said about her, I certainly hope not.

As for whether Grandma or the Aunt want to take her in or even legally could, I'm unsure. Perhaps that would be a question to pose to members here who are verified attorneys, such as @gitana1
He's suspected of the murder, but has not been charged, so unless DCFS or someone could make a strong case for it being an unsafe environment for reasons other than that, I'm not sure what Cheryl's family could do, legally speaking. I don't believe any of the interviews I have seen/read touched much on whether someone from that side of the family was wanting to take her in.

I hope this case hasn't gone cold (as I suspect) and I hope that Cheryl's daughters and the rest of her family and friends will one day soon get some answers, and resolution to this case, even if it may be heartbreaking for some to be able to come to terms with what happened.

I need context. I'm not familiar with these case.
I need context. I'm not familiar with these case.

Thanks for responding!
Missing Person's case, the husband is suspected of murdering her, but no arrest/charges, just suspicion. Minor daughter (17) still living in the home. (With Dad and the woman he was seeing at the time of his wife's disappearance)
Would that be considered an unsafe environment/reasons for removal to live with other family members or no?
Lol Tooltime -- highschool is extremely stressful for students. Much more so than in my day. College applications back then required mailing your HS transcripts and SAT scores. Now colleges require multiple essays and in some cases SAT II scores, in which a student is required to take a couple of SATs on specific subjects, in addition to the standard SATs. It's crazy competitive, not to mention extremely expensive to apply under these conditions to multiple universities.

Couple that with social media that plagues students these days.

Steelslady is correct in that we really don't know what the teen's feeling are. And whatever they are, she's entitled to them frankly. I do hope extended family is a part of her life, but we aren't privy to any of that. But she needs to focus on herself and her future -- college will be the great escape for her.
A few notes.

They can't remove children just because the guy is a suspect. There has to be other concerns involved.

Stacy Peterson
Susan Powell
Teresa Seivers

Just to name a few. Most end up fine. Occasionally Dad kills the kids too.

A 17 year old is a MINOR as far as Websleuths is concerned. That is the reason for that terminology. Because Websleuths doesn't allow us to discuss MINOR'S who are not the immediate victim or suspect. Since this minor isn't missing, murdered, or charged she's off limits for discussion.

My parents and in-laws both divorced after I had my own kids. It's still hard to fathom. I STILL haven't accepted my Dad's girlfriend and it's been 3 years. I would have completely freaked out as a teenager!

Believing that your Dad did anything wrong is difficult for a daughter. Affair, murder, whatever it may be. It can be hard to believe he isn't the man you thought that he was. I wouldn't shade any daughter of any age for struggling to believe that about their Dad.
Steelslady in your post #915 , you had stated in your losing post that maybe he’s protecting someone else, I have been exploring the same theory, I have been going through old posts, news reports, and Facebook entries, and I have a theory that involves a family member, that initially putting the puzzle together could have resulted in a crime a disagreement, argument, that led to a fatal the family in theory is just circling the wagons, I won’t state who I am looking at until I feel like a theory can be bills interviews, his language and choice of words.....

question, is it possible , that what the police are doing with William, is a ploy to get the real truth , the real culprit to come foreword.....

just a theory I have been researching...
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