OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #20

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You have some good ideas, but I have doubts anybody came in thru a window. They are not easy to climb thru. I locked myself out once, and I don't remember what I finally found to stand on, but it really wasn't tall enough. At that point I didn't much care. It was starting to sprinkle, and my four year old was out there with me. I remember getting the window open and used my hands to help me "jump" and fall in the window. I had four lines of ugly sore bruises on the front of both thighs that took nearly a week before they were no longer sore. I hope I never have to get into another MH thru a window again! When I was 34, I learned how to get into a MH with no deadbolt. From my 12 year old nephew. Go figure!
They can be very easy if you are prepared in advance to do so.

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I think it's would be irrational to just write off entry through the window because they would be dificult to enter through.Those windows were plenty big enough for entry. Expecialy for young fit persons. And fairly easy with a boost from a fellow cohort. A seasoned criminal, murder, theif is not going to let a few brusis stop him. The killers could have received return fire in any one of those homes. I feel they would be more worried about this. People have been climbing in and out windows since the invention of windows.

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I am not ruling out window entry, and my windows were plenty big enough to get thru, just so darn high off the ground.
So here goes....

I wanted to throw out a theory on the orders the killings took place. I never intended to tackle this issue but the more stuff I read the more I think of it so here goes. This is based on the theory for a deliberate hit for the whole family and no spur of The moment decisions. The order that that has been playing through my head is as follows:

1. Went to KR first because he was out of the way. If anyone was to discover him it would lead LE* away from the rest of the targets.

2. Next was DR HR & CR2* because this house was away from the last two. The last two which were close together needed to be done quick and carefuly.

3&4. (Two diferent theories on the last two houses.) Were done simultaneously. When the first shots were fired at FR's they were waiting at the door for CR1, its possible this alerted them and/or the dogs GR goes to the door to see what is going on and was shot possibly through the door. Between the shots fired at FR's and shots fired at GR the dogs barking CR was scrambling to fetch, find, maybe load his gun this is why he took so many hits. After GR was down they moved to the final target.

*possible GR was originally at KR residence first and brought to all the homes to help gain entry....

Now in regards to the windows being open one theory I have is one killer had just maybe gone to the front door making noise or simply knocked while the other went through the back windows. The dogs would be distracted at the front of the house with the owner while the other started his work on the inside. It's possible in one or even both the killer at the door was stalling them talking some sort of story why they were there so late maybe needing help, whatever but a distraction long enough to gain control at both ends of the trailors.

What do you think....

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Possible. DS was, from the way I understand, at KR's trailer and supposed to spend the night, but decided to go home. He said that KR would get up early, 5:30 a.m. to work on cars, and he'd planned to go with him, but decided to go home instead. He didn't hear from KR the next morning. I personally would have wondered about that well before 1:00 in the afternoon whether the murders had happened or not. If I'd planned to go somewhere with my cousin and they didn't show, I'd have called them to just check in to see what the deal was. That's just me though.

DR was home by midnight, and is said to have been on FB @ 2:00 a.m., and the bodies began to be found by 7-ish a.m. (Someone has mentioned they have a screenshot or actually seen the screenshot. I'd love to see the screenshot if there is one.)

We know that there were two different shell casings in the CR1/GR trailer so that speaks to two assailants there. With that, I'd lean w/two at each home. Much more efficient and if something went wrong, easier to handle.

As for taking GR with them, I don't think that would work, mostly b/c they'd have had to bank on GR retaining composure and not trying to signal his family in any way. I just don't see him being able to hold up going from home to home and seeing his family slaughtered.

Not sure about the windows either. There's no porches under those windows. It would be difficult for an adult to get through those trailer windows w/o anyone to assist you or something sturdy to stand on.

I still think someone close to the family was either there, or provided info to the people who were there. I have toyed w/the idea that maybe there was a third person driving a car and dropping the assailants off at each location, then picking them back up at a predetermined location. That's a lot of people to coordinate around. Four locations, eight people. It also a lot of folks with various schedules and routines. I'd like to know the last time that DS saw KR alive, or spoke to him. For reason of where they live, and the way sound travels, I just don't think that the sound of the gunshots would be that noticeable. It's not around here. The dogs probably wouldn't be super alarming either. I have a few dogs, and even though I can tell the difference in their barks, you can get to where you tune them out. They didn't have a few, they had a LOT of dogs. That many would have to get to be like white noise. Especially coon hounds.

I think we get hung up on the order that they were found, and tie that, unthinkingly, to the order that the murders took place. FR & HG were alive at 10:30 pm, DR and family, were supposedly alive at 2:00 a.m., and KR was dead by 5:30 a.m. I've never heard anything re; anyone seeing GR or CR1 in the time leading up to the murders. Someone on here, in the beginning, had estimated the timeline for all deaths to be between 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. but I don't know how they determined it, and I can't find post.
I am not ruling out window entry, and my windows were plenty big enough to get thru, just so darn high off the ground.

Same here. I lived in one back in my youth and they were so high that even though I'd fit through them, I'd have woke up anyone in there, if I'd tried to scramble through them. I am not short either.
Possible. DS was, from the way I understand, at KR's trailer and supposed to spend the night, but decided to go home. He said that KR would get up early, 5:30 a.m. to work on cars, and he'd planned to go with him, but decided to go home instead. He didn't hear from KR the next morning. I personally would have wondered about that well before 1:00 in the afternoon whether the murders had happened or not. If I'd planned to go somewhere with my cousin and they didn't show, I'd have called them to just check in to see what the deal was. That's just me though.

DR was home by midnight, and is said to have been on FB @ 2:00 a.m., and the bodies began to be found by 7-ish a.m. (Someone has mentioned they have a screenshot or actually seen the screenshot. I'd love to see the screenshot if there is one.)

We know that there were two different shell casings in the CR1/GR trailer so that speaks to two assailants there. With that, I'd lean w/two at each home. Much more efficient and if something went wrong, easier to handle.

As for taking GR with them, I don't think that would work, mostly b/c they'd have had to bank on GR retaining composure and not trying to signal his family in any way. I just don't see him being able to hold up going from home to home and seeing his family slaughtered.

Not sure about the windows either. There's no porches under those windows. It would be difficult for an adult to get through those trailer windows w/o anyone to assist you or something sturdy to stand on.

I still think someone close to the family was either there, or provided info to the people who were there. I have toyed w/the idea that maybe there was a third person driving a car and dropping the assailants off at each location, then picking them back up at a predetermined location. That's a lot of people to coordinate around. Four locations, eight people. It also a lot of folks with various schedules and routines. I'd like to know the last time that DS saw KR alive, or spoke to him. For reason of where they live, and the way sound travels, I just don't think that the sound of the gunshots would be that noticeable. It's not around here. The dogs probably wouldn't be super alarming either. I have a few dogs, and even though I can tell the difference in their barks, you can get to where you tune them out. They didn't have a few, they had a LOT of dogs. That many would have to get to be like white noise. Especially coon hounds.

I think we get hung up on the order that they were found, and tie that, unthinkingly, to the order that the murders took place. FR & HG were alive at 10:30 pm, DR and family, were supposedly alive at 2:00 a.m., and KR was dead by 5:30 a.m. I've never heard anything re; anyone seeing GR or CR1 in the time leading up to the murders. Someone on here, in the beginning, had estimated the timeline for all deaths to be between 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. but I don't know how they determined it, and I can't find post.
Awesome input. But I think if they had a gun to GR's head he might comply.

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I think it's would be irrational to just write off entry through the window because they would be dificult to enter through.Those windows were plenty big enough for entry. Expecialy for young fit persons. And fairly easy with a boost from a fellow cohort. A seasoned criminal, murder, theif is not going to let a few brusis stop him. The killers could have received return fire in any one of those homes. I feel they would be more worried about this. People have been climbing in and out windows since the invention of windows.

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Yeah, but they'd have had to have a boost, and they had people in there that they didn't want to wake up. There were signs of forced entry on two of the locations and at KR's the lock was not locked on his trailer door so he'd gone to bed feeling comfortable that he didn't need to lock up that night, for some reason. So it was two of the other three that had signs of forced entry.

Edit: DS noted the door was unlocked but did not mention that there was any signs of forced entry.
Awesome input. But I think if they had a gun to GR's head he might comply.

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Comply, yes. But when my family member opened that door I'd be doing something at that point. To heck w/a gun to my head. If I'm gonna die, I'll at least go out fighting and trying to save my family. Only CR1 and GR were the ones who appeared to have not been taken by surprise. The others were in bed.
Comply, yes. But when my family member opened that door I'd be doing something at that point. To heck w/a gun to my head. If I'm gonna die, I'll at least go out fighting and trying to save my family. Only CR1 and GR were the ones who appeared to have not been taken by surprise. The others were in bed.
I'm really curious to know if either CR1 or GR hand shoes on or not. And if there was fresh dirt on the bottom on either of their feet.

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It could have been pay back to GR for something he has done or was involved with. What do we know about GR.

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This fits with 1 of my theories of payback. It's possible GR was running from something in KY. Whatever he may have been fleeing, saw the Rhodens as putting up and protecting a refuge.
I'm really curious to know if either CR1 or GR hand shoes on or not. And if there was fresh dirt on the bottom on either of their feet.

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I've wondered if CR1 was even staying there. When you buy your ex a place, and put it in your name, a mile up the road, it's normally b/c you plan to live there too.
I still believe the perps exited through the open window at CR1's and entered through the window at FR's. Probably went back out that window and through the woods all the way to DR's, entering in the backside of her home. And I still can't make sense of KR being found hours later. I'm wondering when the news 1st broke in Pike County and DS got wind of it? It just seems, if you were suppose to be expecting a call from KR at 5:30 am to go to work, and heard of these murders, you'd jump in the car and take off to check on KR. I don't know. Maybe by the time DS heard about them, he did just that!
I still believe the perps exited through the open window at CR1's and entered through the window at FR's. Probably went back out that window and through the woods all the way to DR's, entering in the backside of her home. And I still can't make sense of KR being found hours later. I'm wondering when the news 1st broke in Pike County and DS got wind of it? It just seems, if you were suppose to be expecting a call from KR at 5:30 am to go to work, and heard of these murders, you'd jump in the car and take off to check on KR. I don't know. Maybe by the time DS heard about them, he did just that!

I just have found it odd that with his brother already murdered, no one made an effort to get ahold of him and inform him of the circumstances. Even if they thought he was at work, they could have called human resources or something.
I still think most of the family thought Kenny was at work. If seven members of my family had been killed, I wouldn't want to hear that over the phone. Maybe the family knew that, and were waiting til they expected him to be home. Then when Donald and Luke saw each other, then Donald told him Kenny wasn't working that day, they went together to check on him.
I still think most of the family thought Kenny was at work. If seven members of my family had been killed, I wouldn't want to hear that over the phone. Maybe the family knew that, and were waiting til they expected him to be home. Then when Donald and Luke saw each other, then Donald told him Kenny wasn't working that day, they went together to check on him.

Could be. It's just in my neck of the woods if 7 members of your family are murdered, no one is going to wait on you to get home from work to tell you about it. If it's too far for someone to drive themselves, the police would go there and do the notification. JMO.
I still believe the perps exited through the open window at CR1's and entered through the window at FR's. Probably went back out that window and through the woods all the way to DR's, entering in the backside of her home. And I still can't make sense of KR being found hours later. I'm wondering when the news 1st broke in Pike County and DS got wind of it? It just seems, if you were suppose to be expecting a call from KR at 5:30 am to go to work, and heard of these murders, you'd jump in the car and take off to check on KR. I don't know. Maybe by the time DS heard about them, he did just that!

It's hard for me to see the windows unless it's an awfully slim person with a boost. I can see going out more than going in b/c of the noise from scrambling in. Going in the average window of a house on a foundation, w/o making noise, is difficult enough, a trailer is way more difficult. I don't see how they'd jimmy them either (from that high up, and stay quiet).

I could understand them not finding KR until later if it weren't for DS having plans to meet up w/him. It looks like it was DR & CR1 and their children, w/GR being in the wrong place at the wrong time. BJM called her father and they found his daughter, his sil, and grandchildren murdered, along w/GR. At that point LE comes in and they're questioning them for hours, but, then, news leaks out. Like I said, I'd have already called my kin if they didn't show up, just because, but, when I see my family on the news, then I'm gonna definitely be calling and going out there. Not saying he did it, but something still doesn't set well w/DS version of everything.
Good point about GR.

Could you please reword the second part of your text regarding meetings. I haven't understood what you meant.

What I ment was they got together to discuss GR
I know I made plenty of noise going in my window. There was nothing for me to grab, so I just kinda flopped in. The ideal thing would have been a three foot step ladder! Then I could have lifted my son thru so he could unlock the door. But I don't think I know of anybody keeping one close specifically for that purpose.
Yes, but I still think it's possible they never entered FR's residence. They could have shot through the open window. Pictures showed something below that window that could've easily given the height to stand on. Or, they could've gone in back door and out that window. I don't believe any front doors were used. That's way too risky with a full moon. I don't know the layout of those MH, so it's just a thought I've had.
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