OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #30

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I thought it was said at some point that DR was shot in the face and neck five times. That would likely take some work at the funeral home to make her look normal.
I never had the feeling that JW could shhot anyone, but, like you said, some folks fool you...

You are probably right but I'd heard that she'd been beaten as well. Now that could be rumor, probably is rumor, and, if you are shot in the face it might look as if you've been beaten, to the average person.
Hi amauet1 I am going to be ifing! I love that phrase of yours. It is going to be my favorite phrase to use next year. I can see it now telling my clients "ok I am going to be ifing right now but...." LOL Thank you !!!!!

So If DR called Cr1 about the phone call that would mean CR1 at least was alive after 10:30 PM.

If Dr called CR1 to tell him she was home then that means CR1 was alive after 11:00 PM.

If DR checked on HR and CR2 that means both of them were alive at 11:00 PM.

Any one else?

I don't think that DR would call him to tell him she was home. I don't think that they were living together.

DR was alive at 1:00 a.m., with HMR with a newborn, it's almost a given that she peeked in when she got home from work. If HMR was okay then so was CR2. It's quite possible that CR2 was alive and maybe gaming or watching t.v. in his room.
Merry Christmas wishes for everyone, and a Happy New Year soon to come!

Hoping for resolution to this case in the coming year!

So many great posts! Yay! I wish I knew why this case touched my soul so much. Surely the remaining family members must be restless and unsettled with no arrests. The following statement by Len M sticks with me. I think it is a clue that he knows who the murderers are and he is speaking directly to them.

"The Pike County Sheriff's wanted to ask me the same questions the BCI did,'' she said, adding that investigators seem to be fixated on when she found the bodies. They said it was earlier, Bobby Jo says. But she said, she went there around 7 a.m.

"I think they should all just leave us alone,'' she said in a moment between tears.

Leonard Manley looked up as his daughter and sighed.

"Look, we are just hillbillies,'' he said. "We ain't got no revenge in our hearts.''


She may have went there by 7:00 am, but she didn't arrive there until after 7:00 a.m. If she lives where I think she lives, it's about a :20 minute drive, and she scooped up her friends on the way.

That Friday morning started out much like every other morning, she said. Manley got up about 6:10 a.m. to wake her 15-year-old daughter by 6:30 a.m. and get her on the bus to school by 7. Then -- as she did most every weekday morning -- she drove over to the trailer of Christopher Rhoden, Sr., 40, to feed his dogs and chickens. Rhoden was her brother-i


She called 911 at 7:49

I believe a lot of people hear the 911 call, and hear children in the background, and think she went to FR's before calling 911. No way there's enough time adding up. I can hear something back there that sounds like children but it could be her friends talking. Their voices might by different sounding, out of fear/shock/etc...
Merry Christmas, ya'll! Blessings to you and yours.



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I've been following this case since February of 2017. I truly hope they find who did this. I also cannot understand how 8 people were murdered and family nor media or news is on this constantly?! I forget names and or initials but, the Father that moved to Alaska with his young daughter who's Mother was killed... If he or his family had nothing to do with said crime I feel he and family would speak out and want justice!! Especially for his daughters sake!!
Merry Christmas to all! [emoji319][emoji318]🤶[emoji173]

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She may have went there by 7:00 am, but she didn't arrive there until after 7:00 a.m. If she lives where I think she lives, it's about a :20 minute drive, and she scooped up her friends on the way.


She called 911 at 7:49

I believe a lot of people hear the 911 call, and hear children in the background, and think she went to FR's before calling 911. No way there's enough time adding up. I can hear something back there that sounds like children but it could be her friends talking. Their voices might by different sounding, out of fear/shock/etc...

One thing about that hard to believe is getting a fifteen year old up thirty minutes before she leaves for school. I have a grand daughter and grand son about that age and neither would be ready in thirty minutes.
We don't know who she brought along or where they lived so it would be hard to say when she got there. They may have been at her house when she left. Then it is possible she fed some outside animals before going to the house. Or, she may have went there first. If her friends were trying to talk quietly under that kind of duress, their voice voice could easily be a few octaves higher.
There is a very good chance we will never know exactly what happened or why. If they do charge someone who denies involvement, then we will have to decide whom to believe. Everything is clear as mud on a cloudy day....
You are probably right but I'd heard that she'd been beaten as well. Now that could be rumor, probably is rumor, and, if you are shot in the face it might look as if you've been beaten, to the average person.

If she was shot in the face 4-5 times she would probably look like someone beat her face with a ball bat.
If she was shot in the face 4-5 times she would probably look like someone beat her face with a ball bat.

The killers wouldn't have had a lot of time to engage in that, either. In DR's home, they would have had to contend with the noise and disruption of DR, HR, CRJr and the baby. Beating on DR would have caused a lot of noise that would have awakened the others and gotten them out of their beds. From what we know, they were all found in or near their beds. There had to have been more than 1 killer at DR's home that night, plus a lookout and someone in the getaway vehicle. There may have also been guns or other weapons in the home that others would have tried to use against the killers once the noise of DR's attack awakened them. Someone would have also gotten on a cell phone to call for help. That's why the LE made statements that the killers were organized and that there were more than one. My impression is that the killings happened very quickly, before anyone had time to respond, call for help or defend themselves, IOW done by someone who had prior experience.

Thanks for that link. Very interesting. I'm surprised more Ohio news outlets haven't joined in, maybe some will or will assist the Enquirer. The decision was very broad, meaning LE can now legally and indefinitely withhold from the news media autopsy reports for any person whose death they deem suspicious. That's not good, it invites a lot of temptation for prosecutorial or LE corrutpion, to cover things up. Also makes it difficult to gather any kind of reliable statistics on causes of death in Ohio.

Dumb overreach on the part of some of those Ohio Supreme Court Justices. It makes Ohio look really bad (again.)

Why are they fighting so hard for those autopsy reports not to be released? The killers would already know everything in them seeing as they were the ones who did it. What is it that LE does not want the public to know? Were they mutilated in some way? Was some part of their body damaged in addition to being shot (e.g. eyes carved out, hands cut off) that would speak to motive?

And why are the news media fighting so hard to get that information public? Do they already know what is in them and feel the public has a right to know? What do they know that we do not?
She may have went there by 7:00 am, but she didn't arrive there until after 7:00 a.m. If she lives where I think she lives, it's about a :20 minute drive, and she scooped up her friends on the way.


She called 911 at 7:49

I believe a lot of people hear the 911 call, and hear children in the background, and think she went to FR's before calling 911. No way there's enough time adding up. I can hear something back there that sounds like children but it could be her friends talking. Their voices might by different sounding, out of fear/shock/etc...

That Friday morning started out much like every other morning, she said. Manley got up about 6:10 a.m. to wake her 15-year-old daughter by 6:30 a.m. and get her on the bus to school by 7. Then -- as she did most every weekday morning -- she drove over to the trailer of Christopher Rhoden, Sr., 40, to feed his dogs and chickens. Rhoden was her brother-i


She may have awakened at 6:10 AM and woke her daughter at 6:30 AM on her way out the door. A 15 year old doesn't really need supervision or help getting ready for school.
The killers wouldn't have had a lot of time to engage in that, either. In DR's home, they would have had to contend with the noise and disruption of DR, HR, CRJr and the baby. Beating on DR would have caused a lot of noise that would have awakened the others and gotten them out of their beds. From what we know, they were all found in or near their beds. There had to have been more than 1 killer at DR's home that night, plus a lookout and someone in the getaway vehicle. There may have also been guns or other weapons in the home that others would have tried to use against the killers once the noise of DR's attack awakened them. Someone would have also gotten on a cell phone to call for help. That's why the LE made statements that the killers were organized and that there were more than one. My impression is that the killings happened very quickly, before anyone had time to respond, call for help or defend themselves, IOW done by someone who had prior experience.

And someone who knew that house like the back of their hand. That house was new. Bought only 30 days prior. It is unrealistic to think that DR turned on the lights in HR or CR2's rooms if they were sleeping. Also the hallway light was probably off. The killers knew exactly where they were sleeping and ran down the hall and into bedrooms in the dark. I think that is why CR2 hid behind his bed thinking they wouldn't find him because it was dark.

It may not have been their first rodeo as far as killing went, but they were not professional hit men either. Strange professional hit men would not have known the floor plan of DR's house as it had been altered and added to.

IMO the killers had been inside of DR's house at least once before the night of the murders.

For that matter, same with FR and CR1.

KR since it was a fifth wheel they may have guessed at, but no way could they guess with any accuracy on the other three homes.

If she was shot in the face 4-5 times she would probably look like someone beat her face with a ball bat.

That's what I've always thought about BJM saying it looked like someone beat the $%^$ out of CR1. He'd been shot so many times and places, and he'd lain there all bloody, and rigor maybe setting in, that it probably looked like a horrible beating.
The killers wouldn't have had a lot of time to engage in that, either. In DR's home, they would have had to contend with the noise and disruption of DR, HR, CRJr and the baby. Beating on DR would have caused a lot of noise that would have awakened the others and gotten them out of their beds. From what we know, they were all found in or near their beds. There had to have been more than 1 killer at DR's home that night, plus a lookout and someone in the getaway vehicle. There may have also been guns or other weapons in the home that others would have tried to use against the killers once the noise of DR's attack awakened them. Someone would have also gotten on a cell phone to call for help. That's why the LE made statements that the killers were organized and that there were more than one. My impression is that the killings happened very quickly, before anyone had time to respond, call for help or defend themselves, IOW done by someone who had prior experience.

I really wasn't thinking of a prolonged beating. Just that she'd met them at the door, and for a bit of extra satisfaction they maybe pistol whipped her a couple times, and to get her down, then shot her when she was down. It's kinda harder to shoot a moving target (CR1, I think, was a moving target). Of course I guess she coulda opened the door and they just started shooting. No matter how well organized they were, I think they almost lost it at CR1's place.
That Friday morning started out much like every other morning, she said. Manley got up about 6:10 a.m. to wake her 15-year-old daughter by 6:30 a.m. and get her on the bus to school by 7. Then -- as she did most every weekday morning -- she drove over to the trailer of Christopher Rhoden, Sr., 40, to feed his dogs and chickens. Rhoden was her brother-i


She may have awakened at 6:10 AM and woke her daughter at 6:30 AM on her way out the door. A 15 year old doesn't really need supervision or help getting ready for school.

You've had some really easy teens, that were early risers, who made it on the bus every day then. :laughing: I'd have NEVER been in the school building if my mother didn't see me on the bus! And usually went out the window after I got there if I could pull it off! lol Neither would my kids and most of my friend's kids. I had one friend who had to go home on break every day to re-wake up her son, at 10:15 after repeated, unanswered phone calls,and after waking him before she left for work, to get him up to walk to school. He passed with flying colors, he just could not wake up. My daughter was much the same way. I had to drag her out of the bed, yelling, WAKE UP!, and make sure she was awake, clothed, and standing by the road for the bus. She was on the academic team, great grades, etc... just could not wake up.
Why are they fighting so hard for those autopsy reports not to be released? The killers would already know everything in them seeing as they were the ones who did it. What is it that LE does not want the public to know? Were they mutilated in some way? Was some part of their body damaged in addition to being shot (e.g. eyes carved out, hands cut off) that would speak to motive?

And why are the news media fighting so hard to get that information public? Do they already know what is in them and feel the public has a right to know? What do they know that we do not?

It is possible the newspaper heard there is something unusual about the deaths and think the public should know. They may know more than they are letting on because they don't have a reliable source or are concerned about being wrong. It could also be that the autopsy reports are the only thing in this case that they can fight for and have a chance of winning. They aren't going to get LE to release anything else by suing them.... This whole investigation is just about the opposite of what is normally done. LE usually lets the public know who or what to look out for, what kind of vehicles they may have used, etc. to help find a person of interest. In this case it seems like they do not want anyone to know who might be a person of interest.
And someone who knew that house like the back of their hand. That house was new. Bought only 30 days prior. It is unrealistic to think that DR turned on the lights in HR or CR2's rooms if they were sleeping. Also the hallway light was probably off. The killers knew exactly where they were sleeping and ran down the hall and into bedrooms in the dark. I think that is why CR2 hid behind his bed thinking they wouldn't find him because it was dark.

It may not have been their first rodeo as far as killing went, but they were not professional hit men either. Strange professional hit men would not have known the floor plan of DR's house as it had been altered and added to.

IMO the killers had been inside of DR's house at least once before the night of the murders.

For that matter, same with FR and CR1.

KR since it was a fifth wheel they may have guessed at, but no way could they guess with any accuracy on the other three homes.


Mobile homes only have bedrooms two places. One in the front, maybe, if it is a front bedroom design, and the rest are down the hall. Both I lived in were front bedroom. One had the hallway to the front of the house and one had it to the back of the house. You can see the hallway from the living room. DR's home had the addition to the back side of the house, probably where the back door would be. That was likely the part that had a basement for the water pump, etc.. The general floor plan was probably unchanged...
You've had some really easy teens, that were early risers, who made it on the bus every day then. :laughing: I'd have NEVER been in the school building if my mother didn't see me on the bus! And usually went out the window after I got there if I could pull it off! lol Neither would my kids and most of my friend's kids. I had one friend who had to go home on break every day to re-wake up her son, at 10:15 after repeated, unanswered phone calls,and after waking him before she left for work, to get him up to walk to school. He passed with flying colors, he just could not wake up. My daughter was much the same way. I had to drag her out of the bed, yelling, WAKE UP!, and make sure she was awake, clothed, and standing by the road for the bus. She was on the academic team, great grades, etc... just could not wake up.

My son is in his 40s and still needs an alarm clock that will rattle the house to wake him up...It has to be out of reach so he has to get up to shut it off....
Mobile homes only have bedrooms two places. One in the front, maybe, if it is a front bedroom design, and the rest are down the hall. Both I lived in were front bedroom. One had the hallway to the front of the house and one had it to the back of the house. You can see the hallway from the living room. DR's home had the addition to the back side of the house, probably where the back door would be. That was likely the part that had a basement for the water pump, etc.. The general floor plan was probably unchanged...

Yeah hers was more of a doublewide but I lived in a couple of singles, in the 80s, and they were almost identical even though one had one less bedroom. My friends who've lived in them too, it's just basically two designs. The bedrooms on the hallways are usually the kid's rooms because they aren't that big. I sleep like a rock but if someone had tried to climb in one of those trailers windows there's no way i'd not have heard it. I may not have heard every word that was said inside the next trailer over, but you could here people pulling up and leaving, working on cars, etc... Now the one that had neighbors further apart like CR1 and FR, I didn't hear as much what went on at the other folks home unless they were partying, or revving cars. We were doing some of that too so we thought nothing of it. I'd have though nothing of a gunshot. Guns about were common.
My son is in his 40s and still needs an alarm clock that will rattle the house to wake him up...It has to be out of reach so he has to get up to shut it off....

I understand. The first night my current husband, and I, stayed under the same roof for the night, his alarm went off the next morning, and I thought he was going to have to peel me off of the cieling! I'd never heard anything like that in all my life! I was out of my surroundings, his house, and woke up to something like Norwegian Death Metal on ACID, at volume level 20!! :hills:
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