UNSOLVED Oh - Pike County: 8 People From One Family Dead As Police Hunt For Killer(s) #33

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Rhoden family massacre: 2 years later, no arrests, no motives

Pike County Prosecutor Rob Junk will only say that investigators remain focused on a former Peebles family of four who had ties to the Rhoden family but moved last year to Alaska.

He said authorities are focused on the Wagners in the investigation of the April 22, 2016 slayings.

The Wagners have continued to deny involvement, saying they too were heartbroken by the deaths of their longtime friends. Angela Wagner said her husband and Christopher Rhoden, Sr., were longtime friends. Others have said the two were also business partners who had had a falling out before the homicides.

n the absence of public statement or facts related to the investigation or the case, rumors continue to swirl about the case fueling speculation about motive and finger-pointing. Message boards and several closed Facebook groups remain active.

Junk said authorities have heard all the rumors as well and have chased dozens and dozens down as part of the investigation.

"When this first came up, there were a lot of different theories to who did this and why and everything like that, and pretty much like all of them have gone by the wayside or been disproven,’’ he said. Junk said there is no evidence of Mexican cartels operating in Pike County.
What’s your take on that Raisin? I noticed today that Adams Health Solutions is still active and that’s strange to me as well since lawyers have been involved w/the estates. I dont know why they wouldn’t have shut that LLC down with the owner deceased. Or I’m just overthinking again o_O
Jody ' s article also revealed that BCI, AG ' S office and PCSO had statements from 3 witnesses saying who killed Francis and Burgette, but did nothing with the information. Sound familiar?

Pike Co. cold case: 'Stuff's been covered up long enough'

They had witness statements, as to the last place the man was seen, before he was murdered.

JH lived at the 3015 Wynn Road Home at the time, along with CH, and EC. All three lived there.
JH and CH are brothers, and, at the time of the Francis and Burgette murders, their mother RH owned the property, RH. JH has a record.
Wow. That was a real investigative report and wish more news places would do as good a job.

I dont know if any of the players have any connection whatsoever to this case but I can tell one thing for sure.

The reporting describes how bad things can happen when people get involved with other people in the drug trade. It is a dangerous game to be associated with anyone involved in drugs or drug dealing. People on the sidelines can get hurt or killed too.

I remember reading this story when it first came out. Something doesn't ring true with this guy. His friend, AB, lived in that home. How does one not notice a 4' mound of rocks, that appears on your property, with a line, and pipe, leading from your home, to underneath said mound. The property is not large. PF has a little history with LE in the area too.

RbnHws owned the property from 2006-2009
G*yl* Pr*ter owned the property from 1999 - 2004 (who has connections to H*skins)

The statements also included the name: K. Pr*ter. Pr*ter’s actual last name is “H*sk*ns,” but everyone we spoke with as part of this investigation tells us “Pr*ter” is what Mr. H*skins is commonly known by.

“It was buried underneath four feet of rocks and dirt and it had been hid,” Paul Francis said as he described the day last July when he found the water line and wiring under his friend's sink at 3015 Wynn Road. The wires led to a well no one involved in the criminal investigation knew existed before.

J & C H*w*s are brothers. RbnH*w*s is their mother and at the time of the murders, she owned the home on Wynn Road, according to Pike County property records.

Just some late night thoughts.
I couldn’t agree more! Something’s going on there and I can’t figure out what it is.

Curt Francis
Jennifer Burgette
Candy Newsome
Mykal Newsome
Chris Rhoden Sr
Dana Rhoden
Frankie Rhoden
Hanna May Rhoden
Chris Rhoden Jr.
Hannah Hazel Gilley
Kenneth Rhoden
Gary Rhoden
Bernice Hayslip

And now possibly, Violet Rhoden.

That’s 13 people with a possible 14th.

What in the world is going on in Pike County Ohio? And why is this being allowed to happen?

I see a common denominator... Same one that's getting folks killed here. It's not just Pike County, Oh. It's all through these mountains. This is the Orphan Generation. They're being raised by grandparents b/c their parents are deceased, or on their way.
I see a common denominator... Same one that's getting folks killed here. It's not just Pike County, Oh. It's all through these mountains. This is the Orphan Generation. They're being raised by grandparents b/c their parents are deceased, or on their way.
I agree. Speaking of common denominators, a scroll through VR’s fb shows her and GR bantering back and forth in December 2015 over hacking each others fbs. So, IMO, those two were somewhat close and around each other AND GR was in Pike Co in 12/2015. Of course, we don’t know that he didn’t go back to Greenup between then and April. It just caught my eye because many have questioned when GR came to Peebles/Waverly/Piketon (whatever town we wanna say the R’s lived in lol)
They had witness statements, as to the last place the man was seen, before he was murdered.

JH lived at the 3015 Wynn Road Home at the time, along with CH, and EC. All three lived there.
JH and CH are brothers, and, at the time of the Francis and Burgette murders, their mother RH owned the property, RH. JH has a record.

I remember reading this story when it first came out. Something doesn't ring true with this guy. His friend, AB, lived in that home. How does one not notice a 4' mound of rocks, that appears on your property, with a line, and pipe, leading from your home, to underneath said mound. The property is not large. PF has a little history with LE in the area too.

RbnHws owned the property from 2006-2009
G*yl* Pr*ter owned the property from 1999 - 2004 (who has connections to

Just some late night thoughts.

It's also surprising that, in spite of written testimony from several witnesses, investigators said they couldn't arrest anyone. They said publicly that they had no witnesses.
PLEASE. could someone post a link to the story the reporter wrote explaining the relationships here? I tried to search for it but I don’t have enough info to find the correct document. Thank you in advance.

Looks like the killing in pike is far from over.
Are you talking about the article titled Death in the Foothills? That’s the most comprehensive article, but there are several that explain the relationships.
What’s your take on that Raisin? I noticed today that Adams Health Solutions is still active and that’s strange to me as well since lawyers have been involved w/the estates. I dont know why they wouldn’t have shut that LLC down with the owner deceased. Or I’m just overthinking again o_O

Lets try that hypothetical thing.

Hypothetically lets say that the R's and W's were in the business of selling , let's say Oxycontin or something harder, for the sake of example and the W's fronted CR1 a large amount to sell. Let's say that CR1 was able to sell that supply and collect a large amount of money, let's say 30,000.00 dollars. He and BW gets into an argument because BW is trying to force HR to sign away her parental rights to SW and threatens to take her to court to get custody. BW knows that CR1 is not going to use their "business" against him in court and vice versa. So BW tells CR1 he will use HR's living conditions I. E. living in a small trailer with not only CR1, DR and CR2 but also FR, HG, and BrandonR. So let's say that CR1. being the kind of man he is, takes the 30k he got from selling the supply and instead of giving it to BW for his supply he fronted to CR1 and he pays down on a better house for DR so the W's cannot use her living conditions as a reason to get custody of SW.

I would say that would be adding insult to injury for the W's and could generate enough hatred and sense of betrayal on their part to kill everyone involved and everyone who knows, including KR.

And before someone jumps me for victim bashing I would like to say this is just a theory of mine.

But please keep in mind that these 8 people were killed for a reason, and that reason involves something they were doing or someone they brought into their lives.

PLEASE. could someone post a link to the story the reporter wrote explaining the relationships here? I tried to search for it but I don’t have enough info to find the correct document. Thank you in advance.

Looks like the killing in pike is far from over.
Check the first couple pages of the Rhoden Murders thread in Media and Timeline sub forum. There's at least one graphic showing the relationships between the 8 deceased.
Lets try that hypothetical thing.

Hypothetically lets say that the R's and W's were in the business of selling , let's say Oxycontin or something harder, for the sake of example and the W's fronted CR1 a large amount to sell. Let's say that CR1 was able to sell that supply and collect a large amount of money, let's say 30,000.00 dollars. He and BW gets into an argument because BW is trying to force HR to sign away her parental rights to SW and threatens to take her to court to get custody. BW knows that CR1 is not going to use their "business" against him in court and vice versa. So BW tells CR1 he will use HR's living conditions I. E. living in a small trailer with not only CR1, DR and CR2 but also FR, HG, and BrandonR. So let's say that CR1. being the kind of man he is, takes the 30k he got from selling the supply and instead of giving it to BW for his supply he fronted to CR1 and he pays down on a better house for DR so the W's cannot use her living conditions as a reason to get custody of SW.

I would say that would be adding insult to injury for the W's and could generate enough hatred and sense of betrayal on their part to kill everyone involved and everyone who knows, including KR.

And before someone jumps me for victim bashing I would like to say this is just a theory of mine.

But please keep in mind that these 8 people were killed for a reason, and that reason involves something they were doing or someone they brought into their lives.

I’d say that’s an excellent hypothetical theory. I’m wondering more and more why Adams Health Solutions is still active, 26 months after the murders. IMO, it’s being left open on purpose by either the family’s attorney or LE.
Lets try that hypothetical thing.

Hypothetically lets say that the R's and W's were in the business of selling , let's say Oxycontin or something harder, for the sake of example and the W's fronted CR1 a large amount to sell. Let's say that CR1 was able to sell that supply and collect a large amount of money, let's say 30,000.00 dollars. He and BW gets into an argument because BW is trying to force HR to sign away her parental rights to SW and threatens to take her to court to get custody. BW knows that CR1 is not going to use their "business" against him in court and vice versa. So BW tells CR1 he will use HR's living conditions I. E. living in a small trailer with not only CR1, DR and CR2 but also FR, HG, and BrandonR. So let's say that CR1. being the kind of man he is, takes the 30k he got from selling the supply and instead of giving it to BW for his supply he fronted to CR1 and he pays down on a better house for DR so the W's cannot use her living conditions as a reason to get custody of SW.

I would say that would be adding insult to injury for the W's and could generate enough hatred and sense of betrayal on their part to kill everyone involved and everyone who knows, including KR.

And before someone jumps me for victim bashing I would like to say this is just a theory of mine.

But please keep in mind that these 8 people were killed for a reason, and that reason involves something they were doing or someone they brought into their lives.


I'm still not on board with this theory, no offense intended. If there was a deal involving $30 grand of hard drugs, there would have been a supplier to the W ' s for that. If CR1 had ripped off the W's , they would owe that to the big dealer. Big dealer would have killed one of the W's , too, at some point. They wouldn't have left them alive to talk about the drug deals or the muders.

JMO, the W's were angry over the custody deal. They told higher ups that CR1 was snitching to someone in LE. The horrific Rhoden Massacre was done to send a big loud message - we're in charge and this is what happens to snitches.
I'm still not on board with this theory, no offense intended. If there was a deal involving $30 grand of hard drugs, there would have been a supplier to the W ' s for that. If CR1 had ripped off the W's , they would owe that to the big dealer. Big dealer would have killed one of the W's , too, at some point. They wouldn't have left them alive to talk about the drug deals or the muders.

JMO, the W's were angry over the custody deal. They told higher ups that CR1 was snitching to someone in LE. The horrific Rhoden Massacre was done to send a big loud message - we're in charge and this is what happens to snitches.
I agree with most of this, except IMO there weren’t any higher ups. I feel like CR & BW (GW3) were the higher ups or trying to be the higher ups.

The W’s, IMO had no plans to move to AK anytime soon, until months after the murders. The boys bought a house, the parents moved in, they built a barn (that they couldn’t pay for-but CR1 could put $30k down on a new home). That barn was being built at or around the time the R’s were killed as it was almost completed June 3 2016, per a post on Defiance Farms fb. It may have even been started just after the murders.

Why would they build a barn, then not be able to pay for it and then list a home for sale?

Building a new structure shows intent on staying. Heck, I just planted new bushes and I wouldn’t have done that if I was planning on moving anytime soon. That’s a waste of $$$$. Scared people also do not make long term plans or build permanent structures if their gonna leave the mainland out of fear.

Were they expecting a large sum of cash and that didn’t pan out? Maybe they were expecting SR’s inheritance to come their way (that’s a stretch, I know but I don’t rule anything out when it comes to $$) or MAYBE they thought with the R’s gone, the business dealings CR1 & GW3 had together would then all be theirs and that didn’t work out either, thus no $$$ to pay for the new barn. IMO, the W’s thought they were gonna have it all-the kids, the business dealings, even the exotic pigs (that no one wanted to buy) and their master plan started falling apart in the Summer of 2016.
I'm still not on board with this theory, no offense intended. If there was a deal involving $30 grand of hard drugs, there would have been a supplier to the W ' s for that. If CR1 had ripped off the W's , they would owe that to the big dealer. Big dealer would have killed one of the W's , too, at some point. They wouldn't have left them alive to talk about the drug deals or the muders.

JMO, the W's were angry over the custody deal. They told higher ups that CR1 was snitching to someone in LE. The horrific Rhoden Massacre was done to send a big loud message - we're in charge and this is what happens to snitches.


What if the W's were the "big dealer"? Keep in mind that JW was a truck driver and the elder W's had the money to buy a large supply from Mexico or Florida to bring to SE Ohio to sell. It's done everyday in that area and other areas of the nation. Who better for the W's to trust to turn it than good buddy CR1 who's daughter was also the girlfriend of their son/grandson. Until the breakup and subsequent argument over custody that is.

What if they told the higher ups (assuming the W's were not the higher up's) that CR1 ripped them(the higher up's) off for 30k?

Please let's keep 2 things in mind. LE and AG DeWine continue to tell the news media they are focused on the W's for these murders. Junk just reiterated that on the 2 year anniversary a couple of months ago. So can we please give LE the benefit of the doubt and assume they know who killed the R's and why?

Second there was that very public raid on the W's and also on the elder W's farm. That should be speaking volumes to us.

Further on my theory above, early interviews with some feds indicated, if CR1 was snitching, it would have to be someone in LE who revealed that info to the killers. JMO , the W's have close business relationships with people in the area, going back many years. That's why they've been allowed to move to AK. They've been a minor part of a big regional power structure that is still carrying on business as usual.
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