P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found

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In the 8/11 phone call there was no mention of a bag.

In the 8/12 phone call I did not hear Roy K mention a bag, but heard the dispatcher mention the bag.
Around 28 seconds something was cut out of the tape.

In the 8/13 phone call no mention of the bag.

Several have posted that it appears to be edited out. At least the color was. I know the version I listened to mentions it.
Keep hammering...You are right. It IS relevant.

Funny how the A fam wouldn't associate with anyone publically that said Caylee was not alive, but then have private conversations about where her remains are with the PI etc. My! Oh My! It so reminds me of "He doth protest too much."

And now JB is jumping on the 'protest wagon' that is painted in flashy neon.

You nailed it.

I have been waiting for a chance to offer up my personal take on the many, many hours KC spent in JB's office while out on bail.

I think she spent her days hiding away from her parents, and watching soaps in JB's conference room. Probably 'Passions.' That is where she formulates her plot lines from, not One Tree Hill. All we're missing is the Midget.

(3, 2, 1, ... count down until someone implicates a height-challenged soul as an accomplice...)

lol, does the sippy cup gang count as height challenged?
Isn't Dominic Casey the one who claimed he spent hours and hours with Casey and what a great person she was?

CA spent even more hours with KC and also claimed she was a great person, and Mom of the Year.

And she also called her a Sociopath.

Perspective, context and timing is all relevant, isn't it?
I think we'll know a lot more in the next week about this alleged filming, about Kronk's experiences in tips and sightings (he is going public soon, he says) as well as possible obstruction charges against any of the Anthony family members. By next week, (hopefully) Caylee will be buried and then I think LE will be more likely to take further action it may have been considering over the past few months. I truly feel that in another week, many of our questions will be answered.

For now, this filming thing is very confusing b/c what we've heard so far is that Kronk called LE in August and got LE to look at the exact area where he saw a bag.** If Kronk pointed out the bag he saw to LE, then LE either: (1) looked inside the bag but nothing of interest was in that particular bag (i.e., the bag containing Caylee's remains was a different bag); or (2) looked in the direction of where Kronk said he saw a bag but decided not to go further b/c unlike Kronk, LE couldn't see any such bag (from a distance). Like I said, we'll probably get a better understanding of what went down with all this in the next week or so. I tend to think (1) above is more likely. It sounds to me that Kronk felt strongly that this area is where Caylee was buried and really really really wanted LE to be all over it. That I understand. Just like some WS'ers felt strongly about the area around an elementary school/church and in my own case, Greenwood Cemetery. So he could have been looking around there feeling a hunch that THIS WAS WHERE CAYLEE WAS BURIED (half of America felt strongly about where she might be) and phoned into LE whenever he saw something of interest in that area.

Regarding the videotaping.....if in fact a private investigator hired by Cindy and George Anthony videotaped the exact spot where Caylee was ultimately found in a bag and did that filming a month before she was found.....there will be problems for the defense as well as the Anthonys themselves. Not vice versa. Unless, of course, the video:

(1) provides viewers a clear view of the exact spot where the bag w/ Caylee's remains were found; and

(2) clearly shows that at the time of filming, this spot could NOT have had a bag with a small body in it tucked under the ivy.

But unless the video shows someone digging a bit in the area in question, it's probably just going to show a bunch of ivy and vegetation undisturbed. Vegetation that could have hidden a bag; a bag that was there at the time of the filming. When I bought my house (on a flat parcel, no less), much of the property was covered in groundcover ivy and ferns and such. When I pulled it up you can't believe the things I found in it. Lots of supermarket plastic bags, toys, even clothing. It had all been covered by the ivy. Ivy can be a foot or more deep and many yards long, yet the rooted suckers are a few feet apart - perfect to hide stuff in between the rooted suckers and under the ivy. Where there is ivy left as groundcover, there is almost always bags and other items trapped in there. Blown by the wind from places farther away (like neighboring home) or items intentially placed there.

As for Baez, his concern with the A/C privilege is interesting. Did Baez suggest to the PI the location of Caylee's remains? If not, did Casey? The attorney-client privilege "belongs to" the client and generally, the a/c privilege extends to communications by the attorney to third parties hired by the attorney (secretaries, paralegals, PIs) to assist the attorney with the case. What is protected? Communications reasonably related to proper representation of the client. Now, if Casey blabbed it to the PI or someone other than her own attorney, I'd have to dig a bit to see what happens to the privilege in that instance (i.e., whether she waived it. She might not have). As for the Anthonys....I think they probably had a hunch that this area could have held Caylee's remains. For heaven's sake, it's the closest wooded area to their house, they knew Casey hung out there all her life and may have even been aware she used it as a pet cemetary (or so we hear).The PI probably went out and looked at the area and when he told the Anthonys he found nothing, they were probably so surprised and told him to go tape around that area.

I can't wait to find out how this all comes together. But unless that video shows a CLEAR picture of the site where Caylee was found and that a body could NOT have been there at the time of filming, this is not a good development for the defense.

**According to WESH : "The calls-for-service details also indicate the arrival time of responding officers and the time at which they cleared the scene. According to the report, on Aug. 11 a deputy was on the scene for five minutes, on Aug. 12 for seven minutes and on Aug. 13 for 25 minutes."
From the meter reader's statement:

Good afternoon, my name is Roy Cronk. On Thursday the 11th, December 11th, during the course of my duties as a county employee I discovered and reported to my management and appropriate authorities the remains of a human body located in the wooded area close to Suburban drive in east Orange County.

As the Orange County Sherriff’s office reported yesterday, back in August of this year, I had previously reported to Crimeline and to the Sherriff’s communications center that I had spotted something suspicious, a bag in the same area.


Thank you for that info as I am familiar with what was said in December. My concerns are with the info provided back in the August phone calls to indicate the color of the bag. In the second phone call Roy K did not mention the bag, but something was cut out 28 seconds into the recording and I found it odd that the dispatcher mentioned the bag and I didn't hear Roy K mention the bag. This made me wonder what was cut-out in the 8/12 phone call.
Nail on head. I think that was exactly what he was doing.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe KC put him up to going there to film...she was awfully confident and smug...until they found the body that is. She seemed to think she was bulletproof until then. "Oh, this can't be happening NOW." Hmm.

I asked on a thread the other day if the PI could visit her in the jail with JB and if it was considered privileged? I'd still like to know that. One of them said they'd visited KC in jail MANY MANY times....although his name wasn't on the visitors list that I know of.
That was Gail from an unmentionable web site. Her film was done at the end of the road...not where Caylee was found but not very far from where she was found. She was at the endof the road to the left was the turn into Hidden Oaks Elem. School. She was close though. If the P.I. filmed in mid-Nov. the neighboors have said that just before Caylee was found @ week r two before it was still under some water. I want to see the tape NOW!!!:rolleyes:

My impression, when I saw that tape last week, was that she wasn't really that close because where she went into the woods/swamp there was a deep ditch at the road there. From seeing the discovery site on tv when they were working there it looked pretty much level.
I think LP has something here that there is a daisy chain that leads from KC to Lee to Kronk. Something fishy about this whole thing. LP is on to something. What was LP's last statement??? about why he feels this way?
Ok. 1. The EVIDENCE will show that she was there in November and even months before. I think this is an absolutely ridiculous claim to try and pull off. What about the medical examiner? What about the entomologists? What about how much decay had happened? The bones were spread all over the place! Come on. There is no way anyone can pull this and it be believable.

2. Why the heck was he filming there? Why is Baez worried about him divulging priveledged information about where the remains were? Obviously they knew.

3. News reports at one time did not want to comment on "what color" the bag was. IF it was a white bag - with a decomposing body in it, it would appear gray. The sheriff made a pretty big point of not wanting to disclose the color at one point. The bag that was in KC's car was white though. So maybe the bag she was in was white - is there a definative report on it?

Now I think they all knew and that's why these reports about LA possibly facing charges and CA & GA wanting immunity and now this video. They were building up to this.

I just don't see how it can go against the physical evidence that the body was indeed there.
I have a problem with this statement made...

"The defense's spokesman said they don't want their former private eye to divulge privileged conversations they might have had about where Caylee's remains might be. "

Now correct me if Im wrong, but the defense claimed all along Caylee was alive, so why would they be having conversations about finding her remains?

Oh my goodness - very good point!! He was their PI back in September, and his contract ended Oct. 1. So Baez is basically admitting that they had conversations about 'remains' back then!! So much for the Nanny story -- it's going under the bus too. Hahaha
Who says the A's made the PI go there?

No one said the A's made the PI go there. I'll serve you this one up on a silver platter.

But, JB's public reaction does imply that something privileged made him go there. And, it is unlikely that the PI didn't share this info with the A's when he was hired by them during their own brand of discovery/review about the case.

(Not that I am sure I believe he did go there, but we can debate that later.)
Yep, me too !!

I'm not an astrologer, nor am I psychic but, I predict next "breaking news" will be that Baez has "resigned" from the case as Casey's attorney.....heck, he may end up as a witness before it's all over :rolleyes:.

JB may need his own lawyer-maybe GR will do it PRO BONO!!:rolleyes:
Several have posted that it appears to be edited out. At least the color was. I know the version I listened to mentions it.

Yes I agree. He talks about a board and a white bag IIRC.
I think LP has something here that there is a daisy chain that leads from KC to Lee to Kronk. Something fishy about this whole thing. LP is on to something. What was LP's last statement??? about why he feels this way?

Are you referring to LP's statement that someone led Kronk to Caylee? If so, I think LP was talking about in the spiritual sense, as in god.

Or did I miss something?
I disagree. You may remember, they did all they could to stop TES & others from searching for Caylee. They were happy to let her stay out there, as it allowed them to keep claiming she was still alive.

They did not support anyone looking for a dead Caylee because they believed or wanted to believe she was alive.
Sorry, I will not believe they knew she was dead and left her there like garbage. Nope, not going to believe it.
I think we'll know a lot more in the next week about this alleged filming, about Kronk's experiences in tips and sightings (he is going public soon, he says) as well as possible obstruction charges against any of the Anthony family members. By next week, (hopefully) Caylee will be buried and then I think LE will be more likely to take further action it may have been considering over the past few months. I truly feel that in another week, many of our questions will be answered.

Great post (repectfully snipped). It's good to read opinions from a legal perspective. I think you're right......LE is going to hover in the background pending the burial of Caylee.

I am curious as to how the meter reader can go public with his story though.....he seems to be a crucial witness at this point and I'm surprised he would have the liberty to speak freely with the media :confused:.
LP needs to go away. His story changes as much as KC's. He's on whatever side will get him more publicity. Sorry, but he is getting on my nerves. Now he's saying someone tipped off the Meter Reader. Good Lord.
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