Penalty Phase #13

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They sure do a lot of self-promoting on Fox10AZ commercials...
Does anyone know how to shoot Troy a ?, he was asking for some earlier. If so please send him this one. tia

What was the reason you had a gun hidden in your car, as well as multiple knives the day you were arrested.
Whoa, nelly. Did you notice when she talked about the "mortifying" sex tapes, etc... she starts this bit about how "there's so much of that on the internet ... it's everywhere... I just don't understand why people are so interested in me..." dropping her mask for us to see her narcissism shining through loud and clear....

News flash, Jodi! Nobody's interested in you sexually. We are studying you like a bug. Yes, like an unknown bug, with lots of legs and spots. Like that.
Gotta :eek:fftobed: now peeps. Argh, I missed you today!!! See everyone tomorrow. Have a safe and peaceful night. Justice is on the horizon for Travis, and we all made it through the madness to the very end of it all. Hugs to everyone :grouphug:.
Does anyone know how to shoot Troy a ?, he was asking for some earlier. If so please send him this one. tia

What was the reason you had a gun hidden in your car, as well as multiple knives the day you were arrested.

He just tweeted that the interview is over... that would have been a great question!
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 4m

#JodiArias interview done. Will air it unedited in about 10 minutes on #FOX10 news at 10 and
No tomatoes thrown here... as much as I'm all for recycling, financially it can get pricey, at times.

Looks like the Arizona Prisons already have a substantial recycling program:

Arizona Correctional Industries‎
... of Wood, Metal, and Upholstery, Office Furniture and Chairs, Recyclable Mattresses, Signs, Vehicle Graphics, Decals, Plaques, and Institutional Products.
You know, I've never considered going to Cancun. It almost would be worth it just to send Jodi a post card with "Wouldn't you rather be here?" on it.

Does anyone know how to shoot Troy a ?, he was asking for some earlier. If so please send him this one. tia

What was the reason you had a gun hidden in your car, as well as multiple knives the day you were arrested.

I want to know why she refilled the gas cans in SLC.

She'll never tell. :(
She cares. She doesn't want that small cell all alone 23/7. Bet on it. She a scam artist imo, master manipulator.
She'll be alone 23/7 REGARDLESS of the sentence--that's how it works for LIFERs at Perryville. Delusional if she thinks she'll be in gen pop.
Looks like the Arizona Prisons already have a substantial recycling program:

Arizona Correctional Industries‎
... of Wood, Metal, and Upholstery, Office Furniture and Chairs, Recyclable Mattresses, Signs, Vehicle Graphics, Decals, Plaques, and Institutional Products.

Yeah, that egomaniac acting like she's gonna go change the world... like she has the power to "implement" a recycle program... gimme a break :banghead:
You know .. I think there is a specific reason why she killed Travis, and it's not just rejection. Whatever it is, she thinks he REALLY deserved it.
I know I'm likely the odd [wo]man out WRT my not being furious at the fact this hideous, migrating wildebeest is giving interviews as we speak.. but I'm honestly not the least bit upset at her predictable behavior in seeking out the absolute most limelight and attention that she can possibly grasp onto with her talons..

She's nothing,. NOTHING!.. and she is utterly powerless..her desperation and uber neediness oozes from her every pore, just as the evil oozes from her as well..

I personally can take satisfaction in watching her pathetic, repeated failed attempts at trying to convince everyone, or hell actually just anyone, that she's really "worth" something..she's NOT and IMO she's seeing the fruits of truth that she in fact is everything the exact opposite of what she so desperately wants people to believe that she is..

Let her talk..she has no power over me, over you, and most importantly she has zero power over Travis' loved ones.. and let's get to the core of the issue here, it is that exact agenda that Jodi Arias has.. To exert power over Travis' loved ones in striking out with intent to continue to hurt, inflict pain upon, and in essence Jodi's NEED to feel she still has power/control over Travis in her ability to inflict pain/anguish on his family..Problem is Jodi no longer has any power or control whatsoever and she certainly has zero power/control WRT Travis' siblings.. They prevailed and in doing so are MOVING FORWARD with their lives..something Jodi cannot and will not ever be able to do or even have the opportunity to do. They have received their justice for their brother, Travis and in their closing this chapter in their lives, so too do they permanently close themselves to Jodi Arias..She will be nothing but the ever growing distant bad memory ..the further away they move forward with their lives, the more distance there is from the ever faded memory of Jodi Arias.. Their moving forward with their families, additional children, and more joyous times ahead of them as they continue on with their lives.. All the while it is their 30 years full of memories of their wonderful, full of life and love brother, Travis that they will ALWAYS HAVE, THAT CAN NEVER BE TAKEN FROM THEM as they keep that memory alive by continuing to ensure their children all come to know the wonderful Uncle that most of them never had the chance to know in this life...yet Travis' siblings will bring Travis' larger than life personality to life in their continuing keeping him in their constant open dialogue with each of their children as they grow up knowing their Uncle Travis because their parents kept him alive through sharing with them those 30 years worth of precious memories with their big brother, Travis!

Jodi is FINISHED.. Jodi is the loser..and Jodi now and forevermore is purely powerless over Travis, Travis' memory, Travis' legacy..and most of all she's completely powerless as well as meaningless to Travis' beloved siblings.. Her words mean NOTHING and this fact was confirmed in a jury of her peers calling her out on her blasphemous BS lies by finding her GUILTY OF FIRST DEGREE, PREMEDITATED MURDER!... She along with her words, thoughts, drawings, ideas, or any other thing that comes from Jodi IS MEANINGLESS..CARRIES ZERO WEIGHT..AND HAS ABSOLUTELY NO POWER OR CONTROL OVER ANYONE, EVER AGAIN.

This numbered prisoner of the State of Arizona does not even have even the most minute amount of power..OR..control over what she, herself will be told..allowed..or able to do for the remainder of her pathetic time here on this earth.

Therefor quite obvious is it that she has NOTHING WHATSOEVER that can affect Travis and his loved one's.. She is a powerLESS..soulLESS cretin whose limited time left here on this earth means NOTHING.

Jodi is NOTHING and I laugh at her desperate neediness that oozes from her every pore as she quickly fades to black.

Just the opposite is the fact that TRAVIS ALEXANDER WILL SHINE ON IN THE LIGHT OF THE LOVE OF HIS SIBLINGS in their ensuring keeping him alive through sharing those 30 years that they had with him full of joyous fulfilling memories made.. His siblings keeping the bright and warm loving light of who and what Travis is, alive in continuing to share those decades worth of memories with their children, with the children they still have yet to bring into this world..and even thereafter their children's children.. And so on it is Travis' life, love, and legacy that will continue to live on..

And it is exactly for all of those reasons AND many more that Jodi's desperate actions and behaviors have ZERO AFFECT or meaning to me..Good has prevailed Thanks to those like Detective Esteban Flores and Prosecutor Juan Martinez.. As well as I am walking away from this with a greater love for those I am fortunate enough to walk this earth with in literal awe of the overflowing well of human kindness that I have seen in those just like our Katiecoolady.. I have no doubt that it is by no means accidental or merely coincidence that you were brought to the Alexander Siblings.. Your selfless love and compassion for this family in turn I believe has allowed you, yourself to heal in ways that your beautiful spirit is long overdue in receiving from the tragic loss of your own sibling, your sister.:hug:

You are a beautiful soul, Katie and am proud to have gotten to know you throughout this seeking of Justice for a man I know all of us so wish we'd have had the pleasure of knowing in this life, Travis Alexander.

Finally seeing Justice for Travis cannot be shadowed by any darkness of Jodi Arias.. Not when surrounded with the overabundance of the bright and beautiful light from the souls of so many joined together in seeing this long overdue Justice finally coming to fruition.:heartbeat:

Thank you for this post! :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:
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