POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves

What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Ok, here is my theory.

Maybe TH was really trying to poison Kaine that morning, and the plan backfired. Maybe she put something in his OJ (anti-freeze?). But instead, Kyron drank it. TH doesn't realize this, and they head off to school.

They take the picture, look at exhibits, and Kyron has to use the bathroom. He comes out and says "mom, I'm sick -- I threw up." TH panics and says "What?! What did you eat/drink before we left?" She immediately realizes what happened. "Come on, we are going to the doctor, hurry!" She tells Kyron to get in the stroller, she covers him up, and they get to the truck. She calls DeDe in a panic, and DeDe tells her to go to the store and get Ipecac syrup or activated charcoal, etc. and try to make him vomit. These may be hard to find. She can't call 911 or they would pump his stomach and discover the anti-freeze. So, maybe Kyron is vomiting, as she is driving around on country roads. She figures maybe he will be okay once its out of his system, but Kyron expires. She freaks, calls DeDe, and meets her on one of the farm roads, where they dispose of his body.

TH goes to the gym, not to workout necessarily, but to shower and dispose of any evidence (ipecac syrup bottles, body fluids/dirt on her hands, etc.). She goes home, emails the school "what time should I pick up the project?" Teacher says "Kyron can just bring it home from school..." Now she knows that Kyron has not been marked absent yet. We know the rest.

I hope to God I am wrong. What do you think?

This is only a theory -- My opinion only -- please feel free to poke holes!

Ummm..very interesting theory!
Ok, here is my theory.

Maybe TH was really trying to poison Kaine that morning, and the plan backfired. Maybe she put something in his OJ (anti-freeze?). But instead, Kyron drank it. TH doesn't realize this, and they head off to school.

They take the picture, look at exhibits, and Kyron has to use the bathroom. He comes out and says "mom, I'm sick -- I threw up." TH panics and says "What?! What did you eat/drink before we left?" She immediately realizes what happened. "Come on, we are going to the doctor, hurry!" She tells Kyron to get in the stroller, she covers him up, and they get to the truck. She calls DeDe in a panic, and DeDe tells her to go to the store and get Ipecac syrup or activated charcoal, etc. and try to make him vomit. These may be hard to find. She can't call 911 or they would pump his stomach and discover the anti-freeze. So, maybe Kyron is vomiting, as she is driving around on country roads. She figures maybe he will be okay once its out of his system, but Kyron expires. She freaks, calls DeDe, and meets her on one of the farm roads, where they dispose of his body.

TH goes to the gym, not to workout necessarily, but to shower and dispose of any evidence (ipecac syrup bottles, body fluids/dirt on her hands, etc.). She goes home, emails the school "what time should I pick up the project?" Teacher says "Kyron can just bring it home from school..." Now she knows that Kyron has not been marked absent yet. We know the rest.

I hope to God I am wrong. What do you think?

This is only a theory -- My opinion only -- please feel free to poke holes!

The technical lowdown on poisoning by antifreeze:


So, Kyron is throwing up and having diarrhea, and somehow she manages all that so well that he never does any of it in the truck. With due respect, I doubt that.

If she had been poisoning KH, it would have been discovered via blood/urine tests and symptoms. Or, if help came too late, forensic testing. Why use something that's so easily detected?
The technical lowdown on poisoning by antifreeze:


So, Kyron is throwing up and having diarrhea, and somehow she manages all that so well that he never does any of it in the truck. With due respect, I doubt that.

If she had been poisoning KH, it would have been discovered via blood/urine tests and symptoms. Or, if help came too late, forensic testing. Why use something that's so easily detected?

Who knows. Maybe it wasn't anti freeze, maybe something else--anti-freeze was just a guess. I'd have to research other poisons, etc. that could have have been undetectable. Maybe the plan that day was to take the truck, not to dispose of Kyron, but to dispose of Kaine. Maybe she intended to slip Kaine something that would cause him to become unconscious before he could get out of the house for work--or worse, something that would kick in while he was driving? She probably knew he'd be driving fast in the Mustang--he's a guy.

(Maybe the unknown person seen waiting in the truck was there to go home with her to help her finish off Kaine after she left the school?). But instead that substance (whatever it was) ended up in Kyron's stomach. Maybe Kyron only drank a little of it before he rushed out the door, but just enough to wreak lots of havoc on his little body.

Who knows, but I think the two hours of country driving had more to do with TH trying to calm herself down, dealing with Kyron, and being in a panic, than it did trying to calm down a sick baby.

I just think that women prefer a soft kill, and I could see TH going the poisoning route. I would love to see the computer forensics, to see if anything on poisoning had been researched, and it would be interesting to know if Kaine or Kyron had been feeling sick in the days and weeks prior. We know it has been mentioned that Kyron may have been having some type of seizures and was "acting weird." I remember a case where the husband put something in the wife's Nyquil, which he knew she drank every night to fall asleep. Maybe a scenario like that, but something that Kyron got ahold of instead??

I can't explain the fact of how she kept the truck clean, if he had vomiting, etc. Like I said -- Just a thought -- I'm just trying to piece it together. I think the call to DeDe was a panic call. And I can't imagine DeDe would have anything to do with intentionally harming a child, but I think she would cover for TH if she was told it was accidental, and TH had called freaking out in a panic..."OMG, you have to help me... I didn't mean for this to happen, and will go to jail and I'll never see my daughter or my son again...!"

By the way, I hope my computer is never searched. Because now I have looked up anti-freeze, and undetectable poisons. :eek:

We need some more information!! I'm about to chew my own arm off.:crosseyed:
I have never seen anyplace that Kaine was forcing Terri to go back to work. I do know that he was asked if they were having financial problems and he said no.

Sorry I can't source this right now, but IIRC, she had just had her teaching license reinstated (presumably lost as a result of the DUI) and was going back to work.
The thing with poison is that LE always looks at the person in the home, i.e. Terri, as who else has access to their food and drink? So Terri would have been the #1 suspect if Kaine died of anything suspicious. I think some kind of accident may have taken place with Kyron, or if not an accident, an unplanned act of violence. But what I think depends on whether or not someone else was really in the truck at the school or not. I can't decide on anything until we know that for sure.
Ok, here is my theory.

Maybe TH was really trying to poison Kaine that morning, and the plan backfired. Maybe she put something in his OJ (anti-freeze?). But instead, Kyron drank it. TH doesn't realize this, and they head off to school.

TH panics and ... immediately realizes what happened...

She calls DeDe in a panic, and DeDe tells her to go to the store and get Ipecac syrup or activated charcoal, etc. and try to make him vomit...

She can't call 911...

She figures maybe he will be okay once its out of his system, but Kyron expires. She freaks, calls DeDe, and meets her on one of the farm roads, where they dispose of his body.

TH goes to the gym, not to workout necessarily, but to shower and dispose of any evidence...

This would explain the "shellshocked" expression she wore when they made their first statement. Sort of "Oh no... what have I done? It wasn't supposed to turn out like this..."

But what can she possibly say to make the situation better? Nothing. But LDT questions like "Did you intentionally harm Kyron?" would show truthfulness, where "Did your actions directly cause harm to Kyron?" would indicate deception. The only way to "explain" would be to admit that she was trying to kill someone ELSE and killed Kyron by accident, which isn't much of an alibi!
Yes Calliope....and where is that child now???? Is he with his adoptive father??? NO Hence my theory.

This thread is for theories and this is my theory, in my opinion.

I was simply commenting that he is considered the boy's father and is responsible for him; who the child is living with is irrelevant.

I have a cousin who married her second husband when her daughter was about 3. This man adopted her as his own child and raised her. They're still together 30 years later, but had they divorced he would have been the father and responsible for her support, even though her biological father was still alive. That's the point I was making. Adoption means the child is yours.
This would explain the "shellshocked" expression she wore when they made their first statement. Sort of "Oh no... what have I done? It wasn't supposed to turn out like this..."

But what can she possibly say to make the situation better? Nothing. But LDT questions like "Did you intentionally harm Kyron?" would show truthfulness, where "Did your actions directly cause harm to Kyron?" would indicate deception. The only way to "explain" would be to admit that she was trying to kill someone ELSE and killed Kyron by accident, which isn't much of an alibi!

Exactly. Also, it could have been done with some prescription medication that she or Kaine already takes perhaps? If it was KH's, it would not be unusual when it showed up in his system -- or a highly potent mix of her bodybuilding fat burners intended to cause a heart attack -- ? Or she could have intended to make it look like an overdose? I don't know. What I can't explain, is if Kyron got ahold of the concoction by accident and was vomiting, sick, etc. and he was in the vehicle when she went to FM, where was Kyron? Was he passed out in the car? I suppose if it were something like a high dose of valium or ambien, he could have been. But would Kyron have been able to make it from the house, to the school, pose for the picture and whatever else he did before he collapsed? Not sure how long a time that was.

Does anyone else think that Kyron's smile in the science fair picture looks weird? Looking at the other pictures of him, his smile is so big and bright that you can see his happiness in his eyes. That is missing from this particular picture. Something is just not the same IMO.
That's the only "accident" theory that makes sense IMO.

For a true accident (i.e. backing over him in the parking lot), TMH would have called 911.

If he got into some kind of Mickey Finn intended for Kaine, she would not have called 911.

I assume the Horman computer was searched. I wonder if anything was found on it.
Does anyone else think that Kyron's smile in the science fair picture looks weird? Looking at the other pictures of him, his smile is so big and bright that you can see his happiness in his eyes. That is missing from this particular picture. Something is just not the same IMO.

Snipped by me -

Actually, no, and that's what makes me so sad for him. He looks blissfully unaware of what is about to happen to him.
Maybe Terri had been nursing a great big grudge against Portland School system for not being able to find a fulltime teaching job. She thought she was a better teacher than Kyron's. Her brain was misfiring due to various weight loss drugs, depression, etc. and she hatched a plan to get back at the school system by "losing" Kyron while under their care. And then she really did lose him somehow, either he wandered off from where she "parked" him temporarily or she hadn't thought it through and later killed him out of anger/frustration. I don't know, except that if this was planned, I can see the school system being her target as a matter of personal revenge to her, and not Kaine.

Trouble is, I don't think she had help and therefore don't think Kyron is safely tucked away.

This is all assuming she is guilty. After reading the article today about Terri and her "contradictions", I can see where she would grow to hate the school system.
Hmmmm, I have a niggling thread of a thought developing...pulling the thread...follow me on this one...

Terri won a settlement for $250k over the failed Chubby's franchise. She reportedly made a serious statement about the spending of J's inheritance to her ex-husband's parents. She has freely accepted money from her parents over the years, collects child support from the ex who adopted J, collects unemployment, was injured in an accident and (speculating only) possibly collected disability.

Recently, Kaine filed the demand regarding the alleged $350k fee for her attorney, whether the funds used to pay for this came from a marital asset (in which case Kaine is entitled to half) or a marital liability (in which case Kaine could be held liable for repayment). Sounds to me like, to Kaine's knowledge, TH didn't have this kind of money lying around.

But what if she did? What if she squirreled away (pardon the pun) all of this money over the years and didn't tell Kaine about it?

Now, what if she intended to pursue the MFH plot and this would take a hefty chunk out of her money stash and she needed to come up with a creative plan to re-fill her piggy bank. Perhaps she hatched a scheme in which Kyron disappeared from school, she is never suspected, and they later sue the school for negligence and win a huge settlement (she won a settlement before). She later proceeds with the MFH plot on Kaine and she and Baby K get all the money. Or maybe she has Kyron stashed and was planning to make him re-appear later, only something went wrong or the suspicion of her made it impossible to complete her plan.

Something like that, anyway...

I just can't help but think that her plan was to sue the school and make them look bad. Otherwise, if it was just about doing something to Kyron, why not stage a kidnapping from the market, or an accident, or something else. The school was a big risk in the hopes of a big payoff. The image I have of TH is that she's very charming, opportunistic, manipulative and narcissistic.

As always, all of the above is my opinion and speculation only!
Those 3 of us who believe Kyron was either abducted (by anyone other than TH, DS or accomplice) or is still at the school/surrounding area of school, are you feeling as though Kyron will be found the first week of school?
Not sure I understand your question Jade...why would when he might be found depend upon who abducted him?
I picture the school being empty up until it fills up the first week of school. I think they will find Kyron during that first week at the school/inside school/schoolgrounds. Does that make sense?
Ok I see what you mean, but I can't imagine he wouldn't have been found by now. I think that teachers and others are probably due in next week or so, and there were probably some workers over the summer? It is a horrible thought in any case, although I still think it is possible the searchers missed him out in all of those woods. He could have been upset and run away, sounds like he had an upsetting life.:(
Those 3 of us who believe Kyron was either abducted (by anyone other than TH, DS or accomplice) or is still at the school/surrounding area of school, are you feeling as though Kyron will be found the first week of school?


I hope you are including me as one of these 3! However, I am not sure what you mean about finding Kyron in the first week. I am inclined to think that it will take a couple of weeks after school starts before someone associated with the school hits LE's radar. JMO
You have to believe BOTH a stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds to be one of the 3.
You have to believe BOTH a stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds to be one of the 3.

I have not voted on this poll so I did not see the results yet so I am not one of the 3. The last point does not make sense to me. Does it mean EITHER a stranger (/aquaintance) is responsible OR Kyron wandered off on his own, is near the school and just not found yet? If this is what that point means, then the total number becomes 4 but I would like to hear how this translates to you. TIA
Yes. You said it better. So if you answered the poll, you would make us go from 3 to 4.

ETA: Hello 4!
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