Protestors ask State Atty to file charges against GA

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The older lady appears to have said something prior to George shoving her. Like it or not, the protesters have a right to be there, if they are on private propety, George needed to call the police. He did shove the lady, and he can be charged with this.

I don't understand what exactly it is they are protesting? What are they hoping to accomplish? There is NO Point ti them being there, they are disturbing the peace.
Do we know if these are felony complaints? The one for Battery on a person over 65 doesn't sound too good.

(1) A person who is convicted of an aggravated assault or aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older shall be sentenced to a minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years and fined not more than $10,000 and shall also be ordered by the sentencing judge to make restitution to the victim of such offense and to perform up to 500 hours of community service work. Restitution and community service work shall be in addition to any fine or sentence which may be imposed and shall not be in lieu thereof.

(c) In the case of battery, from a misdemeanor of the first degree to a felony of the third degree.
Do we know if these are felony complaints? The one for Battery on a person over 65 doesn't sound too good.

Would a person have to be injured for it to be a felony? I noticed that the victims stated they were not injured. I'm just asking, because I know very little about the law.
It is important to note that there are no charges filed, only the DA can do that.
The protestors just filed the police report and asked that charges be filed.

It is certainly providing all an additional insight into GA's character.
Yes, he is stressed but that is just not acceptable behavior.
(1) A person who is convicted of an aggravated assault or aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older shall be sentenced to a minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years and fined not more than $10,000 and shall also be ordered by the sentencing judge to make restitution to the victim of such offense and to perform up to 500 hours of community service work. Restitution and community service work shall be in addition to any fine or sentence which may be imposed and shall not be in lieu thereof.

(c) In the case of battery, from a misdemeanor of the first degree to a felony of the third degree.

Thanks for the information. :)
The protesters fit with everything else strange and bizarre in this case! I agree with mysteriew that the high tension could produce an untoward effect like suicide/homicide/familicide (a family member taking it upon his or herself to take out the whole family).

That being said, I sincerely wish Casey were still in Jail. It is not better right now for her to be all! In my opinion.

As for the police report that was filed....I have another take on that...I think it could possibly aid in the rearrest of Casey with the gun taken on friday (THAT WAS HIDDEN IN A WHEEL WELL OF GEORGE'S CAR) and now he is hitting and pushing protesters with a hammer in the other hand???! This is a fatality waiting to happen in some way, shape or form.

Now that those charges are filed...along with the gun being confiscated (come on KNEW you couldn't have a gun in or around your property with Casey in the house!!!!! and this is the SECOND TIME SHE HAS BEEN OUT! DID YOU HAVE THAT GUN THE FIRST TIME TOO? WAIT UNTIL LEONARD FINDS OUT!)...I hope that judge looks at this home again as a suitable place for Casey to be bonded out to! Casey is on house arrest with a gun hiding, hammer wielding, batterous father as the signer on her BOND.


~~nursie steps off soap box and appologizes in advance for yelling so loud!
I don't understand what exactly it is they are protesting? What are they hoping to accomplish? There is NO Point ti them being there, they are disturbing the peace.

Perhaps if Casey (and others who might have withheld information) will be pressured into cooperating with LE by their legal presence. If it were illegal, police would disperse them. Can't say I wouldn't join them if I were in Orlando.
I understand the frustration and anger he must feel. But why don't they just stay in the house and avoid all this? The provoke the reactions by going out and making themselves targets. I know it's his property, but, honestly, they can see outside and know what's going on. Why turn yourself over to an angry mob that you know doesn't like you?
Were these protesters standing on his driveway?

While I do not like the Anthonys at all, I am beginning to think this protesting is causing more problems than good. Do these people have to get permission from the city to have a protest, like some do in other areas. I thought it is perfectly acceptable to protest but it must be held within a good distance away from the building or residence and not disrupt the surrounding flow of the community.

The ones I feel sorry for is the neighbors who live there. They have absolutely nothing to do with any of this yet they are being punished too.

agreed .. it just sickens me that people are allowed to run around and scream obceneties at people in thier own home .ruin thier yard ..and george gets in trouble when clearly these people were egging him on .. they know he has a bad temper and they are lucky they dont cause him to have a heart attack and die . i wonder what the protesters could be charged with then ? they are deliberatly harrassing these people .. i just hate how people think they can do whatever the hell they want to others .. and yes this includes the anthonys too . it takes two sides people need to have self control this is about caylee .. and the protesters are doin this for thier 5 minutes of fame .. they arnt doing this for caylee .or theyd be searching for her . blah :furious:
I understand the frustration and anger he must feel. But why don't they just stay in the house and avoid all this? The provoke the reactions by going out and making themselves targets. I know it's his property, but, honestly, they can see outside and know what's going on. Why turn yourself over to an angry mob that you know doesn't like you?
bold is mine. Why did he get her out in the first place! He KNEW what he was getting himself into....well no he didn't because leonard and his gang handled it all last time (and did a great job imhoo). He pushed away Leonard so he is screwwwwwwwwed this time. He is gonna crack. Something needs to be done before something really bad happens (shades of melinda duckett)
Do we know if these are felony complaints? The one for Battery on a person over 65 doesn't sound too good.
I believe there is a clause for the elderly.

(1) A person who is convicted of an aggravated assault or aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older shall be sentenced to a minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years and fined not more than $10,000 and shall also be ordered by the sentencing judge to make restitution to the victim of such offense and to perform up to 500 hours of community service work. Restitution and community service work shall be in addition to any fine or sentence which may be imposed and shall not be in lieu thereof.

(c) In the case of battery, from a misdemeanor of the first degree to a felony of the third degree.
Thank you! I was just looking this up and you beat me to it.

Would a person have to be injured for it to be a felony? I noticed that the victims stated they were not injured. I'm just asking, because I know very little about the law.
I don't know about Florida's law much but some states, like mine, you only need to have a fear for your life. I think this stick/hammer wielding family is doing their best to instill fear and intimidation.
agreed .. it just sickens me that people are allowed to run around and scream obceneties at people in thier own home .ruin thier yard ..and george gets in trouble when clearly these people were egging him on .. they know he has a bad temper and they are lucky they dont cause him to have a heart attack and die . i wonder what the protesters could be charged with then ? they are deliberatly harrassing these people .. i just hate how people think they can do whatever the hell they want to others .. and yes this includes the anthonys too . it takes two sides people need to have self control this is about caylee .. and the protesters are doin this for thier 5 minutes of fame .. they arnt doing this for caylee .or theyd be searching for her . blah :furious:

ruin thier yard :boohoo:

Some how, I could care less about Georges yard. It is more than apparent that the A's don't give a crap about Caylee...they could end this whole circus, they don't so they are reaping what they have sown.
I tried to edit my post.... because I hadn't read the osco report, anyway the witness lives with victim 2, and they are going to look at the tape...and you can see in the tape he didn't lunge at him. I think it's funny that they were quick to to say that they were on the public side, but they were right there by george and cindy and state of florida will look at that too....what I think is funny that the guy victim 'was shaken up' lol now that's funny...

I wonder if they helped search since they were so far from home or just went all that way to protest (not being snarky just wondering)...St. Pete is near me about 2 hours from Orlando, and titsville is on the other coast like an hour from there....

I honestly don't think the state of florida is going to do anything with this, i mean its not like he beat her, to be honest we have bigger fish to fry down here...and especially in this case....hopefully the focus can get back to caylee....
This is all so sad really. Watching a family literally destroy itself bit by bit. They very well may deserve it all, I don't know. But for me, this whole circus is a bit much to watch somedays. I just keep remembering it IS all about Caylee and heaven forbid she's rotting out there somewhere while her low life mother does nothing. Truly truly sociopath. Does not care at all about anyone including her own father's mental breakdown. Witch
I don't know about Florida's law much but some states, like mine, you only need to have a fear for your life. I think this stick/hammer wielding family is doing their best to instill fear and intimidation.

That's true but they would have had to leave immediately after the incident and since they stuck around to be interviewe and blah blah blah (it seems they weren't in fear of their lives)...but that is Florida's law also. What the state will say after they see the interviews afterward and all of that if you were in immediate fear of your life, why did you stay and wait for the police, why not leave and call the police. (been there done that with my husbands ex and that is what I was told).
you know if these protesters really want to mess with george they can also get themselves a civil attorney to file a civil lawsuit...the fun begins :eek:
What did the Anthonys really except when they allowed Casey back in their home a second time I have to wonder? They had to know this could happen with people protesting her being there. Why didn't they move her to a "safe house" as they had said earlier. Maybe it would have saved everyone a whole lot of trouble. Doesn't Baez live in a gated community? Maybe she could go stay with him and safe gas money on driving to Kissimee.
Actually, from what I've read, most of these protesters are the searchers. They search by day and protest by night.

I understand the protesters' anger. I have felt it too. They are asking the questions we all want to ask... What did Casey do to Caylee? Why are you allowing this? Why are you covering up for her? etc... etc... etc...

Some of these protesters are teens who are raging a little out of control and I would hope the city puts a curfew into effect a little stronger for this reason. The screaming of "baby killer" you hear in the video coverage I believe is the younger ones. The older, more controlled people, I think are the ones asking the hard questions.

On the flip-flop, George and Cindy have ZERO self control. The crowd and the MEDIA knows this. They are both asking the same questions. George has gone after the media just like he's going after protesters. So what will it take to get him under control? The protesters and media do have a right to be there, regardless of how much it would get under my skin if that were my home or neighborhood.

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