Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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This is exactly the vibe I get from reading about Jodi or seeing her testify. Someone posted an article about a. Nine year old boy diagnosed as a psychopath and it was terrifying. I don't know what his future or those around him holds in store.
At least Jodi is an extreme. Most psychopaths are non-violent and some lead reasonably normal lives. I personally believe, but am admittedly very biased, all are on some level destructive and abusive to others.
BritsKate, I can never get enough of your explanations and experiences, they are helpful on many different levels! I am sorry for what you had to go through but so grateful you got out and away and that you were able to build a good, happy life. You are invaluable to us here!
I think that because putting JA on the stand and keeping her there for so long worked the first time around, the DT will want to do the same thing again. So unless SHE decides not to get back on the stand, if the lawyers have their way, she'll be back.
BritsKate, I can never get enough of your explanations and experiences, they are helpful on many different levels! I am sorry for what you had to go through but so grateful you got out and away and that you were able to build a good, happy life. You are invaluable to us here!

Thanks Frigga. There isn't a day that passes that I don't realize how lucky I am to be able to share my experiences - hoping they help someone, somewhere avoid someone like Jodi altogether. If only Travis could have been so fortunate. :(
Hi, Lamby, I was wondering if you'd consider leaving the threads open a bit longer for those of us who are behind and would still like to read and comment. Or if you have another suggestion, thx.

i appreciate that bznbear. by the time i got off work and on the thread everyone was way ahead of me. when the thread closed i was on about page 35. i did finish all the way to the end, but couldnt comment on any of the very good comments posted. i imagine there was still alot of users on it, but... just couldnt post anymore. i dont know how admin could do that and still close the thread, but i sure was itchin at the bit a few times there :)

thanks admin, ive really only been posting on here for a week or so, this is absolutely a top forum, and the posters are the best as far as im concerned!
Before yesterday I thought she wouldn't testify again. After yesterday I am 100% convinced she will get back on the stand, despite what will no doubt be vehement advise against it by both Nurmi and Wilmott.

That feeling was reinforced by what BritsKate wrote about what likely motivated JA to write the letter. I think the more DT tells her that her case isn't going well , the more determined she'll be to seize her last public opportunity to explain why Travis had to die, and her last chance to look at the faces of those who love Travis while she does her utmost to destroy his name.
I don't know if it is a lust for the limelight, or if she is that deluded and arrogant that she feels she and she alone can pull this off.

She seems furious with her little syncophants (psychophants?) that none of them have managed to come up with believable lies in order to get her freedom back.

Really, I wonder just how many meds they have her on that she's not jumping out of her seat screaming at witnesses (both pro and defense)
Now see, that is what kept me awake last night. Can a human being really get up in front of others and continue on with this charade? Or will she change her whole tune, describe how much she really hated Travis and tell everyone he deserved to die and take pleasure in sharing the details? In other words, will she decide she is getting the DP anyway so she might as well try to crucify Travis? Or will she keep trying to be the little abused girl? She can't claim self defense anymore, not with her attorney saying she is mentally ill. Will she and her attorneys have a blow out this weekend? Can Nurmi and Wilmott actually come back and fight more on her behalf? If I was her attorney, knowing I had lied and done all I could to save her, I would have to leave her to her own devices now to save my reputation...if there is any left. Oh what am I saying? Nurmi represents the scum of the earth and we all now know that Jennifer is BFF's with all those pseudo psychologists, ALV, RS and RG. so they have no reputations to speak of. I am at a loss for thinking how she could get on the stand. Please explain. I would sooner dig my own grave and bury myself then get on that stand if I was her. And if she does, will she be snarky to JM again? That surely won't win her any friends with this jury. Boy you just wonder, does the foreman from her first jury realize what a sucker he is right now.

Curious... I remember, with a twinge of pain, the exact moment my son learned there were bad people in the world. He was four years old, playing in the back yard with some neighborhood kids; some were years older than him. One of those kids introduced a make believe game of a killer bad guy coming after all the other kids, with a gun. I was on our backporch and heard what that kid said. I saw the look on my son's face- he was confused. He'd never seen even pretend violence of any kind.

It may sound really stupid and overly sentimental, but it felt then and still does to me that he lost a piece of his innocence that day. It may sound even more stupid to you, but I feel like what I heard yesterday took something similar from me.

I'm not young, not naïve, not unaware , even, that there are genuinely "evil" people in the world. I spent over a decade of my life working with Holocaust survivors, researching exactly when and how their families were murdered by the Nazis. I travelled all over Eastern Europe for that work, going to numerous concentration camps. I had nightmares regularly about what I saw and read and spoke about with those survivors.

But yesterday.....yesterday burned into my mind and heart what pure hatred looks and sounds like. A hatred so intense that murdering the person she blames for it doesn't suffice. ....I still can't really find the words to explain how deeply disturbing it is to know that people like her exist. It would be easier to understand if she was indifferent to what harm and pain she causes.

As to the stand. No, she's not going to testify that she hated Travis. She's going to express that hatred in the lies she tells while painting herself as his victim. And she'll be looking in the gallery to see the pain on the faces of those who loved Travis.

BBM: LOL ... :hilarious: ... and Congratulations !

It is just unbelievable what MDLR has been able to get away with in that courtroom and as a "mitigation specialist":

- Tweeting while Court is in session.

- Tweeting while in the professional capacity of "mitigation specialist" -- including the "provocative" sounding name of "Cougarlicious" and "provocative" photos of herself on social media sites.

- Conducting 3-way telephone conference calls with JA while in :jail: and other person(s).

- Passing notes, documents, artwork, etc. from JA to whoever in the courtroom.

And no telling what other unethical "duties" she has performed.

Oh, and when the DP is handed down by this jury, MLDR will never be hired again ...

:waitasec: Well, I don't think she will have a job as a mit specialist when this re-trial is over regardless !

I don't know if it is a lust for the limelight, or if she is that del u dedicated and arrogant that she feels she and she alone can pull this off.

She seems furious with her little syncophants (psychophants?) that none of them have managed to come up with believable lies in order to get her freedom back.

Really, I wonder just how many meds they have her on that she's not jumping out of her seat screaming at witnesses (both pro and defense)

Psychopaths can be extremely self controlled when they need to be, all the while making mental checks for those who have wronged them. Psychopaths will appear pretty normal, while they are plotting and waiting for that perfect time to enact revenge. That's why everybody always say later on, they had no idea "he was so normal!" Ect ect. They are true chameleons who despite other psychological conditions have extreme control over oneself and their environment
Ok, so why does Jodi write in her letter to the Alexanders that *the "ninjas" stole the money out of her wallet AND the gas receipts? They just didn't take the wallet? Suuuuuuure.

*Paraphrased from BK site, snippets of letter.

And let's not forget that she stopped to grab her purse, just like any of us would do if we were running from killers. Not.

"... He pulled the trigger. And nothing happened with the gun. And so I just grabbed my purse, which was on the floor at that point, and I ran down the stairs and out of there..."

Classic weird embellishment: "... which was on the floor at that point ..."

As Juan would say, "Did I ask you where it was?"
Ok, so why does Jodi write in her letter to the Alexanders that *the "ninjas" stole the money out of her wallet AND the gas receipts? They just didn't take the wallet? Suuuuuuure.

*Paraphrased from BK site, snippets of letter.

Of course the Ninja's took the "gas receipts" ~ The ones from Arizona, doncha know....always thinking ahead!
Thank you so much Curious for your thoughtful response and excellent explanation of what you have learned about evil! I always admire and appreciate your wisdom~ Frigga

Frigga, I really don't have much wisdom. I do have opinions. LOL. But the first time I saw Jodi onTv a few years back, I thought what a sweet pretty girl. Someone got it wrong when they charged her cause Travis must have been a bad guy. She even said she would beg for the death penalty if she hurt him. Then she said no jury would convict her. So....

I decided I wanted to watch the trial and when it began, I found WS and I began reading about JA. I wondered how could anyone get so angry with someone they "loved" that they could shoot them then stab them 29 times and slit their throat? A normal person would do that? No. I got to thinking about that. Even if you snap, you come to yourself and stop. And go get help. But she cleaned up, covered her tracks, and planned it all out. What an evil monster. Then I read about Travis. People loved him. He helped others. He even did things for Jodi. I didn't care about their sex life, this murder wasn't about their sex life. It's that she is a freaking, evil person.

I kept thinking she deserves death. But I couldn't inject the needle. I couldn't be on that jury. So my heart said LWOP. My mind said DP. Can she be rehabilitated? Nope. Will she kill again? Yep. Should she be placed in prison with those weaker than she is? No way. So I do hope the DP is decided. Not because I am in favor of state sponsored death. But there is no other way to lock her away from others permanently. She is pure evil.
At least Jodi is an extreme. Most psychopaths are non-violent and some lead reasonably normal lives. I personally believe, but am admittedly very biased, all are on some level destructive and abusive to others.

But BritsKate, that idea of abusing others...that gets to me. There are somany forms of psychological abuse. They just shouldn't be allowed to destroy someone else. It's scary.
Yes. I am certain there are bits of twisted truth in what she is saying. She was the Ninja and so parts like this about her toes bleeding are most definitely her toes in those tight boots as she viciously kicked him while he was down. A couple other parts that made me sick as I realized it was her the devil herself:

-kicked him repeatedly while he was in the hall
-he could not feel his legs most likely because one of the deep knife wounds in his back probably severed his spinal cord

To have the gall to send that kind of letter on his birthday no less.
She deserves NOTHING except a hasty escort to her new prison cell.
And if it was up to me I would leave the zapper on her and give her a lengthy zap each day.

Im saddened and sickened about this letter. Before today I thought Grams letter was all. Uggggg

When she talked about kicking her dog, and never seeing the "dog" again, I thought she was really referring to kicking T-Dog.. That hit my and has stayed with me as everything she says had transference for another situation it seems.
Adding. I used to think I'd be OK with LWOP if that's what the jury decided. Not anymore. Being given the DP is the only way to express to her that nobody believes what she's said about Travis, and nobody believes that anything about who and what she is deserves to continue to exist.
I have created a virtual "Light A Candle" for Travis on The link is below.
Our Group name is TVA.
(Travis Victor Alexander). All you have to do is click on the link and light a candle, leave a message, or just light a candle. Share as you wish.
I think it's a nice way to show support to the Alexanders/friends/family if they are reading here.

what a lovely thing to do txjan. thank you.
My buttons are all back, yay. But thanks for all the great posts to read this morning.

I do NOT think she will get back on the stand. I think she's defeated, she knows it's over. She can plaster that fake smile on if she wants but on the inside, she knows she's done like dinner. There is nothing she (or any of her witnesses) can say to change anyone's minds now. I believe after yesterday, the jury made up their minds too. Anyone in favor of the DP will NOTchange to LWOP no matter what else they hear. The ones on the fence, well, if that letter didn't convince them, nothing will. Plain and simple.

I slept the best I have since Nurmi took over the case. Felt good hearing Juan bring The truth back to this circus. Sorry many of you had nightmares. Hang on, few more bumps in the road coming but it's almost over.

Please, if you haven't lit a candle for Travis and his family, find the posts in pages 2-5 of this thread and light one..
Of course the Ninja's took the "gas receipts" ~ The ones from Arizona, doncha know....always thinking ahead!

That's one thing that bugged me too. How she felt compelled to tell his siblings in the letter that the reason she had no gas receipts for Arizona is because the ninjas took them. Ya, and left you with all the California and Utah ones. She's not as smart as she thinks she is.
I just want her silenced I don't want Travis family to ever have to hear her voice again, or read something she writes. nothing ever again!! Be done with her. She slaughtered TA in 08 and has been butchering his family and friends ever since. It's just horrible what she has done all these yrs.

In fact I believe she is more dangerous now than in 08, a lot of built up anger you can see it when someone says something negative about her, her hands begin to scribble then erase, back and forth I noticed when dr D was on the stand. Imo

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