Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 26

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Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 25s 26 seconds ago
How serious was your abuse?
Now for the sex - Partner forced me
Jodi responds it was never #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 40s 41 seconds ago
My partner physically makes me have sex and Jodi responds
Part of the time
Jodi can't keep it straight here...#jodiarias #3tvarias
Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN · 8s9 seconds ago
Specifically, #jodiarias answers never to a questions on whether a partner forced her to have sex, and sometimes a different time.
Beth says Geffner's semantics are almost comical. Beths reporting is nothing like Keifers. He really isn't interested in truth. He hates Martinez and he needs to just pack it up and go home. One lousy reporter!
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 10s 11 seconds ago
Jodi filled in she was a "little upset" on test 2 regarding the choking & murder...she was in jail when she took this #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jodi Arias still doesn't get murder is a serious crime. She is just a little upset. OMG.
Yes in a nutshell it's hogwash. CR laws were not intended for the purpose the defense is trying to use them. They are copyrighted to protect them from being redistributed and used without payment for the exams. The 48 hour interview was also copyrighted but if I recall it was used in the last trial as well.

There is a fair use provision in copyright law.

Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Section 107 also sets out four factors to be considered in determining whether or not a particular use is fair.

The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
The nature of the copyrighted work
The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work

Quoting one question from a substantial list of questions, IMO, would fall within this provision especially since the question is being quoted in order to educate a jury regarding the nature of an illness or condition which is claimed to affect a murderer currently facing the death penalty. As well, there is no indication that there will be any financial profit arising from this situation. (Other, of course, than the profit to the DT for dragging on proceedings.)
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 5s 6 seconds ago
Her messages to Ryan were salacious according to Juan #Jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 32s 33 seconds ago
Jodi was texting and phone calling Ryan Burns and Travis at the same time #jodiarias #3tvarias
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 13s13 seconds ago
Martinez brings up texts between Arias and Ryan Burns in Utah. Some were salacious, he says, right? Willmott objects. Approach. White noise

I guess JM is going to leave the jury to chew on that over lunch.
He is not bored. He is biased and has always been a Jodi lover and a Martinez disliker.
The only reason he is there is because he is so desperately angling for that 'exclusive' interview with the killer. :moo:
@TrialDiariesJ: Jodi was texting and phone calling Ryan Burns and Travis at the same time #jodiarias #3tvarias

Well when travis does it, it's manipulative. When Jodi does it, it's because she's crying out for attention from Travis and is seeking it elsewhere...or something.
Juan just got in that Jodi was having salacious conversations with Ryan Burns while she was doing the same with Travis. The very thing the defense went on for weeks about, making Travis Jekyll and Hyde. Not surprising - sidebar.
:seeya: I think I would "faint" IF the defense rested today ... lol !

Now, they might -- might finish with Geffner today ?

Then, I think it will be the murderess herself ... omg, we'll be here for weeks !

Don't you just feel that CMJA is wanting to be up there on that stand again? She is such a delusional narcissist that she probably believes that if she speaks to the jury--yet again--well, they will just believe her!:gaah:
Gee, I wonder if her salacious texts to Ryan were during the time of the sex tape?
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 14s 15 seconds ago
Geff- Possible. We'd have to look at the two #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 47s 48 seconds ago
If Jodi is doing this with Ryan and Travis isn't Jodi being manipulative? #Jodiarias #3tvarias
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 13s13 seconds ago
Martinez asks if Geffner is certified to testify. Geffner says there is no such thing.
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