Ron C. #8

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Let me see if it will let me copy and paste that section without a bunch of funky codes.

2006-03-15 038.NOTICE OF HEARING - HRG SET FOR 03/21/06 @ 10:30
2006-03-16 039.SUBPOENA FOR HEARING - HRG SET FOR 03/21/06 @ 10:30

THanks, Busy, 3 years ago, shortly after Ron made off with the children. Thanks again.
I'm sure NONE of us are having FUN. Yes, there is a baby girl missing, dead probably. You can defend, go 'round and 'round, or get off the carousel. It really makes no difference. MISTY and/or RONALD CUMMINGS were the last people to see this child.
No, you are wrong as Ronald was not among the last people to see her. Rj and Misty were the last people to see her besides the person who abducted her.
I had no problem finding it. Busy had no problem finding it. Hmmmm...very odd. :rolleyes:

Maybe you're smarter than we are, or have discussed this more? At any rate 3 years have gone by. Three years. WOW Isn't that shortly after Ron abscounded with the children?
No, you are wrong as Ronald was not among the last people to see her. Rj and Misty were the last people to see her besides the person who abducted her.

BBM Do you have a link to that, OR, is that YOUR THEORY? Please, let's keep this straight. IF YOU have any info about an abductor, please post it. If not, please make sure we know it's YOUR OPINION. TIA
So three years go by so it makes it less important, then hopefully everyone will stop bringing up RC drug charges from three and four years ago since so much time has passed. The entire point is people are upset that RC didnt suffer the consequences, he gets special treatment - it appears that if things are worked out between the parties no legal action is taken. I don't know why people think this is a bad thing, would it be better to drag it out have kids in the middle of it and fight it out in court?
So do people think he just stopped using/selling when he got the kids assigned to him?
So three years go by so it makes it less important, then hopefully everyone will stop bringing up RC drug charges from three and four years ago since so much time has passed. The entire point is people are upset that RC didnt suffer the consequences, he gets special treatment - it appears that if things are worked out between the parties no legal action is taken. I don't know why people think this is a bad thing, would it be better to drag it out have kids in the middle of it and fight it out in court?

If someone took MY kids we'd be fighting it out in court for however long it took. Too bad Crystal was so beaten down by this ___ (don't want to get banned) that she didn't fight back.
It isn't only Ron's drug charges (which I totally understand having a son was rats periodically to keep his butt out of jail even though he's guiltier than hell) but we see he is STILL, S T I L L trying to bend the law. Sorry, a responsible, caring parent wouldn't do that.

My opinion only
No, you are wrong as Ronald was not among the last people to see her. Rj and Misty were the last people to see her besides the person who abducted her.

BBM Do you have a link to that, OR, is that YOUR THEORY? Please, let's keep this straight. IF YOU have any info about an abductor, please post it. If not, please make sure we know it's YOUR OPINION. TIA
Please show me a link where Ronald and/or Misty were the last people to see her or is that your theory? LE is treating this case as an abduction.

Originally Posted by Blackwatch
I'm sure NONE of us are having FUN. Yes, there is a baby girl missing, dead probably. You can defend, go 'round and 'round, or get off the carousel. It really makes no difference. MISTY and/or RONALD CUMMINGS were the last people to see this child.
If we were to think that RC stopped using and/or dealing because he has the kids we would all need that special fairy dust I like to use.

If RC was clean than he would be the only one in the whole circle who is....what an achievement that would be; it would require substantial self-control.

Sorry...don't see it.
Please show me a link where Ronald and/or Misty were the last people to see her or is that your theory? LE is treating this case as an abduction.


IIRC they have also stated they are considering that something happened to the child and then a coverup was staged.
Please show me a link where Ronald and/or Misty were the last people to see her or is that your theory? LE is treating this case as an abduction.

Excuse me? WHERE, show a link please, where LE state ANYONE other than Misty saw Haleigh AFTER 10:30.

IF, and that's real iffy, show a link where MISTY is off the hook for being the last person seeing Haleigh. Now, IF LE says it's an abduction, show the link where they are positive of that, and don't give me an approximate date on a show where maybe they said it. IF you do, it isn't a fact, and this IS the fact portion of Haleigh's disappearance. I ain't gonna look it up, the onus is on Y O U.
I'm sure NONE of us are having FUN. Yes, there is a baby girl missing, dead probably. You can defend, go 'round and 'round, or get off the carousel. It really makes no difference. MISTY and/or RONALD CUMMINGS were the last people to see this child.

No, you are wrong as Ronald was not among the last people to see her. Rj and Misty were the last people to see her besides the person who abducted her.

SS maybe you did not read the bolded above. And/Or Ronald Cummings. We do not know the exact time this crime (whatever crime it was) took place. Unless you were there when it one can claim they know what time, who was there...unless the too were there. SO...your statement that Rc was not there is your OPINION.
Can you show me where it is proven he was selling drugs?

Probably isn't any proof of that, or any link to it. My son got arrested for selling, but he only bought enough (over the legal limit, how adorable is that?) 'cause he wanted to stock up for a while. Stupid? Yeah, but the laws are even dumber. However, that doesn't mean a user isn't a user. Actually, it proves a user uses, OR they DO sell them. Either way it makes Ron a not-so-innocent parent of 2 children. Honey, babe, I KNOW a lot about the sleezier side of druggies - live with 'em, hear their excuses, and wouldn't put ANYTHING past 'em, even if they didn't mean to do it.

My opinion only
So do people think he just stopped using/selling when he got the kids assigned to him?
I certainly don't think that he stopped using. His attorney confirmed that he was on prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are the new drugs for today's world. Some idiots seem to think that if they are on prescription drugs they are not taking illegal drugs. Some arrests have been made in that area lately for a Lotttttttttttttttt of prescription drugs. Must be a lot of injuries around there.:)

I still believe that he gave a drug to Misty's father. I also believe that Ron was under the influence while being interviewed following Haleigh's disappearances. I also believe that is what Ron was searching for during the 911 call, with all the cabinet doors being slammed in the background.

I'm not allowed to repeat some of the posts I've read on other sites, so I'm not going to.

Did I mention that I don't believe that he has stopped using?
I keep forgetting about his prescription drugs. Has many injuries, according to his lawyer, this the Dr prescribes them..

I read oxycontin is VERY popular in the area. If his Dr stops prescribing, he can pick some up from the locals.

Even with open heart surgery, you don't stay on pain meds very long. RC must have some serious injuries...

Another Doctor for the media to check out, I suppose.
Excuse me? WHERE, show a link please, where LE state ANYONE other than Misty saw Haleigh AFTER 10:30.

IF, and that's real iffy, show a link where MISTY is off the hook for being the last person seeing Haleigh. Now, IF LE says it's an abduction, show the link where they are positive of that, and don't give me an approximate date on a show where maybe they said it. IF you do, it isn't a fact, and this IS the fact portion of Haleigh's disappearance. I ain't gonna look it up, the onus is on Y O U.
Florida Girl Abducted, Police Say

Florida Police Say Haleigh Cummings Was Abducted

Investigators: Haleigh Cumming's Disappearance Treated as Abduction

3:23 PM EDT, June 5, 2009

Haleigh Cummings was being watched by her father's 17-year-old girlfriend, Misty Croslin, when she vanished from his home in February. Authorities are treating the case as an abduction. No on has been named as a suspect.,0,1683252.story BBM
I am a very lucky person as I have never been in the middle of a custody situation, either as a child or as a parent. What is the usual process when a parent is denied court ordered access to a child ? They call LE and then what happens ?

The law varies from state to state, I'm sure. Denial of court ordered visitation is not a LE issue; it must be taken back to court. Most of the time, you go over & over again & nothing ever changes, except the size of your pocket-book...for the worse. It is imperative that you have a good lawyer & we all know good lawyers aren't cheap. I cannot take my ex back to court all the times he breaks orders now because our bank account was drained a long time ago from the court costs.

If you try and go 'pro-se'(file on your own), it's next to impossible. The people at the courthouse will not tell you anything if you ask them what you need to do, except "We cannot provide you legal advice". One time I was told that I could try to do the paperwork by myself, but that if I made one mistake on the paperwork, they would throw the entire thing out. They also told me that the paperwork was next to impossible to do correctly if you were not a lawyer & that peoples cases got thrown out all the time. We even have one judge in our county that it is well better not try to go before him without an attorney.

So, a lot of the time, abusive men get away with breaking court orders quite often, just like they get away with most everything else.......and some people wonder why their victims learn helplessness. All MOO, of course.
Probably isn't any proof of that, or any link to it. My son got arrested for selling, but he only bought enough (over the legal limit, how adorable is that?) 'cause he wanted to stock up for a while. Stupid? Yeah, but the laws are even dumber. However, that doesn't mean a user isn't a user. Actually, it proves a user uses, OR they DO sell them. Either way it makes Ron a not-so-innocent parent of 2 children. Honey, babe, I KNOW a lot about the sleezier side of druggies - live with 'em, hear their excuses, and wouldn't put ANYTHING past 'em, even if they didn't mean to do it.

My opinion only
Please do not address me as "Honey, babe". It is very disrespectful, imo.

We are not discussing personal issues.

Ronald is not nor has he been a dealer, imo. There is no proof he currently uses illegal drugs either.

It is not illegal to use a medication that is prescribed to a person for whatever length of time a physician declares it to be used nor is it any of our business. It does not make anyone a "user".
Florida Girl Abducted, Police Say

Florida Police Say Haleigh Cummings Was Abducted

Investigators: Haleigh Cumming's Disappearance Treated as Abduction

3:23 PM EDT, June 5, 2009

Haleigh Cummings was being watched by her father's 17-year-old girlfriend, Misty Croslin, when she vanished from his home in February. Authorities are treating the case as an abduction. No on has been named as a suspect.,0,1683252.story BBM

Okay, I read the quoted urls; two of them were from February, right after the abduction. The others have NO proof, NO lead, NO nothing. Now, NO proof, NO leads, and a baby girl who disappeared from a mh while the underaged "babysitter/*advertiser censored* wife "slept", and what have we? Nothing? What proof is there of an abduction? That was back in June when LE was "treating" this as one, right? So, have we advanced from there in regards to the abductor? If so, PLEASE, fill me in. I see no aductor, although, SS, I also believe this is POSSIBLE.

My opinion only
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