Russian plane vanishes from radar after take-off from Black Sea resort of Sochi

There is speculation in various locations online this flash of light seen on CCTV is the plane this is a link I found with the video

"Bright flash captured on CCTV over the Sochi coastline sparks theories it could be Russian military jet’s last moments"

I'm always wary of governments ruling causes of crashes out before an investigation has been completed.
We just had a soccer team that crashed in the mountains. Now this.

Now Russia is cold from the movies I seen. So did things freeze up on them due to not heating the ice off the plane?
From Greg's link:

The image - from a CCTV camera in Sochi - is said to be consistent with the time of the crash - 05.40 local time.

From an earlier link:

The plane disappeared from radar two minutes after taking off from Sochi at 05:25 (02:25 GMT), heading for Latakia in Syria, the defence ministrysaid.

I'm even more confused about the timing.
We just had a soccer team that crashed in the mountains. Now this.

Now Russia is cold from the movies I seen. So did things freeze up on them due to not heating the ice off the plane?

The weather can be really cold in Russia in Sochi today it is a high of 5 degrees to a low of 1 degrees. Not much different to Glasgow in Scotland where I live at the moment. I'm leaning toward a severe bird strike or catastrophic mechanical failure.
Self deleted.

But yes my friend. 5 degrees plus windchill factor is definitely freezing temps.

So maybe the plane wasn't defrosted in full. Idk.
Self deleted.

But yes my friend. 5 degrees plus windchill factor is definitely freezing temps.

So maybe the plane wasn't defrosted in full. Idk.

That's 5 degrees Celsius. Above freezing.
But 20 minutes after take off means something gives. Because I don't think the pilot mentioned problems. Or did he?

No, the pilot didn't mention any problems. There was no communication of any emergencies.
Temp was around 41 ground level. With rain and altitude that could have been an issue

There were no issues with the weather. Also temperature was above freezing. Planes fly just fine in much worse conditions than this.

"CNN Meteorologist Derek Van Dam said no major weather patterns were present at the time of the plane's disappearance. On Sunday, the temperature of the Black Sea was about 10 degrees Celsius (50 F), according to Russian media."
There is speculation in various locations online this flash of light seen on CCTV is the plane this is a link I found with the video

"Bright flash captured on CCTV over the Sochi coastline sparks theories it could be Russian military jet’s last moments"


I'm always wary of governments ruling causes of crashes out before an investigation has been completed.

Oh god me too Greg - 4 hours in they were declaring no terrorism - that is just silly IMO

The video, only mo, fits tho in that it was in air when something happened. The body being so far away is significant.

And they are yelling no terror - just makes you not believe whatever they're gonna say from now on --
tid bits

109 divers

3,000 people on ships, jets,
helicopters and submersibles

truthfully that number sounds....

powerful spotlights were being used to search for plane debris.

four square miles - just off the coast. That's a big debris field.

11 bodies had been recovered.

sked by reporters if it could have been a terrorist attack, Russian Transport Minister Maksim Sokolov said investigators were looking into an "entire spectrum'' of possible causes of the crash.

The flight had originated in Moscow and landed in Sochi for refueling.

It was scheduled to refuel
elsewhere , but diverted to Sochi cause of weather at initial refueling location.

An audio recording played
on Russian media and said to be of the final conversation between air traffic controllers and the plane reveals no sign of any difficulties being faced by the crew.

undergone more substantial repairs in December 2014

came into service in 1983.

  • Designed in the mid-60s, came into service in 1972 and was modernised in 1986 with new engines and equipment
so.......................i would think then that this one is not the modernized one.

At the time they upped the engines this aircraft would have only been in service for three years. I doubt they retrofitted a
three year old plane moo

Not used in Russia's civil aviation since 2009,

The first leg of the flight was from a military base in Moscow, then the refuel in Sochi

There is snow at Sochi airport in pics

fragments of other bodies were also found.

first bodies of victims from the crashed flight are expected to arrive in Moscow on Monday morning

plane's flight recorders did not have the radio beacons common in more modern aircraft, so locating them on the seabed was going to be challenging.

"The orchestra did not fly because [the choir] was supposed to use pre-recorded music--always performed in war zones, they wore uniforms, they brought kindness and light," said Konashekov.

6,689 hours of flight. that is low for its
delviery date - really low.

If it took and never landed that would be 278 days- for a
33 year old aircraft (wonder if it is wrong!) It is from CNN so........

Roman Volkov, who it said was a "class 1 pilot" with more than 3,000 flying hours.
thats really low too!

seize documents and interrogate those who prepared the plane for flight,

1,000 have been built,

noisy and fuel-guzzling,

1994 there have been 17 major plane crashes involving the Tu-154 that have killed over 1,760 people. Most resulted from human error.

Russian forces have helped the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad gain the upper hand against rebel groups in the country's nearly six-year-old civil war. Last week, the rebel stronghold of Aleppo in northern Syria, the country's commercial capital, was recaptured by Syrian government troops. It was a major defeat for the rebels, who had held eastern Aleppo for most of the war.

More :

Moscow, Russia to Sochi is 2 hours 23 min

actual pic of her

  • 17[SUP]th[/SUP] worst accident of its type
  • Tried to find out when its engines (Kuznetsov NK- 8) were built


[FONT=&amp] During [/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]climbout the aircraft made a U-turn back towards the coastline and disappeared off radar screens.

Wonder if he was trying to return to the airport and could not mayday[/FONT][FONT=&amp]????



[FONT=&quot]Merited Pilot of Russia Not Ruling Out Tu-154 Plane's 'Mid-Air Collision With Foreign Object'

First : [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Operation at Tu-154 Crash Site to Continue Round-the-Clock - Russian MoD

Now [FONT=&quot]Search Operation Suspended Until Monday Morning

[FONT=&quot]Most Victims of Tu-154 Crash 'Inside the Plane's Fuselage' - Source

[FONT=&quot]Identification of Victims' Bodies to Be Conducted in Moscow



[FONT=&quot]It was the third overhaul maintenance stipulated by the contract for routine aircraft maintenance.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Within the last two years no claims regarding the repair works have been received from the operator, the press service of the "Russian Machines" corporation wrote.

[FONT=&quot]service life of 45,000 hours,

[FONT=&quot]The decision to suspend Tu-154 flights or to remove the plane's withdrawal from service would be premature before the crash investigation ends, head of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov stated.
more: [/FONT]
ANyone speak russian !


[FONT=&quot]General Director of Aviation Technologies Alliance Viktor Pryadka pointed to a serious flaw in the design of the Tu-154.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]“When flying at an angle of 15 or 16 degrees the aircraft gets ‘stuck’ and there is no way you can possibly make it level again. As a result, in starts going down until it hits the ground. After takeoff the pilot needs to spend some time flying the plane in a horizontal mode before it can start climbing again. If he doesn’t, or makes a turn, the plane goes into a nosedive,” he said, adding that this is exactly what could have happed to the ill-fated Tu-154.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Read more: [/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]General Director of Aviation Technologies Alliance Viktor Pryadka pointed to a serious flaw in the design of the Tu-154.[/FONT]

yeah im sure it has a design flaw that has gone undetected since the 1970's....definitely a faulty design :thinking:
yeah im sure it has a design flaw that has gone undetected since the 1970's....definitely a faulty design :thinking:

It is a known flaw; not something they just detected. MOO

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