SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #15

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I'm just curious -- what do you think a PI can do that a sizeable LE team can't?
I wanted to add my 2 cents (surprise-not). Back to the Van Dam case, a PI found her body and a sizeable LE team didn't. Just saying... ;)

Plus a PI has the luxury of concentrating on one case at a time. LE never has that luxury. A PI has to be able to get information without the uniform and badge, so they can bring in some resources that may not want to talk to LE.
Why hasn't LE given some kind of a presser?
If HE disappearance is connected to other missing/murdered girls,
I would hope the public would be alerted.
If LE feels this was personal, it would be a relief to know.
IMO, this is why the public has gone vigilante mode.
The truth may be known and the public is tired of waiting for LE.
It is wrong, but emotions get stirred up. The people want some answers.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck.............
I believe the majority of us want to see this family get their daughter back( and only God knows where she is as well as her condition) but I feel we have run out of ideas and this could be headed in a heated direction . I'm breaking for now .
Killers tend to dispose of bodies in an area they're familiar with. I, too believe that HE is dead and was killed closer to 4:00 am if not sooner. Murderers that plan their killings (and I think this was premeditated and not a spontaneous act) also plan where they dispose of the bodies. For example Ted Bundy often drove around for hours determining where he was going to put a body before he killed or even determining who he was going to kill. She may have been wrapped in a tarp and weighted down, preventing her body from floating to the top. But that probably would require a boat and a significant amount of time-not to mention a chance of being seen by a fisherman. I have felt from the beginning that she was taken from PTL and driven close to an hour away from Myrtle Beach and buried-possibly in a pre-dug grave. If that is the case, she is going to very difficult to locate. If LE can determine who caused her to disappear, they may be wise to check their background and determine where they previously lived (assuming they haven't always lived around Myrtle Beach).

Yes, this scenario is, I believe, a likely one.
First off a PI is 100% focused on one case and only one case. People, as noted by BB, are hesitant about talking to the local LE for what ever reason (maybe a criminal past or currently involved in criminal activity . A PI can open doors LE can't. A PI can use methods LE can't to get information. LE needs warrants to do certain things whereas a PI doesn't . You don't lawyer up to a PI.There is plenty a competent PI can do to get information.

That is very true. So why don't you think TE mentioned anything about this, even after he was asked about it on the Sunday night blog radio show?

TE sidestepped the direct question about fundraising [modsnip] and a PI (which they have asked about).

Why not bring up hiring a PI or at least mention what they may be doing with the money they are asking people to donate? #:banghead:
Killers tend to dispose of bodies in an area they're familiar with. I, too believe that HE is dead and was killed closer to 4:00 am if not sooner. Murderers that plan their killings (and I think this was premeditated and not a spontaneous act) also plan where they dispose of the bodies. For example Ted Bundy often drove around for hours determining where he was going to put a body before he killed or even determining who he was going to kill. She may have been wrapped in a tarp and weighted down, preventing her body from floating to the top. But that probably would require a boat and a significant amount of time-not to mention a chance of being seen by a fisherman. I have felt from the beginning that she was taken from PTL and driven close to an hour away from Myrtle Beach and buried-possibly in a pre-dug grave. If that is the case, she is going to very difficult to locate. If LE can determine who caused her to disappear, they may be wise to check their background and determine where they previously lived (assuming they haven't always lived around Myrtle Beach).

Interesting post.

I am curious to know why you think "HE was killed closer to 4:00 am if not sooner."
Tread carefully peeps, don't want to get this closed, or put in the washing machine.
That is very true. So why don't you think TE mentioned anything about this, even after he was asked about it on the Sunday night blog radio show?

TE sidestepped the direct question about fundraising (which they are doing a lot of) and a PI (which they have asked about).

Why not bring up hiring a PI or at least mention what they may be doing with the money they are asking people to donate? #:banghead:

all good questions....I haven't the foggiest why he hasn't gone that route
Thanks for the answers about the PI. The only working PI I know doesn't deal with cases like this. He's overworked with exciting things like tracing husbands to motel rooms and tracking down the guy who absconded with the entire retirement account of a local flower shop, and would be totally over his head in a situation like this.

It hadn't occurred to me that people would prefer to talk to a PI, because if somebody like that came asking me questions, no way in hell would I say a damn thing to them. Sorry, I've got enough nosy people trying to get my marketing information and scam me out of credit cards and no longer trust anybody even remotely prying :p But I can see why other people would. That makes sense.

But they hadn't better try too many things LE can't, or the evidence won't be usable in court...

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Thanks for the answers about the PI. The only working PI I know doesn't deal with cases like this. He's overworked with exciting things like tracing husbands to motel rooms and tracking down the guy who absconded with the entire retirement account of a local flower shop, and would be totally over his head in a situation like this.

It hadn't occurred to me that people would prefer to talk to a PI, because if somebody like that came asking me questions, no way in hell would I say a damn thing to them. Sorry, I've got enough nosy people trying to get my marketing information and scam me out of credit cards and no longer trust anybody even remotely prying :p But I can see why other people would. That makes sense.

But they hadn't better try too many things LE can't, or the evidence won't be usable in court...

been there,done that.....LOL not fun(most of the time)...sometimes in cases like this one(from a PI's standpoint) it's not about collecting evidence but more so about getting information that can lead the case to a conclusion.
I absolutely agree its time for a PI to be hired if one has not already been hired. Frankly if I was in their shoes, I would have hired one a long time ago. It would have been at the moment I felt LE was not making as much progress as I had hoped they would which was quite awhile ago for me.

For each person, that time frame would be different because some people have more patience than others or maybe they had some inside LE information that made them feel that something was about to happen.

But the bottom line is she is still not found and no arrests have been made in her disappearance and she disappeared a long time ago. Its past time for a PI in my book.

Also, I look at the hiring of a PI to be supplemental help for LE. I do not look at it as being a negative to them in any way. They may feel embarrassed if the PI finds some answers that they could not, but so be it. They can learn from that and do a better job next time. The PI may also hit the same dead-ends as LE has, but it would be something I would try.

Also, like I mentioned before, I would buy myself an underwater camera and a search dog of my own and use them in my own searches (really not that expensive -- 2K=camera + dog maybe 2-4k). I would also ramp up a volunteer public search effort to get boots on the ground. I would do all these things to supplement finding her.
If TE really thinks HE is alive, then I doubt he right about SM being the perp. Makes no sense that he, or they, are "hiding" her somewhere...kidnapping has nearly the same sentence as murder in many cases. Heather could easily ID them and tell what was done to her.

For me, the only way she is alive is if she left purposely or was taken by some unknown weirdo who wanted a woman to "keep"...neither seems likely.

As far as SM...he could not have said anything at this point to stifle the lunatics. Maybe if LE cleared hum publicly, they would settle down but not even sure about that.

Is there a "fact sheet" very doped up from my oral thing lol, cannot absorb all these posts just now.
What about motive? Why would a person who is married and lets say ended the relationship over a month before the disappearance, plan on murdering the one he was involved with? Jealousy? loss of control over the former paramour? of course some blanks can be filled in by those phone calls..were there calls back and forth after the break up? LE knows
What about motive? Why would a person who is married and lets say ended the relationship over a month before the disappearance, plan on murdering the one he was involved with? Jealousy? loss of control over the former paramour? of course some blanks can be filled in by those phone calls..were there calls back and forth after the break up? LE knows

I am not convinced the affair had ended...SM has reasons for saying so and she made have wanted her friends to think so, if they disapproved. They may have resorted to a more "secret" secret relationship. Maybe that even explains Heather going on a "date" with an old acquaintance, to prove she was starting anew.

Again, answers in phone records.
If there is a way that LE CAN let TE know that SM/TM are NOT the might be a good idea to do so. But if they can't...not sure how they could ever restrain him.
If TE really thinks HE is alive, then I doubt he right about SM being the perp. Makes no sense that he, or they, are "hiding" her somewhere...kidnapping has nearly the same sentence as murder in many cases. Heather could easily ID them and tell what was done to her.

For me, the only way she is alive is if she left purposely or was taken by some unknown weirdo who wanted a woman to "keep"...neither seems likely.

TE didn't seem convincing to me at all that he actually does think she's alive :(. As a parent, I can't imagine giving the impression that you'd "given up" on your child, though....what else is he supposed to say? :(
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