Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #8

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BBM. The quote reads the opposite, IMO: TA only took the watch and ring off when he was sleeping.

In the interrogation tapes thread, video #12, 28:23...

The quote isn't backwards. As transcribed, the said Travis only put on the ring & watch when he went to sleep.

Perhaps her brain was scrambled and she meant to say he only took them off when he went to sleep.

Perhaps not, though, eh? Because if he only took them off when he went to sleep, what the heck were they doing on the kitchen counter?

If he only took them off before he went to sleep, then they should have been up in his bedroom, except, right, they wouldn't have been there either because he put them on when he woke up, because he only didn't have them on when he was asleep.

In any case, she didn't reply directly to what Flores said the roommates thought odd: the location in kitchen of the ring & watch, not when he wore them and when he took them off.

Oh, what a piss -poor liar she is, really, but then again, she had always been able to get away with piling lies upon piles of lies, and so exhausting & confusing who she was lying to that they stopped trying to dig back to her original lies. Gaslighting works.

In this instance, I'd guess she was trying to evade having to explain why Travis had taken off his ring and watch and left them in the kitchen in the middle of the day (other evasions possible too)..

( Especially if they were taken off and left there AFTER the sex pics? No sign of them there, iirc. I'm not looking again to check, lol).
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I have thought about that too. Her original plan may have been to shoot him while he slept in the morning and leave. But he wouldn't go to sleep. According to Flores report, Travis told Enrique that he only slept 45 minutes on the 4th. If Enrique remembered it correctly, then Travis was up moving furnitures around, assembling the cleaner, just not going to sleep.

The had to change her original plan then that included the camera.

I'm thinking she spotted the camera and it was like eye candy. Full of herself as always—being a professional photographer and all—she decided she'd be really masterful at making use of it for her plot.

She was so drawn to the camera like bees to honey, and so enamored of her skilled use of same, she just had to incorporate it when she laid eyes on it. Like a magpie with a shiny object.

She wouldn't even have had to be in the house ahead of the murder, at least by much. She could have spotted it on TA's desk when she crept in through the window, or even very last minute, on the way to the shower.
Respectfully I don’t think the killer had taken Travis’ ring and watch when leaving Mesa. That’s too personal to a guy that wears it everyday. He would have been wearing them when she left.
My husband leaves his watch in the kitchen in his special spot along with his keys and wallet; I don’t think that’s uncommon. I can’t think of why they were left there unless that too was one of her mistakes.

I think to be spiteful & to have one more thing of Travis’ to keep a hold of him the killer took the first chapter of his book which was handwritten. She scanned the pages and emailed them to Travis who gave them to Katie. And then gave his friend Katie credit for typing the first chapter which really pi**ed off the , prompting the letter when the killer was angry that Travis did not recognize her for her assistance. But wait a minute, didn’t the killer say she typed and edited that first chapter as well? I’m confused...

I don’t remember if had a printer in Yreka & don’t remember it on the Yreka inventory taken by the police either. So.. I wonder what happened to those handwritten pages then? Could she have used them to make the pedo letters? I still would really like to know who on the outside helped her compose those letters as IMO they weren’t made until after 2010.

As far as laptops they update the time automatically- ie DST - for me on the East Coast, thus I am thinking Travis didn’t have to change the time himself as he was probably given a prompt with a request to update the time.
Sorry about my misinformation re: the date the brief is due. That legal language it not easy for me to understand if I don’t read it 10x, lol. At this point that date is a crap shoot. I guess, though, the State can’t deny her attorneys’ request as it IS her last paid state appeal...PCR aside.

Agree re: the camera. couldn’t resist an opportunity to show off her “expertise” to Travis.
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Flores interrogation, day 2.

He tries to get her to commit to a timeline of what happened on the 4th, from arrival through departure.

She first says she arrived around 3AM, later she says Travis was watching (Daft Punk) when she got there (around 4:30).

It's clear that she's tailoring her story as she goes along, and in response to what questions she's being asked.

For arrival, Flores (and the FO) had asked her repeatedly whether or not Travis had been expecting her.

Her initial reply of 3 AM is tentative and unembellished; within a few minutes it becomes an involved tale with specifics, including of Naps wagging his tail so hard he went in circles.

She follows Flores' lead about the timing of what happened when they woke up .....

F: Must have been in the afternoon?
: Yah.

F: around 1:00?
: Yah, around then...

But, she has nothing to work with and no leads to take from Flores' questions about what happened in between the sex and shower photos.

Her replies begin with her trademark non sequitor lies & fluid embellishments. They tried to upload the 3 CD's of church history photos (complete BS) but couldn't because of a virus, bugs eating screen, yada yada.

What follows after that are incomplete sentences and lots of vague, kicked off with:

"He had been cleaning his I wasn't sitting on the couch hanging out like I usually did because he'd put furniture there.."


"I fed Napoleon..'


"I don't know if he made phone calls or not or what he was doing on the internet..."

Brief pause.

"But at some point we went upstairs (to take shower pics..."
Flores didn't ask her again about that in between time. She didn't volunter more lie-story then, and absolutely refused at trial to be pinned down any further on that timeline.

Not conclusive proof of anything, but IMO, supports the theory the wasn't in his house (proper) between 3-4, and it's interesting she kicks off that part of her story by mentioning the tile cleaner & furniture on couch.
Respectfully I don’t think the killer had taken Travis’ ring and watch when leaving Mesa. That’s too personal to a guy that wears it everyday. He would have been wearing them when she left.
My husband leaves his watch in the kitchen in his special spot along with his keys and wallet; I don’t think that’s uncommon. I can’t think of why they were left there unless that too was one of her mistakes.

I think to be spiteful & to have one more thing of Travis’ to keep a hold of him the killer took the first chapter of his book which was handwritten. She scanned the pages and emailed them to Travis who gave them to Katie. And then gave his friend Katie credit for typing the first chapter which really pi**ed off the , prompting the letter when the killer was angry that Travis did not recognize her for her assistance. But wait a minute, didn’t the killer say she typed and edited that first chapter as well? I’m confused...

I don’t remember if had a printer in Yreka & don’t remember it on the Yreka inventory taken by the police either. So.. I wonder what happened to those handwritten pages then? Could she have used them to make the pedo letters? I still would really like to know who on the outside helped her compose those letters as IMO they weren’t made until after 2010.

As far as laptops they update the time automatically- ie DST - for me on the East Coast, thus I am thinking Travis didn’t have to change the time himself as he was probably given a prompt with a request to update the time.
Sorry about my misinformation re: the date the brief is due. That legal language it not easy for me to understand if I don’t read it 10x, lol. At this point that date is a crap shoot. I guess, though, the State can’t deny her attorneys’ request as it IS her last paid state appeal...PCR aside.

Agree re: the camera. couldn’t resist an opportunity to show off her “expertise” to Travis.

About taking his watch & ring. Travis texted her on March 28th, asking her if she had seen them, and said he hadn't seen them since Tuesday. March 28 was a Friday, so he had already been missing them for 3 days.

There's no way to be certain she took them with her when she left Mesa. But, she had already kept them for 3 days when TA first asked, she texted him on April 8th about "finding" something he was excited to know she'd found, and by process of elimination about what "stuff" of his he wanted sent back, I still think it's a good guess that the "stuff" was his watch and ring.

About the ring & watch being left & later found in his kitchen.

Good point that perhaps it wasn't an odd thing for Travis to leave them in the kitchen. Maybe that is where he always left them when he wasn't wearing them.

If that's true, though, why would the have been so quick to counter Flores' suggestion it WAS odd, and by whipping up such a ridiculous lie that he only put his ring & watch on when he slept?

(Me! Me! Because she was remembering being in the kitchen as she answered Flores.

She has just begged Flores one last time-"can't I PLEASE see those photos?" but then gives up, and has just begun to weave her ad hoc, on the fly lie, threading many needles as she goes along....

She is remembering a long stretch of time in of being in the kitchen, TA trying to get her to leave, but can't tell Flores that part, doesn't fit in with TA guilting her into coming, waiting up all night for her, being excited & happy to see her, having sex with her as soon as they woke up, wanting to spend nostalgic time with her looking at photos of trips they had taken together, ...but then taking off his ring & watch, pulling out his tile cleaner and stacking furniture to clean his floors while she was still there? Hmm.

Katie Barnes edited the intro to TA's book. He gave Katie credit for that when he published the intro on his "Being Better" blog.

He didn't publish chapter one of his book on the blog, the chapter she supposely edited. He knew she had his handwritten notes for the chapter, and whether he had asked her or she had volunteered, it was his understanding that she would type the chapter & return his hand written pages.
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I've always found it off how she glossed over the tile cleaner/furniture off the floor, as if she wasn't there when it happened but couldn't fit it into her story about the day, so said as little about it as possible.When was he supposed to have done that - in between sleeping/having sex/showering/throwing cd's at her in the office?

She should have taken the same tack about the ring and watch, what she did say just perked up Flores' ears all the more.
Points are allotted for all speculation provided it's at least obliquely related to fact!

.....snipped the above for focus....

LOL I think I get most of my points for doing this on many cases.

Rickshaw you really had me ROFLMAO with that and its so true. We are good at speculating. LOL :)

Hello Everyone else, thanks for all the theories and speculation. I have enjoyed following along.
I still think of this case often as it was an amazing case.
BBM. The quote reads the opposite, IMO: TA only took the watch and ring off when he was sleeping.

I heard 'but' or 'not' before 'unless he is sleeping'.

Listen to her explanation in context to what Flores had just described, though. That TA's roommates saw his CTR ring and watch on the kitchen counter and thought odd because he never leaves town without them.

: 'No, he always leaves those there, (but) unless he is sleeping, then he takes those things and puts them on.'

So she is basically saying those things were there because he was sleeping (dead). OMG
I've always found it off how she glossed over the tile cleaner/furniture off the floor, as if she wasn't there when it happened but couldn't fit it into her story about the day, so said as little about it as possible.When was he supposed to have done that - in between sleeping/having sex/showering/throwing cd's at her in the office?

She should have taken the same tack about the ring and watch, what she did say just perked up Flores' ears all the more.
- She 'only knew Zach was there'.
- Didn't know when the furnitures got moved around
- Didn't know whether Travis shaved or not (testimony: to JM-shaved, when confronted with the face photo, to Nurmi- not shaved)
- About only thing she knew for certain was that 'they' were in the office after noon.
The CTR ring and watch must have been relevant to some scam had going? Maybe some (or one) photo she had taken and planted when he was or wasn't wearing his watch. And she wasn't sure LE had recovered the camera (Flores was able to lie to her ,and this was an important detail).She was trying to convey that since he wasn't wearing a watch, he must have been sleeping?

At the very least, she must have needed the ring and watch detail that she offered up, because it protected another lie. Or she thought it might protect another lie. What lie?

Or in reverse....another lie protected this one?
I'm curious as to if they checked for finger prints or dna on the watch and the ring....
I heard 'but' or 'not' before 'unless he is sleeping'.

Listen to her explanation in context to what Flores had just described, though. That TA's roommates saw his CTR ring and watch on the kitchen counter and thought odd because he never leaves town without them.

: 'No, he always leaves those there, (but) unless he is sleeping, then he takes those things and puts them on.'

So she is basically saying those things were there because he was sleeping (dead). OMG

So, here's my problem....

Unless = If......not. So now we have "If he is not sleeping, then he takes those things and puts them on."
I'm curious as to if they checked for finger prints or dna on the watch and the ring....
I wondered the same thing. The items may have been collected at the crime scene (as they were his personal property), but I doubt they were ever processed for prints or DNA or even considered evidence because L.E. was not yet aware of Arias' history (or level) of game-playing and manipulation.

But... I would wager 10-1 odds that by JA wiping her paw prints off the watch and ring, she also erased Travis' prints off the two items in the process. I'm sure Nurmi would argue that Travis cleaned his own watch and ring at some point that day, and dried them with a kitchen towel which would explain why no prints were found on them (and that would also explain why they were found on the kitchen countertop). Five years later, though, I think we now know what the real deal is.
Now y'all have me watching the Flores interrogation all over!

So, this strikes me as a weirdness...

Flores asks if TA ever proposed. says, he did many times, but not seriously, and he proposed once over the phone. Which, as she mentions, is not a great way to propose.

But as always, elaborates. Florid. She gabs around, but instead of talking marriage, she is talking breaking up. She winds up by saying they broke up over the phone.

Then she loops around to how TA proposed in mid-breakup.

So, she couldn't get away from the proposal topic fast enough, but she was okay with the breakup concept when it came to blabbing to Flores? What's with that?

Around 24 minutes, Interrogation #1:

Later: I'm not sure what I'm trying to say in this post, but I do notice a whole lot more subtleties in looking at the videos.

They never "dated". says TA asked how she came up with a February 3 date about when they started "dating". He didn’t think they were dating? Whatever, she’s gaslighting: trying to make him believe something as thiugh it’s a fact. There was a lot of that going on in this period.

Did they even go out and do "date" kind of activities?
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Flores interrogation, day 2.
Not conclusive proof of anything, but IMO, supports the theory the wasn't in his house (proper) between 3-4, and it's interesting she kicks off that part of her story by mentioning the tile cleaner & furniture on couch.

I doubt she would have left Hope, it was too great a risk, especially in daylight. Why would she hide for an hour? She was used to being invisible when housemates were around. My instinct is that she would have stuck to him like glue. Vital to ensure he didn't text, call or email anyone she was there. I agree with you (from a different post) that Travis was unlikely to have gone out - for many reasons.

One possibility is that she stayed around to offer to help him clean. This seems plausible given that she had been 'employed' housekeeping for him in the past.

I don't buy her arrival story. It's all over the place in the Detective Flores tapes.

They had a sexual photographic encounter based on the evidence. Travis was known to stay up late and get up late sometimes. So, what did she do in between? Arias couldn't risk her arrival disturbing other housemates. She most likely knew their times of departure. Travis would have known when his tenants were likely to return and for how long. The other strange discourse was around the breakfast. Porridge for Travis. A banana for the witch. Could she have arrived or shown herself to Travis around breakfast time? When was the dog normally fed? Safely, with all tenants out she had the house free to kill him. Then again, that risked someone seeing her arrive. :( Too many unknowns. Columbo would struggle with these sparse pieces to work on.

Re the watch, I am torn between the thoughts on Salberg7 and your post. If she had taken the watch, giving him these in the kitchen would have been part of the peace offering. Maybe he left the watch there and placed the cheque in the office? It's all frustratingly vague.
"Oh, what a piss -poor liar she is, really, but then again, she had always been able to get away with piling lies upon piles of lies, and so exhausting & confusing who she was lying to that they stopped trying to dig back to her original lies. Gaslighting works."

Anytime I go back to check bits of the trial videos I am astonished by the volume of lies. Things that can only be picked up with knowledge (and hindsight) jump out. Same with the interrogation tapes. I wouldn't have thought it possible to have more contempt for her. Astonishingly, she is even more of a monster to me today.


From the text records & more.

March 2008.

First week: Travis had ended his relationship with Lisa just several weeks earlier, after her tires had been slashed, after they had begun discussing marriage more seriously and he panicked, after he had been encouraged by Sky to drop Lisa and act on his sudden belief that Mimi was “the One.”

The had spent some days of those final weeks in February in Las Vegas with Gus, not coincidentally, shortly after Lisa’s tires were slashed. She upped her attempts to ensnare Travis with sex upon her return from LV (via the Hoover Dam route, BTW).

IMO, based on the texts, she was determined to have them “go all the way” for the first time, and likely succeeded. By February’s end, it must have seemed to her that her goal was within grasp. Lisa was eliminated as competition, and she had dragged Travis down still further, which for her had always been about gaining control over him.

The couldn’t have been more wrong. According to Sky (and my own reading/interpretations), the hells of February finally convinced Travis that he couldn’t get right with the Church, find a good Mormon wife, or move on with his life as long as the remained in Mesa. The had to leave.


On March 2, TA told she had to leave, AND/OR after a serious fight that resulted from Travis telling her he couldn’t/wouldn’t help her financially anymore, and that it would be best for both of them if she left, the began to realize--but may well not yet have accepted--that she would have to leave Mesa. The forged letter about Travis hitting her in the face is dated March 2, 2008, her testimony at trial is that TA raged on March 2 after she told him she had (unilaterally) decided to move back home.

Bottom line: by the first week in March, Travis believed that the was leaving, and would be gone by the end of the month.

In between March 2’s confrontation and her departure scheduled for the end of March fell the Oklahoma City PPL convention. As early as January 2008, the had begun planning a road trip around the convention, telling Travis about the destinations they could check off the list of 1,000 Places to Visit.

It’s not a stretch to think that in early March she might have believed this trip could turn things around. An exciting road trip to remind Travis of how much he loved travelling with her, hotel stays along the way, thus opportunities for sex romps far from the judgmental scrutiny of TA’s friends, a return to OKC, where they had been a year before, when still ‘official,” he hadn’t betrayed her yet, and she had been so sure he would soon propose.

Travis had bought 2 convention tickets—one for him, one for her- well before March 2008; her attendance had also been locked in for months by his consent to her road trip plans. The was going.

March 2. Sunday. Later in the day, after the ‘You’re going/I’m leaving” confrontation: the plays games with his car; Travis throws a CES fireside and cookie party to which she is not invited; he tells a friend he is in a bad mood and needs people around to cheer him up; flirts with CL, tells his friend Diana he has some drama to tell her about; returns a text to who tells him to save her some cookies and to call her later; Sky demands a report from TA about the date he has planned with Mimi (making pottery);TA texts with Lisa about things of his she wants to return.

March 3. Monday. TA asks Michelle if she’s spoken to Lisa—tells her he’s having a “bad or sad day,” that he is having difficulty functioning, that maybe he is grasping at straws in asking how Lisa is and if she’s told Michelle anything “special,”; Deanna asks TA if he can repay her any of the money he’s borrowed from her-he replies that is bank account is overdrawn by $900, and he has only half a tank of gas on which to get to OKC and doesn’t know how he’ll be able to make it there; plays games about being late because she lost her wallet, “oops I found it!”; TA apologizes to Lisa if the email he sent her was too harsh; TA mentions that he was called into his bishop’s office (probably why he needed his car back from the ); around 7PM Travis asks Mimi if she wants some homemade guacamole, leaves to take it to her at 7:20.

At 7:33PM the texts him she ”has a thought” (no reply) and at 10:40PM that she would be there in 15 minutes.

March 4. Tuesday. TA texts with Taylor about Taylor looking for a GF, tells him that Lisa pulled “some cold-hearted stuff” (the day before), jokes with Taylor that “with the Mimi thing and all, Lisa is available;” tells Travis she is bored at work, no tables, TA replies with a one-word text- wow, and nothing further.

March 5. Wednesday. TA texts Bible talk with Mimi in the AM; an hour later the asks TA if he got the photo she sent of Travis with Chris Hughes and Dave Hall, he again replies with a one-word text-yes.

A couple of hours later TA texts about imagining white light filling your body then bursting out, “totally consuming you and everything around. “ J.A.”

She says -?- and TA tells her she said that to him once, that he’d just thought about it, thought it was funny, and sent it to her.

She replies , what’s funny is that things like that used to be my dominant thoughts,

and that she “used to remind herself of the Disney version of Pocahontas, come running down the side trails of the forest, come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth.”

When TA doesn’t reply to her reply, 30 minutes later she texts “here’s something you sent to me once: moggies and grinders, hoggies and grinders, navy beans, navy beans, navy beans!”

Another half hour passes (TA isn’t busy texting anyone else) before he replies, telling her she is a nerd. “Or should I say Poconerdes.” replies 2 minutes later-“I don’t know, but if you want to poke me, why don’t you just say so?”

No reply. texts again--“I’m talking about on Facebook. Get your mind out of the gutter.” No reply.

TA is thinking about his rock climbing date with Mimi, and texts Taylor, Michelle, and Dan Freeman (yes, that ’s “friend” too) about going to the gym that night to help him practice for his date-he doesn’t know how to rock climb.

Taylor can’t go, tells TA that he made out with his date the night before. TA warns him.. be careful, or you'll lose each other's respect. Take it from me. I know.

TA has a PPL conference call in the evening. Shortly afterwards, at 10:08PM, he texts “you have ruined things indefinitely in that category. Your actions speak louder than words, and a minute later, “well what the hell do you expect me to do.”

(Note: TA very rarely cursed in texts). Texts briefly with CL, done with texting before 11PM.

March 6. Thursday. texts Travis on and off for almost 12 hours- he doesn’t send her a text until after 8PM. (She says her eye is still bloodshot from your “potent stuff, T-Dogg ”

then sends an “accidental text” about paying her roommate for overdue utilities, then texts TA: “Err. Duh, J—i. That was about (a bill) I’m able to pay because of you. So disregard that!!” (He does-and her)..

Hours later, at 5:20, she texts him where she is-nearby, a few blocks away.

At 8:21PM she texts: darn, forgot to taste the ice-cream.

8:21. TA. “Oh well its not going anywhere.

8:35. . “Call me when u get a sec.”

8:47. Mimi texts TA: When should we meet?

8:48. Travis to Mimi” Whenever’s clever. I’m Just chillin. When is good for you?”

10:24PM TA to Mimi: “Thanks for hangin. Don’t OD on sugar. Sleep well. “

Ten minutes later TA is texting Michelle, afterwards, with CL about going on a double date the next night, and joking about getting naked (11:45-1:15AM) . In between texts with CL, gets into a tiff with the BF of a woman TA had texted.

LEAVES FOR YREKA IN THE AM OF MARCH 7 (IIRC….I’ve posted about this trip of hers before, exact date is here somewhere.;))

March 7. Friday. Travis is up unusually early—to drop off at the airport, IIRC. At 8AM he’s texting with Michelle about Mimi, that he hadn’t kissed her on the date, but that he had a 5th dream she’d kissed him, that he wanted to kiss her real bad, “but didn’t know what to do.”

Then he tells Michelle he wants to invite Mimi on his road trip to the OKC conference and asks Michelle if she wants to go as part of a group.


3/7. 11:17AM. the texts TA from Yreka: “and you would have thought the whole time I was high maintenance because I packed 2 bags when really I was just being smart.”

3/7. 2:57PM. : “Call me T-Dogg! (even though my name is Jodi!)”

No reply.

TA is texting with CL about the double date, and with Michelle.

7:15PM. : Mt Shasta is pink from the sunset!

No reply.

7:19PM. : “I’m bored, what are you up to tonight?”

11:48PM. : “forgot to tell u I made it here safely.”

12:24AM (March 8) CL texts Travis to tell him thanks, that she had a lot of fun.

March 8. Saturday.

12:06PM. texts TA from Yreka – wouldn’t you know it? (A restaurant in Mesa she had applied to awhile back) “wants to call me in!” (Note-she’s telling Travis she likely has work again in Mesa….and so can stay?)

12:42PM. Travis replies: “The irony.”

12:45. : “Yeah, that darn delay in the LOA (Law of Attraction). “

Then, “ So I’m walking through Walmart and I realize my fly is down and I’m wearing green panties today, haha! “

1:09PM. TA: well, it’s almost St. Patrick’s Day.

TA texts with Katie Barnes, CL, asks a friend out to dinner, says he’s bored out of his mind. He ends up going out by himself to Barnes & Noble, buys A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, returns and text-banters with CL about books.

March 9. Sunday.

12:51AM. TA texts “it wouldn’t be like home without it. It’s like Napoleons’ butt.”

Only one other text that day before 6:32PM (church day).

texts him ---she’s on time, see you soon!

Travis picks her up at the airport, but he must have driven her straight to her rented room, because a couple of hours later he’s broadcasting silly jokes, then texting with PPL’ers about the OKC. He tries out a line he wants to text Mimi, because he’s going out of town and “doesn’t want her to forget him.” He tells Clancy he’s due to arrive at convention on Wednesday (March 12).

March 10. Monday.

12:50AM. tells Travis she can’t sleep, that’s she’s restless, “a little worried, excited! Though exhausted.”

1:03.AM. TA: Worried about what? Restless? Can I help?

1:07.AM. : “Worried about money. I get paid in 2 days. As far as restless, I just need to get in bed and settle down. You are wonderful.”

Travis tells her sleep is a priority, she won’t get much of it at convention, she says it is just so hard! such a time crunch! TA reassures her everything will get done, she ends with:

1:11AM. “ You’re right. And plus, I’ll probably dream of you!! "

TA replies—"Yu nerd. Sleep well.”

1:13AM. : “Thx, T-dizzle.”

Travis is awake and texting, including to Mimi, by 10:33AM.

3/10. 10:39AM. sends him a complete & stupid non sequitur about dictionary definitions. No reply. Travis texts with Deanna, his buddy Aaron, and with PPL’ers.

At 3:56PM, texts from work that she had been stiffed by “spics,” calls them ingrates for not tipping, especially since she'd spoken to them in Spanish (skipping TA's replies :().

(Note: TA definitely paid her entire way on the OKC trip, though for the first time, perhaps, he made it clear to her beforehand that he needed her to repay him this time. Funny, then, how often she began making it a point to tell him she wasn't earning any money).

4:59 PM. tells TA she won’t have any problem sleeping that night, she’s exhausted, TA tells her to get to bed as soon as she can. She replies a minute later that she’s at Walmart, asks him if he needs anything-- he asks her to pick up batteries and an ice chest, he has bought/has everything else.

5:35PM. Mimi texts Travis she has just seen him (out on his bike)

5:39PM. tells TA to call her.

Travis replies to Mimi.

At 10:12PM. texts TA she’s sorry, she’s still running around like crazy, but “I’m almost ready!” (Note: think about that one).

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