Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt7

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Daisy - I am gonna go to bed.
I will probably be on here later today (Friday)


Nite Chestergal and everyone!
Until "tomorrow".... same bat time same bat channel :seeya:

(I know it won't be the same time, or really the same channel for us here at WS, but wouldn't it be hillllarrrrious if NG said that at the end of her show sometime... :crazy:)
Puhleese, someone tell me that CCs body was inspected and that his clothes (in gym bag) were confiscated PRIOR TO the May 14th date I am seeing on documents.

Can anyone help me with seeing a date earlier than that?

Wrinkles, the warrant for confiscating these things was signed by the judge on May 5 at 11:59 AM. :) I assume they acted on that right away!
I can't figure out why she is being kept hidden from everyone - when messes like this become public, news sources camp out in front of homes - follow them wherever they go - dig for info from any place they can find it including their trash cans on trash pick-up day. (I'm sure there is a joke in that last line, but I'm not going there. :eek: ) Anyone who has ever laid eyes on the person would be talking...... So I wonder what the deal is on her. Why is she being so.....protected????? everyone? This really has me stumped.

Just catching up. . . I can't imagine either. There was a tiny article about the murders in our local paper, and NO mention of MM at all. A couple of people wrote comments regarding "the affair", and then zip, nada.

It's the same with JMM, only the tiniest mention. Central Florida is a stronghold for the bible belt and I've heard that JMM has a "prayer house" ie; vacation retreat somewhere around here (Trinity?). I can't help thinking that neither JMM or MM want the truth spilled out for all to see and I would love to know what kind of pressure JMM has been using to squash media speculation.
here is the GCM page that shows monday night is the men's meeting night
also they have usher/security meetings

It's not at all unusual for non-denom churches to have separate men's and women's events. The Monday men's meeting might be something like Promise Keepers:

They're also into big venue mass indoctrination of what they believe is the "right" way for men to be - and on the face of it, it's a wonderful premise. The biggest problem with all of the non-denoms is that they become "cult of personalities" that end up exalting the particular leader as "ordained by God" (Yeah, and the special "gift" they have is the same one any good con man has - the power of persuasion)

Sadly, it's a fickle and fey method to control the sheep by "winning them over to God". There is a clear deliniation between the entitled and the rest of the flock, and it has little or nothing to do with The Shepherd.
If he filed, the media would have the papers as they are public record.

Of course, MM is going to stick with this story because she probably believes it makes her appear to be less of a backstabbing, horrible b*tch in some way, imo. However, it does not.

In many ways, I think it makes her look worse.
I wish Nick Pistor's outlet would do a major followup on their story. Someone should be investigating Miss Motive and bringing it all out in the open, imo. I want to hear from her friends, her enemies (probably not the first married man she has bopped, imo), and her co-workers. I want to know the name of the club where she supposedly kept her clothes on and served male clients. I want to know how long the affair had gone on. I want to know how it started and who made the first move. I also want to know how she had the nerve to remain friends with Sheri while bopping her husband and planning to marry him! I want to know the person who steals her best friend's husband at the risk of harming her children, but instead...they end up murdered.

I am not saying she participated in these murders at all. However, in my opinion...she is part of the motive behind them.

Wow, Seriously, you and I do think a lot alike. I want to know all of those things.
LOL... these fools actually believe that police has only given us 10% truth about this case.
Of course these people never would believe that RC is an ex-con, they don't even want to believe that the police are telling us the truth when it comes to CC.
Be warned WS's of anyone who adamantly defends RC and also claims they don't attend GCM.

If that's true, I doubt they're gonna like the other 90% much better. It'll only get worse once all the evidence comes to light. Wonder what the faithful will do then?
It's not at all unusual for non-denom churches to have separate men's and women's events. The Monday men's meeting might be something like Promise Keepers:

They're also into big venue mass indoctrination of what they believe is the "right" way for men to be - and on the face of it, it's a wonderful premise. The biggest problem with all of the non-denoms is that they become "cult of personalities" that end up exalting the particular leader as "ordained by God" (Yeah, and the special "gift" they have is the same one any good con man has - the power of persuasion)

Sadly, it's a fickle and fey method to control the sheep by "winning them over to God". There is a clear deliniation between the entitled and the rest of the flock, and it has little or nothing to do with The Shepherd.

But there are no women's meetings, is it common to only have men's meeting and none for the women?
I am playing Devil's advocate here...but I hope there is forensic evidence on this twine found 3 miles away. If not, it bears no evidence....
Well I would think there would be residual DNA from skin cells from the twine. It is very course and sturdy, and considering the way it would have been used in this case I'd bet dollars to donuts there's some DNA from one or more of them on there, you little devil you.
Over on this topix board someone suggested that people listen to the Halloween sermon that up on the GCM website. (RC gave it)

I cannot play this kinda stuff on my computer but maybe some of you can and report back what was said in the sermon.


hr ago
leeloo wrote:
Anyone that would like to hear Ron Coleman speak can go to and listen to the recorded messages. I highly recommend the Halloween sermon if it is still up, it will show you how ignorant this man is.
WOW! that was very interesting to say the least. It gives you a little insight on how CC was raised. He just babbles on. I listened to the holloween story, and he was just making up stuff on the fly. He talked about how he never let his kids celebrate holloween and then remarked how fine they turned out and actually said "there not retarded from it" WOW!

Thanks for sending the link to GC website. I could not help seeing the request for $$$ on the first page....just typical....
I can't figure out why she is being kept hidden from everyone - when messes like this become public, news sources camp out in front of homes - follow them wherever they go - dig for info from any place they can find it including their trash cans on trash pick-up day. (I'm sure there is a joke in that last line, but I'm not going there. :eek: ) Anyone who has ever laid eyes on the person would be talking...... So I wonder what the deal is on her. Why is she being so.....protected????? everyone? This really has me stumped.
You know, that's quite true. In the Laci Peterson case, once the Enquirer was on to Amber, that was when she came forward, she knew it was going to be out in the open and she beat them to the punch. Why would MM be protected? She actually should be outted before Amber should have been. Amber did not know the convicted murderer (sorry, I hate to even type that filth's name) was married, and MM obviously did/does. I can't believe one of the rag mags haven't outted her yet. What gives?
I really don't want to sound too naive, but how would one use twine
to strangle someone and do it quickly and move to the next person?
I could google it, but I guess I'm afraid of what I'll find:(

Well I would think there would be residual DNA from skin cells from the twine. It is very course and sturdy, and considering the way it would have been used in this case I'd bet dollars to donuts there's some DNA from one or more of them on there, you little devil you.
I really don't want to sound too naive, but how would one use twine
to strange someone and do it quickly and move to the next person?
I could google it, but I guess I'm afraid of what I'll find:(

From what I understood was there was a noose-like loop on one end with the other end threaded through the hole.

This whole case makes me sick to my stomach to even try to understand exactly what happened in the Coleman home that sad day.
I was looking at the dates of some of these meetings. Its interesting that April 27 there was an usher/security meeting at 7pm and thats the same day Chris says they received a threatening letter. The night before they were found murdered, there was a Mens Meeting. And how come theres no more Mens Meeting scheduled for the next 2 months? Was Chris involved in those Mens Meetings??
From what I understood was there was a noose-like loop on one end with the other end threaded through the hole.

This whole case makes me sick to my stomach to even try to understand exactly what happened in the Coleman home that sad day.
Oh man, me too. I try my best to not think of Garett and Gavin, and not to diminish Sheri's death in the least, but because those were his children, those were the innocents who he should have been he!! bent to protect.

When I let my mind go there, I can't handle it. The very hands that should have been made into fists to protect them are the hands that brought their lives to an end. When I think of my daughter and her girls and someone doing this to them, it just makes my heart ache. I try to imagine what was going through his mind when they were struggling to breath, and I'm so very glad that I can't. Oh how I wish murderers had to suffer the same fate of their victims. I wish it truly were and eye for an eye.
Do church's typically have a men only meeting night?

GCM does a men only meeting night on Monday nights (there are no women only meeting nights at GCM)

Our church has a men's fellowship once a month and a women's fellowship once a month. Some of the guys also get together on Thursday mornings to pray. We also have once a year retreats, one for the guys and one for the gals. I don't think its unusual.
Purely guess-work, but I think the reason why the mistress hasn't been enveloped by the press is that she is being watched by LE all the time. I don't think this is a case where anyone would want to see her get injured before the trial, I assume she will be used as a witness, so I am not sure they are all too worried about her. Even more so, if she was killed and it looked like a setup or foul play, then I would guess that it would bring even more proof onto CC about his whole mess. I think they are just letting her do her thing and watch her to see what she does. If she goes on with her day, every day, then thats fine. If she sends a card of condolence or flowers to Sheri's family, then you know that she may have actually not known that CC was going to kill them. Or, if the scum that is representing CC has money, maybe they put together some hush money for the girl in florida. So, she is not to say anything to anyone before the trial. I dunno.
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