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Happy Sunday WS! :seeya:

Just want to thank everyone for their honest advice to my posts last night about my dating situation. It means a lot to me and I'm definitely going to be rereading them for the next few days! He did it again today (blew me off) and I just have to be done with it. The wondering is making me incredibly anxious and I don't deserve this. Sitting on my hands so I don't call or text him!

Spent a wonderful afternoon with my awesome family and realized how truly blessed I am. AND, my 14 month old niece FINALLY started walking a few days ago (lazy little stinker), so that was a blast to watch :)

Oh Sweetie, we can never lose by going back to ourselves and getting grounded. No matter what the outcome, it's always a good way to steer your ship.

I went looking for this poem tonite for other reasons but I'd like to share it with you too...I've read this poem hundreds of times, literally. I think maybe it will sing to your heart as well in some way. xo
I knew I liked you. ;)

I like her too --- an intriquing name she has (ILikeToBendPages).

KCL, I see you changed your pic to my favorite that I have seen thus far! Nice choice for Father's Day!

3:30 am here --- insomnia struck again. Off to bed I go once more :eek:fftobed:
I like her too --- an intriquing name she has (ILikeToBendPages).

KCL, I see you changed your pic to my favorite that I have seen thus far! Nice choice for Father's Day!

3:30 am here --- insomnia struck again. Off to bed I go once more :eek:fftobed:

Sweet dreams............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Oh Sweetie, we can never lose by going back to ourselves and getting grounded. No matter what the outcome, it's always a good way to steer your ship.

I went looking for this poem tonite for other reasons but I'd like to share it with you too...I've read this poem hundreds of times, literally. I think maybe it will sing to your heart as well in some way. xo

Very well said; and good words to add to our "tenets to live by" quivers!!!!
Hi, I was lying here all night~insomnia. I thought of Jodie in her hole. If I were ever to see her ( wont happen) I could never touch anything she had touched. Her hands are murdering hands. I would starve before I'd ever touch food she touched. She is evil.Those sins will be on her killing hands forever. She can try to lie out of it but it will be there forever. There will be no mercy on her soul, she doesnt have one. One of my best friends died and I am weepy. God Rest Mary. :seeya:
:seeya: Morning Y'all !

Checking in for updates ...

Is that status conference still scheduled for June 20 ?

I know the DT wants to push the penalty phase back -- I hope judge does NOT allow this !

Oh Sweetie, we can never lose by going back to ourselves and getting grounded. No matter what the outcome, it's always a good way to steer your ship.

I went looking for this poem tonite for other reasons but I'd like to share it with you too...I've read this poem hundreds of times, literally. I think maybe it will sing to your heart as well in some way. xo

KCL, that poem is fantastic. My favorite line "Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn."

Thank you. I'm adding that site to my favorites.
Yes, the court continues to refer to June 20 status conference and it will be televised. Supposedly, surprises were in store but the defense has already delivered on that with the bid for retrial in 2014!
:seeya: Morning Y'all !

Checking in for updates ...

Is that status conference still scheduled for June 20 ?

I know the DT wants to push the penalty phase back -- I hope judge does NOT allow this !


Morning d.g.c.....I go to the Maricopa County somethings gonna miraculously change...LOL
When I went to check the court docket for this week this morning, it still has the status conf on the 20th listed for Judge Stephens.

Now...what I found a little interesting, was, if you go back to the docket date area, and put in week of July (7/17/2013)......for JSS it has:

CR2008-031021........7/18/2013....10:00....Trial - "Firm" .....State Of Arizona........Jodi Ann Arias

I wonder if THIS time, JSS will really stick to the FIRM that's posted and not let the defense weasel out once again.
Yes, the court continues to refer to June 20 status conference and it will be televised. Supposedly, surprises were in store but the defense has already delivered on that with the bid for retrial in 2014!

Hmmmm....maybe some MORE surprises in store....maybe JSS will stay "FIRM" about this, as the docket for that trial date shows, at this point in time.

Keeping with the norm, I'm sure JSS won't deviate from being pretty good natured with all the stalls by defense.

Also, it's so great to see you pop in here, Tuba...always enjoy your posts!!
There's an article on about women on death row. It's actually regarding the release of Paula Cooper, but there is a slideshow of other women and the crimes they committed. I'm shocked at how many of them murdered children. :(

(For anyone reading the article, I don't understand the sentence of #37. It says she is sentenced to life in Ohio, but sentenced to death in Indiana. Huh?)
I will! Thanks!

ETA: The island was cut in two by Camille, eh? We used to spend lots of time during the summer down on the Gulf. I remember going down there the first time after Camille and my favorite restaurant (out over the water) was just a bunch of pilings sticking out of the water.

After Katrina I had friends go down to help with clean-up, etc. The biggest, burliest, toughest man I know couldn't talk about what he'd seen there without crying, so I knew I'd best not go for awhile. Now I miss the coast so much I can smell the salty air. Sigh.

The island was gorgeous as it always is... The boat ride over is an hour and nice too. I had heard that Katrina did major damage to the island and didn't know what to expect. I was quite surprised to find that it was even better than before and that since it is a state park they have in fact done many improvements on it since Katrina. The only bad thing was that we picked up our stuff early intending to tour the fort but they had quit touring for the day early. The plus side of that was that we were able to get the best seats on the boat for the ride back.
We went Interstate on the way there but took 90 (Beach Road )on the return trip.i worked a lot of cleanup and was in New Orleans lot during the aftermath of Katrina so I witnessed a lot of devastation.. I catered the food for the Superdome roofing crew and was privy to seeing a lot down there as they were on the job just days after the storm, but still after all this time I was stricken to see all that is gone along that beach road,so many empty lots and slabs where once stood beautiful homes and businesses,now deserted.The bridges from Pass Christian all the way to Bay St Louis are brand new as they were wiped out.
Again I was stricken by how many how much was gone or different. Yesterday was a reminder of the beauty of nature 'was great but it reminded me of how powerful a force an act of nature can be and also of the resiliency of people to pick up the pieces and start over.It kinda put it in perspective for me that even though after 26 years of marriage I am starting my life over things could be so much worse and that if those people can pick up and go on so can I !!!!!
IMO, along the lines of the defense having "other" engagements. Even though the CM is indigent, her lawyers are STILL getting the "going rate" per hour....not what the state would "usually" pay, IIRC.
So, I think it's gonna be pretty hard for JW to use her other cases as an excuse for a delay. She won't be losing any $$ by rescheduling those.
Nurmi, supposedly put off doing anything with his practice, so, by the same merit, is getting the going rate. Again, no loss in $$.

IMO, it appears, perhaps, the July dates off, during the trial week, might be vacation time. Do we dare to even DREAM that JSS will say to reschedule them???

Nevah happen....LOL
Happy Sunday WS! :seeya:

Just want to thank everyone for their honest advice to my posts last night about my dating situation. It means a lot to me and I'm definitely going to be rereading them for the next few days! He did it again today (blew me off) and I just have to be done with it. The wondering is making me incredibly anxious and I don't deserve this. Sitting on my hands so I don't call or text him!

Spent a wonderful afternoon with my awesome family and realized how truly blessed I am. AND, my 14 month old niece FINALLY started walking a few days ago (lazy little stinker), so that was a blast to watch :)

Treat yourself as your OWN best friend. In this situation, what would you tell your friend whom you knew was valuable and a loving person? You already have the answer.

Don't want to be a downer, but this guy is really still married or in a committed relationship with someone else. Don't accept his crumbs.
Treat yourself as your OWN best friend. In this situation, what would you tell your friend whom you knew was valuable and a loving person? You already have the answer.

Don't want to be a downer, but this guy is really still married or in a committed relationship with someone else. Don't accept his crumbs.

Forgive me for being so blunt. I have just been there and done that many years ago and for some reason, we always think our relationship is the ONE that will be different. Hold out for that special man who will be so into you he will make you feel special every day. No matter how rare you think that is, he is out there.
I had about give up when along came my husband and best friend.

I used to hear the old saying "you have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince". So true. Just don't waste anymore time with that old toad!
Does anyone think the judge was biased toward the defense team?
Forgive me for being so blunt. I have just been there and done that many years ago and for some reason, we always think our relationship is the ONE that will be different. Hold out for that special man who will be so into you he will make you feel special every day. No matter how rare you think that is, he is out there.
I had about give up when along came my husband and best friend.

I used to hear the old saying "you have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince". So true. Just don't waste anymore time with that old toad!

I appreciate your honesty! In the beginning he was so into it and I was all smiles and butterflies, but it's just hot and cold now. It's not working for me. He doesn't follow through when he says he'll call, has broken plans a few times, etc. There are plenty of fish in the sea, right? :)

I've been thinking about it, and while i really don't think he's seeing anyone else, I do think that he's just a selfish person.
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