State Wants Evidence From Casey's Defense Team

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Well, I didn't see AL shooting anything down when Macaluso ran his mouth about the "new evidence that proves Casey is innocent".
She sat there and let the show go on, I'll be surprised if she's even still around at trial time.

I completely agree. To me I think AL is just tagging her name onto this case in order to fight against the DP so she can add it to her "win" column on her extensive resume. That and to promote herself and any up coming books she may have coming down the pipeline. When I first heard AL was going to be taking over this case I thought exactly that...she would take over. It seems to me JB in all his glory and Omnipotent wisdom is still heading this case and AL is basically just there for show and her slice of the self promotion pie.

Even after getting AL on board the defense still has problems getting motions submitted in a timely manner and making sure the motions are done correctly.

Where these attorneys dropped the ball is its one thing to say your client is innocent...they are by the the grace of our laws 5th, 6th, and 14th amendments. Its another thing entirely to claim in court you have evidence of such innocence. That being said I wonder if they are going to present the case of Coffin v. US and say "see this shows our client to be innocent."? With JB's antics it really wouldn't surprise me and with JB being the astute law student I'm sure he was. This case probably is new evidence to him. :rolling:

PS Coffin v. US is the case that establishes presumption of innocence.
Lyon is a very well educated and intelligent woman with solid critical thinking skills. She is not going to present something stupid in court. She has to have a credible and workable defense strategy. Andrea Lyon is not going to point to TL because Casey is being petty - that would never fly and Andrea Lyon, as a professor of law would be the first to point that out and shoot it down. Apparently, Casey has told them there is something about TL's phone that will give credence to the defense case, whatever it may be. I don't think that it necessarily indicates that TL is the SOD of the defense case.

I'd LOVE to see some credence on the defense team.

So far, it looks like flailing and fishing.

But, what do you do, when the state has a mountain range of evidence?

Agree-- AL's win will be LWOP. Which is an easy one-- that's prolly what a young female will get, anyway.
Well, I didn't see AL shooting anything down when Macaluso ran his mouth about the "new evidence that proves Casey is innocent".
She sat there and let the show go on, I'll be surprised if she's even still around at trial time.

I know a lot of defense attorneys and NOTHING they ever say in the courtroom is said without extensive planning and preparation. The defense was clearly baiting the prosecution with Macaluso's statement. I really do not believe that Macaluso made an off the cuff remark - it looked clearly preplanned and it definitely got the rise out of the prosecution, that I believe was anticipated by the defense. I believe the defense wanted the prosecution to file the motion to compel reciprocal discovery. So, this should be very interesting to see what the defense will give the prosecutors.
I know a lot of defense attorneys and NOTHING they ever say in the courtroom is said without extensive planning and preparation. The defense was clearly baiting the prosecution with Macaluso's statement. I really do not believe that Macaluso made an off the cuff remark - it looked clearly preplanned and it definitely got the rise out of the prosecution, that I believe was anticipated by the defense. I believe the defense wanted the prosecution to file the motion to compel reciprocal discovery. So, this should be very interesting to see what the defense will give the prosecutors.
I wonder if the CA bar knows how much pre-planning went into Macaluso's antics out there? None according to him. I'm glad the defense put it out there 'cause I sure would like to see what evidence they have.
Ya know, if the defense tries to point the finger at TonyL, (I saw they were on a fishing expo by requesting his phone records) All the state has to do is play this infamous phone call. KC herself states - "Tony has nothing to do with Caylee at all"(ph) many times. Priceless! Not to mention she has no care in the world about where Caylee could be......

Hearing this, after so much time:

1) It's clear that LA and Kristina both suspect KC, and

2) If KC was innocent, her first words woulda been, "Have you heard anything about Caylee?"
I know a lot of defense attorneys and NOTHING they ever say in the courtroom is said without extensive planning and preparation. The defense was clearly baiting the prosecution with Macaluso's statement. I really do not believe that Macaluso made an off the cuff remark - it looked clearly preplanned and it definitely got the rise out of the prosecution, that I believe was anticipated by the defense. I believe the defense wanted the prosecution to file the motion to compel reciprocal discovery. So, this should be very interesting to see what the defense will give the prosecutors.

I disagree that Macaluso's outburst was planned. He comes across as a rogue attorney to me, not one that likes to take orders so to speak and his demeanor almost gives the impression of lack of self control.
It will indeed be very interesting to see how the defense wiggles out of their little mess this time.
I wonder if the CA bar knows how much pre-planning went into Macaluso's antics out there? None according to him. I'm glad the defense put it out there 'cause I sure would like to see what evidence they have.


I would, too! They are proclaiming KC's innocence in open court, so if they have such evidence, I would imagine that the court would almost require that such evidence be presented immediately so that this innocent person can be set free! Talk about an injustice! For JB and the defense team to have evidence that shows this womans innocence, and yet they allow her to wallow in a jail cell without taking said evidence to a judge and demanding her immediate release defies logic! I cannot think of one good reason why they would leave KC languishing in jail if they had evidence that exonerated her. I will give them 24 hours to march into court and present this to the judge and ask for KC's release. If they don't do this, then I call "bullsh^t"!
I wonder if the CA bar knows how much pre-planning went into Macaluso's antics out there? None according to him. I'm glad the defense put it out there 'cause I sure would like to see what evidence they have.

You mean the bar complaint regarding him being out of the office due to his brother's unexpected death and his staff mishandling a client account? This? Or do you know of something else?
I disagree that Macaluso's outburst was planned. He comes across as a rogue attorney to me, not one that likes to take orders so to speak and his demeanor almost gives the impression of lack of self control.
It will indeed be very interesting to see how the defense wiggles out of their little mess this time.

If it were unplanned, I believe Andrea Lyon would have dumped him from the team. She is not know to put up with anyone else's BS and she is not known to tolerate anyone on her team deviating from her plan.
You mean the bar complaint regarding him being out of the office due to his brother's unexpected death and his staff mishandling a client account? This? Or do you know of something else?

There's a lot more to it than what is reported in this blog. His "cover story" about his brother smacks of Casey-level lies to cover his @ss, IMO. He used money from a client's trust fund to make a plane payment! Among other things.

Just a couple points among many:

Respondent issued the checks set forth above when he knew, or was grossly negligent in not knowing, that there were insufficient funds in his CTA to pay them.

6. By repeatedly issuing checks drawn upon his CTA when he knew, or was grossly negligent in not knowing, that the checks were issued against insufficient funds, Respondent committed acts involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption, in wilful violation of Business and Professions Code section 6106.
55. Between on or about December 18, 2006, and on or about January 3, 2007, Respondent issued checks drawn upon his CTA to pay for his personal and business expenses including, but not limited to, the following:
Check No. 126
Date Issued: 12/18/06
Amount: $50,000.00
Payee: Courtesy Aircraft

56. By issuing checks from his CTA to pay for his personal and business expenses, Respondent misused his CTA, in wilful violation of rule 4-100(A), Rules of Professional Conduct.
TL dumped her, so she wants him to be the SOD. I think she sent them that direction in hopes to make it happen. She seems to be that petty.

They'll never nail a SOD.

!) KC would not take the rap for anyone.

2) How would KC come up with credible dates/times/places? Chances are good that any SOD in FL could prove s/he was somewhere else, at any given.

SOMEBODY had to have taken the baby away from her. She CAN'T say she doesn't know whom, when, how, and where.
I am wondering if what the defense will claim is that Casey used TL's phone to try to contact ZFG or whoever they will claim had Caylee. They might say the "kidnapper" would not take calls from Casey's phone, so instead, Casey tried using TL's phone to get through to them.


1) She told LE she didn't HAVE any working #s for ZG, and,

2) LE has TL's phone records, IIRC. No calls to ZG? Another lie.

I would, too! They are proclaiming KC's innocence in open court, so if they have such evidence, I would imagine that the court would almost require that such evidence be presented immediately so that this innocent person can be set free! Talk about an injustice! For JB and the defense team to have evidence that shows this womans innocence, and yet they allow her to wallow in a jail cell without taking said evidence to a judge and demanding her immediate release defies logic! I cannot think of one good reason why they would leave KC languishing in jail if they had evidence that exonerated her. I will give them 24 hours to march into court and present this to the judge and ask for KC's release. If they don't do this, then I call "bullsh^t"!

BINGO! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

That's JUST the point that turns the their claims into organic fertilizer.
If it were unplanned, I believe Andrea Lyon would have dumped him from the team. She is not know to put up with anyone else's BS and she is not known to tolerate anyone on her team deviating from her plan.

Not sure-- she KNOWS KC is gonna go down.

And, she likely knows she's gonna get the LWOP that will put another notch on her six-shooter grip, no matter what the boys do.
That phone call is UNBELIEVABLE!

I know, right! Listening to it when the story broke was bad enough, but hearing it again after everything we have learned over the past year makes it sooooo much worse! This one has to be played at her trial! This one and the one where she calls about the protestors in front of the house. Between those two they can show how she had NO CONCERN for the baby she had lost 31 days prior and couldn't be bothered to call the police to report her. But, when she was being bothered by the people yelling at the house, she insisted that the police get there immediately and do something because "this can't keep happening!" Like you said! Unbelievable!
If it were unplanned, I believe Andrea Lyon would have dumped him from the team. She is not know to put up with anyone else's BS and she is not known to tolerate anyone on her team deviating from her plan.

So are all of JB's antics in the courtroom pre-planned? The smiling, laughing, and snide remarks? Not to mention the mistakes in motions and lack of general courtroom knowledge and etiquette. AL is not in charge of this defense (JB and Casey are). She is only here to fight against the DP and that is it (well that and self promotion). I think Macaluso was clearly showboating and playing to the crowd. If it was planned as you say then I think the state would gladly like to see this so called exonerating evidence they have.

Like I've said for a while now if such evidence existed, Casey wouldn't allow her defense to hold onto to it while she sat in a jail cell. You also can't say its part of a tactic that they will use in trial. Because if they have such evidence they have to release it so it can be used at trial. Given Casey's demeanor (do you really think she would allow herself to sit in jail?) I will personally stand by my assumption that no such evidence exist and the defense was showboating for the cameras and nothing more.

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