Sunday, 6/9/2013 Radio Show

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How do we know there were only 5 questions on the poly? Where is that information coming from, please?



Tricia's True Crime Radio show is where I heard it this morning.
How do we know there were only 5 questions on the poly? Where is that information coming from, please?



thats what Mark said on Tricia from what I heard--sure wish we had a transcription!
It would. I have Verizon and have had it for several years and I can't remember ever hearing any "Verizon" music.

My thought is that is something you can set up on your phone? Not sure. But I'm gonna do some playing with my phone and see if I can figure it out.

Also.... I do have friends that set up their voicemail, so that when the phone goes straight to voicemail, you hear their song of the week, before their recorded greeting.


We have Sprint, but I remember when my kids were complaining to us that they wanted to have Verizon cuz their friends all had those cool RingTones. So it was something you could purchase as an add-on to your bill, and came straight from Verizon to the phone, I believe. I asked Sprint about it. lol
thats what Mark said on Tricia from what I heard--sure wish we had a transcription!

I only got about 1/3 of the way through last week when trying to transcribe Marks interview. It was so time consuming and frustrating because I had to stop and re-listen and recheck each sentence about 10 times, because he adds in extra words and twists back and forth and still basically dances around the question. I would type seven sentences, and only one sentence contained actual

Maybe we could break it up and each of us transcribe five minutes of the interview. that would be do-able.
Also about the phone being on , it is very spotty reception (from what we have been told) so that phone had to be somewhere it can get reception or again it would go straight to voice mail if it was in a place with no reception . So that is intriguing to me !!

I do not believe this to be true. I had a friend who had verizon(IIRC that is what Dylan had, could be wrong) and they had the music on their phone too who lived in a spotty reception area. It played the music, then went to VM with the whole please listen to the music while your party is reached message. It did that when their phone battery is dead. She misplaced her phone one time and we tried calling it from mine, it never rang for her to find it, but on my end doing the calling, it played the music then went to VM. We eventually found it, only to find it was dead.
If my memory from last night's show is correct, MR explained that it would have been left wherever Dylan had put it on his last visit.

He never found the pole. As far as I know, the pole is really and truly missing at this point - as in, no one has said they found it.

Yeah I guess I knew that too! I was actually wondering if Mark originally said that the last time he saw it (and first place he looked) was in the living room but I think AZ has answered that.
I remember hearing that LE said it could not ping the phone because it was an old style flip that was not pingable. DO I rememeber that correctly?

I thought they couldn't located the phone because it didn't have GPS.

But if the phone was on, could they "ping" it?

Oh, I know we have been over the phone stuff before but we did not have Mark telling us the phone was on for a couple/few days. I really want to hear from Elaine, Cory or LE that Dylan's phone was on for a few days....

It would. I have Verizon and have had it for several years and I can't remember ever hearing any "Verizon" music.

My thought is that is something you can set up on your phone? Not sure. But I'm gonna do some playing with my phone and see if I can figure it out.

Also.... I do have friends that set up their voicemail, so that when the phone goes straight to voicemail, you hear their song of the week, before their recorded greeting.

I have to ask, are you SURE it is set up so that when it goes straight to voicemail, you get song of the week (ringback tone)? Are you SURE that they don't have it set to song of the week while it is ringing, and then it goes to voicemail? I am not saying you are wrong, only that these might both sound similar, but the order in how voicemail picks up would not be the same. If you know someone who has this, would you ask? That would be great. All of my Verizon friends have the "Please enjoy the music while your party is reached" song of the week while ringing, then to voicemail option (if they have a ringback tone).
I only got about 1/3 of the way through last week when trying to transcribe Marks interview. It was so time consuming and frustrating because I had to stop and re-listen and recheck each sentence about 10 times, because he adds in extra words and twists back and forth and still basically dances around the question. I would type seven sentences, and only one sentence contained actual

Maybe we could break it up and each of us transcribe five minutes of the interview. that would be do-able.

Id be happy to try - where did you start and end?
MR said there were only 4 or 5 questions he was asked on the LE poly in the interview. The thought alone made me wonder if he was ever really given a poly in the first place, or if it was a preliminary poly?

It has always sounded like a prelim poly to me, too.
From the radio show 6/9:

The fishing pole segment starts at 77:26
Well I didn’t notice anything right away. I mean you know When Dylan didn’t return in what I thought would be a reasonable amount of time for him to have done so, I started notice… I started looking for his fishing pole, thinking that well he might have wandered off to his friend that lives by the marina and they went fishing because that‘s something that he’s done the last 3 or 4 times that he’s been up here. You know and so I t at that point I couldn’t find his fishing pole and it’s not like it wouldn’t be in the last place that it was left or in a place that it was normally kept. Again I travel a lot so you know something that he left in a particular area in August would still be there by November if I’m out of town for two months and nobody’s here to disturb it. So you know I’m looking in the most obvious locations. You know when I look in his bedroom and it’s not there the most obvious place would be have been next to the tv downstairs next to a chair it wasn’t there I looked in the garage in between the two garage doors which the third most obvious place that it would be and it wasn’t there. That’s why I’ve always assumed he had his fishing pole.
In the recent radio interview, MR said (while they were supposedly watching a movie) that "There was a lot of things going on at that particular time"

1. Dylan grabbed his computer [while they were watching the movie]

2. He [Dylan] was "interacting with Facebook" [while they were watching a movie]

3. "I know that he also has a lot games that he plays on the computer" [while they were watching a movie]

4. "Obviously at some point he was texting, communicating with his friends" [while they were watching a movie]

5. Some rambling talk about potential Thanksgiving plans [while they were watching a movie]

MR: "This is a point I argued with law enforcement over & over again because originally when this all was happening that they said Dylan's phone stopped being used at 8 o'clock and I said that's not right. I'm telling you that Dylan was sitting on the end of the couch texting somebody. Now I didn't pay attention to what kind of device he was using and quite frankly I don't even know to this day. But I can tell you that, you know, later on it came out that he was texting til the 9:30 time frame."

Tricia: "And we don't know what the last text is. That is something that law enforcement has not shared with you. Is that correct?"

MR: "Well, I-I don't of any information pertaining to any of the text messages that were sent other than the conversations that Dylan and I were having as it relates to him trying to make arrangements with his friend so that as-as he was getting up with me at 6:30 as he had indicated that night that he would have the ability to get to his friend's house and his friends would be aware that he was coming at such an early time of the morning."

I must insert a comment here: MR claims that he felt it was too late for Dylan to go over to his friend's house the night before (even though it wasn't late), yet, MR seems to have no qualms about dropping Dylan off extremely early in the morning the next day when many folks would normally still be sleeping?! This makes no sense whatsoever. IMO, 8:00 at night is a helluva lot more reasonable than dawn.

Then, later in the interview, the activity of tossing the Nerf football was added to the already busy movie-watching timeframe that included facebook, computer games, texting with friends, and conversation about Thanksgiving.

I'm thinking that whatever happened to Dylan happened sometime after the previously reported last text at about 8:00 p.m. Unless there was continuous text-messaging between 8:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., I'm skeptical regarding who may have sent the final 9:30 p.m. text message.

I've been fuzzy about the text messages. If I'm off base here, I would appreciate any info that could provide clarity so that I don't add to the already existing confusion.

Apologies if I'm totally in error here.
Sometimes they are really short like that. Especially if they are 'failing miserably.' The questions are often very broad, like ' do you have any information about your sons present whereabouts?' " were you involved in any way in his disappearance?' If he is being seen as deceitful in these responses then there is really not much else for them to say at that time...JMO

The fact is, if he did fail on those simple questions tells me the anxiety he had at the time. It could be a number of things that do not necessarily point to lying at all. How can you lie about your name? Your address? Or your DOB. I mean you can, but it would be obvious if he was, you know? I think it's safe to say that he is probably not a good poly candidate, IMO, if he failed those questions.

1. If my phone (Verizon) is on and I receive a call, the music plays and if I don't answer it goes to voicemail

2. If my phone is turned off and I receive a call, it goes directly to voicemail.


(I don't know what happens if my battery is taken out or if the battery is dead.)

I can verify that. My son has a phone with Verizon, and awhile ago he dropped the phone in his driveway without realizing it, and it got run over by someone. I tried calling him on a couple of occasions before he got a new one. (He hadn't told me the phone was broken yet.) When I called his dead phone, it went straight to voice mail - no ringing, no music.

Test #1 - called my phone with a dead battery (needs charging) - no ringing, straight to voicemail

Test #2 - called my phone with battery removed - no ringing, straight to voicemail

Test #3 - called my phone with battery and Sim card removed - no ringing, straight to voicemail

So if the automated music serves as a ringtone, I would assume Dylan's phone was charged and operable.

Just confirming, that is what my son's phone (Verizon) does, and his also goes to directly to voicemail when the battery is dead/out. Mine doesn't play music, just has the ringing sound on the caller's side like a regular phone(probably because I use a standard ringtone), but it also goes directly to voicemail if the phone is off or the battery is out/dead.

I do not believe this to be true. I had a friend who had verizon(IIRC that is what Dylan had, could be wrong) and they had the music on their phone too who lived in a spotty reception area. It played the music, then went to VM with the whole please listen to the music while your party is reached message. It did that when their phone battery is dead. She misplaced her phone one time and we tried calling it from mine, it never rang for her to find it, but on my end doing the calling, it played the music then went to VM. We eventually found it, only to find it was dead.

I tested my phone earlier (see above posts).

My Verizon phone will NOT play music, if phone is turned off...goes directly to voicemail.

The lady tells you (in general/the caller) to listen to the music...this gives me the chance to answer my phone or not. If I do not answer it goes to voicemail.

If I am in a area with no reception, my phone goes straight to voicemail.

JMO...or what happens with me and I have Verizon.

1. If my phone (Verizon) is on and I receive a call, the music plays and if I don't answer it goes to voicemail

2. If my phone is turned off and I receive a call, it goes directly to voicemail.


(I don't know what happens if my battery is taken out or if the battery is dead.)

My coworker on this assignment has a Sprint phone that does this. I had never heard it until last weekend. She said she actually had "White Christmas" playing at one time. Now, music doesn't play, but it states something about listening to music, and then it rings. If she chooses to not answer at that time, you are directed to leave a message.
We have Sprint, but I remember when my kids were complaining to us that they wanted to have Verizon cuz their friends all had those cool RingTones. So it was something you could purchase as an add-on to your bill, and came straight from Verizon to the phone, I believe. I asked Sprint about it. lol

We have Sprint too. Do you recall getting the message when you try to call someone out of area, "Please hold while your party is reached, please hold while your party is reached?" From what I have observed about Verizon with friends that have it, the music replaces that little message, the rings, and other various pauses the phone goes through when trying to connect a call. Even when a phone is off there is a pause present before it goes to the VM. Granted the pause is briefer.
I don't know how to multi-quote so I also had one for AZG's response to mention.

snipped by me for focus.

To multi quote, you click on the "+ button for the first post that you want to use in your multi quote, you continue to use that button for any subsequent posts, the very last post that you want to use in your multi-quote, you simply select the actual "quote" button.

Hope this helps you.
I'm still stuck on the phone; sorry.

Do we know if LE tried to "ping" Dylan's phone the first couple of days he was missing?

Could that be the reason the searches are staying in the area?

Do you remember the MSM article I posted a number of times with LE saying, on Nov 26th, a full week after Dylan went missing, that Dylan's phone had been shut off for several days, and that they were having trouble "locating" it?

I posted it several times, pointing out that it sounded like Dylan's phone had been on for a few days after he disappeared.

"Locating" it sounded to me like they were trying to ping it or triangulate it.
I remember hearing that LE said it could not ping the phone because it was an old style flip that was not pingable. DO I rememeber that correctly?

That was Bender on Nancy Grace about the GPS I believe.
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