The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

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Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 25s

The court is being shown an email from Toni to Gerard, sent on Feb 20, 2012. #badenclay
12:55pm: Mr Baden-Clay said he was trying to distance himself from Ms McHugh at that time.

"I was doing my best to distance myself from Toni. I wasn't calling her. I was responding to emails that she sent and answering the phone when she called. She would call usually at about 4.30/5 o'clock in the afternoon, because she knew Allison would be at home, or looking after the children," he said.

"She was wanting to reconnect and for me to leave Allison and build a life with her. That's what she wanted."

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Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 43s

The email says she is disappointed, sick of hiding. Gerard says at the time he was trying to distance himself from her. #badenclay

Gerard says he was trying to explore with her her passions, interests because she wasn't happy working in real estate. #badenclay

Gerard says he was encouraging Toni to move overseas and teach. She'd liked Dubai. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · now

Gerard says he was trying to encourage Toni to do something else, and preferably "go away". #badenclay
So they only saw Camel Ritchie the once, and that was on April 16th - three nights before Allison disappeared. And their first 15-minute venting session was mainly about the details of the venting sessions (he just said that).

So, given that those sessions were supposed to be every 2nd night, the next - and only other - one would have been on the 18th, the night they went out for coffee together with NBC and co doing the baby-sitting.

Interesting timing.....
Don't make fun of him crying folks. There's a hole in the story, there! Right there! He was feeling the pressure.

See - I'm not a Baden-Clay in disguise!

Even if you were, Minerva, it is a tragedy for everyone. :sigh:
Hasn't he testified that Allison was basically incompetant ? Why would he hire her to manage his already failing business?

It's not logical.

Especially when he had no problem having sex with a co-worker to keep the business afloat.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 9s

Gerard says Toni had a volatile personality, "expressed a little bit here" in the email. #badenclay
bbm. I'm sorry because I know most of you will know this already (but I didn't!!:blushing:) - but can I just confirm that this means he was having sex with his mistress regularly in his wife's car???!!

Or have I misunderstood that? TIA :seeya:

I have never made that connection but you're right! Because he was cruising around in the Lexus before they got the Captiva.
bbm. I'm sorry because I know most of you will know this already (but I didn't!!:blushing:) - but can I just confirm that this means he was having sex with his mistress regularly in his wife's car???!!

Or have I misunderstood that? TIA :seeya:

No, you didn't misunderstand. You're spot on.
12:58pm: Defence counsel Michael Byrne QC has shown the court an email from Ms McHugh to Mr Baden-Clay on Februrary 20, 2012, to his account under the name of Bruce Overland.

Mr Byrne asked Mr Baden-Clay to put the email in context.

"At the time I was doing my best to help her find something other than me to be fixated upon ... and to distance myself from her," Mr Baden-Clay said.

"She wasn't happy at work ... she had been happy when she was working with me but that wasn't a possibility, that was never going to happen.

"I was trying to explore with her, what were her passions, what was she interested in."

He said she encourage him to find work as a teacher at international school in Dubai or Singapore.

"I was just trying to, trying to, encourage her to find something else that would make her happy and would make her additionally, preferably, go away," Mr Baden-Clay said.

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Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 25s

Gerard: In my weakness I tended to roll over and say whatever she wanted to hear. #badenclay

Gerard: In my weakness I tended to roll over and say whatever she wanted to hear. #badenclay

We've adjourned until 2.30pm. #badenclay
1:00pm: "Whilst I was trying to distance myself, because of her [Ms McHugh's] volatile personality - that [is] sort of expressed a little bit here - ummm, in my weakness I tended to roll over and say whatever she wanted to hear and I think this is an indication here of that fact that she understood that I really did love Allison and I did want to commit to her and the girls and I wasn't going to be doing that with her," Mr Baden-Clay said.

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I think somewhere (maybe that blog) he listed his fave movie as Top Gun?

OMG!!:facepalm: He probably views himself as Maverick....:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Delusions, delusions, delusions :floorlaugh:
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