Theories about Ron's breaks and werk schedule

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I used 4 to 10 as an example, not what Shoemaker said, I am sorry, I thought I made that clear.

And when Ronald tells a man of God he worked his 8 hours making his "honest" living, then either Ronald didn't go in until 7pm that night, or he got off at midnight, there was plenty of time for something to happen to HaLeigh in both those scenarios, and its a fact he didn't have to be around her, or physically there to be responsible for whatever happened, he should already feel terrible about leaving his kids with a drug binging teen to begin with.

Oh, I misread it. Sorry.

I really don't know but I fully feel LE has long ago put Ron on the very bottom of the list and they have to have a valid reason for dropping him to the bottome instead of the top. LE is concentrating very hard on the other POIs that started the announcement that Haleigh is now deceased causing an extensive 3 day search of the boat ramp area. I think that is the direction this case is going.

I am not sure how he could be legally responsible for her death if he wasn't there.:waitasec: That would be like saying it was Mark Lunsford's fault that Jessica was murdered because he decided to spend the night at his girlfriend's house instead of staying home that night.

I bet you RC was at work talking to and making sure every person there saw him,
Had Lunch in the Cafeteria made sure there was not a single soul that did not see him.
Walked in front of every camera at least once.
He probally even got work at 4:14 pm Sharp, flew there making sure he was not a second late.
When he left work more than likely he made sure it was a least 3:00 am or so.
Took every road and street, he knew that might have a camera on it and then stopped at a gas station with a video camera lingered there smiling for the camera.

WHY? This is his alibi!!!

IMHO It happened before work!

Yes the A/C man may have seen her but I am sure he didn’t pay much attention checking to see if she was ok or not.

And as far as GGS well….
So, how long would it take to go in grab peanuts, a beer, and get some smokes, I mean is that enough time to really concern police?

I really don't know. Depends I guess if he frequents there often and knows the clerk and whether they chit chat or not. Some regular customers do stay around a few minutes and talks to the cashier.

Oh, I misread it. Sorry.

I really don't know but I fully feel LE has long ago put Ron on the very bottom of the list and they have to have a valid reason for dropping him to the bottome instead of the top. LE is concentrating very hard on the other POIs that started the announcement that Haleigh is now deceased causing an extensive 3 day search of the boat ramp area. I think that is the direction this case is going.

I am not sure how he could be legally responsible for her death if he wasn't there.:waitasec: That would be like saying it was Mark Lunsford's fault that Jessica was murdered because he decided to spend the night at his girlfriend's house instead of staying home that night.


No, thats not what I am saying at all, I dont know anything about the Lunsford case. What I am saying is if HaLeigh got into his pills at his home, and ate them and died, its his fault. If he had a gun and the child got ahold of it, and shot herself, its Rons fault. If Ron told Misty to give HaLeigh more tylenol pm, and she OD's he is still responsible, as would be Misty. So there are so many things that could have happened, that him being at work really doesn't matter.

Also, we dont know how long the suspect list is, if there is only two and he moves from number one to number two, its not really that big of a deal, but he shouldn't even be on the suspect list if everything satisfied the cops.
Ron telling LE exactly what he bought bothers me. Unless he was ask to give the brand names and a full description of all the items he bought or he was just being a smart a$$. I would have thought he would have said some nut's, cigarette's and bottle of beer. ...but then idk what he was asked by LE at the time. Reminds me of George saying he remember exactly what, Caylee was wearing the last time he saw her. Too many details IMO.
I bet you RC was at work talking to and making sure every person there saw him,
Had Lunch in the Cafeteria made sure there was not a single soul that did not see him.
Walked in front of every camera at least once.
He probally even got work at 4:14 pm Sharp, flew there making sure he was not a second late.
When he left work more than likely he made sure it was a least 3:00 am or so.
Took every road and street, he knew that might have a camera on it and then stopped at a gas station with a video camera lingered there smiling for the camera.

WHY? This is his alibi!!!

IMHO It happened before work!

Yes the A/C man may have seen her but I am sure he didn’t pay much attention checking to see if she was ok or not.

And as far as GGS well….

:waitasec: You don't think an AC man would notice that a child was close to death?:waitasec:

I have no doubt LE showed the AC man Haleigh's picture and I bet she was a chatter box and even spoke with him while he was there. She was supposed to be a very friendly outgoing child.

I really don't know. Depends I guess if he frequents there often and knows the clerk and whether they chit chat or not. Some regular customers do stay around a few minutes and talks to the cashier.


Ok, but it was 3 am, I surely hope he wasn't sitting there chit chatting and showing interest in any clerk for any long period of time when earlier in the day he could not get ahold of the caregiver of his children, even I dont want to think he would be that negligent and nonchalant. Plus, we know he got home 26 minutes after clocking out, he wasn't there for any long period of time anyways, so I dont see the cops being alarmed with him getting home 26 minutes after his shift, I am sure thats normal.
No, thats not what I am saying at all, I don't know anything about the Lunsford case. What I am saying is if HaLeigh got into his pills at his home, and ate them and died, its his fault. If he had a gun and the child got ahold of it, and shot herself, its Rons fault. If Ron told Misty to give HaLeigh more tylenol pm, and she OD's he is still responsible, as would be Misty. So there are so many things that could have happened, that him being at work really doesn't matter.

Also, we don't know how long the suspect list is, if there is only two and he moves from number one to number two, its not really that big of a deal, but he shouldn't even be on the suspect list if everything satisfied the cops.

Well if the evidence showed that is what happened then he would be charged with child endangerment I would think. But none of that has even been mentioned by LE or proven. The only place I see those theories are on message boards.

IMO, LE thinks Haleigh was intentionally murdered in a much more cruel and sinter way than ODing on pills. If she had been shot accidentally or otherwise LE would have declared this case a homicide a long time ago because when anyone is shot there is evidence left behind.

LE declared it a homicide, not a murder. Death at the hands of another (homicide) can have other, accidental implications. Murder is deliberate death at the hands of another.
Ok, but it was 3 am, I surely hope he wasn't sitting there chit chatting and showing interest in any clerk for any long period of time when earlier in the day he could not get ahold of the caregiver of his children, even I don't want to think he would be that negligent and nonchalant. Plus, we know he got home 26 minutes after clocking out, he wasn't there for any long period of time anyways, so I don't see the cops being alarmed with him getting home 26 minutes after his shift, I am sure thats normal.

Since we have no information on the phone calls we don't know if he was able to finally contact Misty at home later on and she said everything was fine.

We are really trying to read murky tealeaves here imo.

:waitasec: You don't think an AC man would notice that a child was close to death?:waitasec:

I have no doubt LE showed the AC man Haleigh's picture and I bet she was a chatter box and even spoke with him while he was there. She was supposed to be a very friendly outgoing child.


I would not know what the A/C man saw or did not see, Only LE does.

However, if he was there on a service call And paid for it I think that is what is on his mind.

Head injuries don’t often show right away look at Bret Michaels, he was “doing fine “ than Wham! He almost died, without going to the ER
Well if the evidence showed that is what happened then he would be charged with child endangerment I would think. But none of that has even been mentioned by LE or proven. The only place I see those theories are on message boards.

IMO, LE thinks Haleigh was intentionally murdered in a much more cruel and sinter way than ODing on pills. If she had been shot accidentally or otherwise LE would have declared this case a homicide a long time ago because when anyone is shot there is evidence left behind.


I didn't hear the cops get specific with what they think happened to her, I just heard them say "homicide" any other graphic what if's came from Flora Hollars as I remember it.

I think when it comes down to it, they are going after Ronald for a much larger capital charge then charge him with something like neglect, which lets say hes convicted, and does time, and then later we find out he killed HaLeigh but has already been prosecuted in connection to her case, I think its a double jeopardy matter truth be told.

Also, about being shot, there is a strong possibility she wasn't killed in the home, I tend to think she was, as my belief is she was struck and died from a blow administered by Ronald, but even LE said its a possibility HaLeigh was killed out at Shell Harbor, and we dont know what fun accessories Ronald acquired for his gun at any time, I dont think its out of the realm he may have acquired a silencer of sorts, we just dont know, but since its all unknown, its open game I guess.

ETA- Murky tealeaves is right!

LE declared it a homicide, not a murder. Death at the hands of another (homicide) can have other, accidental implications. Murder is deliberate death at the hands of another.

True. If her body is ever found it is up to the ME to declare if she died due to a homicide. It is up to the DA and his investigators to determine and declare the case criminal homicide.

Accidental is not homicide. Homicide is the taking of one's life by the hands of another. The DA or the GJ affixes the degree and severity of the homicide and the Judge or the GJ decides if there is enough probable cause to support the degree.

I don't think for one second the police thinks Haleigh accidentally died.

When they make an arrest or arrests whomever this monster is that killed Haleigh will be facing first degree murder with the death penalty attached imo.

The only time it is a justifiable homicide is 1. Acts of war. 2. Executions carried out by the state or federal government. 3. Officers shooting someone in the line of duty protecting themselves or others. 4. Or a private citizen who kills in self defense when someone is trying to do grave bodily harm to them or others....etc.

I don't think Haleigh fits any of this criteria.

:waitasec: You don't think an AC man would notice that a child was close to death?:waitasec:

I have no doubt LE showed the AC man Haleigh's picture and I bet she was a chatter box and even spoke with him while he was there. She was supposed to be a very friendly outgoing child.


Well, *if* she was close to death I think she'd have been too busy being ill to chat with the AC guy. No matter how extroverted she normally used to be, people tend to lose some of their natural sparkle if they're half unconscious. If she was visibly close to death and they were going to cover it up she would probably have been kept away from the AC man's sights anyway.

Where did I hear that PDM has cameras at the gates but there are large areas in the yard not covered by cameras? Was it media or just blogger talk? TS said RC was working in the yard that night.
Well, *if* she was close to death I think she'd have been too busy being ill to chat with the AC guy. No matter how extroverted she normally used to be, people tend to lose some of their natural sparkle if they're half unconscious. If she was visibly close to death and they were going to cover it up she would probably have been kept away from the AC man's sights anyway.

Where did I hear that PDM has cameras at the gates but there are large areas in the yard not covered by cameras? Was it media or just blogger talk? TS said RC was working in the yard that night.

Donjeta, if i am not mistaken CN2Souls mentioned this fact..but I could be wrong..
Well, *if* she was close to death I think she'd have been too busy being ill to chat with the AC guy. No matter how extroverted she normally used to be, people tend to lose some of their natural sparkle if they're half unconscious. If she was visibly close to death and they were going to cover it up she would probably have been kept away from the AC man's sights anyway.

Where did I hear that PDM has cameras at the gates but there are large areas in the yard not covered by cameras? Was it media or just blogger talk? TS said RC was working in the yard that night.

Oh my! LOL! Now it is morphing into she was half unconscious when the AC man came?? My head is beginning to hurt trying to keep up with all this. lol

I have no clue where you heard it but it sure means that they would have everyone on tape that came in and went out of PDM. That is the way it is at my husband's employment. The gate is constantly monitored with a fixed in place camera. Every time the large gate opens it identifies who is coming through it. Of course they have other cameras mounted all over the place too.

And if she did chat with him or play with her brother or ride her bike when he was there, then what?

Or he got off at midnight, and there was a fight between Ron and Misty, I sometimes tend to think this is when they first saw each other after that 3 day fun time weekend Misty had. I can see them fighting after he gets home, and HaLeigh woke up and was injured then. But I still think this happened way before he went to work, truth be told.
Well thank goodness it is the actual police department in charge of the case, who really knows the on going investigation, that has to be satisfied with Ron's alibi and imo they are and have been for a very long time now.

Since they have long wanted to know Misty's whereabouts from 10 pm until 3:00 am it is obvious they think this is the time line in which Haleigh was taken from her home and Ron was at work. They have never asked for help in anyone establishing Ron's whereabouts before and after work and IMO they have him on video at PDM working and most likely leaving as he departed early morning. I think they have footage of him too at the convenience store.

Wonder if any of the other players can document their alibis with video footage? Such as dropping by a convenience store or video store late at night, early morning?


Just reading your question about whether or not anyone besides Ron Cummings can DOCUMENT AN ALIBI causes my mind to go directly towards this:

Ron Cummings has himself on tape; whether or not he intended it as an alibi or not, it sure is up for grabs where that little trip to the kangaroo is going to take him in the future.
If it is only 4 minutes or 10 minutes intervals then that sure isn't enough time to take all the necessary steps he would have to take to go home, kill his child, get the rope and block........rush to the river.......dispose of her.....come back stage the scene and rush back to work like nothing ever happened.

Not many can allot for their time so closely within 4 to 10 minutes. That is phenomenal. I know I couldn't since I am retired now.

Bolding By Me of OBE's post above.

We don't HOW HaLeigh died nor WHEN Haleigh died. We have no idea WHERE her body was put after she died and WHAT may have been used to conceal her body.

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