Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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I do see your point Deb on some things. I do not think it was KP that told Crystal to back off the RC would not hurt Haleigh stuff. I also think the DCF investigation has uncovered some things that were not expected and with time those things might be rectified. If Haleigh surfaces now there is no way Crystal will ever get custody of the children, IMO. Wait it out push RC some more see if he blows see if he makes some critical mistake. IMO they have done everything in their power to push RC over the edge so that custody would go to Crystal.

These are good questions busy.

For those that think RC and Misty did something to Haleigh, why has her body not been found yet? IDK but often it will take some time to find a hidden body where the perp is familiar with the woods, islands and surrounding areas. Drew Peterson comes to mind. Why no evidence in the mobile home, Perhaps it is not the scene of the crime?when did RC have time to dispose of Haleigh?Maybe he had some help cleaning up from family? Why have lie detector test not sent LE in that direction?We really do not know what direction LE is going.

Good questions all and if we had the answers we would have HaLeigh back. One way or the other. I really hope that I am wrong busy. That won't change what I feel are illegal and inappropriate acts by Rc, Tn, GGM and Misty. It also won't change the fact that Crystal has a ways to go to get her children. I pray for the children's sake that a safe and nurturing home is found for them...wherever that would be.
I do see your point Deb on some things. I do not think it was KP that told Crystal to back off the RC would not hurt Haleigh stuff. I also think the DCF investigation has uncovered some things that were not expected and with time those things might be rectified. If Haleigh surfaces now there is no way Crystal will ever get custody of the children, IMO.

None of this was "my point" Busy. I am truly attempting to take what you've given us and put it into a working theory. That's all.

I'm not sure what stuff the DCF investigation uncovered or what would need to be rectified. Having HaLeigh surface now or not does not answer why she's been kept away from her mother for this long anyway. The whole plan as you've indicated this morning was to get the court to give her committing a capital offense. One would ahve to be incredibly stupid to believe that would work at all, and even more stupid to continue the plan that fell through in the earliest days by having everyone and their dog on an ATV searching for her, including good ol' George Anthony whose presence was noxious at best but definitely added a horrible exposure if getting this through quickly was the initial plan.

Wait it out push RC some more see if he blows see if he makes some critical mistake. IMO they have done everything in their power to push RC over the edge so that custody would go to Crystal.

Pushing Ronald into WHAT, may I ask? Insanity? What critical mistake could Ronald make if he is not in any fashion responsible for HaLeigh's disappearance? In the Crystal-as-perp theory, it is all lies that he is abusive, volatile, or criminal. There could be no possible way if this all flubs up (which it definitely has if going to court was their ultimate goal to get the kids for Crystal) that any reasonable person could expect the result of "seeing if he blows ...makes some critical mistake" could work in their the theory THEY HAVE HALEIGH and they will go to jail for a very very long time.

For those that think RC and Misty did something to Haleigh, why has her body not been found yet? Why no evidence in the mobile home, when did RC have time to dispose of Haleigh? Why have lie detector test not sent LE in that direction?

THEORETICAL!!!! Her body hasn't been found because it has either been lovingly buried (I hope) or it has been disposed of in the swamps and backwaters where the alligators swim and was made chum months ago.

THEORETICAL!!!! Whatever happened to HaLeigh did not happen in the MH.

THEORETICAL!!!! Ronald didn't have to dispose of the body. Any number of other THEORETICAL!!!! people could have assisted in that onerous task.

THEORETICAL!!!! I don't know what the lie detectors have sent LE to do; no one has (Okay, that isn't really theoretical, that's a fack, jack.)
No I don't agree with assaulting anyone at anytime. However, knowing who this person is and how it fits in makes it easy for me to see how an encounter could of taken place.

Are you inferring that there is ever a good reason to assault someone's person?
I still have a hard time with a Crystal theory unless of course she is completely unaware of a plan that she was not made privy too. I'm not sure of the theory that Ron had her taken to try and get Crystal to come back to him as well, stranger things have happened with controlling people when they are trying to accomplish their goals.
My assumption still pushes me to something from Ron's past, retalition of some sort. He aggravated someone. I think the answer lies some where 30 days prior to Haleigh missing..MOO
Busy, HOW do we KNOW that the Sheffields knew this, if you don't mind my asking? :)

I am sure this will have been answered, but they have family all over Putnam County. Johnny knew exactly where Ron lived when Crystal called him at 5 AM that morning, not long after she finally called her mom. I am sure it's very easy to keep up with the comings and goings of Ron.
No I don't agree with assaulting anyone at anytime. However, knowing who this person is and how it fits in makes it easy for me to see how an encounter could of taken place.

I have the info on who he is busy..just cannot excuse violence.
how do you turn a blind eye to all the reports of Ron having a temper, known involvement with drugs and sex with underage general poor judgments and say its not possible? Your right Ron or TN wouldnt back Misty for a second, thats why it comes back to a Cummings.

Take a look at who would have the easiest opportunity and it comes to Misty and Ronald.....until we see the official police reports we dont know when Haleigh was seen for sure.....GGM has been exposed as not too reliable and inconsistent in her statements, the ac did he see heer or not? so we dont knoe when Haleigh really went missing except for Misty.....and just how truthfull is she.....we dont know that for sure yet either......we do know she could be subject to memory loss from drug use

What reports of Ron having a temper? I've heard rumor and speculation but I've never seen any reports. LE's timeline starts at 7, so that is when someone outside of Misty saw the kids. GGM has been exposed as not reliable? When?
Deb I didnt quote your post because of length. Maybe my words your point was the wrong choice of words. I meant you gave me some things to think about.

I think you can push a person to a limit, even if they have no tendency to be violent. I keep hearing how Crystals health and emotional state is down the toilet, well RC's is as well and he is hanging on by a thread I imagine at this point. The difference is Crystal has no one in her face throwing accusation after accusation at her - she is living away from all the turmoil in Baker County going on with her life. RC faces these people that have been told all these horrible horrible things about him, soon RJ will be old enough to understand the horrible things that have been said about his father.

Sometimes when people act on emotion and desperation they do not plan a crime out and think of all the different scenarios that could happen.

LE has indicated that they think Haleigh may be alive, that tells me they have information that points to that, or they have no information that points to her being deceased. I would think after extensive interviews and lie detector test if RC or Misty were involved and Haleigh was deceased that would of been determined by now.
I think 30 days prior to Haleigh missing is key as well, but I don't think it has anything to do with RC's past or retalition.

I still have a hard time with a Crystal theory unless of course she is completely unaware of a plan that she was not made privy too. I'm not sure of the theory that Ron had her taken to try and get Crystal to come back to him as well, stranger things have happened with controlling people when they are trying to accomplish their goals.
My assumption still pushes me to something from Ron's past, retalition of some sort. He aggravated someone. I think the answer lies some where 30 days prior to Haleigh missing..MOO
I am sure this will have been answered, but they have family all over Putnam County. Johnny knew exactly where Ron lived when Crystal called him at 5 AM that morning, not long after she finally called her mom. I am sure it's very easy to keep up with the comings and goings of Ron.

I'm sure they do cajun, but in my post I was talking about before HaLeigh disappeared. I have seen nothing, rumor or fact to suggest that Crystal and fam even TRIED to keep up with the comings and goings of Ron, Misty and fam. Have I missed something? ..
Seems to me they each were really going about their own lives pretty much...BEFORE Haleigh disappeared into thin air. :confused: (custody battle, I just don't believe was that contencious (sp?) at that point. Which leaves me with an unitentional possible/probable accident commited by ???? most likely due to Misty's 3 day 'event' :rolleyes: with possible underlying drug use on Ron's part ...moo...adding to the tension 'theory'. I believe there was MUCH tension in that house in the 24-36 hrs. leading up to WHATEVER happened to this precious baby. ...but that's as far as I can get and it's JMO.
I think 30 days prior to Haleigh missing is key as well, but I don't think it has anything to do with RC's past or retalition.

I don't think that it has to do with his past or retaliation either. I do think it had to do with drugs only in the sense of their state of mind due to 'using'. Again that is JMO....which i'm really kinda afraid to state. :couch:..

going back to clean house now..............
I do see your point Deb on some things. I do not think it was KP that told Crystal to back off the RC would not hurt Haleigh stuff. I also think the DCF investigation has uncovered some things that were not expected and with time those things might be rectified. If Haleigh surfaces now there is no way Crystal will ever get custody of the children, IMO. Wait it out push RC some more see if he blows see if he makes some critical mistake. IMO they have done everything in their power to push RC over the edge so that custody would go to Crystal.

For those that think RC and Misty did something to Haleigh, why has her body not been found yet? Why no evidence in the mobile home, when did RC have time to dispose of Haleigh? Why have lie detector test not sent LE in that direction?
Crime did not have to occur in the MH. RC could have had help with disposal. Do we know what direction LE is looking? If Misty didnt butcher the timeline, maybe Haleigh would have been found. JMO
Deb I didnt quote your post because of length. Maybe my words your point was the wrong choice of words. I meant you gave me some things to think about.

Groovy, cuz obviously you were giving ME something to think about :)

I think you can push a person to a limit, even if they have no tendency to be violent. I keep hearing how Crystals health and emotional state is down the toilet, well RC's is as well and he is hanging on by a thread I imagine at this point.

I have to say that every interview or tv appearance I've viewed of Ronald's hold on things has been one of belligerent obstinate confrontation daring someone to cross an invisible line to push him, so you may be right that he's holding on by a thread. Everything in his life is up for speculation. EVERYTHING. So all of it that is uncovered must be explored to its nadir. Crystal is certainly not given a break in this examination as you and several others have been dilligent in pointing out her every transgression and it must be done for Ronald because it is simply WHAT must be done in this case.

The difference is Crystal has no one in her face throwing accusation after accusation at her - she is living away from all the turmoil in Baker County going on with her life. RC faces these people that have been told all these horrible horrible things about him, soon RJ will be old enough to understand the horrible things that have been said about his father.

Busy, now you know Crystal just moved back to Baker County, and it is hardly away from "it" any more than living at his GGM's house is away from "it" for Ronald. HaLeigh is still missing and at some point, there is just a time to go back and resolve to wait for news. And you also know well that she has faced excruciating nastiness from even one of our posters who made comments regarding what he would do daily. There was no end of nastiness regarding funds coming in for Crystal and Ronald. Unbelievable to me that anyone would question the generosity of people who want to give to the parents of a missing child, but whatever floats some people's boats, yanno? As for gathering funds, it seems de rigeur for missing children. It also seems to have slowed to a trickle for each so it's kind of a wash.

Crystal's son will also read what was said about his mother, as much as his father, and we've all been rather awful in the sensitivity to the permanence of comments in an electronic age. Kinda almost hope he never learns how to access a computer. The passion is high for HaLeigh, and HaLeigh's parents. Let us endeavor to respect the children of these two people and, while we have to discuss some rather unsavory actions, should we not at least try to do so in the effort to suss out the truth rather than the sensationalism?

Sometimes when people act on emotion and desperation they do not plan a crime out and think of all the different scenarios that could happen.

I would think that stealing a child out of her bed in the middle of the night would at least have a "what will we do with her?" question answered before the attempt. As I have worked through your theory and put it into words, that question has failed miserably at every turn. The failure of the question itself is not what makes the theory fall apart logically; it is in the avoidance of any possible resolution to the failure to rectify it and come up with a new plan.

LE has indicated that they think Haleigh may be alive, that tells me they have information that points to that, or they have no information that points to her being deceased. I would think after extensive interviews and lie detector test if RC or Misty were involved and Haleigh was deceased that would of been determined by now.

I hope she's alive. I'll celebrate the arrest of the a$$hat that has her. I don't have a dog in this hunt. I don't care who it is, if she's alive and she's returned, the perp will go to jail and I don't care how long they stay in jail. I hope they have a big ugly sex starved cellmate. I hope they are chased in jail daily. I like the phrase "Fresh Meat" and I'll chant it from Montana. I'll be the off-key alto.
LOL don't be afraid to state your opinion. If you are cleaning house could you vacuum for me, I already have the vacuum out and plugged in just havent found the on switch yet lol.

I don't think that it has to do with his past or retaliation either. I do think it had to do with drugs only in the sense of their state of mind due to 'using'. Again that is JMO....which i'm really kinda afraid to state. :couch:..

going back to clean house now..............
LOL don't be afraid to state your opinion. If you are cleaning house could you vacuum for me, I already have the vacuum out and plugged in just havent found the on switch yet lol.

TY'm trying to divide my time between here and cleaning and I'm not doing a very good job of it as you can see!

ETA- eh..just wait til tomorrow ...the switch might be there then :)
Respectfully.... when I compare the two in regards to knowing where Haleigh is and I watch their words and actions, I see far more on Ron's part than I do Crystal's to cause suspicions. Crystal seems to me to be very despondent, very emotional and fearful over her daughter's fate... while Ron goes on with his life and doesn't seem to be grieving at all. I'm not going to list all the details, but I have seen nothing whatsoever in Crystal that indicates she knows where her daughter is. Sadly, I cannot say the same for Ron or Misty.

I think most of us have our opinions and theories on the people involved, and what may have happened. I see Ron as devastated and missing his daughter and wanting her back. He looks awful imo. Very different from what I have seen with Crystal. There have been several disturbing moments "caught on film" imo, which fits with what I feel happened. I believe HaLeigh is alive and with Sheffield family/friends. I know many others don't, but it's the only thing that makes sense to me.
Crystal has been back to Baker County for well over a month - think some have said 9 weeks, though I don't believe it has been that long. The atmosphere in Baker County is very different IMO and she isnt facing the scrutiny that the Cummings family is facing being right at ground zero. I agree there has been nastiness said with regards to Crystal, but it doesnt even begin to compare with what has been said about RC, MC, TN, and GGMS. It is a shame that any of it has been said, I think the discussion could of ocurred without all the nasty comments but that is just MOO.

I havent really focused on the money aspect too much, I do think it is wrong to be collecting donations in the manner that they are, but I don't think it has anything to do with Haleighs disappearance so I don't focus on that. People with a heck of alot more knowledge then me about how the legalities and such work are better equipped to research all that.

When this is solved if it is determined that RC is not involved, he will still always have the stigma following him that he is a drug addict, drug dealer, adulter, child abusing, violent man. Hopefully he will be able to relocate for the well being of his family and go on with life. If it is determined Crystal is not involved, she will have the stigma following her that she is a victim, who made poor choices with regards to her children.

snipped for space

Busy, now you know Crystal just moved back to Baker County, and it is hardly away from "it" any more than living at his GGM's house is away from "it" for Ronald. HaLeigh is still missing and at some point, there is just a time to go back and resolve to wait for news. And you also know well that she has faced excruciating nastiness from even one of our posters who made comments regarding what he would do daily. There was no end of nastiness regarding funds coming in for Crystal and Ronald. Unbelievable to me that anyone would question the generosity of people who want to give to the parents of a missing child, but whatever floats some people's boats, yanno? As for gathering funds, it seems de rigeur for missing children. It also seems to have slowed to a trickle for each so it's kind of a wash.
I think most of us have our opinions and theories on the people involved, and what may have happened. I see Ron as devastated and missing his daughter and wanting her back. He looks awful imo. Very different from what I have seen with Crystal. There have been several disturbing moments "caught on film" imo, which fits with what I feel happened. I believe HaLeigh is alive and with Sheffield family/friends. I know many others don't, but it's the only thing that makes sense to me.

So your theory is that the Sheffield family/friends have Haleigh. The only rationale you have presented here is your opinion that Ron looks worse than Crystal does.

IIRC, physical appearances of Haleigh's family are off the table for discussion, so that sort of limits any examination of your theory. I'm sure you must have other reasons for believing what you do. Could you please flesh your theory out a little bit. tia
Crystal has been back to Baker County for well over a month - think some have said 9 weeks, though I don't believe it has been that long. The atmosphere in Baker County is very different IMO and she isnt facing the scrutiny that the Cummings family is facing being right at ground zero. I agree there has been nastiness said with regards to Crystal, but it doesnt even begin to compare with what has been said about RC, MC, TN, and GGMS. It is a shame that any of it has been said, I think the discussion could of ocurred without all the nasty comments but that is just MOO.

I havent really focused on the money aspect too much, I do think it is wrong to be collecting donations in the manner that they are, but I don't think it has anything to do with Haleighs disappearance so I don't focus on that. People with a heck of alot more knowledge then me about how the legalities and such work are better equipped to research all that.

]When this is solved if it is determined that RC is not involved, he will still always have the stigma following him that he is a drug addictThe record on that is RC's fault, no one else's. Public record., drug dealer Public record also aas to Misty's Dad...up to interpretation?, adulterYou are one knows this unless the witnessed it and that's nasty!, child abusingNo proof yet..DCF., violent manPublic record of assault. Hopefully he will be able to relocate for the well being of his family and go on with life. If it is determined Crystal is not involved, she will have the stigma following her that she is a victim, who made poor choices with regards to her children.

I know it is hard for both of them and would not be comfortable. If one commits a crime and is arrested for it...public record. That is kinda sucky for people who change their lives, but that's how it is. I am sure if someone has a lengthy history of being a law abiding contributing member of society past mistakes would be viewed as just that.
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