Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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Thanks peliman for addressing the custody "thingy" that gets discussed here in circles. You make a good point.

I used to post on Haleigh's threads and I always check to see if Haleigh has any news from trusted media sources.

There hasn't been any in a very long time.

We have tracked every bit of verifiable information that we could, six ways to Sunday. I, personally, don't see any answers there.

Then we had 65 threads of rumor. That's thousands of posts. Yes I read them until the last few months they were available, I just didn't post often.

I have respect for any posters that thought they could share insight to that community, or bring to the table personal experiences that might shed light on this case. However, after reading 65 threads of rumor, innuendo discussions of such that turned to bickering and to put it bluntly ~ sides being drawn.

It is my hope that someone with a fresh pair of eyes might come here to read in the future and be able to see something that we missed because our vision is clouded by our allegiances to this side or that side.

IMHO anyone that did not live in that trailer at that particular point in time, doesn't have a clue as to where Haleigh might be. Not the lawyers, not the bloggers, not the community at large. Not even us who have dedicated hours and days and weeks and months~ hoping and praying and reading and looking.

I don't know. I want to know. I want her to come home soon, no matter if she is alive or not. It's been four months.

I don't have a working theory, only that my heart hurts for her.

Someone, Somewhere knows where to find Haleigh.
Well said, Busy! It is extremely sad. The lives ruined on top of Haleigh being missing is horrid.

It is obvious to me that the custody fight is essentially over now. DCF has had adequate time to report and I feel the reason we are not seeing the results is because KP lost her bid to take Rj away from Ronald. She needs to pack her bags and go home, imo.

I think the custody issue is key and I'm hoping that the resolution, when it comes, will be the turning point. TxLady2 is right ("if either one of the families has her hidden, then I hope they grow some cajones and bring her home soon. No one should keep a little child from its parents... either side!") and this makes me think that whover took her felt so righteous in their action that they felt the ends justified the means. I don't think this was a spur of the moment plan, but I think that some event finally drove them to action. And they grabbed a window of opportunity. Bottom line is the person(s) who did this specifically wanted Haleigh. When the custody is resolved, if they are satisfied with the resolution, they MAY bring her back. If they are not satisfied, then they will keep her, thinking they are giving her a new & better life. Depending on where she is and how they do this, they may just get away with it.
I don't think either Ron or Crystal is as bad as they have been portrayed. They have both made mistakes, particularly drug related, and act very immature and irresponsible at times. I hope that one effect of this tragedy is that they each grow up and become better for it. I don't think either one is directly involved. MOOOOOs
I agree with a lot of what you posted Kamky, especially that custody is key.
You could be right, I just can't figure out why no one has come forward by now to LE and state that.
We do not know if LE has confirmed or not confirmed that Misty was not at home that night. LE is keeping all evidence close to the vest.........there definitely is plenty of rumor out there, from people who know Misty very well that she was out that night. Why can't you keep an open mind as to what may be true or untrue? The way I see it right now, none of us know much of anything. Our posts have been based upon a theory: an unproved assumption based upon facts in their relation to one another. That is really all any of us have at this point. We are all assuming based upon the little bit of information that we are fed at any given moment of time. We all, each one of us could easily be wearing egg on our faces come tomorrow morning. At this time, the scale could move up or down on each of these major players, and that is the way I see it.
I am keeping an open mind, that is why I said it may or may not be correct that Misty was not home that night. LE has stated that they have talked to no one who states Misty was not home, however I realize things could of changed since that statement. I am open to just about anything that is why I have participated in this thread to see what other posters thoughts are. Like I said I don't care if I am right or wrong, I just want Haleigh found. If I am wrong I will be the first to say I was fooled big time and way off base on my thoughts.

We do not know if LE has confirmed or not confirmed that Misty was not at home that night. LE is keeping all evidence close to the vest.........there definitely is plenty of rumor out there, from people who know Misty very well that she was out that night. Why can't you keep an open mind as to what may be true or untrue? The way I see it right now, none of us know much of anything. Our posts have been based upon a theory: an unproved assumption based upon facts in their relation to one another. That is really all any of us have at this point. We are all assuming based upon the little bit of information that we are fed at any given moment of time. We all, each one of us could easily be wearing egg on our faces come tomorrow morning. At this time, the scale could move up or down on each of these major players, and that is the way I see it.
We do not know if LE has confirmed or not confirmed that Misty was not at home that night. LE is keeping all evidence close to the vest.........there definitely is plenty of rumor out there, from people who know Misty very well that she was out that night. Why can't you keep an open mind as to what may be true or untrue? The way I see it right now, none of us know much of anything. Our posts have been based upon a theory: an unproved assumption based upon facts in their relation to one another. That is really all any of us have at this point. We are all assuming based upon the little bit of information that we are fed at any given moment of time. We all, each one of us could easily be wearing egg on our faces come tomorrow morning. At this time, the scale could move up or down on each of these major players, and that is the way I see it.

JMO I think Busy was referring to LE saying that nobody had come forward to place Misty outside the MH.
I think the custody issue is key and I'm hoping that the resolution, when it comes, will be the turning point. TxLady2 is right ("if either one of the families has her hidden, then I hope they grow some cajones and bring her home soon. No one should keep a little child from its parents... either side!") and this makes me think that whover took her felt so righteous in their action that they felt the ends justified the means. I don't think this was a spur of the moment plan, but I think that some event finally drove them to action. And they grabbed a window of opportunity. Bottom line is the person(s) who did this specifically wanted Haleigh. When the custody is resolved, if they are satisfied with the resolution, they MAY bring her back. If they are not satisfied, then they will keep her, thinking they are giving her a new & better life. Depending on where she is and how they do this, they may just get away with it.
I don't think either Ron or Crystal is as bad as they have been portrayed. They have both made mistakes, particularly drug related, and act very immature and irresponsible at times. I hope that one effect of this tragedy is that they each grow up and become better for it. I don't think either one is directly involved. MOOOOOs
As tired as I am right now, you still managed to tweak my curiosity. I also believe the disappearance of Haleigh is due to custody rights. Your last paragraph confuses me though. Are you suggesting that Haleigh's disappearance is custody related but neither Crystal nor Ron are involved? This is hard to understand. Are you suggesting that someone else is involved with Haleigh's disappearance and the parents are not aware of who it is? I'm interested in your view, sincerely. Please reply, I'm interested in your theory.
JMO I think Busy was referring to LE saying that nobody had come forward to place Misty outside the MH.
Has LE said this for sure? I admit I check in occasionally during the day and may have missed this. If this is confirmed, I will immediately adjust my opinions accordingly. ?
Has LE said this for sure? I admit I check in occasionally during the day and may have missed this. If this is confirmed, I will immediately adjust my opinions accordingly. ?

Yes it was Captain Dick Schauland I believe, it was after KP said she had many (or several or whatever word she used), eye witnesses that said Misty was not home and that she had given LE the info. He said they did not have anyone
Yes it was Captain Dick Schauland I believe, it was after KP said she had many (or several or whatever word she used), eye witnesses that said Misty was not home and that she had given LE the info. He said they did not have anyone

Do you have a link handy?? TIA
This is one article 4/2/09 - I will search for the second article and post as well.

However, Hardy said he and his investigators cannot prove Misty was not at the house. He said his investigators have not spoken to anyone who saw Misty outside the home the night Haleigh disappeared.

Has LE said this for sure? I admit I check in occasionally during the day and may have missed this. If this is confirmed, I will immediately adjust my opinions accordingly. ?
This is one article 4/2/09 - I will search for the second article and post as well.

However, Hardy said he and his investigators cannot prove Misty was not at the house. He said his investigators have not spoken to anyone who saw Misty outside the home the night Haleigh disappeared.
Does this still sound iffy to you? Is it too early to mark this off of the rumor list and dismiss it entirely? Or should it be on stand-by?
I still have it on standby. I havent come up with the other article, I am not sure if it was video or article.

Does this still sound iffy to you? Is it too early to mark this off of the rumor list and dismiss it entirely? Or should it be on stand-by?
I still have it on standby. I havent come up with the other article, I am not sure if it was video or article.
I agree with you, I will keep it on standby too. Hopefully the case will not become cold and will be solved. I'm getting concerned about that since it has been so long and still no real leads.
I can't recall how many times KP said it, one time was a week before that article, not sure how many other times it was stated by her and what dates. JMO, they had a dilemma over pushing that rumour, or the rumour Misty had a man in the MH. JMO
You could be right Bern. All I am sure of is that no way would RC marry Misty unless he has some part in this.
stilettos, this is one obstacle I can't get around, under or over. The absolute only reason I can justify Ron marrying Misty is to protect his own butt. I can not justify any other reason that makes sense to me.
I can't recall how many times KP said it, one time was a week before that article, not sure how many other times it was stated by her and what dates. JMO, they had a dilemma over pushing that rumour, or the rumour Misty had a man in the MH. JMO

:sheesh: Still waiting for your theory, and some supporting reasoning, on what happened to Haleigh. You know, the topic of this thread.....
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