Tony Padilla part 2

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well, I can only say if I were TP i don;t think i would come back.

Why? I don't get it. What questions were that hard that he could not deal with? :confused::confused::confused:

I hope he does come back, if for nothing else but to be a WS with the rest of us. :blowkiss:
So TP has an interesting story(that he will talk about later..or not LOL) about how "they" were treated by LE, but then asked the question about NS he says that he respects what they do, something to that effect. I wonder if this is all about how OCSO handled everything and that is why LP is in touch with JB. Could be wrong just an observation from reading over this thread. Sounded to me like TP liked the FBI guys but may have been treated poorly by OCSO. Did anyone else get this impression?

ETA..maybe TP will come back with a different screen name and post his bombshell LOL..hint, hint.
That's exactly the impression I got. But, you have to remember what OCSO had been going through...and in comes the cowboy on his horse. OMG! How insane!
This is Tony's answer to the question which side's attorneys would be releasing this upcoming revelation.

If he really does know about something that is about to be released that truly will be a surprise it is something that ALL attorneys (defense and prosecution) know about.

Well, as usual lately, I appear to be a day late and a dollah short. I was actually reading this thread to another WS poster (who has been hijacked into cyberspace by an evil game called Farmville - which leads to Farm Town and My Farm and My Tropical Island and My Fishtank and all kinds of other frightening permutations, which I suspect is an alien plot similar to Hulu commercials - don't get me started, but people are starting to disappear and I'm getting ready to get an intervention SWAT team together for some family members) when TP decided to leave. I had a question that I really wanted to ask.

Personally, I think TP offered us just as much info by what he did not or refused to answer as in what he did. Maybe he thought we were "intelligent and mature" enough to read between the lines, speculate, and simply sleuth out answers since we seem to like puzzles. (I particularly enjoyed his comment about how thorough the FBI has been). He gave us the opinions he formed during his time in FL but he did not say how they may have changed since then.

I have great sympathy for how circumspect and diplomatic he needs to be in order to legally be above the fracas right now. I think he enjoys our inquiring little minds and has done all he can do within the parameters he can work within to be as honest and forthright as possible. I think he trusts us to put the pieces together, even though he cannot be completely transparent perhaps. We are all just tired of waiting for the truth and our "frushtration" is showing. I hope he can see through the antsy-ness and realize we are pretty harmless if a bit overzealous and impatient sometimes.

His indication that an important piece of info is coming along - and the fact that it may be known on both sides of the case, makes me think something about how this case is being funded - or something else along those lines - might be coming up soon - and may also be why he feels it is either unnecessary or inopportune to press for the legality of the documents he and the rest of the crew signed that are obviously at odds with the description that JB gave. Years ago I was a FL notary and the fine was $3K per signature if not notarized correctly and potential jail time. It's not taken lightly. I also think that if JB had cobbled together documents and misrepresented the authenticity of a legal contract, that could seriously affect an attorney's license to practice. If this matter seems secondary or moot at this point, I could only speculate that something even worse about the defense and their actions is coming down the pike. That is something that both sides would know about.

I also think it's interesting that info came out today that LDB and Morgan are not sitting idly by while the defense makes all kinds of insane claims in front of courtroom cameras without having to back them up with actual discovery instead of inflammatory rhetoric.

What I was most curious to ask - and will offer it for speculation for others here or on another thread is, why did JB insist on all that insane level of control and secrecy and monitoring for KC's first bond by the Padillas, and then we never heard anything about any type of home security whatsoever IIRC, the second time she was bonded out by JB's friends McDonald and whomever else? We have a wealth of information from the impressions that TM, RD, LP and TP got during those first nine days, but she spent much longer out on bail the second time - over a month - before she was finally indicted.

If she was observed by TMc being allowed to play on JB's computer in his office - who was even watching to see what she was doing at home during her second period of house arrest? Didn't I hear once that LA and CA bragged they slipped out the back way one night and missed all the protestors, etc?

If she was allowed to have Annie there - and was talking to Dakota or others during that second bonding - why did JB suddenly relax his rules when he was so strict with the Padilla team? That really, really bugs me for some reason. I am even more curious about what went down then because it is so clouded in secrecy.

Thanks, Tony, for being as forthright and open as you can be and still maintain your professionalism. We appreciate it more than you know and I hope you can forgive our anxiety, or not take it personally - it's been over a year and there are just so many questions left unanswered or delayed. We are all just hoping for justice for Caylee and for the innocent people that have not only been played, but actually implicated in this horrific affair.
Why? I don't get it. What questions were that hard that he could not deal with? :confused::confused::confused:

I hope he does come back, if for nothing else but to be a WS with the rest of us. :blowkiss:
I don't think it was the questions. I was honored that he took the time out-not once, not twice, but three times in the last 24 hours to check in here.
That's exactly the impression I got. But, you have to remember what OCSO had been going through...and in comes the cowboy on his horse. OMG! How insane!

Right but then we had JB who didn't want LP's interviews to be allowed in. It's all confusing. I wouldn't have liked LP and crew coming in to muddy the waters either. just seemed angry...and I don't know why.

Traipsing out on a limb here, but, I think TP is astute enough to have known (especially having been here and read here before), a flame would have been ignited - I believe he said what he wanted to (dropped the innuendos) and that was the point of this visit ...... he was ready to exit stage left at any time after that....
No problem. I'm just not clear on what everyone thinks we all found out by having TP post here. I don't want him to leave but if he can't be asked fair questions and be challenged like the rest of us are at times then let him leave. I've had to take breathers myself from time-to-time when you all gang up on me - boohooboohoo. See you made me cry. :boohoo:

Are your tickets for Chicago?

bolded by me...

Da Bearsssss!!!!!:blowkiss:
He** to the YEAH!!!
JBean, top THAT!!!:crazy::crazy::blowkiss:
I merely jumped in here to explain what truths and inaccuracies are surrounding the case. Not to stir up the waters as you say. Again I really respect this forum. However it seems that numerous people think differently about my coming here (liking the A's, throwing LP under the bus, working for the defense, not filing a complaint and so on). I was just trying to give you answers to what I knew to be true. Not try to have everybody sitting on pins and needles waiting for the big "bombshell". That was not my intent. So after reading and thinking about some accusations and horrible theories , this will be my last post and I am done here. Sorry if this upsets anybody but that way I dont have to defend myself or get everybody in a frenzy. I have never lied on any of my posts but it's obvious people think I have an agenda here so that's enough for me.
I respectfully refuse to accept your decision to end your association with WS.
When you return we shall party like rock stars!:rocker: :toast:

That's exactly the impression I got. But, you have to remember what OCSO had been going through...and in comes the cowboy on his horse. OMG! How insane!

Well, I will admit that when I heard these people from California were coming down to bail KC, out, I was a bit put off as well. There was a missing child here, the mother was lying with every breath out of her mouth, refusing to cooperate and help LE find the child, and I couldn't for the life of me understand why these strangers were injecting themselves into the situation. Then, I heard LP on NG and my DH said "He's in it for the publicity." I drew the same conclusion, but grew fond of LP, even when he was spewing his nonsense. So, with that said, I would imagine that LE was less than cordial to the Padilla group when they rode into town because they wanted to get this girl to talk, and by getting her out, she was free to get rid of evidence and make it that much harder on them to do their job and find Caylee.
Tony, the above is a perfect example of the CA that we all know. Why did she scream at the public to search for Caylee, and then continue to insist Caylee was alive? Do you have a theory, if not first-hand knowledge?

Another example is when they took the donated water from the TES search folks and took it back home with them. So that GA could drink it while driving around in his A/C truck. And those searching for his G-daughter in the hot sun could go thirsty.

That totally blew my mind.
Another example is when they took the donated water from the TES search folks and took it back home with them. So that GA could drink it while driving around in his A/C truck. And those searching for his G-daughter in the hot sun could go thirsty.

That totally blew my mind.

Apparently that water was for those searching only for an "alive Caylee"! All others could just do without! :crazy:
Let's also remember this info isn't coming out in a doc dump. Someone is going to reveal something...and it doesn't have to do with an attorney leaving, or new forensic evidence. So could it be as simple as the defense speaking about a new theory?

Well we know that the state asked for the proof and discovery that the body was moved while KC was in jail and they have 15 days to do it so maybe the system is just doing it's job and it isn't so much a surprise at all?

Or maybe the hints are leading to LP and JB having some new shocking news as Tony said that LP has been turned down by the media for something he is brewing up?
I "hope" the source is not reading at WS. :eek:
I was a little bit scared to post some questions I had 'cause you just never know. It surprised me that he mentioned CA's "cover-ups" (but not knowing her motives). That was brave considering their relationship.
It's taken me 2 hours to catch up in here and all I can say is .....

Wow ... Thanks ... Ouch ... Oh yeah, The Steelers are coming to FL for thier 7th ring!

Off to my pile o pups peeps ... G'night :)
Well, I will admit that when I heard these people from California were coming down to bail KC, out, I was a bit put off as well. There was a missing child here, the mother was lying with every breath out of her mouth, refusing to cooperate and help LE find the child, and I couldn't for the life of me understand why these strangers were injecting themselves into the situation. Then, I heard LP on NG and my DH said "He's in it for the publicity." I drew the same conclusion, but grew fond of LP, even when he was spewing his nonsense. So, with that said, I would imagine that LE was less than cordial to the Padilla group when they rode into town because they wanted to get this girl to talk, and by getting her out, she was free to get rid of evidence and make it that much harder on them to do their job and find Caylee.

My first thought was...Great, they bond her out, she runs like the wind, and Dog The Bounty Hunter will have to go find her.
Am I the only one that was not enlightened by TP's posts today? He touched on some things, but that was it. Don't get me wrong.....I'm just still confused.

I understand, I get it. He's the real TP, Tricia vetted him very carefully, as I would assume she would have done. So, I was never in doubt about his i.d. But I am still left wondering why he is posting here? Set aside that he likes this forum above all others and thinks highly of its' members. When you are involved in a case like this, regardless of whether or not you are going to testify, why come to a forum like this at all? Wouldn't the safe bet be to stay clear of all this and keep your head down? I am sorry to those of you who are more persuaded, but I am still wondering what is at the bottom of all this. Maybe, nothing. But, I read thru this entire thread and all I have is more questions. He shares things, but we are left with *I can't tell you now. Soon. No, that is the wrong direction. Sorry, I can't answer that question.* But left precious little to go on. Why do that if you can't give up the goods?

I'm sorry gang. I have no personal ax to grind w/ Tony, and I respect his right to post here, but I still don't understand why this is being given out in little teeny dribs and drabs and we are left salivating like dogs over a bone not big enough to go around. Does anyone else KWIM? Or am I out on this creaky little twig all by myself?

With respect........

Well my answer to that post would be that I don't question any of the members on WS about why they post here?
Why do any of post here? because we are interested in the cases? we are doing research? getting ideas to write a new novel? hmmm there are a few reasons why I post here... I like it a lot!
It's taken me 2 hours to catch up in here and all I can say is .....

Wow ... Thanks ... Ouch ... Oh yeah, The Steelers are coming to FL for thier 7th ring!

Off to my pile o pups peeps ... G'night :)
There's always more fun tomorrow.

Are you ready for some football? (oops...your season already began!)
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