trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #107

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Is there a way for us to see the hearings with ALV regarding Jodi's abuse??? I would gladly put some money in the pot to see that. I wonder how Juan twisted her up about the lies about the pedo on computer which was then changed to print outs to fit the evidence
The problem Ms. LaViolette has is that there is an extremely high probability that the defendent didn't bother to tell her the truth either. That seems obvious from some of the descriptions of abusers she has spoken about in this opening segment.

Did ALV, in fact, interview Jodi?
On Samuels first day he was going over Jodi's answers to various questions. One was about if there had been any incidents of sexual abuse while she was under the age of 16 by someone 5+ yrs. older than she. She answered "No", which would seem to eliminate her dad as a sexual abuser.

Would it, though? Jodi lies so much.....
The etiology of the fugue state is related to dissociative amnesia, (DSM-IV Codes 300.12[2]) which has several other subtypes:[3] Selective Amnesia, Generalised Amnesia, Continuous Amnesia, Systematised Amnesia, in addition to the subtype Dissociative Fugue.[1]

Fugue state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If the defense is smart, they won't get into specifics at all. Just hope they raised a speck of doubt.

That will keep out Jodi's lies.

But IMO they'll go for it, it will end up being a disaster ! She may as well be a states witness:)

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Too late.

dog kicking caught on tape?

There's footage of Jodi kicking a dog on tape? :what:
Borderlines are famous for holding their families hostage with that.

So do very angry and "perceived rejected and real rejected" Narcissist Personality Disorder and Antisocial (Psychopath) Disorder w/Violence Features (quoting the DSM - IV)

If you crossing them the wrath of them comes down "you". (Travis)
Before Ms. LaViolette's character is mercilessly scrutinized and dissected, I'd simply like to commend her for the work she has undertaken throughout her career. I think she has spoken very intelligently to the subject of domestic violence and her passion for aiding both victims and perpetrators is laudable.

Agreed, this trial is not the place for it. IMO

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The Aunt and appears to be a purple (DV) ribbon not a blue one....

Doesn't matter...I was admonished that to question anything these 2 do is off limits. I was informed that they have every right to support TA if they wish. His family can't, but they can. :silenced:
You are so right! Been there..done that. Those certain words still sting all these years later.

They didn't even date for 6 months. I don't think this type of abuse applies to their relationship. In fact, I believe Travis was way too nice to her and it cost him his life.

I am currently there - it is not fun.

On another note, JA sounds like they were deeply involved for a long time -
it was only a few months.
Hearing every single day for years how inadequate and useless you are - whether its that you aren't pretty enough, smart enough, thin enough, or a good enough parent - can be a very painful and destructive thing to go through. Even the mere implication that there's something 'wrong' with you takes a great toll over the course of time.


I would also imagine the "silent treatment" would be terrifying. Like waiting for the other shoe to drop and not knowing what your abuser is thinking. I can certainly see those as abuse. :(

It's also "Purple for Epilepsy Day"....don't know if that's what it could be???

Today is? Maybe she has epilepsy. Doesn't she have a hearing problem too?
Makes sense if that is the case.

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This is gonna be such an easy flip not only is the pan Teflon and the spatula Teflon but the pancake itself is coated with Teflon.

I can only click the "thanks" button once and that just didn't seem to be enough for this post, so... thanks x 100 for this. I think you're right!
I wonder why dribs and drags of the Flores interrogation tapes are coming out?

Who is controlling that, the TV stations?
Is that Momma or Auntie with the ribbon??

Why can they wear ribbons?


BUT IS THAT A BUTTON? Is that jodi or who on the button?????
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