trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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I hope we will see JM for a bit atleast during the end of the day. Last witness. Woo hoo. :great:

thats my saving grace,each day she is on the stand is one day closer to R-E-B-U-T-T-A-L
I am with you Josie. Wilmont needs to speed it up with this witness. How much can Ms Laviollette talk about DV. She was interesting in her early hours on the stand but then came in all the stories. With each topic came a new one. Laviolette is starting to remind me of Samuels with all his stories and the hypothetical Wilmont pulled yesterday really irked me. I suppose since Laviolette is the DF star witness Wilmont wants her to stay on the stand as long as she can, but really enough is enough. Juan has been relatively quiet with her on the stand, with the exceptions of a few objections...I think 3 and that is how we left off yesterday. I do hope she wraps it up today. Someone mentioned Laviolette was scheduled for 4 days on the stand. Today is day 3, although Monday she was only on for about an hour or so. Waiting for Juan to question her.

i agree she came across well in the beginning and i'm sure she is very smart but to explain every aspect of DV with some anecdotal story from her life is tiring to say the least.

rebuttal rebuttal rebuttal rebuttal:please::please::please:
Btw, Eiglarsh figured out why Jodi did the headstand. It's an old beauty pageant trick to redden your face when you don't have makeup. She was obsessed with her makeup, she asked for it at least 3 times that day.

Yes - that was great to see! In the interrogation room, all JA was concerned about was how she looked and how she would appear on tv and in her mug shot. It was all about appearances to her.
:seeya: Good Morning Y'All,

So ... do y'all think that Wilmoth will have this "expert" on the stand all day today -- AGAIN ?

If so, I just will not be able to listen this B-O-R-I-N-G . . . B . . . S . . . which has absolutely NOTHING to do with Travis' murder !

Now, I will NOT miss Mr. Juan cross-examine this "expert" -- which no doubt, will be bombshells !

Will check up for updates later ...


I should have read here before watching the videos of yesterdays public service lecture, um excuse me, testimony. I am now depressed, everyone I know, myself included, as well as all of you are abusers. I thought last week was bad because I came to understand I have PTSD issues, my hippocampus may or may not work if stressed, I cannot take a hot shower and sex is totally out of the question. Additionally, I can create an alternate reality and this supposedly will excuse me for any time out I should receive for being being bad. This alternate reality is perfectly acceptable and forgiving of cold blooded stalkers who butcher their victims as well.

Now, I realize that the only way to survive on this planet is to attend group therapy, accept medication, or become a dam hermit living in a cave far far away from all the terrible humans who according to head docs can't even figure out how to breathe correctly.

What a freaking load of bs this is twisted into just to defend a cold blooded butcher.
I wonder how it would be taken if Juan passed on questioning this expert witness. As if what she has to say is meaningless. jmo

I wholeheartedly AGREE. I also think Martinez should have ALSO passed on the Quack Doctor as well and if ANYTHING maybe made a few points and then got out of there. By even questioning them at all, that gives them merit for them even being there and gives Arias's fabled story credence and that is something he should NOT be doing. By completely blowing off these asinine DUHfense Witnesses, he is stating that this is just another ruse in the litany of lies told by the defendant and their testimony holds NO WEIGHT because they are testifying to the LIES told by Arias so their diagnosis's are merit-less. Pass on the cross of LV and get on with the REAL matter at hand that is the Rebuttal case, the Jury has had it and the Defense KNOWS the longer they drag this out the better it is for them. It's time to bring this case home and knock it outta the park!
Dontcha think she was getting the heck outa dodge, had weapons and clothes in her car, and to make an excuse as to where she was going and why with all of that?

I am bringing my post over from yesterday, right before that thread closed.

IMO she wasn't going on a camping trip. She had to explain why she bought a gun and rented a car. The camping story came from the same place all her other stories/lies have come from. Inside her devious, evil, psycho mind.
I rest my case.
Expect a record breaking number of objections when JM gets up. Witnesses and jurors dont know that Jodi early on wanted to plead guilty to second degree murder. She was turned down. As a result of that, she had to come up with something . What a leap. Wanting to plead guilty, to self defense and then as a matter of course, bring in the expert witnesses. This is a mockery. One thing is for sure, any viewer, who also was a victim that was helped by this latest witness, will be disguisted by her presence in this courtroom. Her credibility is really at stake now. Its not worth it. She should have become familar with this case before she agreed to do this.

So after her proposed plea deal fell flat (thanks to the prosecution, who are in this for REAL justice), there are probably only 2 defences she could have claimed.

self defence or insanity

Does that sound about right to you?

The insanity defence would have opened up details of her entire life from childhood and the jury would have heard about her violent history way back when she was a kid, so I imagine the DT rejected that claim outright. ??
~*~PinxJinx~*~ said:
I too believe that she was not in the house with him the night before. She *may* have been parked near, watching the house, peering in the windows but I think she showed up around 1pm too. I'm also still having a really hard time completely believing that they had sex. I believe all of the pix of her were taken by her, while Travis was still sleeping, downstairs, or she was in the bathroom alone. Those two pix of Travis were not posed sexy photos taken by a "photographer". They both look like she was behind him and took hm unexpectedly as he woke up.

I agree with this scenario, but I've never been able to reconcile those, uh, intimate photos of her -- can't figure out how she'd be able to take those by herself.

It would be pretty hard for Travis to have 'just woken up' in the pics at 1:44:50 and 1:47:15 since he isn't in the bed at 1:40 when the first of the two full-length photos of JA on TA's bed were shot. Note she's leaning against the headboard you can see the rest of TA's bed all the way to the chair in the corner. The KY Jelly is on TA's side of the bed. After another full-length shot of JA on TA's bed--and two more unseen nudes of JA described in Det. Flores' report--she poses for two more closeups, and then it's TA's turn.

Just 50 seconds elapsed between the last nude closeup of JA and the first photo of TA.

There were more nude photos than we've heard about; Detective Flores' report itemizes eight nude photos, six of JA and two of TA. The defense filed a motion about the nude photos in July, 2011. Perhaps that's why we haven't seen them all.
Amen to that! I find myself dismissing whole post that make fun of her GP home or run along the lines of suggesting she was "white trash" because of her GP's have a modest house. I mean wth, are people not aware that MOST people who live in this country ( and *gasp* the whole world) are not wealthy? Does that make them trash? I know people hate her, heck I hate her, but I just don't get that angle.

She sickens me because she murdered a man, not because she was/is poor. MOO

I took the comparison to be a reaction to Willmott & AVL's "hypothetical" describing Travis' childhood. AVL was given Travis' childhood experiences of neglect and abuse to show that he had no choice but to become an abuser himself. The photo comparison instead highlights that Travis DID overcome an abusive past while Jodi the accuser dropped out of high school and went from man to man to man until she had nowhere to go but to her Grandparent's modest-sized home. Travis worked hard and made something of himself while Jodi took the easy way out and never worked hard to make a future. JMO
I am bringing my post over from yesterday, right before that thread closed.

IMO she wasn't going on a camping trip. She had to explain why she bought a gun and rented a car. The camping story came from the same place all her other stories/lies have come from. Inside her devious, evil, psycho mind.
I rest my case.

ITA She tells so many lies. Jodi knew the cops were on her heels and she ready to flee with her weapons.
I believe every one of those shower pics was taken while she held a gun on Travis.
I'm watching NG right now caused I missed it earlier.

JW is not even paying attention and this is your witness!! :banghead:
Mornin everyone... I have GOT to get some spring cleaning done today! ~ THINK I will stream on my notebook as I "do windows" lol

ElleElle ~
Cause it is not about Jodi being the victim! Even she knows she was the perpetrator of the DV!!!

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What I don't understand is how ALV can make statements about all abused children grow up to be abusers unless there's an intervention--she only studies/works with ABUSERS. When does she research the rest of the population? She's clearly biased.
I was watching Dr. Drew last night and Mark Erglash said he finally found out why Jodi was doing a headstand in the room after Det. Flores left. Erglash got an email from a woman saying that is what they did when doing beauty pagents years ago if they did not have makeup to put on. Upside down and the blood rushes to your head and gives your cheeks color. Jodi was also pinching her cheeks to give herself color. Of course, tossing her hair upside down and back to make it fuller.

Can you believe this???? It was all about looking good in a mugshot!!

Also, wondering if anyone thinks since they "dogged" up Jody for the trial that she looks like Andrea Yates?
What I don't understand is how ALV can make statements about all abused children grow up to be abusers unless there's an intervention--she only studies/works with ABUSERS. When does she research the rest of the population? She's clearly biased.

I was wondering that as well but have come to understand expert witnesses know everydamthing-just ask them.
I want y'all to know just how much I miss you, and following this case. I am on a cruise ship in the middle of the Caribbean, paying $2.49 a minute for internet access and the first place I came to read was here!!! Xoxo
I am with you Josie. Wilmont needs to speed it up with this witness. How much can Ms Laviollette talk about DV. She was interesting in her early hours on the stand but then came in all the stories. With each topic came a new one. Laviolette is starting to remind me of Samuels with all his stories and the hypothetical Wilmont pulled yesterday really irked me. I suppose since Laviolette is the DF star witness Wilmont wants her to stay on the stand as long as she can, but really enough is enough. Juan has been relatively quiet with her on the stand, with the exceptions of a few objections...I think 3 and that is how we left off yesterday. I do hope she wraps it up today. Someone mentioned Laviolette was scheduled for 4 days on the stand. Today is day 3, although Monday she was only on for about an hour or so. Waiting for Juan to question her.

Yeah is just me or is Wilmont asking the same questions but in different forms? I swear she asked her about a little boy growing up with a abuse most likely will become an abuser and then like an hour later she was asking her the same question. Its driving me crazy. The defense has only called 10 witnesses and its day 38...Seems like the longest trial I've evr watched
I need to ask a stupid question. Did Mum Mum get Irises? Or some other I flower! Cause I just had an epiphany
Maybe an epipha-NOT

I am not sure which.

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