trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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Even her plea deal is blackmail! So, that's the reason she smiles as the family cries. She warned them it would be ugly, and now she is basking in that fact. She has no shame!

This is so swarmy...everyone here that posts should read that blackmail manifesto.
great post PrincessSezMe! Thank you! I missed this... "And what was up with the jacket thing today? Putting it on backwards was really strange, why not just put the darn jacket on?"

when did this happen?

It was around the time of the little maids outfit being show, around 3pm PST
After the jury was excused for the break, she put the jacket on the regular way.
Then after the break when the jury was back, she had it straight jacket style again.
Maybe she is hoping they will think she is insane. :facepalm:


Yes, if they find self-defense, she's outta there I am pretty sure.

I'm pretty sure the Judge has to define self defense in the instructions to the jury. And that would be that you can only use enough force in an attack to stop the threat. The GSW to his head was a fatal wound. The stab to his chest was a fatal wound. The slashing of his throat was a fatal wound. So did she only use enough force to stop the attack or did she go beyond that? If she went beyond it, it's not self defense.
The whole argument with her backpack being "lightened" for her... I'm with Jodi on that one. I would be furious.

Btw. Are they not allowing Jodi to shower? Is she losing hair? What the heck is going on with her hair????

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David Otunga is ridiculously HOT, but what is with the XXS sweaters? I rather just look at him naked.
It was after the first afternoon break I think. She would put her jacket on backwards just covering her arms (and lap). When she stood for the jury off came the jacket. It was really wierd.

Maybe she was pleasuring herself under that jacket! She appears to be turned on while "close talking" with JW.
:what: If that were to happen, would the State be able to appeal?
They can't appeal an acquittal and they can't recharge because it'd be considered double jeopardy. Ala the dilemma of Casey Anthony.

(But my law degree came in the same box as my psych degree. I am, however, flashing the bling of my super snazzy decoder ring at you right now, Nhic. ;))
I agree Princess ^ Jodi looked the worst today than any other day. Imagine what the next say 10 years will do to her appearance especially living on DR.

I've noticed some days her left eyelid is starting to droop. Perhaps she damaged some nerves with all that tire slashing, stabbing, slitting and frantic alibi (snort) writing in her diaries. I hope she loses the ability to draw, that will hurt her...why should she enjoy something or profit...Travis isn't here to enjoy things in his life anymore.
Having to take responsibility, finally, in one's life can make a narcissist/sociopath age fast.
He did testify she was bandaged up I believe. :twocents:

I think one of the important things about the finger is that we have 3 or 4 stories as to how it was injured. Got a new one today. Cutting apples. :what:
Jodi is ALV's precious one who could do no harm. :elfroll:

What really upsets me with ALV is that she had to have known that Jodi is lying about being physically abused and yet she chose to testify to the contrary just for money.

Some people were trying to give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she was duped by the defense team, but IMO, I firmly believe she was not duped at all and just sided with the defense just for money.

The main reason I feel this way is because she herself said that she tries to use other information to corroborate what someone is telling her. Weeeelllllllllllllll, then why didnt she talk with her parents for 5 minutes each, which is the exact amount of time it took both of her parents to practically yell out to LE officer that Jodi has had serious mental issues.
We know the reason that ALV did not takl with her parents. Its because she KNEW. She totally knows what she is doing and she totally knows she is feeding a bunch of crap under oath just for MONEY!!!!

What an evil person ALV is. This is beyond cruel what she is doing. It is CRIMINAL. And if she has her way, and Jodi walks, and Jodi kills again, then that future blood will be directly on her hands.

And that is not even counting the public thrashing of Travis based all on Jodis lies, of which she has to know are lies.

I hope she can sleep at night with what she is doing, because I think KARMA is right around the corner for people like her.
Nope. State only gets ONE try. DT has many options after the guilty sentence.


I watched part of the KC trial and was, like most people, convinced she killed that beautiful little girl. And, like most people, was in shock when I heard the verdict. Angry that the killer of a child is free.

There's something about this JA though that I sense is far worse the KC. There's just something about her - she is evil incarnate. She exudes no positive attributes, she is dangerous, and if she walks free she WILL kill again. And again. She is different than KC IMO.

Verrrry dangerous. She's a born killer IMO. Men would be foolish to be entangled in her murderous web if she's freed.
The last photo before the "dragging" pic. I think it was inadvertently taken while she was stashing the camera into the pocket of her "hoodie". The camera falls out of her pocket in the hallway, lands upside down and snaps the bloody picture of TA on the floor. The camera moved around with her. It was in the pocket of her hoodie.

I hope someone can answer please, who knows about the sex tape. Are they trying to determine if it is real?

I'm not sure. It has never been disputed that the sex tape was not Travis.
Which is, of course what today was ALL about. They want the instruction read to the jurors that they have to think what the mind of a "battered woman" would do, rather than an normal person. I think they lost, and I think Nurmi will loose when they argue it in front of the Judge before deliberations.

Oh, I don't think so JJ. I think they will definitely get a lesser included charge.
He is the real victim, Alyce.


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Huh? Can you please clarify? :please:

The whole argument with her backpack being "lightened" for her... I'm with Jodi on that one. I would be furious.

Btw. Are they not allowing Jodi to shower? Is she losing hair? What the heck is going on with her hair????

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