trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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Work is SO interfering with my trial watching and websleuthing. :)

I'm trying to catch up on YouTube now. I give up. Judge? Non-responsive! I can't take the aggravation. JM is patient. Anyone worried that he was too aggressive can see now that he's not a snarling dog, but he is persistent!

It occurred to me the other day that ALV has bad aim. She may (or may not) have some interesting theories about DV, but she applies them to the wrong people every. last. time.

Please alert me when juror questions start?
That plea document was a tough read huh. Representative of who and what Jodi is :furious: I want DP as well.

Either I've lost my mind or I haven't read the plea document. Is there a link? TIA!
I think ALV is more despised than the psychiatrist. Part of his lame testimony could be attributed to being charmed by Jodi. ALV doesn't have that excuse to fall back on. Her testimony is hurting domestic violence victims. I'm afraid some might listen to her testimony and think most victims are full of crap like she is.
Her parents knew she was screwed up but unfortunately probably never had an inkling of how dangerous she would be. It would be very interesting if a REAL psychiatrist were to investigate Jodi's childhood as to torturing animals, bed wetting and fire starting. I bet it could be found that she has much in common with serial killers.

She had a 9mm and more knives .... That's all the investigation necessary IMO

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I believe it is real.

Have you listened to it?

I think there are other sex tapes.

I hope someone can answer please, who knows about the sex tape. Are they trying to determine if it is real?
VictimsSide your story broke my heart. Thank you so much for sharing. And thank you so much for your words and wisdom. I am sure Travis' family would embrace you with gratitude and campassion. I wish you and your children peace and love always.
Good evening all. This is my first post and while I have lurked on this site for over 5 years, I finally felt compelled to register and comment on my experience as a DV survivor and why I am positive that jodi was in no way abused by Travis. I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I was married to my abuser. He was a good friend of my brothers and had been in and out of my parents’ house for years before we started dating. The time frame was late 70’s to mid 80’s. I was starting to get bad vibes about his controlling ways in our 2nd year of dating and tried to distance myself, he sabotaged my birth control several times and I found myself pregnant. We married, because that’s what you did back then. I endured broken bones, strangulation while my head was bashed into a concrete floor, beatings while pregnant with child #2, isolation, monitoring of my calls and my mileage tracked daily. He was careful never to mar my face so I could continue to work. I was doused in charcoal started while he flipped open and shut his zippo lighter. He told me how he would kill me, in detail. While in labor enroute to the hospital with baby #2 he told me he would take my son if I had a girl, because sons needed their fathers. He told me how he would take him. He did terrorize me. I left him for good the first and only time I saw him hurt my son. My kids were 4.5 and 6 months. We were all under an order of protection for 5 years. Still he followed and stalked me. Those are just some of the incidences. These were the days when the cops told the abuser to ‘go sleep somewhere else for the night’ and that was the end of that. I had a judge refuse to grant me a divorce because my ex wouldn’t cooperate and therefore the judge felt it was contested, even with hospital records and police reports. I was so fearful after getting my first apartment I slept in front of my door on the floor for the next two years. I would shower only during my lunch hour with a female co-worker present. I still have nightmares 25 years later, even though my ex husband died in 2000. That is what domestic violence is and what it does to a person. That is what emotional terrorism is. I take great offense to the defense team and ms alv’s assessment of poor jodi, so enraptured with Travis that despite how horrible he treated her she moved 1000+ miles to be closer to him because he guilted and controlled her and was still courting her. Nobody has ever abused that defendant. She killed Travis because he was DONE with her and finally had her number, realized her stalking behavior for what it was and he was through. She planned and executed Travis, no question, and ms laviolette should be ashamed of herself blindly defending the indefensible and throwing all true victims of domestic violence under the bus and then backing the bus over them again. I pray for the Alexander family and desperately want Justice for Travis and while initially I would have been happy for guilty and LWOP, I am so incensed that now I want the DP for her. If ms. alv’s reputation and career end up in shreds after this trial she need only look in the mirror if she wonders how it all went wrong. Sorry for this rant, but it has been building for days.
DV victims do not move 1000 miles to be closer to their abuser. DV victims do not spy on their aggressors. DV victims do not gleefully engage in sex acts and initiate said sex acts. DV victims do not pose or posture in incriminating positions or poses as you already have no power, you don’t make yourself more vulnerable. I hope I have made my point clear, just typing this out still upsets me over two decades later. That is what abuse does to you. Jodi abused – no way. Ms. LaViolette re-victimizing and twisting true victims’ stomach’s into knots – absolutely. Again, apologies for the lengthy post and I hope I haven’t broken any rules. My heart breaks for the Alexander family as they have to sit and witness their brothers’ execution of character and good name. Just deplorable.


Absolutely NO! apologies are necessary for your long post VS. That you are posting here now is wonderful after what you've been through.

ALV has done a grave disservice to survivors of DV as well as current victims of DV. If she hasn't felt the backlash yet, she surely will in terms of being ostracized by women everywhere.

AFAIC it is people like yourself who have more credibility in the area of DV than paid for shills like ALV will ever have.

What's with her filthy hair? :what::sick:

Maybe tonight is shower night, guess we'll find out in the morning.

She is stupid if she thinks looking worse as time goes on will help her case.
No-Jodi can never be retried again..she walks..she walks very free!!!

OT, and I didn't follow the trial so I know next to nothing, but how can Amanda Knox be tried again if she was acquitted the first time? Anyone know?

I watched part of the KC trial and was, like most people, convinced she killed that beautiful little girl. And, like most people, was in shock when I heard the verdict. Angry that the killer of a child is free.

There's something about this JA though that I sense is far worse the KC. There's just something about her - she is evil incarnate. She exudes no positive attributes, she is dangerous, and if she walks free she WILL kill again. And again. She is different than KC IMO.

Verrrry dangerous. She's a born killer IMO. Men would be foolish to be entangled in her murderous web if she's freed.

Thank you for this! ITA with everything you're saying. FCA is a heinous child killer, but there is something about JA that is just a whole different level of creepy. We all saw FCA primping and preening in the interrogation room, but headstands and sitting on the floor doing hair flips? That's even beyond FCA's brand of crazy. This defendant truly scares me, and I hope against hope she never gets out of prison unless it's after her "shelf life" expires (trying to be mod friendly with that one?).
I checked some journals from a while back and I never used parentheses. Jodi used them a lot. Why the need to clarify or explain to yourself?

I'd be interested if others have personal journals filled with parentheses.

To me they say "audience"

I wrote in journals for decades and regularly used parentheses. (But maybe that's just me. ;))
OT, and I didn't follow the trial so I know next to nothing, but how can Amanda Knox be tried again if she was acquitted the first time? Anyone know?

Amanda Knox was convicted initially, then had the verdict overturned, no?
I find it interesting that ALV seems to believe Travis should have been more firm in discouraging Jodi from coming around but yet Deanna was at his house a lot and he had not dating her since way before Jodi. I still can't get over how there is this desire to label Travis a "cheater" when he was dating a number of women. That is pretty normal with men, isn't it. Unless you are really interested in just dating one person many men date more than one woman at a time until they decide to be exclusive.

I always took cheating as being in an exclusive relationship and dating/sleeping with someone else.
I'm not sure. It has never been disputed that the sex tape was not Travis.

Thank You! Just trying to understand. But it has me thinking if it is not real who would have helped her make that.
I noticed once when Jodi was standing today that her blouse puckered a bit between the buttons at the chest. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but could someone have said something and she started wearing the jacket in reverse to hide the revealing gap? It seems crazy because a safety pin or even tape could close the blouse. Plus, it wasn't that revealing.

If the jacket is very low in front then it wouldn't conceal the blouse gap when worn correctly.

If she was just cold, why not wear the jacket the right way?

Probably just trying to get attention with bizarre behavior....
OT, and I didn't follow the trial so I know next to nothing, but how can Amanda Knox be tried again if she was acquitted the first time? Anyone know?

Her trial is in Italy, not here.
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