trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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Wouldn't double jeopardy then apply so that state can't appeal?

Why yes! Thank you. LOL

Where I live the sentence can be appealed, but not the acquittal. Got it mixed up. Sorry. :blushing:
I'm pretty sure the Judge has to define self defense in the instructions to the jury. And that would be that you can only use enough force in an attack to stop the threat. The GSW to his head was a fatal wound. The stab to his chest was a fatal wound. The slashing of his throat was a fatal wound. So did she only use enough force to stop the attack or did she go beyond that? If she went beyond it, it's not self defense.

That's where the FOG rolls in....

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Good evening all. This is my first post and while I have lurked on this site for over 5 years, I finally felt compelled to register and comment on my experience as a DV survivor and why I am positive that jodi was in no way abused by Travis. I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I was married to my abuser. He was a good friend of my brothers and had been in and out of my parents’ house for years before we started dating. The time frame was late 70’s to mid 80’s. I was starting to get bad vibes about his controlling ways in our 2nd year of dating and tried to distance myself, he sabotaged my birth control several times and I found myself pregnant. We married, because that’s what you did back then. I endured broken bones, strangulation while my head was bashed into a concrete floor, beatings while pregnant with child #2, isolation, monitoring of my calls and my mileage tracked daily. He was careful never to mar my face so I could continue to work. I was doused in charcoal started while he flipped open and shut his zippo lighter. He told me how he would kill me, in detail. While in labor enroute to the hospital with baby #2 he told me he would take my son if I had a girl, because sons needed their fathers. He told me how he would take him. He did terrorize me. I left him for good the first and only time I saw him hurt my son. My kids were 4.5 and 6 months. We were all under an order of protection for 5 years. Still he followed and stalked me. Those are just some of the incidences. These were the days when the cops told the abuser to ‘go sleep somewhere else for the night’ and that was the end of that. I had a judge refuse to grant me a divorce because my ex wouldn’t cooperate and therefore the judge felt it was contested, even with hospital records and police reports. I was so fearful after getting my first apartment I slept in front of my door on the floor for the next two years. I would shower only during my lunch hour with a female co-worker present. I still have nightmares 25 years later, even though my ex husband died in 2000. That is what domestic violence is and what it does to a person. That is what emotional terrorism is. I take great offense to the defense team and ms alv’s assessment of poor jodi, so enraptured with Travis that despite how horrible he treated her she moved 1000+ miles to be closer to him because he guilted and controlled her and was still courting her. Nobody has ever abused that defendant. She killed Travis because he was DONE with her and finally had her number, realized her stalking behavior for what it was and he was through. She planned and executed Travis, no question, and ms laviolette should be ashamed of herself blindly defending the indefensible and throwing all true victims of domestic violence under the bus and then backing the bus over them again. I pray for the Alexander family and desperately want Justice for Travis and while initially I would have been happy for guilty and LWOP, I am so incensed that now I want the DP for her. If ms. alv’s reputation and career end up in shreds after this trial she need only look in the mirror if she wonders how it all went wrong. Sorry for this rant, but it has been building for days.
DV victims do not move 1000 miles to be closer to their abuser. DV victims do not spy on their aggressors. DV victims do not gleefully engage in sex acts and initiate said sex acts. DV victims do not pose or posture in incriminating positions or poses as you already have no power, you don’t make yourself more vulnerable. I hope I have made my point clear, just typing this out still upsets me over two decades later. That is what abuse does to you. Jodi abused – no way. Ms. LaViolette re-victimizing and twisting true victims’ stomach’s into knots – absolutely. Again, apologies for the lengthy post and I hope I haven’t broken any rules. My heart breaks for the Alexander family as they have to sit and witness their brothers’ execution of character and good name. Just deplorable.
I'm confused...:what:...I thought that LaV said today that Jodi told her the knife was on the nightstand? Did I dream it?
It was around the time of the little maids outfit being show, around 3pm PST
After the jury was excused for the break, she put the jacket on the regular way.
Then after the break when the jury was back, she had it straight jacket style again.
Maybe she is hoping they will think she is insane. :facepalm:



What's with her filthy hair? :what::sick:
OT but after today, I am relaxing and watching Duck Dynasty. I am laughing out loud and it feels so good. jmo
Today's sexual and social norms are so far beyond the boundaries of ALV's opinions. Right or wrong, my friends and I will jokingly call each other b_tch, ho, etc… Even my hubs and I will joke around like that. We all hear it on TV, movies, videos and song lyrics.

Now I'm not saying TA used those terms in a joking manner in the "rant" as she calls it, but I do think those words create an outrage in her that is disproportionate to speech today. Just as I think she views his "sexting" as demeaning to women and the phone sex. Really, ALV, you believe that anything said on that phone sex call was abusive? Do you hear the same tape as the rest of us?

To me far more significant was the fact TA was calling her a sociopath and evil in that IM. Those were the words that stood out to me. And what I read was a definite outraged reaction to an action of JA's. And as far as saying nothing justifies this kind of rant, where is she living? I have ranted worse listening to this trial.

I agree! ALV is totally out of touch. I know the analysis in court is subject to every sophistication of the written word; talk about an agenda! But can the DT think the jurors cannot see and hear what is in front of their eyes? The IM's and tapes were honest and not created in code!
I think that was misrepresented in court today. ALV said yesterday that JA was excited to take the test because she thought she was a bright as Einstein.
And BTW, the court minutes tell a totally different story. They show that she refused the test on two separate dates. :banghead:

each and every part in this case there is a lie. i did not know she refused two test. no wonder ja was smirking. do you think alv knew about ja refused this test twice?
Yup, again look at Ted Bundy.


I watched part of the KC trial and was, like most people, convinced she killed that beautiful little girl. And, like most people, was in shock when I heard the verdict. Angry that the killer of a child is free.

There's something about this JA though that I sense is far worse the KC. There's just something about her - she is evil incarnate. She exudes no positive attributes, she is dangerous, and if she walks free she WILL kill again. And again. She is different than KC IMO.

Verrrry dangerous. She's a born killer IMO. Men would be foolish to be entangled in her murderous web if she's freed.
Good evening all. This is my first post and while I have lurked on this site for over 5 years, I finally felt compelled to register and comment on my experience as a DV survivor and why I am positive that jodi was in no way abused by Travis. I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I was married to my abuser. He was a good friend of my brothers and had been in and out of my parents’ house for years before we started dating. The time frame was late 70’s to mid 80’s. I was starting to get bad vibes about his controlling ways in our 2nd year of dating and tried to distance myself, he sabotaged my birth control several times and I found myself pregnant. We married, because that’s what you did back then. I endured broken bones, strangulation while my head was bashed into a concrete floor, beatings while pregnant with child #2, isolation, monitoring of my calls and my mileage tracked daily. He was careful never to mar my face so I could continue to work. I was doused in charcoal started while he flipped open and shut his zippo lighter. He told me how he would kill me, in detail. While in labor enroute to the hospital with baby #2 he told me he would take my son if I had a girl, because sons needed their fathers. He told me how he would take him. He did terrorize me. I left him for good the first and only time I saw him hurt my son. My kids were 4.5 and 6 months. We were all under an order of protection for 5 years. Still he followed and stalked me. Those are just some of the incidences. These were the days when the cops told the abuser to ‘go sleep somewhere else for the night’ and that was the end of that. I had a judge refuse to grant me a divorce because my ex wouldn’t cooperate and therefore the judge felt it was contested, even with hospital records and police reports. I was so fearful after getting my first apartment I slept in front of my door on the floor for the next two years. I would shower only during my lunch hour with a female co-worker present. I still have nightmares 25 years later, even though my ex husband died in 2000. That is what domestic violence is and what it does to a person. That is what emotional terrorism is. I take great offense to the defense team and ms alv’s assessment of poor jodi, so enraptured with Travis that despite how horrible he treated her she moved 1000+ miles to be closer to him because he guilted and controlled her and was still courting her. Nobody has ever abused that defendant. She killed Travis because he was DONE with her and finally had her number, realized her stalking behavior for what it was and he was through. She planned and executed Travis, no question, and ms laviolette should be ashamed of herself blindly defending the indefensible and throwing all true victims of domestic violence under the bus and then backing the bus over them again. I pray for the Alexander family and desperately want Justice for Travis and while initially I would have been happy for guilty and LWOP, I am so incensed that now I want the DP for her. If ms. alv’s reputation and career end up in shreds after this trial she need only look in the mirror if she wonders how it all went wrong. Sorry for this rant, but it has been building for days.
DV victims do not move 1000 miles to be closer to their abuser. DV victims do not spy on their aggressors. DV victims do not gleefully engage in sex acts and initiate said sex acts. DV victims do not pose or posture in incriminating positions or poses as you already have no power, you don’t make yourself more vulnerable. I hope I have made my point clear, just typing this out still upsets me over two decades later. That is what abuse does to you. Jodi abused – no way. Ms. LaViolette re-victimizing and twisting true victims’ stomach’s into knots – absolutely. Again, apologies for the lengthy post and I hope I haven’t broken any rules. My heart breaks for the Alexander family as they have to sit and witness their brothers’ execution of character and good name. Just deplorable.

Ty for your honesty and story...truly...Thank You. I'm glad you are here =D:seeya:
JA insisted in her testiphony that "the gun went off" in the middle of the bathroom as TA was lunging toward her, but that he wasn't yet touching her.

Samuels says JA told him that she shot TA in the closet while he was pulling on her sweater. Samuels later changed his story.

JA told LaViolette that she shot TA in the closet. LaViolette has not changed her story.

Jodi says she can't keep her lies straight.

Well, neither can her $300/hour 'expert' witnesses.
The mental gymnastics is becoming a long, unnecessary task. Even in Jodi's plea deal, she said she would drag this out.

Just get to closing already. :rocker:

Funny you say that,I was just sitting out on my deck,listening to the birds,seems like this trial is consuming me,I had to go out and get some fresh air.And what do I sit and think?That ever since the defense started their case,every witness seems to be putting us through an endurance test.Just never-ending.
Good evening all. This is my first post and while I have lurked on this site for over 5 years, I finally felt compelled to register and comment on my experience as a DV survivor and why I am positive that jodi was in no way abused by Travis. I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I was married to my abuser. He was a good friend of my brothers and had been in and out of my parents’ house for years before we started dating. The time frame was late 70’s to mid 80’s. I was starting to get bad vibes about his controlling ways in our 2nd year of dating and tried to distance myself, he sabotaged my birth control several times and I found myself pregnant. We married, because that’s what you did back then. I endured broken bones, strangulation while my head was bashed into a concrete floor, beatings while pregnant with child #2, isolation, monitoring of my calls and my mileage tracked daily. He was careful never to mar my face so I could continue to work. I was doused in charcoal started while he flipped open and shut his zippo lighter. He told me how he would kill me, in detail. While in labor enroute to the hospital with baby #2 he told me he would take my son if I had a girl, because sons needed their fathers. He told me how he would take him. He did terrorize me. I left him for good the first and only time I saw him hurt my son. My kids were 4.5 and 6 months. We were all under an order of protection for 5 years. Still he followed and stalked me. Those are just some of the incidences. These were the days when the cops told the abuser to ‘go sleep somewhere else for the night’ and that was the end of that. I had a judge refuse to grant me a divorce because my ex wouldn’t cooperate and therefore the judge felt it was contested, even with hospital records and police reports. I was so fearful after getting my first apartment I slept in front of my door on the floor for the next two years. I would shower only during my lunch hour with a female co-worker present. I still have nightmares 25 years later, even though my ex husband died in 2000. That is what domestic violence is and what it does to a person. That is what emotional terrorism is. I take great offense to the defense team and ms alv’s assessment of poor jodi, so enraptured with Travis that despite how horrible he treated her she moved 1000+ miles to be closer to him because he guilted and controlled her and was still courting her. Nobody has ever abused that defendant. She killed Travis because he was DONE with her and finally had her number, realized her stalking behavior for what it was and he was through. She planned and executed Travis, no question, and ms laviolette should be ashamed of herself blindly defending the indefensible and throwing all true victims of domestic violence under the bus and then backing the bus over them again. I pray for the Alexander family and desperately want Justice for Travis and while initially I would have been happy for guilty and LWOP, I am so incensed that now I want the DP for her. If ms. alv’s reputation and career end up in shreds after this trial she need only look in the mirror if she wonders how it all went wrong. Sorry for this rant, but it has been building for days.
DV victims do not move 1000 miles to be closer to their abuser. DV victims do not spy on their aggressors. DV victims do not gleefully engage in sex acts and initiate said sex acts. DV victims do not pose or posture in incriminating positions or poses as you already have no power, you don’t make yourself more vulnerable. I hope I have made my point clear, just typing this out still upsets me over two decades later. That is what abuse does to you. Jodi abused – no way. Ms. LaViolette re-victimizing and twisting true victims’ stomach’s into knots – absolutely. Again, apologies for the lengthy post and I hope I haven’t broken any rules. My heart breaks for the Alexander family as they have to sit and witness their brothers’ execution of character and good name. Just deplorable.

Welcome and thank you very much for that very brave first post!!
What really upsets me with ALV is that she had to have known that Jodi is lying about being physically abused and yet she chose to testify to the contrary just for money.

Some people were trying to give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she was duped by the defense team, but IMO, I firmly believe she was not duped at all and just sided with the defense just for money.

The main reason I feel this way is because she herself said that she tries to use other information to corroborate what someone is telling her. Weeeelllllllllllllll, then why didnt she talk with her parents for 5 minutes each, which is the exact amount of time it took both of her parents to practically yell out to LE officer that Jodi has had serious mental issues.
We know the reason that ALV did not takl with her parents. Its because she KNEW. She totally knows what she is doing and she totally knows she is feeding a bunch of crap under oath just for MONEY!!!!

What an evil person ALV is. This is beyond cruel what she is doing. It is CRIMINAL. And if she has her way, and Jodi walks, and Jodi kills again, then that future blood will be directly on her hands.

And that is not even counting the public thrashing of Travis based all on Jodis lies, of which she has to know are lies.

I hope she can sleep at night with what she is doing, because I think KARMA is right around the corner for people like her.

I think ALV is more despised than the psychiatrist. Part of his lame testimony could be attributed to being charmed by Jodi. ALV doesn't have that excuse to fall back on. Her testimony is hurting domestic violence victims. I'm afraid some might listen to her testimony and think most victims are full of crap like she is.
Her parents knew she was screwed up but unfortunately probably never had an inkling of how dangerous she would be. It would be very interesting if a REAL psychiatrist were to investigate Jodi's childhood as to torturing animals, bed wetting and fire starting. I bet it could be found that she has much in common with serial killers.
Huh? Can you please clarify? :please:

One of the arguments discussed in court was started by Travis's friend right before they all went on a hiking trip. Travis's friend took it upon himself to rifle through Jodi's backpack, remove what he felt didn't belong to lighten the load. She got angry and I don't blame her.

Her hair looks awful

Wasn't sure which part you were confused about;)

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I'm confused...:what:...I thought that LaV said today that Jodi told her the knife was on the nightstand? Did I dream it?

No, that is what she told ALV. JM asked her about shooting TA and also about the knife. When ALV answered totally different than what JA has said I was surprised that JM did not pursue it, but now I think he is saving it for closing. jmo
What really upsets me with ALV is that she had to have known that Jodi is lying about being physically abused and yet she chose to testify to the contrary just for money.

Some people were trying to give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she was duped by the defense team, but IMO, I firmly believe she was not duped at all and just sided with the defense just for money.

The main reason I feel this way is because she herself said that she tries to use other information to corroborate what someone is telling her. Weeeelllllllllllllll, then why didnt she talk with her parents for 5 minutes each, which is the exact amount of time it took both of her parents to practically yell out to LE officer that Jodi has had serious mental issues.
We know the reason that ALV did not takl with her parents. Its because she KNEW. She totally knows what she is doing and she totally knows she is feeding a bunch of crap under oath just for MONEY!!!!

What an evil person ALV is. This is beyond cruel what she is doing. It is CRIMINAL. And if she has her way, and Jodi walks, and Jodi kills again, then that future blood will be directly on her hands.

And that is not even counting the public thrashing of Travis based all on Jodis lies, of which she has to know are lies.

I hope she can sleep at night with what she is doing, because I think KARMA is right around the corner for people like her.

One of our members mentioned $300.000 today. I hope the money burns holes in her hands. She is a right in my mind with zero creds. She sells whatever anyone wants to see and hear hence her old fashioned appearance. I'm not buying!
That's where the FOG rolls in....

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Ahhhhh---well that fog is the most useful thing any murderer could ever hope for. It must be replacing "I was so high on drugs, I don't remember"
Oh, I don't think so JJ. I think they will definitely get a lesser included charge.
Are we talking two different things?
1) Her state of mind at the time of the murder (battered woman)
2) SD claim, and lesser included if they haven't proven SD

And I agree they may get a lesser charge included, but I think they'll fail on the juror instructions of the battered woman.
I think this trial has proven that Snow White was indeed an abuse victim. Of the Evil Queen and the Huntsman trying to prove that a Rotten Apple was the actual victim.

If we remember Samuels for nothing more than the Hippy-Dippy Hippocampus then I think ALV has gone one worse. She introduced The Abuse Continuum and the minute I saw that stalking was under terrorism I knew her goose was cooked. Using it as a shell game to switch the real victim and the phony victim will ruin her reputation the most I think because a monkey can see who falls where on that chart.

I'm sure that many therapists who might use it in the future will make sure it is in a plain brown wrapper because she created a burlesque if not a total parody of her own research due to overweening pride. If she wasn't smart enough to have seen from the outset that introducing the word "stalker" on any type of chart or graph in this trial would have smoked her client then perhaps she should have been more modest on her CV. She could have easily testified about mutually toxic behavior in general terms but that chart put Miss Jodi in a completely different category of craze and left even the worst that TA might have done (even if any of it were actually true) in a much more benign light than the defendant. Way to go Alyce! The naivete is staggering, imo.

Or maybe she just didn't consult enough with "Miss Einstein" who is looking awfully pouty as if perhaps she sees yet another faux migraine on the horizon.

I think she is pouty because someone read here about her hair as a hiding place. Look at her, I cant see her wanting that. While I think of it Travis said he had things he would tell all about JA. also. HMMMMM. P.S. Her dad said (around tape also in print) she had breast surgery and Butt surgery. Hmm check butt I shall!:seeya:
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