trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #148

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Get over the darn journals already for goodness sakes - she reads peer reviewed articles from the internet.
Oh, trying a Juan again.

She needs to get her own style.

Or maybe she is much like JA and mimics others.
I can't take this anymore. :eek:fftobed: After this stuff I hope I die in my sleep. :thud:

I hope JW finishes soon! She drives me nuts!!
I love that Wilmott tried to bring up JD billable hours...are you kidding me?? She spent 12 hours OH excuse me 12 1/2 hours with JA. ALV spent 44. How much was that bill??

Eleven thousand dollars out of the taxpayers pockets just for that.
That last shot of Dr. D and Juan in split screen: He looks so proud of her!
Come on Willmott .. you should know better than this! Surely Wilmott reads these articles too .. perhaps not.
OH LORD..JW is watching the jury as she asks the questions about the journals..thinking she caught JD in a lie!!
No one reads "journals". When you have an interest in a particular subject you find an article in a database. Someone needs to tell JW that it's not like subscribing to Cosmo.
I love this, will you tell me how to save it so it is animated. When I try to save it saves a a still picture.

Save as a gif. When I save one of these they don't animate until I put them into and email or whatever :)
dah dah dah....:(

that's NOT what I asked you! Oh I see if you can't beat em join em?
Wilmott has to understand that, in the 21st century, we have discipline-specific databases from which we access information... it's a huge improvement on receiving a print journal 4 times a year.

If she doesn't get this, her knowledge is as dated as LaViolette.

Her hostility toward DeMarte has no basis. DeMarte comes across as a compliant witness who isn't trying to obfuscate her testimony. Jury sees this, for sure.
That's right JW, you covered this yesterday! :gavel: Move it along.....
Interestingly, WildAboutTrial has practically stopped tweeting. Apparently, there's nothing being said worth repeating.

:floorlaugh: He's BORED just like the rest of us having to listen to Willmott !

Maybe he could tweet some jokes ... he is hilarious :great:

WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Dr. D sounds tired of answering Willmott's questions and seems to be correcting Willmott on many of her facts. #JodiArias
You have 2 cases w/county Atty office
you spent 12 hours speaking with JA -

there is a lot of materials - I reviewed some before, some after, same day . . . . between sessions - continually .. ..

continued reading materials never went back . . . 12 hrs interview and testing . . . it was about 12 hours the day I tested 5 hrs. .. 15-30 min after that I spent questioning her.

12 - 12.5 hrs . . . . I spent a lot of time . . . I did find some inconsistencies in what she was saying.

JW - what we are talking about here is the hours you spent with JA 12 - 12.5 = you have no idea what you spent . . . for that $250 hours . . . over 50hours? . . . yes probably over 50 . . .
bill to prosecutors office
correct I send my bill to you except the bill I sent to you
for our interview

you spoke to one other person Steven alexander - didn't speak to anyone else and didn't do more interviewing ..

conversation with TA brother 30 min . . .behavioral observations, interview, and testing

advertisement in Psychology Today - list qualificcations where went to school you license number in Az - you have practiced for 8 years . . . .you have been practicing as a psychologist for 3 years . . .

they don't have a space for that . . . even though you have practicing psychologist 3 yrs
you are adding the word psychologist I have been practicing for 8 yrs

but that was before you had your license. . . . .
you talk before you had only your bachelors degree before your Master's degree . . . you didn't have your license
it was unnecessary
practicing therapy without a license?
that happens all the time

ALV has her masters and she has a license
I was going thru process of achieving my doctorate

you clarify with people when they ask about 8 years background it was Master's level not as psychologist -
yes I clarified that with someone just 2 weeks ago.

Trauma patient . . .
specific interviews for trauma patients
nowhere on your CV
that is right because I don't include each and every eval on each and every patient . . .

it doesn't list trauma victims
sure it does . .. Mother and infant study
passiveness and anti-social behavior those specific have trauma victims

you don't list it on CV
I feel it necessary to pad my CV

do you have anywhere listed trauma
I have taught trauma, schizophrenia, bi-polar, I have taught 4 courses @ Michigan State University - abnormal psychology undergraduate students while I was Master

exposure to trauma aspects of trauma and different measures of trauma
no it was about community exposure and the effects

a member of associations =- not a member of any specific trauma association
part of license - education so many hours a year
attend conferences?
I can

attended trauma conferences, read specific trauma journals . . .
testing that you did you gave the WRAT

5.5 hrs doing testing . . .
very quick test
just them being able to read words - wanted to make sure she could MMMPI make sure she could read . . .

you had seen some of her journals and could see she could write , she writes quite a bit - you couldn't tell she could read?
I felt it good practice to ensure she could read

gave the WAIS - overall intelligence test -- gives an IQ score - had some contact with her 12 hours of time . . .read thru text messages between her and TA

at that point in time - she able to follow conversations - you still concerned she had

sense of immaturity
low IQ
I was curious what that could mean - comprehensive and rule out
found she has a pretty high IQ

2 of the tests of the 5.5 hrs . . being paid $250 per hour

the other ay you spoke of objectivity of testing - lack compassion when interviewing

I don't walk in having compassion for the person immediately but it is possible to have it

objective testing
test scores mean a lot to you
objective is another data point

doing these tests . . different tests are objective they are computer scored . . MMPI and TSI is scored by hadn . . .

could have scored
pierson version

scoring sheet scores it handscoring
still consider it objective
unless the data is altered if done per protocol then yes

handscore done per protocol you would agree objective

PDS score - only given once before

I have never given the PDS
Post Traumatic Stress test
Edna Phoa . . . creator of the test

you had to buy own copy because you didn't have it
I borrowed one from a colleague

jAs answers from the PDS
borrowed actual test questions
didn't have experience giving that
similar to other self report measures - never gave that specific one

PSD test questions not given by the defense
only the bubble sheet would be considered raw data
owners of PDs test -- creators people who do these Pierson Assessments
I think that is who distributes

the company that owns the test now Pearson . . .have copyrite on this test . . .

seen the MMPI -
I have seen many tests

BRAVO :clap: :clap: :clap:
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