Trial Discussion Thread #28 - 14.04.17, Day 25

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I only caught the last 45 minutes today and based on how that made me feel I refuse to watch any more of him. But please, do share with me how Dixon scientically determined the light in the WC was inoperable over a year ago!!! I'm on the edge of my seat... :popcorn:

I don't recall that bit, however he did testify to the lighting conditions of the crime scene without bothering to turn on the balcony light. A light OP testified was on that night. How's that for expert analysis!
Ha! His testimony was anything but "sound." It was a three-ring circus!

I am astounded that the defense hired this guy to testify as an expert witness in this very high profile case when he has never done so in the past. It's his first. What were they thinking?!

Dixon was prob. the only "expert" witness Roux could get that would say what he did: Reeva was shot while reaching out to touch the door handle, or possibly touching it. Thus giving credence to Oscar's: I shot when I thought I heard wood moving--the door starting to open.

Apparently no one else was willing to say that. So while Dixon often spoke in Oscar-Speak, probably he is Roux' creation.

ETA: And Roux--knowing Nel--=should have realized the probable outcome. Thus I opined a 1-word summary: Desperation.
That's what Baba said, but he also said he called OP before OP called him - and the record shows the latter is false.

It's far more credible to me that Baba would screw up the sequence of the calls but get the words right, than OP forget he talked to Baba at all, yet OP's DT suggested that he said "I'm fine" to Baba and not "everything is fine." I don't think so.

This is a trait of spoiled, utterly self-absorbed individuals that is particularly obnoxious to me. They really do think that they if they change their minds, opinions and versions, then the rest of the world will just have to accept them at face value. They always get their way.

Well, sorry, but OP isn't charming, smart, manipulative or persuasive enough to get me to see the sky as hot red because he says so, when I know it's blue. I have faith that Judge Masipa isn't going to look up and see a hot red sky either.
When did Mr. Nel ask for a weeks postponement? I mean what was happening at that point in the trial? Where were we at with witnesses? Sorry but it is evening for me so I don't recall those details at the moment. I have a suspicion that OP may be offering a guilty plea for a lesser charge, but Nel isn't willing to let him off for less than 25 years. Hmm... :D
Dixon was prob. the only "expert" witness Roux could get that would say what he did: Reeva was shot while reaching out to touch the door handle, or possibly touching it. Thus giving credence to Oscar's: I shot when I thought I heard wood moving--the door starting to open.

Apparently no one else was willing to say that. So while Dixon often spoke in Oscar-Speak, probably he is Roux' creation.

ETA: And Roux--knowing Nel--=should have realized the probable outcome. Thus I opined a 1-word summary: Desperation.

failed spectacularly

OP testified about the "noise" he heard, first it was movement he heard (Nel challenged him that this means people moving, OP said no) then OP said it was wood on wood, ie door being opened, then it was the magazine rack, well thats wood on concrete!

What a dogs dinner OP!!!
It's far more credible to me that Baba would screw up the sequence of the calls but get the words right, than OP forget he talked to Baba at all, yet OP's DT suggested that he said "I'm fine" to Baba and not "everything is fine." I don't think so.

This is a trait of spoiled, utterly self-absorbed individuals that is particularly obnoxious to me. They really do think that they if they change their minds, opinions and versions, then the rest of the world will just have to accept them at face value. They always get their way.

Well, sorry, but OP isn't charming, smart, manipulative or persuasive enough to get me to see the sky as hot red because he says so, when I know it's blue. I have faith that Judge Masipa isn't going to look up and see a hot red sky either.

Me neither, if he walks its her career down the pan too

I wish I could judge her expressions but they are soooo well hidden, when she looks at people you dont know if she wants to hug them or spit intheir face
It doesn't begin and end there. You should always use additional evidence to strengthen a claim, if at all possible. This is exactly why the photographers were in the Stipps house.

It'll be interesting to see reaction if a close neighbour appears on the witness stand and testifies to hearing OP scream at the times when Reeva was supposed to be screaming.

Can I trust they'll have everyone's support?

If five witnesses testify to Oscar's screams, I'll consider it a draw.:moo:;)
Dixon was prob. the only "expert" witness Roux could get that would say what he did: Reeva was shot while reaching out to touch the door handle, or possibly touching it. Thus giving credence to Oscar's: I shot when I thought I heard wood moving--the door starting to open.

Apparently no one else was willing to say that. So while Dixon often spoke in Oscar-Speak, probably he is Roux' creation.

ETA: And Roux--knowing Nel--=should have realized the probable outcome. Thus I opined a 1-word summary: Desperation.

Pathologist declines to testify in Oscar Pistorius trial

A star pathologist hired by Oscar Pistorius told AFP on Thursday he will not testify at the athlete's murder trial, another blow for his defence after a week of savage cross-examination.

Private forensic pathologist Reggie Perumal - who joined Pistorius's hand-picked team soon after Reeva Steenkamp was killed on Valentine's Day morning 2013 - will not take the stand, amid suggestions his post-mortem findings support key parts of the prosecution's case.

"I have heard that it might be because he refused to amend his version," said Steve Naidoo, a Durban-based private forensic pathologist. "If so, and if Dr Perumal is not willing to twist the truth, then it's to his tremendous credit."

State pathologist Gert Saayman said vegetable matter in Steenkamp's stomach suggested she ate around two hours prior to her death at 3:17 am, a finding that conflicts with Pistorius's version of events that the couple were peacefully asleep at that time.

"To the best of my recollection he was in agreement," said Saayman about Perumal.

"It doesn't matter what the case is, if it is big or small," he told the Mercury. "What is most rewarding is when the truth is presented and justice is done."
Apart from all the obvious flaws in Pistorius' testimony, what clinches it for me is the total improbability that he wouldn't have heard Reeva at some stage.

I personally believe that if there was indeed an intruder, there would have been some communication between him and Reeva. Not one way communciation - there would have been some response from her.

He's shouting - no response.
He shoots - no response.
He goes back to look for her (with his belief she is alive and hiding in the bedroom) - no response.

In reality, if he had shot the door and then went to find her, he wouldn't need to actively "look" for her in the bedroom, feeling the curtains etc. She would have most certainly made herself known. He is covering all his bases to create what he sees as his perfect version.

What a load of poppycock!

Given the judge sentenced a police officer for life for shooting his wife because "you are not a protector, you are a killer ... " I am hopeful that he will go down big time.

Although most of the evidence is circumstantial, I am hoping the witness accounts will be enough. I think it is expected that witnesses' accounts are never 100% accurate and the court will take any discrepancies at that value.

goodnight all from sunny London today,must get back to real life sometimes :D

I remember listening intently and contributing to the casey anthony case online and how did that turn out, the total dipstick baez won it i sooo hope the same doesnt happen here if he is guity, dont care if he has stumps or had a hard life or is a medal winner, they are irrelevant
That's what Baba said, but he also said he called OP before OP called him - and the record shows the latter is false.

I think there is some confusion about that. That first call was apparently a 'failed' call in that no one spoke. So Baba did not count it as a call, but phoned OP himself. So he was not necessarily being dishonest when he testified to that.
Apart from all the obvious flaws in Pistorius' testimony, what clinches it for me is the total improbability that he wouldn't have heard Reeva at some stage.

I personally believe that if there was indeed an intruder, there would have been some communication between him and Reeva. Not one way communciation - there would have been some response from her.

He's shouting - no response.
He shoots - no response.
He goes back to look for her (with his belief she is alive and hiding in the bedroom) - no response.

In reality, if he had shot the door and then went to find her, he wouldn't need to actively "look" for her in the bedroom, feeling the curtains etc. She would have most certainly made herself known. He is covering all his bases to create what he sees as his perfect version.

What a load of poppycock!

Given the judge sentenced a police officer for life for shooting his wife because "you are not a protector, you are a killer ... " I am hopeful that he will go down big time.

Although most of the evidence is circumstantial, I am hoping the witness accounts will be enough. I think it is expected that witnesses' accounts are never 100% accurate and the court will take any discrepancies at that value.


it IS a load of poppycock

That judge has put a man in jail for 200 yrs for rape, so fingers crossed he will pay
it IS a load of poppycock

That judge has put a man in jail for 200 yrs for rape, so fingers crossed he will pay

We live in hope ... I think with the international media in this case, the judge will make a very careful deliberation and judgment. SA can't afford otherwise. So, yeah, guess we'll just have to wait and see. Even with all the corruption, I'm hopeful.
BBM. Maybe because he was furiously angry?

So it goes like this? Bat sounds and a small hole in the door. Woman's fearful screaming. Gun shots. Screaming stops. Uses the bat as a lever (no hitting) and his hands to pry open the door. Door breaks open through bullet hole. Oscar crying and praying.

This theory makes wonderful sense to me. It's what I think happened.
The splinters around the bullet holes were evidence of the angle at which they were shot, not the closeness.

I bet you could determine distance by angle. I hope the defense does this if Dixon was not credible.


the splinter evidence i am referring to are the marks around the hip wound. these splinters can only penetrate the skin [and clothing] at short distances.

so rs was standing close to the door. for the hip shot.

[c/o mr dixon]
It's far more credible to me that Baba would screw up the sequence of the calls but get the words right, than OP forget he talked to Baba at all, yet OP's DT suggested that he said "I'm fine" to Baba and not "everything is fine." I don't think so.

This is a trait of spoiled, utterly self-absorbed individuals that is particularly obnoxious to me. They really do think that they if they change their minds, opinions and versions, then the rest of the world will just have to accept them at face value. They always get their way.

Well, sorry, but OP isn't charming, smart, manipulative or persuasive enough to get me to see the sky as hot red because he says so, when I know it's blue. I have faith that Judge Masipa isn't going to look up and see a hot red sky either.
Well ... that's quite something you wrote there, but my point was Baba was insistent he called OP first - insistent under repeated questioning. And he was wrong about that. When a witness if provably wrong about something he was adamant about, it stands to reason he might have been wrong about other things.
A local pub has recently opened in downtown Dublin, Ireland called THE LIARS TRIAL or euphemistically known as THE RUNNERS TRIAL.

Within a very short period the pub has become immensely popular with the local Irish community. Anyone performing stand-up comedy or acting is rewarded with an OSCAR…a pint of locally manufactured draft. Any woman that returns from the toilet is entitled to FOUR SHOTS of a local drink call THE KILLER(tequila).

The pub has a fierce local Irish Terrier named GERRIE as its mascot… rumoured to bring POETIC JUSTICE or luck to the patrons who all have a common identity. Gambling is popular amongst the local patrons as a form of wagering money. Wagers are referred to as I PUT IT TO YOU’s. A popular wager is whether Pistorius will be found to be a “FACTORY FAULT”.

Most patrons would like to see Pistorius found GUILTY of PREMEDITATION and believe that LANDMAN is just a terrorist who undermines the Judiciary and the National Prosecuting Authority whilst poising as a human rights activist.

The lasses who frequently visit the pub displaying an array of fashion are referred to as AIMEE’s, whilst the person responsible for cleaning up any mess is known as OLDWAGE and his assistant as UNCLE ARNOLD.

Two of the popular dishes available are the MASIPA and the MANGENA. The bouncer or strongman at the door of THE LIARS TRIAL is called BARRY ROUX and is known to be a staunch defender of the DISORDERLY, and is fond of just taking their money whilst offering an illogical and poor defence.

The toilet or piss latrine is appropriately referred to as THE DIXON. It is reported that LIES, TEARS, AGGRESSIVENESS, BLAMING, CONVENIENT AMNESIA, WOMEN ABUSE and RETCHING are considered as ANTI SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDERs.

Any patron who gets “pissed” or found to be unable to hold their drink is called a PISTORIAN. THE LIARS TRIAL have warmly welcomed South Africans however would like to make it clear that no pistols, ZOOMBIE STOPPERS and PISTORIANS are allowed. BLACK TALONS are illegal in Ireland.

Cooment found on this link which I thought was too witty not to post here:

the splinter evidence i am referring to are the marks around the hip wound. these splinters can only penetrate the skin [and clothing] at short distances.

so rs was standing close to the door. for the hip shot.

[c/o mr dixon]

Oh, yes, Reeva was standing close to the door.

I was talking about Oscar.
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