GUILTY TX - Alicia Moore, 16, Greenville, 2 November 2012

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God bless her mom for telling LE the truth: And her mother told police she'd disappeared before with an older male she'd befriended over the summer. That's why her case was initially filed as a runaway.

Crysler or DODGE mini-van behind the bus.

PLEASE watch the video. ETA: video: AM ran off with the old man per recently released documents.

So ....... LE is CYA? Anyone still think that?

Is this the "older" man that is in jail now????
Having problems with you link.


Newly released documents in the case reveal Moore suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and was on medication for it. And her mother told police she'd disappeared before with an older male she'd befriended over the summer. That's why her case was initially filed as a runaway.


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This is what I have been wondering all along: did LE initially classify her as a runaway because she'd run off before to meet someone? And is that what happened in the sexual assault charges against TR?
I think LE knows more than they are saying. And agree about the Elephants. :waitasec:

I'm sitting on my hands about the RSO near the bus top. He's also a family member and I don't know if I can post his name.

I think she came on the first bus and then went to someones home nearby. And I do believe it was someone she knw and trusted. Placing her in a box where someone could find her indicates a level of 'care' for the victim. imo

I had hoped he reward would push someone to report what they know. Still hoping it does.

I'm sorry if this question is not allowed, but is he an uncle? I noticed he's close in age to AM's mother. I think this RSO is a HUGE thing. I also thought uncle because someone said upthread that an uncle (who has not been named or talked about) was home that day.

IMO - All of this would make sense since the rest of her family didn't know she was coming home early (maybe she went to his house because she didn't have a key to get in to her own house, in order to wait for her family to get home). And then the whole iPad situation would make more sense, since if he's a relative he could've been familiar with the device being school issued. Lastly, placing her body in the trunk and taking her far away shows some connection to her.

This is clearly my rambling thoughts, and all MOO, but I just find that RSO link very significant.
Is this the "older" man that is in jail now????

IMO .. yes. He's 49. He sexually assaulted her several times in July per this:
Months before Moore was killed, her mother told police that 49-year-old Terry Dwayne Ramsire abused her daughter, according to police. Ramsire was charged with sexual assault of a child and indecency with a child by sexual contact, according to a city spokesperson. He's being held in the Hunt County Jail on $70,000 bond, and while Ramsire was locked up at the time of Moore's disappearance and homicide, police say they are working to determine if a connection exists.
This is what I have been wondering all along: did LE initially classify her as a runaway because she'd run off before to meet someone? And is that what happened in the sexual assault charges against TR?

Yes. Her mom SAID she had run off before to be with this older man. Her aunt and others have denied that though.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`re going to take a short break. But on the other side of the break, I do want to ask you about this false report of two arrests, without mentioning names. There were a lot of details. And they alleged that there was some kind of previous history involving Alicia`s mother`s complaining to police about some kind of sexual assault. We want to debunk this if it`s not true but examine it if it is.

More on the other side.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel personally that they really kind of dropped the ball here. I looked at the criteria. And I believe she may have met that criteria. The family just wasn`t taken seriously.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Alicia was last seen Friday, November 2, getting off her school bus at about 3:30 in the afternoon. Police did not issue an Amber Alert with her photo until Monday, Monday evening. Alicia`s body was found Tuesday.

We called the Greenville police three times. And we only heard back after we called them about this strange report that they`re saying is just not true, that there was an arrest involving two men.

Now, as part of this story that the police debunked, there was a report that Alicia`s mother had filed a criminal complaint over the summer saying that a man -- we don`t want to name any names, Jessica -- had sexually assaulted her daughter.

So, Jessica Byrd, you`re the aunt of this victim who died -- who was murdered, who was put in a storage trunk. Is there any kind of suspicious back story where something happened, there was somebody who maybe had it out for this little girl?

BYRD: Not that I`m aware of.


BYRD: She`s a homebody. All she does is home, school, and that`s it. No extracurricular activity. She`s always around us, her family.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did she ever run away in the past?

BYRD: No. And that`s what a police officer must have misunderstood when the report got done. But I spoke to authorities that Sunday night to let him know straight that, hey, she never did this before.

And it`s a shame how they`ve been treating this from the beginning. And now they want to do something, and now she`s dead. I`m getting very frustrated.

WTHeck is up with the Aunt? Contrast with AM's mom. UGH:banghead:
has her home address been given out by MSM?

does someone have that easiler available?


"And her mother told police she'd disappeared before with an older male she'd befriended over the summer. That's why her case was initially filed as a runaway."

BBM... first question that came to mind is by older does she mean a few years older, or a lot of years older? At Alicia's age, the difference between say 16 and 20 or 22 is a pretty big gap but it happens, but 16 and say 49? Whole different story IMO.
has her home address been given out by MSM?

does someone have that easiler available?


Nope per MSM. here's what we have:

The pictures show a dark-colored Chrysler or Dodge vehicle, possibly a minivan, directly behind the bus as Alicia Moore got off of it on Nov. 2 at about 3:25 p.m. Moore went missing after she got off of the school bus at the intersection of Walnut Street and Bourland Street. The school bus was headed north toward Graham Park.

and here is Alicia's MOM with a reporter at about 27 sec walking us from where the bus stopped to their home:

I post this AGAIN to let everyone know who her mom is.
I saw that after I'd posted. Thanks for the correction and link. :)

I hope you know I wasn't trying to correct you. I was trying to make things a little clearer. I hate to correct people and mean no harm/insult. :blushing:

"And her mother told police she'd disappeared before with an older male she'd befriended over the summer. That's why her case was initially filed as a runaway."

BBM... first question that came to mind is by older does she mean a few years older, or a lot of years older? At Alicia's age, the difference between say 16 and 20 or 22 is a pretty big gap but it happens, but 16 and say 49? Whole different story IMO.

The mom said OLDER. Take it for what it's worth since there is only charges against one guy, from this summer that harmed AM and he's 49. JMO
Thank you.

See here's the thing ... Elephant in the Room, IMO.

The family said they didn't know AM was coming home on the GISD bus that day since she stayed for the ACE program and came home around 7:30 pm. They became alarmed after 7:30ish and rightly so and called LE. LE contacted the GISD the next day to SEE what was what. Video of school bus, iPad, etc. was supplied to LE.

SO ... do WE think she came home on the GISD bus at 3:30ish and some random dude/dudette snatch her by chance, etc....????? :(


Someone knew she was on that GISD bus arriving home EARLY and met her, etc....?????? :(

I know most/if not all discount her iPad. I don't. It's a big clue that someone knew how to reset it back to factory settings and erase the Find my iPad settings, which would have shown where it was. It's the easiest thing in the world to reset that iPad. I did it when I gave my old one to my niece. It took just minutes to erase all my info and the iCloud .. which is what you use (on another device) to find your iPad. You can make it LOUDLY Beep or display a message ... like "hi... you found me .... call XXXXX to return it to owner" if it goes missing/lost/misplaced.

The GISD is not going to issue iPads without the Find my iPad with iCloud activated. JMO.

IF some random dude/dudette found her iPad (backpack) and reset to factory and IF you are going to discard a body ... why not just discard the possessions either with the body or hither and yon? Why go to the trouble to reset to factory? You are going to drive miles and miles away and discard the body in a wicker trunk but reset an iPad? Makes no sense to me and that's JMO.

Out of here for a while since I am the odd woman out that I don't think LE has been CYA at all. I listened to the presser and didn't :furious: like all here. I was floored with that take. LE was saying things between the lines that I picked up on. The Elephant in THAT room on THAT day was that LE and the family knew about AM sexual assaults in July. The very fragile, sweet, little, bullied (family glossed over that), so much of a homebody was SA before she disappeared. How in the world did that happen? LE knew that from the get go. LE didn't tell us that ... the press did many days later.

Sorry for the "novel". lol. BBL with a clearer head and no :furious: but still :truce:

I, too, am totally sitting on my hands... maybe not for the exact same reasons... but there are factors stated from the beginning that have been glossed over.

I can't bring them up because of TOS, and understandably so... so I will continue to wait and see.. and also agree that there is a, or are some, elephant(s) in the room...

Nope per MSM. here's what we have:

The pictures show a dark-colored Chrysler or Dodge vehicle, possibly a minivan, directly behind the bus as Alicia Moore got off of it on Nov. 2 at about 3:25 p.m. Moore went missing after she got off of the school bus at the intersection of Walnut Street and Bourland Street. The school bus was headed north toward Graham Park.

and here is Alicia's MOM with a reporter at about 27 sec walking us from where the bus stopped to their home:

I post this AGAIN to let everyone know who her mom is.

Thanks for the link. If the house they showed in the video is actually her house, they pretty much did give out the address albeit not in writing. I'm not sure if it's OK to post, but if you watch the video they show the street # of the house and then they say the street name.
I have a Dodge minivan, and while the grill area looks the same, the outline of the vehicle looks more like the Dodge Rams or maybe even the Durango. MOO
Thanks for the link. If the house they showed in the video is actually her house, they pretty much did give out the address albeit not in writing. I'm not sure if it's OK to post, but if you watch the video they show the street # of the house and then they say the street name.

Yep ... that's why I posted it. LOL. We can't mention it, IMO ... against TOS but alert posters know. wink wink.
The mom said OLDER. Take it for what it's worth since there is only charges against one guy, from this summer that harmed AM and he's 49. JMO

True. I was kind of thinking that calling it aggravated assault was surprising if she intentionally ran away with the guy, but I'm sure there's way more to it. I know when I was that age "older" meant basically anyone old enough to be out of high school while I was still in high school, give or take a year, so that's why I was wondering.

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