GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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Them being home or not home has not been confirmed either way. I believe people were just asking that question. I am sure LE knows the answer to that question however that information has not been released nor been in MSM that I know of.

Usually what LE doesn't speak on, IMO, like the black shirt that he was wearing that night, the bite mark being a bite mark or not, and now who exactly was home that night, lead me to believe there's something to keep secret there. Meaning, they either have his shirt from that night or know he got rid of it, they know it was a bite mark and they know who was home and plan to use it against him. All of it.

I feel the same.
A couple of the things like the cartel comments on who EA knows or likes that's involved w cartel I know nothing about so it was confusing but the other information seemed like someone sat down and typed it all out and it wasn't perfect grammar or spelling, so it wasn't an attorney probably, but it also didn't seem to of been typed out by someone who needed to go back to school either.
I know it's posssssssible there was SA involved I just didn't trek that was the motive and still don't really... But that's just me. I could be wrong.
I feel like that comment was drug induced psycho babble compliments of the Dallas Dance Music scene. Too many drugs make the mind take tidbits from here and there and throw together this huge conspiracy.
I feel like that comment was drug induced psycho babble compliments of the Dallas Dance Music scene. Too many drugs make the mind take tidbits from here and there and throw together this huge conspiracy.

ah well. Most of this case has lots of weird twists and turns and people though doesn't it? :)
However, there is the flip side. If a plea will keep EA put away for life & only remove the death penalty, as long as Christina is found, it would spare her family the agony of a trial.

It also makes her a token. Which if this is someone you love it's very hard to know that you are essentially giving them something in exchange for something, when they've already taken something precious to you.
I just don't see EA being involved with a cartel. He lives with his parents. My friend who's brother works at CCDC said he was crying like a giant baby when he first got to the jail. In my mind, cartel members just don't carry themselves that way.

I tend to agree that a cartel-related act is unlikely, but my reasoning is less about him and more about real life and KISS. It's easy to conjure up all sorts of complex scenarios, because we see them on TV and in the movies. But in real life, it's rarely complicated, and when we try to add layers of complexity because that seems like the thing to do, it takes us away from the truth.

Simple story. Boy wants girl. Girl says no. Boy gets mad, things get weird, and it escalates into bad stuff. And here we are, 4 months later, trying to find what happened to the girl.
Chances are you probably don't hang out with a cartel member though either so you have no idea how they'd react if they knew they were going down for something that maybe they weren't the only one involved in, and if they rat out others, their family could be killed or other possible scenarios. I'd cry if I knew I was going away for life and I couldn't speak up.

Not to mention, Hispanics tend to live with their families so living at home with your parents doesn't mean you can't be a cartel member at all. He may not be a member but just associated w them. No one knows. I'm just saying it's not out of the ordinary for Hispanics to live with family as even adults and it doesn't mean they're not associated w cartel. Please don't go down the road of "not all cultures are the same" Yada yada. I know that. I'm saying MOST Hispanics don't mind living together.

Jmo of course!
Yea, I know but going into the jail carrying on like that will make him lose some serious street cred. He's gotta know that, right?
I just don't see EA being involved with a cartel. He lives with his parents. My friend who's brother works at CCDC said he was crying like a giant baby when he first got to the jail. In my mind, cartel members just don't carry themselves that way.
Yes, I agree. I do not think he is part of the cartel. At least not directly. But I won't rule out that he may be somehow loosely connected, which could still be potentially intermingled with this whole thing.
Yea, I know but going into the jail carrying on like that will make him lose some serious street cred. He's gotta know that, right?

If he keeps that up the "E" in "EA" is gonna stand for Erica because someone will see him crying like that and want to make him their girlfriend! :lol:
Very well said. Merry Christmas JMOM and to Jonni and all of Christina's family. her friends are grieving on FB and it hurts to see pop up in my feed. I wish peace for all of them. It would be such a blessing to know she is home for Christmas.

Enrique might have been odd, but he DID have a heart at one point. I would hate to think it's completely cold. I really do wonder if he found himself in a bigger mess than we all thought and e genuinely is scared for his own life. Unfortunately, if it is drug related, there is always someone higher up or someone stepping in. If you aren't familiar with the way things are run, Enrique will become the number one target . He will lose his life. I'm trying not to stick up for him or make excuses, just showing how scared he could be. He could be scared of prison, but even more so, scared of whatever happens if he talks. They mark you and will hunt you until the job is done. If you go to jail and keep quiet, they pay you. Give you many thousands, make sure you are okay in prison. If you get out, you have two options 1.) you can stay apart of the group and are "promoted", or 2.) they let you go. Simple as that. Just don't talk.

So I HOPE it's not cartel or drug related. Because he won't talk if it is.

So, is there any way out for his family not to be harmed if he wants to do the right thing and give location details?

Just brain-storming... could EA tell his Mom where Christina is without being overheard or recorded during a jail visit? Could his Mom then secretly arrange to give someone a tip so they can "luckily" find her? The rescue person could also receive a reward, but he/she must take the secret to their grave.

Are there any other scenarios that will work?
If he keeps that up the "E" in "EA" is gonna stand for Erica because someone will see him crying like that and want to make him their girlfriend! :lol:

I think if he is in kind of gang or cartel there are members in there who will protect him. moo
So, is there any way out for his family not to be harmed if he wants to do the right thing and give location details?

Just brain-storming... could EA tell his Mom where Christina is without being overheard or recorded during a jail visit? Could his Mom then secretly arrange to give someone a tip so they can "luckily" find her? The rescue person could also receive a reward, but he/she must take the secret to their grave.

Are there any other scenarios that will work?

That would be awesome for an anonymous tip to come, but I doubt it would come thru family as finding Christina may further implicate EA. IMO

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. And Happy Holidays to all. I'm so sad that Christina is not with her family right now. There's little solace in the fact that EA is where I believe he belongs, but it's something.
Jmo, this case is not about cartels, or even drugs...just violence against women. If EA had walked out one of the other women and she refused an advance, she would be missing instead of Christina. Hope the other females who were present will realize this and cooperate in any and all ways in testifying against EA.
Jmo, this case is not about cartels, or even drugs...just violence against women. If EA had walked out one of the other women and she refused an advance, she would be missing instead of Christina. Hope the other females who were present will realize this and cooperate in any and all ways in testifying against EA.

I totally agree with this!!! Thank you!!
You know, I don't think he's wrapped up in some cartel either, we are giving him way too much "street cred" for reality.
I've been thinking about the way he spoke/acted toward SB. First he's never been with her (according to PP and other party goers) so they don't have a history of random hook ups or make outs. He has a GF.He shows up and appears interested in SB, but instead of really trying to win her over, he is weird and rude! She asks him to move from the couch, so that she could sleep there. He yells NO. She leaves to the bedroom alone and 10min later he walks in there to say if your not coming to the couch I'm going home.

^^ WTH kind of guy does that?! He's not nice looking, hes not romantic (in anyway) he acts jealous and controlling just from the interaction between them two in the affidavit.

And then someone posted that he was crying like a baby while being booked into CCDC.

You know. ^ those kind of guys....are nothing but cowards. He's much too naive to be involved with outside cartels or those kind of people. Maybe in his lies, he's told ppl he's big **** but c'mon, really?!
Cartel members don't deal with ppl like EA. They're filthy rich, they hang with lawyers and policticiians in Southlake (bc they buy drugs too and they're rich), or owners of clubs (again lots of drugs) that make a crap load of money, they have mansions, not ppl like EA!!!

I think he lured CM into his car, for a ride prob to her dads. Then he got pissed and said I'm taking you back. He drove past the SOL to the north (according to pings) and ventured off somewhere into the corporate offices that would have been vacated for the holiday weekend. CM was prob like WTF dude, take me to the apt and they started fighting as he tried to SA her. Afterwards, He threw her phone & other items in one of those bodies of water around 5800 Granite Pkwy and her in the trunk then hit his car on something pulling away in a rage filled burn off down Parkwood to Legacy.
He headed home and slept for a few hours then got ready for work. I do believe she was in his trunk while he was working. I think he wiped blood and/or scuff marks off the outside of his trunk at Kroger bc he didn't want it to look obvious when he went to work. I think sometime while he was working or around this time he started looking for a place to put her. Remember his coworkers said he stayed back in the back away from everyone for days....

The "amount" of DNA located in the truck (according to the affidavit) was apparently a significant amount, that doesn't happen from a bloody nose leaking out for a 20min ride, that tells me it's a lot longer like several hours/days of blood, fluids, saliva, etc leaking into the trunk....BTW it's been scrubbed clean w/chemicals and Odo-ban by the time they swabbed it and they still found significant amount in there.

I just think she's cloer to his work or in between his work and his home rather than over by SOL, that's waay too active and searches have been done for months CM while none have been done cloer to lake Lavon.

Idk, I could be wrong but the cartel is NOT involved here.
Very well said. Merry Christmas JMOM and to Jonni and all of Christina's family. her friends are grieving on FB and it hurts to see pop up in my feed. I wish peace for all of them. It would be such a blessing to know she is home for Christmas.

Enrique might have been odd, but he DID have a heart at one point. I would hate to think it's completely cold. I really do wonder if he found himself in a bigger mess than we all thought and e genuinely is scared for his own life. Unfortunately, if it is drug related, there is always someone higher up or someone stepping in. If you aren't familiar with the way things are run, Enrique will become the number one target . He will lose his life. I'm trying not to stick up for him or make excuses, just showing how scared he could be. He could be scared of prison, but even more so, scared of whatever happens if he talks. They mark you and will hunt you until the job is done. If you go to jail and keep quiet, they pay you. Give you many thousands, make sure you are okay in prison. If you get out, you have two options 1.) you can stay apart of the group and are "promoted", or 2.) they let you go. Simple as that. Just don't talk.

So I HOPE it's not cartel or drug related. Because he won't talk if it is.
Thx for your insight and sharing. You are 100% correct everyone knows the cartels are ruthless & people won't talk. Even if they have no concern for themselves they have to worry about their family. In Texas perhaps this hits home more than it might to people further away.

I am in NO way saying I believe this is the reason EA won't talk. But we have to look at every possibility just as LE must and it could be a very real one. Just think how little we all really know about the dealings of those around Christina. But what we do know is suspect & often shocking. It would really only take one person to be involved with the wrong person. So many players how can you know?

Everyone here has so many plausible theories I can go back and forth with wonder. I still do think it is probably EA perhaps on drugs, MIO and basically not in his right mind. He hit on her and had a violent reaction to her rebuttal. But that still doesn't explain why the PPD seems to think she left in his trunk after just minutes in the garage. Which makes it seem planned, I always thought she got in voluntarily. He still had some reason to be wiping the passenger side door the next morn at Kroger. I know we will be getting more answers but we all share the same frustration of wanting Christina home which has taken too long.

I do have great faith the PPD has tons of evidence. Plano isn't the small town it used to be, but still pretty quiet just with lots more crime. In Dallas the PD is spread so thin & the 911 operators are often a joke I would be afraid to live there without preparing to save myself before my home became a crime scene. Plano is very different I never have to worry if I need help and can call about anything from a stray dog I see running across the road and can't catch to a welfare concern for my neighbor, literally anything and everything & believe me I do & always get a great caring response...I only mention this because I know so many from all over are joined in this online community effort so I want to give my perspective as a long time resident of how great the PPD are and I know we are very lucky on that end here. I have faith they will get this solved.

I know this miracle will happen and Christina will be found, not as fast as we all would like and pray for always, but it will happen.

Chances are you probably don't hang out with a cartel member though either so you have no idea how they'd react if they knew they were going down for something that maybe they weren't the only one involved in, and if they rat out others, their family could be killed or other possible scenarios. I'd cry if I knew I was going away for life and I couldn't speak up.

Not to mention, Hispanics tend to live with their families so living at home with your parents doesn't mean you can't be a cartel member at all. He may not be a member but just associated w them. No one knows. I'm just saying it's not out of the ordinary for Hispanics to live with family as even adults and it doesn't mean they're not associated w cartel. Please don't go down the road of "not all cultures are the same" Yada yada. I know that. I'm saying MOST Hispanics don't mind living together.

Jmo of course!
IMO, EA is not smart enough to be any part of a cartel. He has proven he is not very smart. IMO he is very immature for his age and his actions have showed it and don't think any cartel of any importance is going to have someone of his mentality involved. And if he was involved in a cartel, would he be living at home AND working at a Sprint store and have a 4-year old plus vehicle and going to a small party of his high-school associates in hopes of scoring? All JMO and guesses.
Prayers be with JMOM and Jonni and all of Christina's family. We will not give up Christina, we are trying to find you sweetie. God Bless.
Merry Christmas to each of you!

Please say a prayer for Christina's entire family. Maybe we will get the Christmas Miracle we have been praying for, and she will be brought home today. #FINDCHRISTINA
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