GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #34 *Arrest*

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But LE has indeed sworn that it is their belief (not rumor, misdirection, or a question for which they don't have an answer or haven't investigated) that HF was at the W when this stuff went down. As you note, we don't know what all LE has as far as evidence, but we have been provided the bottom line of what it says, and they did cite one piece of evidence they have that has supported that belief.

We can reject their evidence and beliefs, as if we know better than they do. We can ignore the fact they have more evidence that we haven't even seen, and second-guess their ability to accurately assess the value of what they know and any possible blind spots. Or we can say, "Okay, LE has evidence that convinces them that HF was at the W when all this went down, and they swear that's what they believe based on everything they have uncovered so far. Got it."

<mod snip>

Did LE say he was at W Hotel at 4am? I know it was said that he was there that night, but I'm not sure if it specified the time.

Brittany Feagans @BF_StarNews •
Plano PD detective testified that she believes Hunter Foster was at W Hotel in Dallas on night #ChristinaMorris disappeared

I thought the dance ended at around 2:00am, but he could have hung around later than that.

In any event, LE probably have proof of him either being elsewhere or on the road heading home at around the time in question, which is lucky for him.
No one disagrees her DNA was found in the trunk so I'm not sure the point of this post, Steve. We are left to speculate because we don't have all the facts. Believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want. Either way, it doesn't matter because neither one of us are LE or even likely to be on the jury. MOO

Amen, Sister!
As a matter of fact, if you really want to think about it, LE spoke out about several things that were actually the opposite of what they knew. For example, a couple of weeks in Tilley said that EA was not a person of interest and that he was cooperating fully. Sure he went in for the interviews, but now we know that they had their eyes on him from the get-go AND they also knew he had lied even that early on. So was he a person of interest -- darn tootin! Did they tell the public that? Heck no!
All we have are bit and pieces, and while some of us might fancy ourselves this generation's Columbo (or if you're a bit more crotchety: Perry Mason) it is ALL speculation and there's nothing wrong with that. Personally I don't get into the whole "LE said X, so that must mean Y" or any of that.
DNA found in EA's trunk. Yup. What exactly? Don't know. Blood? Probably since they used Blue Star. Blood mixed with saliva, vomit, urine, etc etc etc.... could be. How much? We don't know. "Significant amount." Half a cup? Two Cups? How much of that would be blood? We don't know, do we? Weren't there. Didn't work in the CSI lab that day.... So acting as we are sooooo sure because we can decipher the words uttered but then tweeted by reporters doesn't mean jack to me. It's like interpreting the Bible. To each his own as far as what it all means.

Speculate on, people! That's what I say! The funny thing is that all the "discussing" on here has deviated from actually trying to find her. Speculating on the possible scenarios MIGHT actually get someone close to discovering her remains. She's obviously NOT still in his trunk, is she? He's also NOT holding a press conference announcing what happened, is he?
Speculate on!
Go to a closed thread here by searching Daisy Suzanna Hamilton.

What a pretty name! I'm going to go check on her, thanks for providing that. Peace to you and sweet of you to come help here.
Amen, Sister!
As a matter of fact, if you really want to think about it, LE spoke out about several things that were actually the opposite of what they knew. For example, a couple of weeks in Tilley said that EA was not a person of interest and that he was cooperating fully. Sure he went in for the interviews, but now we know that they had their eyes on him from the get-go AND they also knew he had lied even that early on. So was he a person of interest -- darn tootin! Did they tell the public that? Heck no!
All we have are bit and pieces, and while some of us might fancy ourselves this generation's Columbo (or if you're a bit more crotchety: Perry Mason) it is ALL speculation and there's nothing wrong with that. Personally I don't get into the whole "LE said X, so that must mean Y" or any of that.
DNA found in EA's trunk. Yup. What exactly? Don't know. Blood? Probably since they used Blue Star. Blood mixed with saliva, vomit, urine, etc etc etc.... could be. How much? We don't know. "Significant amount." Half a cup? Two Cups? How much of that would be blood? We don't know, do we? Weren't there. Didn't work in the CSI lab that day.... So acting as we are sooooo sure because we can decipher the words uttered but then tweeted by reporters doesn't mean jack to me. It's like interpreting the Bible. To each his own as far as what it all means.

Speculate on, people! That's what I say! The funny thing is that all the "discussing" on here has deviated from actually trying to find her. Speculating on the possible scenarios MIGHT actually get someone close to discovering her remains. She's obviously NOT still in his trunk, is she? He's also NOT holding a press conference announcing what happened, is he?
Speculate on!

I'm all for speculating. But (BMM) Tilley did not say this stuff under oath. For me, the fact that there was blood there at all, and the detectives do believe she is no longer with us due to EA.. is something to consider. I know you said that you do not subscribe to the whole is LE says X then it must mean Y and to an extent I agree. But (at least under oath) can you agree that since LE says X it means X? Just wondering, just trying to see the other sides.
If it was it must not have been a very thorough search because that dang camera had been on the list of what she may have had with her and it wasn't until weeks later that her parents reported that it was back at her and HF's house in Ft. Worth.

Just curious because I may have missed it: is it a fact that they didn't find the camera until later, OR it wasn't reported to US until weeks later that the parents found it? Are we positive that it wasn't found earlier by parents or whom ever and for some reason the search list didn't get updated and therefore 'WE' did not know?
Amen, Sister!
As a matter of fact, if you really want to think about it, LE spoke out about several things that were actually the opposite of what they knew. For example, a couple of weeks in Tilley said that EA was not a person of interest and that he was cooperating fully. Sure he went in for the interviews, but now we know that they had their eyes on him from the get-go AND they also knew he had lied even that early on. So was he a person of interest -- darn tootin! Did they tell the public that? Heck no!
All we have are bit and pieces, and while some of us might fancy ourselves this generation's Columbo (or if you're a bit more crotchety: Perry Mason) it is ALL speculation and there's nothing wrong with that. Personally I don't get into the whole "LE said X, so that must mean Y" or any of that.
DNA found in EA's trunk. Yup. What exactly? Don't know. Blood? Probably since they used Blue Star. Blood mixed with saliva, vomit, urine, etc etc etc.... could be. How much? We don't know. "Significant amount." Half a cup? Two Cups? How much of that would be blood? We don't know, do we? Weren't there. Didn't work in the CSI lab that day.... So acting as we are sooooo sure because we can decipher the words uttered but then tweeted by reporters doesn't mean jack to me. It's like interpreting the Bible. To each his own as far as what it all means.

Speculate on, people! That's what I say! The funny thing is that all the "discussing" on here has deviated from actually trying to find her. Speculating on the possible scenarios MIGHT actually get someone close to discovering her remains. She's obviously NOT still in his trunk, is she? He's also NOT holding a press conference announcing what happened, is he?
Speculate on!

as the previous poster said the "under oath" is a huge deal. If they are caught lying under oath that can ruin the whole case I seriously doubt they would do that. But otherwise good point speculate on.
I'm all for speculating. But (BMM) Tilley did not say this stuff under oath. For me, the fact that there was blood there at all, and the detectives do believe she is no longer with us due to EA.. is something to consider. I know you said that you do not subscribe to the whole is LE says X then it must mean Y and to an extent I agree. But (at least under oath) can you agree that since LE says X it means X? Just wondering, just trying to see the other sides.

BBM - Yes - the detective under oath made a belief & accusation that EA Killed her ...
If that is the case -Then Bring On the Murder Charge. JMO~
The mountain of certain evidence that they have close to the vest should not be an issue.
Prosecution should have no problem getting a rock solid Murder & AK conviction. JMO~
I'm all for speculating. But (BMM) Tilley did not say this stuff under oath. For me, the fact that there was blood there at all, and the detectives do believe she is no longer with us due to EA.. is something to consider. I know you said that you do not subscribe to the whole is LE says X then it must mean Y and to an extent I agree. But (at least under oath) can you agree that since LE says X it means X? Just wondering, just trying to see the other sides.

My point was that LE hasn't told us everything. Not even under oath. I am not saying they lied under oath or anything of the sort. But when asked in a courtroom, you answer what is asked and you don't have to tell the WHOLE story. So yes, they said her DNA is in his trunk. A significant amount, is how they put it; but that doesn't tell us the whole story. They may have more info (and I hope they do!) and that info might actually show that while her DNA is in his trunk, the manner in which it got there is not so clear cut.
There is a lot to think about.
They have him in the clink for aggravated kidnapping. Their basis was #4 in the old AK list: intention to sexually assualt. Was there physical evidence of sexual assault? Not that they have revealed. Only the intent needs to be there, not the act. So once SB said he creeped her out -- bingo!
Can we read the minds of LE and say Yes! This is their true belief! or can we just as easily say No! They were just happy to get a report of this chick feeling creeped out and this gives them the open door to the AK charge!
Where is he? Behind bars. Where LE needs him to be as they continue their investigation.
Did he lie about a $shitload of things? Yes. Who does that? A guilty person. An accomplice. Someone who knows something bad went down.
LE gave testimony of X. So I go with X. X being a significant amount of her DNA was revealed by Blue Star to be inside his trunk.
LE gave testimony that they believe he kidnapped and killed her.
What else does LE know? I dunno. I'm hoping more will be revealed in the next couple of weeks.
Just curious because I may have missed it: is it a fact that they didn't find the camera until later, OR it wasn't reported to US until weeks later that the parents found it? Are we positive that it wasn't found earlier by parents or whom ever and for some reason the search list didn't get updated and therefore 'WE' did not know?

I will look and see if I can dig up the actual report of it, but it was reported back when Jonni went to the house in Ft Worth. That's when they said she packed up Christina's things and took them from the house. She had posted in one of her morning posts on fb that they had packed up her things from Ft Worth and they would be at home waiting for her .... ugh. So sad :-((

It was at that time that the camera was reported to have been found.
as the previous poster said the "under oath" is a huge deal. If they are caught lying under oath that can ruin the whole case I seriously doubt they would do that. But otherwise good point speculate on.

See my above post. Never said LE was lying under oath.

ETA also never said he didn't kill her.

LE hasn't sworn to no one else being involved yet.
The transcript, from September 8, contains a lot of questions that haven't been answered still.
On the 8th, Jonni said, LE had not confirmed HF was in Fort Worth when CM disappeared.
Not covered in this transcript (somewhere else), HF told Jonni he was at home sleeping.
I don't know when Jonni heard HF wasn't at home in Fort Worth as he told her previously.
May have been the same time we heard it, just recently.

Doesn't match his original story though and that bothers me as much as EA's lies do.
Recently we found out HF was at the W Hotel, which is a lot closer to Plano than Fort Worth is.
How can we be so sure he remained inside the hotel up until 4:00 a.m.?
HF said he lost track of (or lost) his phone during the time Christina disappeared.

Take note the discussion about the fight Christina and HF had, just before Christina disappeared.
The subject came up and Jonni confirms a fight was in progress. CM was so upset she wanted to go home because of their fight.
This has been glossed over.
Someone told Jonni, right off the bat, that Christina and HF were in the midst of a fight.

i thought i was interesting that people where telling me the VIs were saying he was at home blah blah blah. So I decided to go a little bit OCD and read every post from the very beginning all the way through to #34 maybe by one of the VIs (carltondance and JMOM) and by to non verified but people I believe to be insiders (VI13 and Cookiez). And Interestingly enough NONE of them EVER said he was at home that night not even once.

Vi13 was not verified but carltondance who was said this about Vi13:

11-12-2014, 02:19 PM #202 carltondance
Prime example vii13, came out and helped and she hadn't seen Christina in a long time. She did more just on here than the apartment goers have done the entire time

11-12-2014, 02:43 PM #206 carltondance
Quote Originally Posted by suzyjackson View Post
I'm very please to hear that, for some reason vi13 has had some negative comments on here, it seems like she's a better friend than the others. Someone else posted about seeing CM at the Shops too, I can't remember her name, I bet she's been helpful too.

I think there were questions as too who she was, but she has been fully vetted by both family and ppd so she isn't a person to worry about if anyone was

So its safe to say she meet and was working with the family early on at the searches etc.

This is what Vi13 had to say early on:

09-08-2014, 12:22 PM #833 vi13
Hey all. I just caught up on all the new posts.

For starters, I do not think it was confirmed the boyfriend was in Ft. Worth. He definitely was out at some bars, but my friends think it might have been in Dallas if anything.

Well that's interesting her "friends" made a pretty damn good guess didn't they ... hmmm unless of course it wasn't a guess she knew it because all the people close to CMs family knew it because HF didn't lie to them about it if vi13 knew .... the family knew.

Also JMOM said:

11-14-2014, 07:17 AM #548 JMOM's

I completely get your concern, I really do. Scott Peterson case was very odd!!! I didn't expect him at all. However, in this case, there is nothing besides him not answering his phone. I know that is rude, self centered, and down right immature if you ask me, but he was not here in Dallas. Everything he told LE and the family has been proven to be true. He feels horrible, he has to live with his decision for the rest of his life. He hasn't "went dark" either. Just because he isn't in front of a camera doesn't mean he's went dark. Quite the opposite actually. I have personally had to contact him for info or help with certain things and he has been a big help.
oh maybe they did say it..... BUT WAIT she imiedately (2 post later made this post).

11-14-2014, 07:35 AM #559 JMOM's Avatar JMOM

Hunter and Christina live in Ft Worth.

I guess I am used to using Dallas when referring to where I live. I have no family here, Allen or Plano mean nothing to them. So Dallas it is. Sorry, Hunter, to my knowledge was not in Plano or Allen that evening. :) Sorry for the confusion.

hmmmmm interesting that she jumped to immediately correct herself that she did not mean he was not in Dallas she meant he was not in plano or allen. Unless of course she knew he was in fact in Dallas and she didn't want to lie (or didn't want to set herself up for even more brow beating than the ridiculous amount she was already taking).

In my opinion HF didn't lie to the family or to LE about where he was they obviously knew. I'm sure he might have left out the details of why he was there but he didn't lie about where he was. Probably because he is not an idiot and he knows he will be the top suspect and if he lies he'll get dragged into a murder investigation and he was doing illegal activity and he knew if he lied it would only invite ten times more scrutiny on himself and his activities than he was already getting.

The only place that i can find that anyone said he was at home was uptown dallas girl who had many proven untrue statements and this is what JMOM said about UTDG:

11-10-2014, 06:44 PM #785 JMOM's Avatar JMOM
Actually the family does not speak to this blogger.

Quote Originally Posted by SaintGirl View Post
Right? Uptown Girl has been very supportive covering Christina but it's not anywhere close to the Dallas Morning News. Not that they get everything right either....

11-10-2014, 06:51 PM #790 JMOM's Avatar JMOM

True....the family does not speak to "uptown girl" blogger. They speak to Brittany from Plano Star almost daily.

Quote Originally Posted by SaintGirl View Post

11-11-2014, 07:33 AM #933 JMOM's

That blog was terrible! Sorry but it was.

Quote Originally Posted by Doj1234 View Post
The VI's have indicated that it was CM using EA's phone. Other than that blog, I don't believe that we have information that CM's phone was used to text HF after they entered the garage. So, I'm going to believe that CM's last text DID NOT come from her phone at 3:58 and that it was just sloppy relaying of information from the UptownDallasGirl blog.

every one is welcome to think whatever they want but I hate how just because something is repeated here enough times it suddenly becomes fact.
i thought i was interesting that people where telling me the VIs were saying he was at home blah blah blah. So I decided to go a little bit OCD and read every post from the very beginning all the way through to #34 maybe by one of the VIs (carltondance and JMOM) and by to non verified but people I believe to be insiders (VI13 and Cookiez). And Interestingly enough NONE of them EVER said he was at home that night not even once.

Vi13 was not verified but carltondance who was said this about Vi13:

So its safe to say she meet and was working with the family early on at the searches etc.

This is what Vi13 had to say early on:

Well that's interesting her "friends" made a pretty damn good guess didn't they ... hmmm unless of course it wasn't a guess she knew it because all the people close to CMs family knew it because HF didn't lie to them about it if vi13 knew .... the family knew.

Also JMOM said:

oh maybe they did say it..... BUT WAIT she imiedately (2 post later made this post).

hmmmmm interesting that she jumped to immediately correct herself that she did not mean he was not in Dallas she meant he was not in plano or allen. Unless of course she knew he was in fact in Dallas and she didn't want to lie (or didn't want to set herself up for even more brow beating than the ridiculous amount she was already taking).

In my opinion HF didn't lie to the family or to LE about where he was they obviously knew. I'm sure he might have left out the details of why he was there but he didn't lie about where he was. Probably because he is not an idiot and he knows he will be the top suspect and if he lies he'll get dragged into a murder investigation and he was doing illegal activity and he knew if he lied it would only invite ten times more scrutiny on himself and his activities than he was already getting.

The only place that i can find that anyone said he was at home was uptown dallas girl who had many proven untrue statements and this is what JMOM said about UTDG:

every one is welcome to think whatever they want but I hate how just because something is repeated here enough times it suddenly becomes fact.
Awesome post, Le Singe. Proof that OCD can be a beautiful thing. [emoji6]
i thought i was interesting that people where telling me the VIs were saying he was at home blah blah blah. So I decided to go a little bit OCD and read every post from the very beginning all the way through to #34 maybe by one of the VIs (carltondance and JMOM) and by to non verified but people I believe to be insiders (VI13 and Cookiez). And Interestingly enough NONE of them EVER said he was at home that night not even once.

Vi13 was not verified but carltondance who was said this about Vi13:

So its safe to say she meet and was working with the family early on at the searches etc.

This is what Vi13 had to say early on:

Well that's interesting her "friends" made a pretty damn good guess didn't they ... hmmm unless of course it wasn't a guess she knew it because all the people close to CMs family knew it because HF didn't lie to them about it if vi13 knew .... the family knew.

Also JMOM said:

oh maybe they did say it..... BUT WAIT she imiedately (2 post later made this post).

hmmmmm interesting that she jumped to immediately correct herself that she did not mean he was not in Dallas she meant he was not in plano or allen. Unless of course she knew he was in fact in Dallas and she didn't want to lie (or didn't want to set herself up for even more brow beating than the ridiculous amount she was already taking).

In my opinion HF didn't lie to the family or to LE about where he was they obviously knew. I'm sure he might have left out the details of why he was there but he didn't lie about where he was. Probably because he is not an idiot and he knows he will be the top suspect and if he lies he'll get dragged into a murder investigation and he was doing illegal activity and he knew if he lied it would only invite ten times more scrutiny on himself and his activities than he was already getting.

The only place that i can find that anyone said he was at home was uptown dallas girl who had many proven untrue statements and this is what JMOM said about UTDG:

every one is welcome to think whatever they want but I hate how just because something is repeated here enough times it suddenly becomes fact.

Sorry to say it again .. but UDG reported everything that Jonni had specifically given to her. She was and had been much more active than just a blogger. proven untrue statements.... not.... just information that was given to her and the provider obviously had been duped by a few people close to the case IMO~ It is also irritating that the facts about UDG are continued to be distorted with out further investigation.

Also .. I would say if anyone has any concerns about the UDG owner... email her directly and ask her exactly how all that info played out.
Go to the source folks is all I am saying
We've had so many people in and out of these threads. I remember vi13 was one of the first people to help us out.
Sorry to say it again .. but UDG reported everything that Jonni had specifically given to her. She was and had been much more active than just a blogger. proven untrue statements.... not.... just information that was given to her and the provider obviously had been duped by a few people close to the case IMO~

Also .. I would say if anyone has any concerns about the UDG owner... email her directly and ask her exactly how all that info played out.
Go to the source folks is all I am saying

The last article in the "Dallas news" section on her website was November 3rd and it is an article about the Dallas Cowboys. Other notable "news" topics she's covered are "5 Best Places for Cheap Halloween Costumes" and "UBER Gets a Shout Out in Jim Carrey's SNL Parody". Everything else she writes is filed under pop culture topics like "Eat/Drink", "Events", or "Humor". Why she is considered MSM on WS, I'll never understand.

Consider the source folks is all I'm sayin'
The last article in the "Dallas news" section on her website was November 3rd and it is an article about the Dallas Cowboys. Other notable "news" topics she's covered are "5 Best Places for Cheap Halloween Costumes" and "UBER Gets a Shout Out in Jim Carrey's SNL Parody". Everything else she writes is filed under pop culture topics like "Eat/Drink", "Events", or "Humor". Why she is considered MSM on WS, I'll never understand.

Consider the source folks is all I'm sayin'

All I will say is this about it : The mods approved it back in September when I specifically asked and presented it to them. It was Jonni's own words and information she was giving. It was a platform to have additional media reach.
That's a great recap and reminder, Le Singe. I had forgotten how completely JMOM discredited that private blog Uptown and its nonsense, when we were still trying to sift fact from fiction; but we certainly understood once LE began publishing information and we saw how thoroughly debunked its information was. Considering its (lack of) reliability, was it actually ghost-written by EA? lol

"True....the family does not speak to "uptown girl" blogger. They speak to Brittany from Plano Star almost daily." -JMOM

"That blog was terrible! Sorry but it was." - JMOM
i thought i was interesting that people where telling me the VIs were saying he was at home blah blah blah. So I decided to go a little bit OCD and read every post from the very beginning all the way through to #34 maybe by one of the VIs (carltondance and JMOM) and by to non verified but people I believe to be insiders (VI13 and Cookiez). And Interestingly enough NONE of them EVER said he was at home that night not even once.

Vi13 was not verified but carltondance who was said this about Vi13:

So its safe to say she meet and was working with the family early on at the searches etc.

This is what Vi13 had to say early on:

Well that's interesting her "friends" made a pretty damn good guess didn't they ... hmmm unless of course it wasn't a guess she knew it because all the people close to CMs family knew it because HF didn't lie to them about it if vi13 knew .... the family knew.

Also JMOM said:

oh maybe they did say it..... BUT WAIT she imiedately (2 post later made this post).

hmmmmm interesting that she jumped to immediately correct herself that she did not mean he was not in Dallas she meant he was not in plano or allen. Unless of course she knew he was in fact in Dallas and she didn't want to lie (or didn't want to set herself up for even more brow beating than the ridiculous amount she was already taking).

In my opinion HF didn't lie to the family or to LE about where he was they obviously knew. I'm sure he might have left out the details of why he was there but he didn't lie about where he was. Probably because he is not an idiot and he knows he will be the top suspect and if he lies he'll get dragged into a murder investigation and he was doing illegal activity and he knew if he lied it would only invite ten times more scrutiny on himself and his activities than he was already getting.

The only place that i can find that anyone said he was at home was uptown dallas girl who had many proven untrue statements and this is what JMOM said about UTDG:

every one is welcome to think whatever they want but I hate how just because something is repeated here enough times it suddenly becomes fact.

Woo hoo! You are awesome for rereading all the threads! Your eyeballs must have been crossed by the end of it. I agree that it does get crazy when something is said repeatedly and then it gets slated as fact. I know that the first report we had from Jonni was that HF's reason for not responding to Christina's repeated attempts at contact was that his phone was dead. (she says so at around 9:27)

Now we have heard from the ID show that he had lost his phone. I guess like EA, him "cooperating" might not include being honest. Perhaps since it was dead he had no use for it and set it down and ooopsie lost it. Maybe it was stuck in the couch cushions when he got back home to Ft Worth after the night out at the W. I wonder how many days went by with it being lost. I know I'd go crazy if I lost my phone. I use it for everything: communication, banking, surfing the internet. Maybe he had others and it wasn't such a big deal.
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